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>> No.15400801
File: 52 KB, 1002x530, Screenshot_2020-07-13 perfumeonline reviews - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where perfumeonline link at

>> No.15400803
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*this chart is outdated*
Current new chart WIP:

>> No.15400810

Nobody cares

>> No.15400830

Fuck yeah! Proper thread with an autistic thread up to distract the shitposters! Get ready for some prime /frag/!

>> No.15400831

Aren't you curious?

>> No.15400836
File: 1.24 MB, 4032x1816, 20200713_161039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your "shelf" tasteless poorfag reporting in

>> No.15400846

Again, it was only there because GORsWIPE wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it. Dunno why it’s gone, but there are much better sites out there anyway, so no reason for it to be there anyway.

>> No.15400850

No there aren't. It's the #1 perfume site fro Canada, along with fragbuy

>> No.15400852

>there are much better sites out there anyway
False faggot lol

>> No.15400858
File: 31 KB, 528x528, Tuberose-1_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does tuberose smell better on women or is it just disgusting? I'm a fan of barnyard oud oils but the best way I can describe tuberose is "suffocating". I'm testing Flos Mortis by Rogue right now and I don't know who would wear this. I'm not against feminine perfumes at all, that's not the case. This isn't even really feminine. I reckon I'd better not bother with trying Carnal Flower. I'm also testing Tabac Vert on the other arm. Does anyone else get a little upset when you smell a perfume and think that it smells real similar to another one but no one on Fragrantica has mentioned that? It makes me feel like there's something wrong with my nose. Tabac Vert smells a lot like Quorum to me, just higher quality.

>> No.15400860
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is escentric 01 a safe blind buy? i like molecule 01 but it's a bit too boring. i smell ies in like half of perfumes now after i can recognize it

>> No.15400875
File: 3.19 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20200712_181445906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got Prin - Mriga, Amouage Lyric Man, Fat Electrician, and FM Eau de Magnolia on the way. All bought for a great price. I might spend too much money on perfume but at least I look for deals.

>> No.15400906
File: 448 KB, 883x641, Head Injury Guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autism namefag made this thread

>> No.15400949

Habit Rouge is literally one of the greatest scents ever created holy shit I'm so glad I got the big bottle.

>> No.15401017
File: 8 KB, 300x224, 86599869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have the same 100ml from on the right in the pic. no greendot, no barcode. i haven't seen another bottle like this so i can't even date it, but probably 80s. 90% full but i don't know if i should just use it or save it and sell it

>> No.15401061

I've never bought fragrance before and I'm going on a date for the first time in 5 years. Recommend me a fragrance

>> No.15401080

You can't go wrong with buying a decant of Roja Elysium

>> No.15401106

I sampled Rose All Dae and it was honestly the most vile thing I’ve ever smelled. I have a bottle of Fineapple a friend gave me for free and it was awful too. I own Amongst Waves and Bergamust and those are pretty good, but it seems like everything he’s made since then has been cloying, sickly-sweet, synthetic nonsense. Honestly don’t know how you can stand to wear that stuff.

>> No.15401109

Yeah, the one titled “Tranny Edition” is much better, Igor.

>> No.15401124

didn't this dumb fucking polack go to jail for stealing frags from drugstores and shit? kek

>> No.15401145

I don't usually like sweet perfumes, and don't usually like gourmand either, but it's just a very pleasant smell to me. Works best in the cold for sure. I don't like Bergamust much at all. Amongst Waves is good though.

>> No.15401179

Hey, If it works for you and you like it, why not? I just found it absolutely disgusting. I thought it smelled like someone poured grape soda into an ashtray.

>> No.15401190

I tried CK One Shock today, is it a clone of Versace Dreamer or is it just the tobacco? It's just that Dreamer is less sweet, airy and higher quality. I haven't smelled a lot of stuff with tobacco in it so I dunno if they're actually similar or the tobacco is tricking me. Also CK shock is actually pretty nice, would buy it if I didnt already have something so similar or if it performed better then Dreamer. Would make a good cheap perfume present as an alternative to cool water.
How strong is the vanilla in Black? I was interested but vanilla turns me off so much. And i think i've asked this before.

>> No.15401198
File: 424 KB, 1200x800, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post frags that meet ALL these conditions (harder than you think):
(a) lasts >= 8 hours
(b) projects well
(c) smells deep, rich, and complex
(d) smells "smooth" while close to the nose
(e) smells "smooth" while away from the nose
(f) smells beautiful in the opening
(g) smells beautiful in the mid
(h) smells beautiful in the drydown

I...actually can't think of anything that fits, so here's a picture of a nose instead.

>> No.15401208

(a) L
(b) A
(c) Y
(d) T
(e) O
(f) N
(g) :^)

>> No.15401214

what really?

>> No.15401222


>> No.15401223

didn't this dumb fucking polack go to jail for stealing frags from drugstores and shit? kek

>> No.15401238

Patchouli intense

>> No.15401276

didn't this dumb fucking polack go to jail for stealing frags from drugstores and shit? kek

>> No.15401282

I like where this is going

>> No.15401289

didn't this dumb fucking polack go to jail for stealing frags from drugstores and shit? kek

>> No.15401302
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>> No.15401303
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>> No.15401433
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Step aside, plebs.

>> No.15401456

Wearing Zara Seoul today, fruity scent that is easy going. Perfect for a day of sun bathing on the porch. I smelled Invictus a long time ago, so I know that it is close, but would love to do a side by side comparison one day.

>> No.15401620

Trying my sample of L’eau D’Hiver by Frederic Malle. It’s definitely not for me, but it’s not unpleasant. It’s a little sharp on the first spray but after twenty minutes it becomes a very nice, smooth, powdery floral. Smells like my grandmas garden, which is absolutely full of flowers. Very nice, but 1ml sample is plenty.

>> No.15401648

Be sure to wear sunscreen
Which one of his do you think is bottle worthy
Pretty nice man, which 3 are your favorite
What's that Oscar like

>> No.15401655

Portrait of a Lady is rightly considered a masterpiece. It just depends how comfortable you are with unisex. Musc Ravageur is divisive, but those that love it can definitely enjoy a whole bottle. Vetiver Extraordinaire and Carnal Flower are great choices too, although Carnal Flower is quite potent stuff. I’ve not tried loads but it’s a shame you don’t hear much about any of their fragrances except for the most popular ones.

>> No.15401697

Which Lutens is that?

>> No.15401746

No man should have this many bottles unless it's his business. Max you should have is 3. Anything more looks feminine.

>> No.15401751
File: 219 KB, 553x652, 1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different guy

>> No.15401753

It sounds like you just need to smell more and develop more of a "palette." That being said, tuberose certainly seems like a pretty polarizing note, and Flos Mortis is the purest and most realistic i've smelled (I believe Manuel grows them all himself), but as I also recognize I would have a hard time pulling it off in public. Tabac Vert is probably the best composed of all Rogue's fragrances, but the quality of the ingredients is apparent in everything from the brand, even though most truly are "rough around the edges."

Interesting, Rose all Dae and Fineapple are the two scents that I have considered buying from Gal.

>> No.15401758

Pretty vanilla if you don't like vanilla id avoid
Pretty good woodsey stays in all day good cheap casual scent
Who cares

>> No.15401764

You must be thinking about o'fraiche. It is nasty.

>> No.15401778

MKK, just a partial bottle with about 8ml left I got for a pretty good deal.

>> No.15401786

Nah. I've bought 6 bottles plus 8 that have been gifts over the years. I'm putting the limit at 20 and now only buy decants and only get a bottle if i absolutely love the decant *cough* NR for Him *cough* break my kneecaps if i break my own rule.
ok i'm gonna avoid it thanks, fuck vanilla.

>> No.15401791

Gallagher won't get any more of my money after that pathetic black lives matter email he sent out.

>> No.15401816

evergreen dream is the only one that looks really interesting to me

>> No.15401823

One joke answer and one real answer...that's all /frag/ can manage? Are current fragrances just this poorly made?

>> No.15401840

Poal there u go fag

>> No.15401844

Noir de Noir

>> No.15401848

Your asking for an objective answer with subjective questions. Youre lucky you got any answers.
Fancy potpourri, I was expecting a woman's butthole, yawn

>> No.15401851

Woman's butthole is Salome.

>> No.15401884

I've been avoiding this one because of the claims that it has been reformulated to shit. Can anyone comment on that?
The idea was to answer with whatever fits the criteria FOR YOU, testing multiple subjective categories. It says something useful if you think through every condition and still feel good about your choice. My personal feeling is that an honest application of this test will disqualify the vast majority of scents, even very popular ones.

>> No.15401913

you really think there are 2 different 50 year old Christian Ouanians in St. Louis?

>> No.15401929

Don’t keep them in the bathroom retard

>> No.15401936

I have a glossy cap version at least I think it's the glossy cab maybe the glossy cat version is really really glossy and it is very powerful and very long lasting

>> No.15401955

>bathroom retard
They're called restroom attendants

>> No.15401956

Aventus satisfies all of these criteria for me. If that makes me a fag, fuck it, the bitches love this one on me and so do I.

>> No.15401968

Aventus lasts 30 minutes

>> No.15401969

I can smell DHI on my shirt the next day.
Aventus? can't smell after an hour.

>> No.15401978

You’re going nose-blind or you have a fake bottle. I don’t give a fuck what you say about reformulation, even 2020 Aventus lasts at least 6 hours you dumb shits.

>> No.15401980

bitches don't love aventus, other guys do

>> No.15401983 [DELETED] 

My bottle looks legit 9although there is a label bubble), maybe they replaced the juice inside of it?

>> No.15401984

6 hours is laughably weak for a niche fragrance

>> No.15401985 [DELETED] 

Zara Vibrant Leather also stop smelling fast

>> No.15401990

My Aventus bottle looks legit (although there is a label bubbling), maybe they replaced the juice inside of it?

Zara Aventus clone - Vibrant Leather - also stops smelling very soon.

>> No.15401997

Supposedly the disastrous reformulation occured around 2015 after the glossy cap version was introduced, so it's conceivable that your bottle is just older

>> No.15402000

I agree that 6 hours sucks for a frag as expensive as Aventus. Luckily my 2017 bottle performs extremely well, just the other day I got a compliment on my sillage when I walked past some middle aged lady 12 hours after I applied. I could have sworn it was gone by then. Something about the synthetic musk creed uses causes nose-blindness more than any other perfume ingredient I have ever experienced.

>> No.15402003

No clue where this idea comes from. Every time I wear aventus around my female friends it never fails to get a compliment from them. I do have fragrances that are more highly complimented by women than Aventus though.

>> No.15402008

Aventus is not a "sexy" magnet smelling frag. It's more of a "fresh & clean" smell.

>> No.15402012

yeah aventus is asexual

>> No.15402013

Aventus smells like laundromat.

>> No.15402017

You must be going to some pretty nice smelling laundromats then Igor.

>> No.15402019


Aventus is definitely not a unisex fragrance, and although it is fresh the birch tar and vanilla give it a slightly sweet and dark undertone that women love, but in my experience women really like pajeet shit like Eros or Invictus or Layton. They’re all noselets anyway

>> No.15402033

asexual =/= unisex though
asexual is a composition that women wouldn't find sexy, like Green Irish Tweed, Aventus, Eros, Invictus, and Allure Homme Sport
unisex just means that it's not overtly masculine

>> No.15402045

Dude women definitely like Eros and Invictus idk what planet you live on. Unless your talking about women over 30 you are smoking penis.

>> No.15402066

Will Antaeus be out of place on me if I plan on wearing it down the shops in a tracksuit jacket, trainers and jeans?

>> No.15402069

Enigma EDP/Parfum.

>> No.15402073

It’s a bold fragrance at the best of times. If you like it wear it, but it’s not a typical pairing with that kind of dress.

>> No.15402080

What a fucking waterhead. The word “toilet” is used interchangeably with bathroom in Europe, so it just means it’s water you apply in the bathroom. That’s literally it.

Dumb fucking Polack.

>> No.15402083

You really think that's his mugshot, Einstein?

>> No.15402085

What the hell does Antaeus smell like? I’ve read descriptions but it sounds really abstract to me.

>> No.15402086

That one was terrible too, but I distinctly remember hating Rose All Dae.

Do not get Fineapple. You’ll read the reviews and think it smells like some lovely tropical breeze, but it’s actually sickly-sweet pineapple candy and smells completely synthetic. Trust me, you won’t like it.

>> No.15402087

lolololol you couldn't be more wrong!

>> No.15402121

no, I don't

>> No.15402183

i can smell aventus on my shirt the next day. of course it smells awful and reminds me why it was a mistake to wear but still

>> No.15402199

I can smell bullshit

>> No.15402223
File: 1.58 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200714-180213_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15402298

Pretty sure that was one of the accomplices they were paying to help the, steal shit.

>> No.15402306

What the actual fuck is this? Does this dude have legit brain damage? What a fucking word salad. This is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve read in a long time.

>> No.15402363

What's the second bottle from right in the first row?

>> No.15402442

maybe his brain got rattled in prison because I can't imagine him running a money laundering racket

>> No.15402460

Anyone here have Boucheron Jaipur Homme? How do you like it? I'm looking at the note breakdown and it seems right up my alley.

>> No.15402479

futuristic sex toy edt?

>> No.15402482

Ensar Oud Crime and Punishment

>> No.15402484

Such as?

>> No.15402486

Any of you tried Le Parfum de Therese? It’s a Frederic Malle, but it was made specially by Roudnitska for his wife and it was her own personal fragrance until she let FM have it.

First impressions are: Holy fuck. Immensely fruity opening and it’s really making its presence known. I cannot escape it. It’s just a constant presence in my nostrils. It’s nice, but good lord it’s potent. It’s apparently unisex but I’m not convinced of that, but we’ll see how it goes once we’re in the drydown.

>> No.15402488

Girls love A*men

>> No.15402492

No. The guy's female partner was arrested with him. Just look it up ffs, I don't even know the original guy you're pinning it on, but it's not him. Simple as.

>> No.15402627

>Trust me, you won’t like it.
The thing is, I bought the sample pack for the whole brand a while ago, so I do like it. Different tastes I guess. I don't find it that sweet at all, much more sharp than anything. Also, I might have a sweet spot for magnolia, having grown up in the south. I think it adds a nice twist to an otherwise played out Aventus-y pineapple/apple scent.

I have a little mini-boy of the edt (it's like $6 on fragrancenet, so just get it). It's probably one of the best fragrances you can get for $30 imo. A classic carnation and tobacco clean masculine scent with a heavy dose of clove/cinnamon. Lasts forever as well. I've been thinking about getting a bottle of the original boucheron for men for the rest of the summer, but haven't tried it yet.

>> No.15402641

Too much of fucking everything, couldn’t even test it properly. Ten times more powdery than Habit Rouge. Respek from Mumbai by the way.

>> No.15402645

>Ten times more powdery than Habit Rouge.

Based. I think I will blind buy it.

>> No.15402650
File: 41 KB, 374x374, 1466746158100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plastic top (not the sprayer) of my Bvlgari Man bottle is a bit loose and rattles. My Bvlgari Man in Black bottle on the other hand is rock solid. Anyone here experience the same with this style of bottles?

>> No.15402662

I like a men but the strong patchouli makes it smell a little dated. I doubt “girls” love a*men but fully grown women might

>> No.15402665

Well, if you like it, that’s all that matters. I just thought it smelled incredibly cheap and while I agree it’s not super sweet, it had this sort of sickly-sweet vibe to it. Kind of like when you leave fruity soap in a wet soap dish for too long, y’know what I mean?

>> No.15402666

Which out of there do you recommend for someone getting into perfume?

>> No.15402701

Get aqua allegoriapilled

>> No.15402703

Acqua du Parma is Great for beginners. High quality and pleasant for newbies and pros.

>> No.15402751

Are there any sporty frags that project in the winter?

>> No.15402785

ginepro di sardegna smells cheap and shitty and nauseating. you can get much better fragrances for that price

>> No.15402808

Ok I giggled

>> No.15402864

People claiming Aventus lasts for hours - how many sprays do you spray of it?

>> No.15402900

It's my signature scent in spring/summer, I find it intoxicating! Did you get a current sample? I just scored a 2009 bottle from before the oakmoss reformulation and it's so lovely. I would say having smelled the earliest and current the fruity/aquatic notes are a lot more intense in the new formula. But yeah, I'm also a little confused about it being unisex. To me it's quite a feminine chypre, but I also lean masculine/unisex when I choose scents

>> No.15402979

8 or 9

>> No.15403029


>> No.15403121

How many sprays you spray has nothing to do with longevity unless you're doing repeat sprays on the same spot.

>> No.15403126
File: 39 KB, 480x360, beeyourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 stars, citrus fougere

>> No.15403155
File: 90 KB, 1080x1166, 1594668976896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations for a new everyday fragrance? Currently using Eros.

>> No.15403199

God I want to show her that even though shes on steroids and has dedicated her life to the gym that I'm still stronger than she could ever hope to be

>> No.15403206

4-5 in spring, fall, winter
6-8 in summer

>> No.15403238
File: 318 KB, 598x938, Los Goblinos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regular Boucheron sucked ass. Most old man smelling shit I've ever smelled. Jaipur probably sucks too.
And I've smelled Old

>> No.15403264

Layton is not a joke answer, it fits your requirements

>> No.15403280

Thoughts on CdG Blue Cedrat anyone?

>> No.15403300

Is the amber in Tuxedo medicinal like Ambre Nuit or sweet and honey-like?

>> No.15403303

Y? I don't really have anywhere good to put them small apartment all my desk space is occupied
I'm a straight up plebiscite desu but the blvgari ones and the YSL are my favorites otherwise cool water and the Oscar are very easy casual scents

>> No.15403338

Do you guys wear anything while at the gym? what would you recommend?

>> No.15403343

Le Cool Water. Only lasts like an hour anyways so I think it's the perfect use. Blue, sporty, minty vibe.

>> No.15403356


>> No.15403362
File: 28 KB, 375x500, 375x500.25349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme or no meme?

>> No.15403364

does cool water intense have better longevy?

>> No.15403365

My mom likes it

>> No.15403370
File: 16 KB, 300x400, ken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its like a coco amber with all the patch and violet, i get a bit of vanilla but thankfully not much. i guess you could describe AN as medicinal as accurate, but the warmth and spicyness are what attracts my nose, that and the lack of overtly sickeningly sweet amber that is common, and thus the reason for it being medicinal. but that kind of implies its bitter or sharp or unpleasant, but i do see what youre saying with medicinal. its all probably chocked full of ambrox flavors anyway. i forgot how much violet was in tuxedo until i looked at the notes again, but jeez its a stunner. havent really wore it at all in the warm weather, it did not seem appropriate at all, which is unusual for me. It deserves respect i guess.

>> No.15403372

What is your routine to smelling good other than using perfume ?

Any shower or body care routines ?

>> No.15403378

>mixing scents

yeah, that's a cringe from me, bro

>> No.15403382

It all starts with the shower. Use a body mitt exfoliated twice a week or body scrub like frank body coffee scrub. Then use a natural charcoal bar of soap all over. Then your usual shower gel which I would recommend Aesop or le labo for a more masculine scent. Use the shower gel with a loofah. After the shower use gold bond powder on the balls and ass and a natural stick deodorant on underarms. Use a scented body lotion or body cream and spray perfume on bare skin. Make sure clothes are fresh and clean. Don’t forget to brush twice a day, mouthwash twice and floss at night. Flossing is what prevents bad breath. You can also use a mouth spray throughout the day or chew gum

>> No.15403386

Shower scents usually dissapear 5 mins after the shower

>> No.15403387

if I shower the soap smell either overpowers or adulterates the fragrance so I make sure I haven't showered within the last 24 hours if I'm wearing fragrance
also the natural oils your skin produces hold fragrance much better than dry just showered skin

>> No.15403390

then use unscented dr bronner's bar soap

>> No.15403391

gay routine
also the gunk you clean from the back of your tongue is the source of bad breath
don't listen to this guy, he doesn't know what he's talking about

>> No.15403392

Use non fragranced shower gel like necessaire body wash. Plus I can’t wear perfume on non shower skin. I sweat too much and body odour is quick to follow

>> No.15403395
File: 772 KB, 1560x1960, EEB7BFF7-C12B-4B0C-BAA8-61970029E4C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried the le labo body cream ? It’s scented with hinoki, I’ve read reviews that say it’s too overpowering a scent

>> No.15403397

im not afraid of sticking my hand near my butthole to get it clean
if your feet smell you have fungus
shower twice daily
you can brush all you want, but if you dont get your teeth cleaned, they will get pulled
use antiperspirant you stinky hipster fucks
loofas and scrubbing your skin is a cringe for me also, full of bacteria. but you do need physical rubbing to get grime off
tried powder as a younger man, but idunno it seems kinda gross now

>> No.15403399

How would you prevent or get rid of bad breath then ?

>> No.15403404

Showering twice daily isn’t really necessary unless you’re a sweaty fucker
I agree about the loofahs. Best thing to use is a washcloth or sponge that you can put in the washing macchine after each use. Still you shouldn’t use loofahs for more than 3 months.
What do you mean about getting teeth cleaned, you mean the dentist ?

>> No.15403412

2 showers probably isint, i agree, but it wakes me up, feels good, and i have to wash off all the sex juice from all the sex i constantly have every single day with other sexy people. I at least have to wash my face if not shower.

>> No.15403424

i get horny when i shower in a shower that isn't mine

>> No.15403438

>I like a men
That's kinda gay bro

>> No.15403444

I really wanted to like this but the incense
was middle eastern extreme

Interesting. Looks like they sold out

>> No.15403449

trips don't lie, youve just described the entire house in a nutshell

>> No.15403451

is Parfums de Marly the biggest shilled fragrance house?

>> No.15403454

By youtubers definitely

>> No.15403455

its shilled so widely because its the best. h8rs gonna h8

>> No.15403457

Lyric man is hyped as fuck in fagcom, including among "reviewers" whose opinions i respect/trust, but i finally smelled it and it fucking sucks dick. amouage is a pure meme house

also got a vintage (90s) sample of gold men and it literally smells like if baby powder somehow became rotten/rancid. absolute meme fragrance and meme house funding gulf terrorists

>> No.15403464


I mentioned this a few days ago but BFL and Redolessence uploaded their giveaway results at basically the same time. If you don't think PDM is sending each of them thousands of dollars a year (not in perfumes) you're crazy

>> No.15403466

it's not exactly a secret, they give their unreleased fragrances months in advance to redolessence and bfl and the bogged australian girl for glowing reviews to boost sales

>> No.15403470

Anyone else watch the channel Handsome Smells? He is a small-time reviewer that I enjoy because he is less of an expert than a lot of other reviewers and my tastes line up pretty good with his. Also he talks shit about paid reviews. Even though he's a muzzie I trust him.

>> No.15403471

I immerse myself in the caldera of an active volcano 3 times a week. Takes the skin and all associated odors right off, and I’m left feeling baby smooth and fresh as a daisy.

I then apply 17 sprays of Versace Eros.

>> No.15403477

great frags though

>> No.15403481

never watched one of his videos, not into attars. this is based though


>> No.15403482

Ironic post 2bh

>> No.15403488

Thanks for the take, agree 100% on the spicyness of AN. It really is about the prickly rose.
I'll probably sample Tuxedo soon and see what it's all about

>> No.15403489

also this quote is on his instagram

>"Whoever spends a third of his wealth on fragrance is not being extravagant." - ʿUmar ibn Al-Khattāb (R.A)

are muzzies secretly based gods of fragrance?

>> No.15403520
File: 95 KB, 568x267, Bath Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all i need.
Face scrubbing pads,back brush, and Zote is a Mexican soap i use on my ears since they're always greasier than any other part of my body.

>> No.15403524

I dont use that soap anywhere else though. That shit will dry you out.

>> No.15403544
File: 57 KB, 548x658, shopping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for an intro high level designer/niche summer fragrance. I like gourmand scents which makes it hard for me to find warm weather frags. I was thinking of trying Allure Homme Blanche since I enjoy CAHSEE

>> No.15403593

Try My Own Private Teahupo'o, it's a great summer perfume with some nice vanilla in it.

>> No.15403599

>not into attars
Buy some Mellifluence attars. They're inexpensive and have high quality ingredients.

>> No.15403605

Why fuck around with anything other than Acqua di Parma?

>> No.15403610

Spending a third of your money on perfume would be insane but I definitely spend more than a third of my disposable income on perfume.

Probably more like 80%, especially now that we're in coronaworld.

>> No.15403660
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just ordered one of these guys, is it any good? wish i could smell from my monitor before buying

>> No.15403665

it's okay
safe and smooth
i gave it away because it wasn't daring enough

>> No.15403687

> can smell only one note
> I do not understand!!!
> so much hatred
Your nose and mind are undeveloped, is all.

>> No.15403708

Private accord is better but they're very similar. Above average for designer

>> No.15403742

I got my hands on a ridiculously underpriced tester bottle of Cargo de Nuit that I originally meant to resell, but I ended up liking it way too much
I guess it's the most expensive frag I own now

>> No.15403743
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t. picrel

>> No.15403751

It is 65F outside. What is your favorite frags for colder rainy weather? I am torn between Yatagan and Guerlain Cuir Intense.

>> No.15403755

yatagan is better in warmer weather. most good incense fragrances are. few know this

>> No.15403763

Nether thought about it. Care to elaborate why, please?

>> No.15403767

the incense blooms in the heat. yatagan smells more "muggy" in a good way in the summer. in the winter you'll smell like you're wearing some sharp harsh cheap cologne

>> No.15403792

get that shit i have pretty much all of that line and it kicks ass

>> No.15403795


this is the review that convinced me, but i have tuscan leather and i use it like once or twice a year. i want something i'll actually want to wear year round

>> No.15403802

the colonia leather is discontinued now. they brought back the oud and leather but they are now edp and come in black bottles. the oud smells the same but the leather is much harsher now, almost burnt. not bad but just be aware.

>> No.15403816

thanks i didnt see it on the adp site so i figured. thankfully it's still around on discounters/ebay. i'm definitely gonna sample cause it sounds different enough from tuscan leather to try it

>> No.15403978

I have the hand cream and the scent is very strong and can overpower the fragrance i sprayed earlier. It smells good, don't get me wrong, but projects an incredible amount and is very strong for a good hour or so in my skin. This may be a plus for you, however.

>> No.15403983

I think it must be a current sample, or at least within two years. I didn’t really detect much in the way of rose or leather, but when it settled down after a couple of hours I loved it, but it’s really strong, and not to my style exactly. If I’m wearing something that big and bold it’s going to be more along the lines of leather or tobacco, not fruit. But it’s great to try an underrated Roudnitska scent.

>> No.15404078

>encre noir
>a nu nasomatto frag
>fucking a*men
>amouage gold
>babbys first eldo
why is there no theme to your choices, it's like a variety radio station, are you an npc
this looks like one of everything on the sale rack at tkmaxx
grandma pls

>> No.15404106

It's great

>> No.15404118

>why is there no theme to your choices
kek imagine typing this out unironically
kys you pretentious ass

>> No.15404126

can someone explain to me what makes dior sauvage and versace eros meme colognes? I have no experience with fragrances. What makes something a meme cologne so I know what to avoid

>> No.15404139
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very generic and popular. they also keep getting recommended as frags for "sexy men"

>> No.15404165

no homo but that is peak

>> No.15404194

Nigga can you not read???

>> No.15404226
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It's probably my psycho ex stalking me online making shitty rude comments, fucking up comfy threads. Or a faggot jannie

>> No.15404251

nigga probably has a bottle of Sauvage up his ass here

>> No.15404255

Blasts a few sprays up his hog’s eye first so he can ejaculate Sauvage every time he wanks over the thought of being a middle-eastern Prince.

>> No.15404263

and spoonful of cocaine up his nose

>> No.15404339

Trying Musc Ravageur. It’s like a slightly pissy DHI/VUI. Really nice and incredibly smooth.

>> No.15404346

how could Dua fragrances possibly be quality when they churn out new scents seemingly every week? there's no way someone can create batches that fast.

>> No.15404395

it literally expresses no taste whatsoever
I can't look at it and say he likes greens or reds or florals or gourmands or whatever
its just a mess and a bunch of dollar store ouds
if this was your wardrobe you'd be booed off this board

>> No.15404449

Do violets go together with patchouli for men?

>> No.15404454
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Violet goes into the trash and so does myrrh

>> No.15404459

woah, damn, those are some strong opinions

>> No.15404461

I think it’s pretty cool to check their site every week and see new stuff. Once things are sold out they often don’t come back at all or it takes a while. He’s really too focused on new things. I want to try their breakfast pancake fragrance but it’s been sold out forever

>> No.15404477

Ok, it’s dried down a lot now and to my nose this is indistinguishable from DHI.

>> No.15404547

I've been meaning to avoid the Aventus clone/ambroxan hype train for the absolute longest time but trying my sample of it again... There's something about Montblanc Explorer that is just comfy for me. The same way that people enjoy wearing stuff like London near xmas time. But I still don't know if I should cop a 60ml, even at discounters prices

>> No.15404628

They can’t. Dua is literally a bunch of Arabs/Pajeets mixing cheap aromachemicals in their garage. The reason they get new releases so fast is because they’re literally just going in there, throwing a bunch of shit in a bucket, and pouring them into bottles. I’d be surprised if it takes them more than an afternoon to make a new scent.

Say what you will about Josh, but Slumberhouse goes years between new scents and they’re almost always great.

>> No.15404679

If I just want a cheap, generic year round dumb reach that isn't Sauvage/BDC/Le Male etc should I just buy The One Grey on discount when sales come up again soon?

>> No.15404698


>> No.15404701

yeah, two different philosophies
even though slumberhouse is respectable, he's still a craft beer style basedboy
just buy it
there's a reason The One Grey failed. it's just not good.

>> No.15404804

is Artisan Pure good or is it a meme?

>> No.15404826

its been years since i last sniffed artisan pure, but i remember it being similar to terre d'hermes which i preferred. maybe look into that instead?

other cheap freshies in the same ballpark are lacoste blanc and versace pour homme. dior homme sport cologne too but not sure if that's too expensive already for you

>> No.15404935

Next up on my Frederic Malle samples is Music for a While. Christ, this made me sneeze. The pineapple is much sharper than I anticipated but after twenty minutes it settles down. I’d say it’s like the sharpness of pineapple in your tongue to begin with, but after a while it’s more like drinking pineapple juice. Sharp, but pleasant, with a nice sweetness. The lavender is an a interesting accompaniment. The lavender is reminiscent of Beau De Jour in that it had a slightly... dusty aspect to it, but that seems to be what’s taming the sweetness and stopping it being cloying, along with the lightness of the pineapple of course.

The only other fragrance I’ve tried with pineapple is Aventus, but this smells so much more authentic to the extent it makes me wonder if I’m even smelling pineapple in Aventus at all.

>> No.15404950
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We got too cocky greychads

>> No.15404966

Of course he is. Josh is a gigantic faggot and I really wish his shit wasn’t as good as it is so I wouldn’t have to support him, but it is what it is. Point is, cranking out dozens of new fragrances a year does not make for any sort of quality.

>> No.15405028

Dior Homme, Acqua Di Gio seems to be recommended on other websites but not here so much. I'm just looking for something to wear in the evenings as I'm new to using a cologne that isn't bought off some illegal selling it off the streets

>> No.15405033

Not to be an autist but it’s just called Dior homme cologne. Dior homme sport is something else

>> No.15405053

and dior homme cologne from 2007 is just another example of francis kurkdjian being more based when he creates perfumes for other houses/designers vs his own house (though he does have a handful of based creations for MFK)

>> No.15405113

Eau Sauvage Parfum, like easily

>> No.15405145

Get Luna rossa carbon

>> No.15405173

AdP Colonia is a good first and only scent.

>> No.15405222

Went to for a dinner with my gf and after we were done our waiter approached me and asked
>I know that I maybe shouldn't ask that but what is the fragrance you're wearing?
and we had a polite chat where he said that he really liked it. I was wearing 6 sprays of Profumum Roma Acqua di Sale.

>> No.15405237

I’ve been wanting to sample some of their stuff but it’s expensive as shit. I’ve never smelled seaweed in a fragrance before but it seems like an interesting one for a stranger to compliment you on.

>> No.15405295

>what is bvlgari aqva

>> No.15405300

What’s your point? I’m just saying I’m not familiar with it in fragrances.

>> No.15405302

okay might pick both up

>> No.15405358

Who is Jeremy and what's his problem?

>> No.15405380


literally has his phone set up to vibrate every time he sells a fragrance. absolutely based

>> No.15405401

>6 sprays
Jesus, I find that one to be really suffocating. Over 2 and it's already too much

>> No.15405409

If you have a store closeby, try Colonia Intensa instead of the normal Colonia too and see which one you prefer. I think Intensa is a bit darker and better for evenings

>> No.15405444

Vintagepilled anon here, recommend me something new/modern in a classic style. Favs are quorum and azzaro ph. Designer price max

>> No.15405447


>> No.15405453

It’s great.
>but it seems like an interesting one for a stranger to compliment you on.
I don’t care about compliments at all as a principle but it’s actually snice when I get them for wearing something unusual as it makes you feel like someone is complimenting your integrity or persona rather than your glorified shower gel overengineered just to be crowspleasing. Wearing unassuming clothing and a thoughtfully chosen fragrance is the patrician way to go.

>> No.15405457

No one and narcissism combined with a massive inferiority complex due to his constant failure to achieve the fame and adoration he feels he deserves.

>> No.15405467

Rochas Moustache EDP

>> No.15405523

Lalique L'Insoumis

>> No.15405533

memo african leather is literally just pure malt

>> No.15405548

This is it. Getting a compliment in a generic frag you’ve specifically chosen in order to get compliments is meaningless. Getting a compliment on something you wear because you genuinely enjoy it is a great feeling. It doesn’t happen often, but that just makes it more special.

>> No.15405592

Sheeeiiit love me some malt beveages, I sho should be getting me dat fo sho muh niqqa

>> No.15405618

how many true* compliments on a fragrance have you gotten in your life?

*what makes a true compliment:
-has to be from a stranger/someone you don't know
-has to be unsolicited (you can't have asked them "hey what do you think of this" or "hey how do i smell")
-has to be in a public place and not somewhere that forces conversation/people to be near each other (no dates, no parties, bars and clubs are also questionable but they get a pass)

using this conservative criteria it's literally just a few times ever, for me. i feel like if youtube faggots hunting for views used this criteria instead of "mom do i smell good?" a lot of their "TOP 20 COMPLIMENT GETTERS" videos wouldn't even exist

>> No.15405636

sauvage does this alot

>> No.15405657

i believe it. the edt is the perfect dumb reach

>> No.15405684

Only a few but a waitress at a restaurant got lusty over aramis one time

>> No.15405689

spent all my money on chaturbate tokens (again) so I won't be able to buy anything new for a while...

>> No.15405697

i'll give you that one but waiters/waitresses do that type of brown nosing all the time for a nice tip/better yelp review. i got one over naxos once. i guess it's pretty likable

>> No.15405718

Only once. A nice little old lady told me she loved my cologne. It was very sweet, but she used the word “cologne”, so I punched her in the mouth.

>> No.15405724


Based suggestions. Sartorial sounds awesome but a bit pricy for me right now, might try a 5ml.

Lalique sounds but I'm not really into American. Will give it a sniff

>> No.15405733

Your parameters are retarded. Anyway, I've gotten strong compliments on Cool Water by girls I was kissing. However they seemed to be only able to smell it when that close, fittingly.

>> No.15405740

found the "mom how do i smell" guy

if you're a complimentfag these are the only criteria that will give weight to compliments, otherwise you're fooling yourself

>> No.15405748


Quite a few

>original formulation Armani black code, scene girls at alt clubs went crazy for this in the 00's
>l'eau d'issey intense gets a lot of compliments from coworkers/clients in the workplace
>memoire d'une odeur gets unsolicited compliments from 30+ milfs all the time

>> No.15405760


>> No.15405761

one of my only times was from an issey fragrance too. there are underrated issey fragrances for "going out" situations that get people's attention

>> No.15405762

Why the fuck were you wearing Acqua di Sale at night? are you a schizo?

>> No.15405773

3 that I can recall.
- A girl in the elevator in my building complimented me and wanted to know what I was wearing so she could buy it for her boyfriend. It was Enigma EDP. Good luck, bitch.
- my financial consultant. Can’t remember what I was wearing.
- some random black dude stopped on the street and said I smelled awesome. Pretty sure I was wearing Viking.

>> No.15405791

Yep, bleue d'issey (Should be called green d'issey, it's a herbal beast) and l'eau d'issey intense (angular smokey bitter citrus) are massively slept on imo

>> No.15405811

my parents brought back a huge 125ml of the original nuit d'issey edt from europe years ago. it's so perfect for summer nights. it's like a less boring BDC edt with stronger incense made for going out

>> No.15405814

also it's a ropion fragrance so you know it's got a high floor for how good it's gonna be

>> No.15405902

Only time I can remember recently
The girl working at Starbucks said “you smell amazing”

I was wearing like 6 sprays of Silver Mountain Water

>> No.15405960

>"mom how do i smell" guy
Did you even read the fucking post retard?

>> No.15405963

Nobody cares about your imaginary girlfriends bro. Read the criteria or keep it moving.

>> No.15405971

Tom ford Oud Wood did this for me, as well as Aventus.

>> No.15405978

Unironically Terre D'Hermes, Versace Pour Homme, and AHSEE.

>> No.15405981

This is just a time thing. The longer you've been wearing fragrances, the more it will happen.
My most complimented are Layton and Noir Extreme, though

>> No.15406005

You’re not fooling anyone, incel.

>> No.15406006
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>> No.15406012

Real talk: unsolicited compliments are a meme. They’re very rare and anyone who says otherwise is trying to sell you something. The only dudes who get compliments regularly are those faggots who get complimented because they fish for them and people don’t want to be rude.

>> No.15406014

I hold this truth to be self evident

>> No.15406053

what do you guys think of Diptyque Do Son as an everyday office scent? I really enjoyed the tester I got as well as Serge Lutens Datura Noir. Any other recs or should I pull the trigger on it?

>> No.15406074

chocolate greedy to bed, Das it mane

>> No.15406084 [DELETED] 

True. I'm relatively attractive, good build etc. frag compliments I have received from girls were at a bar, usually when they start talking to me so they likely already talked to me and complimented because they were attracted and not the frag.

I don't get that in a store or randomly outside. Plus the girls in the bars have courage from drinking. No guy is getting random women compliment their frag, if the guy is really hot, it's even more unlikely as women are not used to randomly talking to guys at all and are cowards about it.

Jeremy and whoever are frauds about complements.

>> No.15406089

True. I'm relatively attractive, good build etc. frag compliments I have received from girls were at a bar, usually when they start talking to me so they likely already are attracted to me and compliment because they were attracted and not the frag.

I don't get that in a store or randomly outside. Plus the girls in the bars have courage from drinking. No guy is getting random women compliment their frag, if the guy is really hot, it's even more unlikely as women are not used to randomly talking to guys at all and are cowards about it.

Jeremy and whoever are frauds about compliments.

>> No.15406130

The original high intensity(clear glass) is the shit.

>> No.15406171

I mean, it’s in Jeremy’s best interest to perpetuate the compliment myth, because “top 5 compliment getters” vids are his bread and butter. That’s what keeps the thirsty Pajeets coming back, that what he gets paid to do. Not to mention the entire concept behind his own brand is compliments.

All these YouTube shills are scamming you.

>> No.15406175
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what scents are extremely gay? I want my coworkers to think there's a new woman in the office

>> No.15406224

nevermind I've decided on Fancy by Jessica Simpson

>> No.15406251


I want her to sit on my face.

>> No.15406260

oop sorry i dont have one myself so i got things mixed up. thanks

>> No.15406264

Let me take you on a journey, friend. You’re on vacation in San Francisco, you return to your hotel but have forgotten your room number. You walk into the room of another guest by mistake. Immediately upon entering, you notice that a bunch of sweaty men are fucking on a bed shaped like a giant martini glass covered with sequins. YMCA is playing on a loop on the room’s sound system, a disco ball hangs from the ceiling, a large TV displays episodes of RuPaul’s Drag Race. John Waters is sitting on a chair in the corner sipping a cosmopolitan.

Ultra Male is gayer than that room.

>> No.15406327

what do you guys think of patchouli intense and ny intense from nicolai? are they safe blind buys at 30ml? cant seem to test them anywhere here in canada

>> No.15406333

You can buy a Nicolai sample set on amazon bro

>> No.15406350

no : (

>> No.15406386
File: 39 KB, 620x395, 7578578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he literally can't help himself lmfao. i know you'll see this post too you obese balding wignat faggot

>> No.15406389


>> No.15406463

This is Jack. Fuck off, Jack.

>> No.15406481

naxos coming tomorrow
what should I expect?

>> No.15406575

kinda citrusy fresh kinda syrupy lavender honey kinda tobacco. it is pretty linear though. but it smells good

>> No.15406650

Prada L'homme really is gorgeous. Andrier is good

>> No.15406845

patchouli intense is great, haven't tried ny intense yet

>> No.15406952

Got myself prada l'homme eau for an important exam and the first sniff was magical. Smells just so high class.

>> No.15407157

At least two of them straight up are lmao as stated i'm poor and tasteless

>> No.15407265

SOTD: 5 sprays of ADG Profumo because I had to queue at the bank so I wanted to enforce social distancing

>> No.15407280

Mine is five sprays of Tuscan Leather. Went on a date but I was starting to lose interest. It was outside for a walk so thought it wouldn’t be that bad.

One of the first things she did was comment on how strong it was. I joked “It’s a social distancing measure”. I wasn’t expecting the cutting reply of “Well, it’s working”.

>> No.15407371

Youre probably a 2 spritz virgin
Nyi has a vintage feel to it, if you like that, you'll probably love it.
Perfume and dating is tricky, you probably shouldn't the first unless it's a light skin scent type thing. Clearly not the one for you tho.

>> No.15407499

Hey guys what do you think about Blue Jeans and Burberry Touch?

>> No.15407616

Not Jeremy tier compliment getters

>> No.15407625


>> No.15407685

TJ Maxx core
they were good in their day though

>> No.15407713

I'm more interested in the architecture behind him. Also, he needs to up his pecs and lats game.

>> No.15407940

Layering GIT and 1 Million... should I be ashamed?

>> No.15407965

yes, you fucking pleb

>> No.15407967


>> No.15407970

>hey guys, I put ketchup on a perfectly cooked wagyu steak, is this bad?

>> No.15407993

Lmao, now that you say it, zero lat development. The background is Munich’s Frauenkirche.

>> No.15408030

Next Frederic Malle is Lys Mediterranee. Smells like a very luxurious floral soap. White florals and a subtle musky aspect. I think I may prefer this to Neroli Portofino. I know they’re not striving for the same thing, but in terms of usage I feel they’re pretty similar, both having a somewhat transportive Mediterranean vibe, although Lys is completely missing any hint of citrus. Very slightly piercing in the opening but very quickly settles down. I’ve tried several FM fragrances now and I can’t get over how smooth they all are. Maybe it’s just luck but I’ve tried several different types of fragrance and none of them are harsh or offensive at all. Some are much stronger, but never in an unpleasant way.

>> No.15408032

Frederic is such a gay name lol

>> No.15408033

When I was 17 or so and I had a small bottle of 1 Million. Was in a new class at my trade school and in the same week TWO girls came up to me and told me that I smell great, one asked if it is 1 Million.

I was a fat ugly autistic sperg back then, I'm fit and autistic now and those two compliments I got back then were the only unsolicited genuine ones I ever got.
Maybe I should throw out all my Hermes and Aqua di Parma bottles and get pajeet pilled.

>> No.15408037


>> No.15408038

Trump's bro was a fredo

>> No.15408041

CK ONE Shock was my go-to deo stick for ages, but I can't find it anywhere anymore. Wish I knew what to replace it with.

>> No.15408046

Only compliment I ever got was for Zara Rich Leather, which is a weird smelling Aventus clone. Met a girl I haven't seen for ages and after hugging (customary greeting in my part of the world) she was like: "Wow, you smell nice".
ngl felt breddy good desu

>> No.15408062

Can lawyers be actual assburgers?

>> No.15408064
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>> No.15408070
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>> No.15408158

jub xxv, xj richwood
but for that you'd have to stop being a faggot and spend more than £20 for a fragrance

>> No.15408163

found the faggot

>> No.15408201

>demi is becoming a perfumer
I guess doing it with a camel was worth it, after all.

>> No.15408249

>professional shill for Parfums de Marly
>used as a Muslim toilet in UAE
her life has become sad

>> No.15408353

This is why I use invictus despite not really liking it. Women are total noselets.

>> No.15408437

And this is why you fail.

>> No.15408482
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>nooooo!!! you can't have female attention!!!!! It's only real if creepy gay guys compliment you!!!!!!

>> No.15408600

Missing the point, autist. Compliments are meaningless if you’re fishing for them. They’re not complimenting you, they’re complimenting an affectation. Like I said before, it’s like walking around wearing a hat that says “please compliment me”. Female attention is great, trying desperately to get it is incel coomer territory.

>> No.15408649

pure cope

>> No.15408651

Pathetic. Have sex.

>> No.15408655

pure cope, thats always your fallback for not getting compliments personally, "oh he was fishing for it." maybe its you, because all these other dudes that claim a compliment is rare never get out of the house, virgin spritz, wear horseshit, or are just fugly. I guarantee you strand out like a sore thumb in todays society if you wear anything at all. Its just really, really hard to believe all these posters have been doing it for years "or whatever" and can only name a handful of times. That we are even on the subject of compliments on a general that loathes the idea is hilarious and an obvious shitpost to fish out replies like this, and to masturbate your personal ego that you wear such exquisite, sophisticated, and rare creations that your taste is just to much for the general public to bother comment on.
>everyone is an incel i disagree with
jidf treating you well, hannah?

>> No.15408810
