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15405721 No.15405721 [Reply] [Original]

What is the window? Best foods and exercises?

>> No.15405731


>> No.15405749

Goddammit I already fucked up. Completely forgot about that one.

>> No.15405753

Genetics, sleep and hormones, exercise doesn't do anything to your height but it's good for your joints

>> No.15405764

What foods help growth hormones?

>> No.15405782

Don’t worry anon, it probably wouldn’t make much of a difference vs genetics. I’ve had a shit sleep schedule for my whole life and I’m 6’2”.

>> No.15405783

What you'll want to do is meditate. Go to the center of you room and whisper to yourself "grow, grow, grow" for about 20 minutes a day and visualize yourself getting taller.

>> No.15405784

fuck you fatass lol

>> No.15405787

Yoghurt, Fava beans, fish and raspberries, among other things, you can easily Google this stuff

>> No.15405793

How old are you anon
If you're older than 18, there's really no point in trying

>> No.15405796

please anon I want to believe

>> No.15405797

Reply to OP, I'm 25 years old and 195cm tall

>> No.15405806

I'll let you know I'm in shape anon, but sincerely hope you grow if it's bothering you that much.

>> No.15405824

I'm OP but I didnt send that
It does bother me though so thanks anon

>> No.15405854

What a kind dude

>> No.15405859

>sincerely hope you grow
as a person, intellectually, in strength
not in fat lol

>> No.15405948

Its hard to tell what's real sometimes because of all the low effort top10 type of websites, cant tell if they're all just copy pasting each other's stuff.

>> No.15406088

Yeah meant to reply to op
Nutrition is important but not as important as age and genes

>> No.15406193
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>> No.15406201

You have inflicted great pain onto be from across the internet by making me watch this.

But interesting

>> No.15406208

holy shit how am i supposed to sleep now

>> No.15407288


>> No.15407307

>be lucky
>don't slouch
If you're old enough to post here, you're already past the point you can do anything about it.

>> No.15407334

Eh... like 16-25 depending on background.
>What to do?
Eat well, sleep, hormones potentially.
>What to do after window?
Painful leg surgery that is also very expensive. The big question about the leg surgery though is the benefit over just wearing man-heels. Like, you'll get 90% of the benefit with significantly less cost.

>> No.15407540

>depending on background
What do you mean?

>> No.15407558

Some people do actually grow into their heights later in life. Some people stop growing at age 17.


>> No.15408804

I fucking stopped growing when I was like 15, or at least I didn't grow any noticeably
Early growth spurt. I was already 5'10 by then but now I'm left to wonder what would've happened if I did my exercises

>> No.15409189
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Pain in the ass and wallet i heard, no thanks

>> No.15409321


>> No.15409817

Fucking same. I hit 5’9 at 16 and never grew any taller. 23 now and I understand it was my diet. I rarely ate and hardly ate any meats. For any of the young bucks here, eat your meats as a teenager.

>> No.15409855

hey hey when i was 15 i barely was 1,65. At 17, finishing high school, i was 1,72. Now im 22, and 1,75. As my foot at 17 was a european 40 and now, even slimmer, is a 41. I didnt have tits until i was 18, my girlfriends had at 13. Yo op, never lose hope. Being a manlet is not as bad as this incels wanna make you believe. Being weird enough to ask this is way worse

>> No.15409966

I’ll still grow until i hit 21 but I started puberty pretty late so maybe that explains it. A famous case is Dennis Rodman growing from 5’8 to 6’6 in 2 years at 19 so it can happen

>> No.15410693

>from 5’8 to 6’6 in 2 years
i remember my growth spurt but that shit must've hurt

>> No.15411027

sleep, milk, dairy in general, red meat, fasting, and genetics

>> No.15411344

Assuming you a skinny twink in your mid twenties. The genetic window is closed. You can lift weights and gain about an inch you're losing by having shitty weakboi posture.

>> No.15411598

hit puberty early/at a normal age, had i think 1 grow spurt, or maybe even a second at 15 but i'm not sure, been 5'10 since 16, i'm 18 now and i think i haven't grown any taller but this year i'm pretty sure my shoulders got broader and my dick grew too, i'm hoping i get a second growth spurt, my diet is great and i do regular excercise

>> No.15411616

Wear heels faggot, it's the only hope you have

>> No.15411767

>almost 19
>still 5'8
is it over bros

>> No.15411784

it's over. i stopped growing at 19 but at least i was able to hit 6'0
just wear shoes with big soles and bump yourself up to 5'10 on dating websites and you'' be fine.

>> No.15413259


>> No.15413266

>i'll never be the little spoon ;_;

>> No.15413282

it's not over bro, men grow until 21 or even 25

>> No.15413314
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I’m 20, and I’m 5’4 boarding on 5’3. So it could be much worse

>> No.15413323

We need to find the secret bros. There must be a way

>> No.15413361

My dad didn't stop growing til he was 23

he's 6ft and i'm 5'9 at 18. So I assume I'm still growing just knowing that. My mom isn't a womanlet either.

>> No.15413367

I'm jealous I wish I was that short so women could molest me ara ara

>> No.15413410

Would they really, though?

>> No.15413549
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>been 5'6 since high school

go on without me bros

>> No.15414283
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Can't go on when i'm stuck right beside you, bro

>> No.15414306

Maybe if you'd have gotten some shut-eye you'd be 6'4".

>> No.15414318

Damn bro, you really have to rub salt in people's wounds? :(

>> No.15414375


>> No.15414465

Leg extensions

>> No.15414791
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jesus fucking christ

>> No.15416131
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Jesus Christ how horrifying
Transhumanist types talk a lot of shit about conquering nature and exerting our will over our environments and bodies but this is some absolutely shamanic grug-tier stuff here

>> No.15416137

Unless you live in Scandanavia you're fine bro, don't worry about it.

>> No.15416504

>i'm a normal height which is well-above female average
>it's over
hate this ironic crap all the time. Unless you are ugly, Asian or Indian you are totally fine height wise.

>> No.15417119

thats not a bad height at all.

>> No.15417147

>normal height
>totally fine

No one cares that statistically 5'8 is a normal height, normal is below average in reality. You don't get recognition in any facet of life for being within normality.

>> No.15418087

actual retard
height is based on genetics
anyone who tells you otherwise is a gimp

>> No.15418764

What does /fa/ think about this video? Legit?


>> No.15419072

I'm 21 years old and was 6'1 since I'm 17, in the last two months now I continued growing to 6'2. It is possible bros just sleep enough

>> No.15419100

and nutrition
source: my brother is 6'2'' and im 5'8'' because of chronic stomach problems when i was young
its rather not fun

>> No.15419425
File: 31 KB, 640x360, 9Ao5al.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 21 and 5'8 and i've been 5'8 since i was 17-18, the only hope i hold on to is a massive growth spurt like what happened to dennis rodman >>15409966
i'd be happy with being anything 6' and above considering my dad is 6'1 and i just want to be taller than him
my mom being 5'2 really fucked it all up for me

>> No.15419958

Both of these people will be expected to physically overpower the same violent offender, and it will be called sexism when she is tragically killed and he isn't.

>> No.15420367

it's like the nightmare reality

>> No.15420370

I was 159cm in High School when I graduated. I grew to be 169cm steadily over the next four years. My case is definitely unique but that shit happens man.

>> No.15420420

There's always HGH treatment, there's a theory that the father of basketball player LaMelo Ball started HGH treatment on him when he was in the end of his 10th grade year because he was only 5'8 while his brothers were already 6'6 and 6'5. He is now standing at 6'6 at 18 compared to when he was 5'8 at 16, maybe it was just a growth spurt maybe they did have him on HGH treatment.

>> No.15420575

If his brothers are that tall, I doubt that he had growth hormone injected, it's probably just a super late growth spurt. Such cases are uncommon but they happen

>> No.15420583

you sure are reaching just to get yourself politically upset

>> No.15420706

At 21. might as well give up hope unless you have the cash, the insecurity and the willingness to fuck your legs up to chop your tibias.
Most everyone is in the 99% kid, no matter much they want to believe they're in the 1%

>> No.15420765

Ive barely slept and im 6'5"

>> No.15421192

Stop flexing anon

>> No.15421213
File: 25 KB, 500x281, cub_disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck all that.

>> No.15421216
File: 224 KB, 454x505, my oriental wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]