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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 77 KB, 750x750, metro rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15395081 No.15395081[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello trannies and gays

can you stop posting outside of your containment board?


>> No.15395099
File: 79 KB, 263x373, stalin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello poltard please stop posting outside of your containment board

>> No.15395108

You can't have fashion without faggots.
The gay bashers on here are mostly self hating fags. The racist posters like to gape open niggers at fag clubs. The tinder pick up artist threads intentionally steer people wrong so they'll have to resort to homosexuality. Plus Igor. This whole board is probably 98% gay.

Having said that, trannies are disgusting non human degenerates and the jannies must be trannies to delete so many posts calling out trans on the subhuman freaks they are. Off the rooftop with trannies.

>> No.15395134

this is supremely ironic given Rick is extremely fucking gay, literally fucking a man named Tyrone, met his wife through an ex-boyfriend, and footage exists of him being pissed on by other men. He also overtly supports gay/LGBT causes and his recent collections are designed from the standpoint of opposition to bigotry. In short, get bent, crossboarder. Back to pol with the rest of the election tourists.

>> No.15395142

lol like half the trannies on this board don't even know they're trannies yet
>how do i dress like pic related as a guy
>what's an effay long hair style for men
>can men pull off [female-coded garment]

>footage exists of him being pissed on by other men
based, link?

>> No.15395194

Being gay is nothing like being a tranny. Gays just have sex, trannies are mentally ill and demand chemical and surgical castration. Rick would never.

>> No.15395209
File: 68 KB, 512x336, 1593024080458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hating gays on a fashion board

>> No.15395212

Rick would also never try to assault tween girls with inanimate objects like Jonathan Yaniv. Trannies are pondscum and will never create anything meaningful in their entire existence.

>> No.15395222

look up "butt muscle rick owens"

>> No.15395224

100 gecs and drain gang loving discord tranny faggots will never stop posting on /fa/ sadly

>> No.15395233

Men always wear long hair

>> No.15395240

>judges others based on gender/sexual orientation
Neck yourself faggot

>> No.15395441
File: 66 KB, 205x237, 1461277427306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you saw Rick catching the subway, how long could you talk to him before he started to find your presence annoying?

>> No.15395449


I would just say: your gift is too great for me

>> No.15395464

He would probably beat you to death just to show that he could

>> No.15395507

I met him when he was at one of his stores, he was extremely nice. Michele took a picture of me with him, and my phone smelled funny when she handed it back to me.

>> No.15395523

im gay
i don't think about trannies ever, the dilation thing kinda gross tho
i do hope they have access to good medical care etc as a class tho –– what form that takes i don't care desu but i hope it preserves their dignity

>> No.15395526

it's probably the $1300/50ml rick owens perfume that smells like lizard piss

>> No.15395530

I fucking hate this line. There’s always some kind of terrible musician roaming the car I’m riding begging for money and destroying my hearing

>> No.15396907


>> No.15396915

>trannies and gays aren’t allowed to participate in talk about things unrelated to being trans and gay
Anon I... are you retarded? It’s ok if you are...

>> No.15396923

>judging an entire group based on the worst case abusers
You might be retarded also
Idk I feel like Rick would think castration is kinda cool not gonna lie
Like I don’t think HE would get castrated but I think he would think the idea is neat

>> No.15396951
File: 722 KB, 1290x1012, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15396958
File: 319 KB, 625x819, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Cathy! How are you?

>> No.15397073

post pic

>> No.15397085


>was in the metro in paris
>didn't even meet rick

fuck man, how awesome that would've been...

>> No.15397545

I'd tell him his fit is shit and walk away in my $40 nikes, american eagle jeans and t-shirt I've had since high school.

>> No.15397590

Apparently this happened to a lot of people who encountered him in his stores. Quite a few people who took pics with him in store. Pretty cool since you'd think he'd get bored of it eventually.

>> No.15397617

trans women are women, trans men are men and nonbinary folk are nonbinary

>> No.15397621


Absolutely based

>> No.15397756


>> No.15397865

trans women are faggots, trans men are dykes, and nonbinary folk are attention whores

All 3 deserve gas

>> No.15398037

trannies are still a minority in the fashion industry. but as far as gay people and weird shit being in high fashion? im well aware and it still doesnt change my opinion about ricks clothing.

>> No.15398067

holy shit how have i never seen this?!

to be fair i think rick only got his mouth pissed in...i dont think he got fisted in his ass or anything

>> No.15398308

That's one thing I don't miss about Paris. Some musicians are ok but most of them are awful.

>> No.15398317

There will always be faggots because their brains are broken in such a way that they will always gravitate towards dressing weird
Trannies should be shot and disposed off in unmarked graves, their families wouldnt even be mad