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15374657 No.15374657 [Reply] [Original]

Are Brits effay?

>> No.15374666

Who would win in a fight?

>> No.15374672

SEXcore is always effay.

>> No.15374675

right are also men

>> No.15374698

but they have boobies

>> No.15374716

Do men actually dress like the men on the left?

>> No.15374721

Far right is so pale holy shit

>> No.15374738

Yeah man it's tragic

>> No.15374746

I don't know what area you're in but I've literally only ever seen one or two men dress like that and everyone thought it looked stupid.

>> No.15374762

>these men approach you outside slug and lettuce and demand to know your weekend £5 acca picks
what do you do /fa/?

>> No.15374767

I kind of like the guy with the glasses' fit
Bottom half could use some work though

>> No.15374770
File: 812 KB, 3828x2376, sexbruhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. extremely based

>> No.15375349

These groups of people are not in the same social group. Do not be fooled by this American pig

>> No.15376031

> sign Osvaldo alonso because he is old and Cuban
> try to convince him to become a head of youth development
> he says no
> retires

>> No.15376066

was gonna say guys but the braphog in the girls team looks like an absolute tank.

>> No.15376363


I see them sometimes here in Poland, they are almost always tourists and yes, they do pull up chicks with ease

>> No.15376391

All my international friends at school had stories of them pulling polish chicks. Are they that easy?

>> No.15376402

for the dudes - loosen up their some of those clothes and move the shoes around, and it wouldnt look so bad

for the girls - nothing can be done

>> No.15376410

Back to the 20th century for you bigot.

>> No.15376412


>> No.15376414


>> No.15376424

everyone at school makes up stories

>> No.15376434


>> No.15376440

only bc your friends are american/rich

>> No.15376534


>> No.15376543

Even in Britain both these groups would be avoided by the majority.

The left will be unbearably loud roided fuckboys trying to 'out-banter' each other, and everyone around them will just be cringing themselves to death. The right look like the stereotypical Lambrini girls. Think they're all 10s, go home alone reeking of kebab because their personalities are as ugly as their faces.

>> No.15376544

polish women are largely whores

ive seen them utterly infatuated with bootlipped muhdik niggas

>> No.15376545

probably filled with enough vodka and ket to take an rpg and keep running

>> No.15376567

in bong society the attractiveness of these men far outweighs the atractiveness of these women. the women are considered fairly average and they are probably loud and annoying. the men are chads

>> No.15376589

They're chads to those kinds of girls. To other men and women over the age of 21 they're embarrassing mongs who don't realize how ridiculous they look.

>> No.15376591

absolutely not. the upper echolon of normie girls (i.e. the ones that don't look like they live in council housing) flock to these chads. have you never been to a nightclub in a small town?

>> No.15376598

You must live in a very, very small town if that's considered chad. I live in a medium sized city and these fuckbois exclusively drink in 2 or 3 clubs full of easy-to-impress mongs, because everywhere else they get completely mugged off for looking ike Essex rejects.

>> No.15376711
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> brits

>> No.15377076
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The Übermensch

>> No.15377387

>slug and lettuce
>unbearably loud roided fuckboys trying to 'out-banter' each other
Can absolutely confirm.
BUT for their looks, I've never had any snide remarks or run-ins with the SEX bros. They're generally alright