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15364828 No.15364828 [Reply] [Original]

How can I get rid of pitted acne scars and make my skin smooth again?

>> No.15364829


>> No.15364838

Does microneedling work?

>> No.15365005

Please help.

>> No.15365018

I am dealing with it myself anon. Moisturizing like there was no tomorrow has helped a lot. Take the lotion pill and get a good one with spf included. Your skin will improve by itself but go to a derm

>> No.15365020

Not recommended.
For pitted scars you are better off doing peels, dermastamping (NOT needling), and the best, laser treatment.

>> No.15365023

Umm... Dermastamping is the same as microneedling...

>> No.15365040

Lots of people recommend microneedling.

>> No.15365047
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This 4channer from /fit/ did microneedling.

>> No.15365057

Dermaroll or shill out the cash for laser. Best rolling treatment would be
>numbing cream so you don't pussy out on the forehead
>stainless steel so it's actually sharp

These are your only options to actually fix it. Everything else is expensive cope.

>dermastamping (not needling)
What do you think the pen uses? Also the studies showing it's effective were done with a roller. You're just paying more.

>> No.15365066

Microneedling is more broad. I should've clarified.

>> No.15365081

If you do plan on rolling/needling, be sure to use Vit C on the affected areas. There are also studies that speculate that mechanically-induced microtears are possible gateways to tumors because of the higher chance in mutation of damaged live cell dna.


There are people who've had good results. Just don't be careless is what I'm trying to say.

>> No.15365092

Be a man and just rock them. I have them on one cheek and my gf thinks they’re hot. She says they make me look more rugged

>> No.15365173

Can you show me?

>> No.15365193
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>> No.15365200

Who is this?

>> No.15365235

Do you have experience with microneedling yourself?

>> No.15365419
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Anybody help me please.

>> No.15365459

Medfag here
Go to an actual laser dermatologist and get a consultation, they’ll do a far better job through subcision and dermal fillers than whatever over the counter bs people above are touting. Would you rather spend 300+ on dubious internet products that have middling results or a couple appointments with an actual professional who knows what to actually do.
No amount of smelly goop or needles can even come close.

>> No.15365464

Dermatologist are the biggest jews in medicine. They will push for the most expensive lasers and treatments regardless of their effectiveness.

>> No.15365488

Go to a reputable establishment with a good track record you sperg.

>> No.15365489

Do not disrespect me.

>> No.15365490

Lasers are often not enough, one of the most effective means of scar revision is surgical subcision which doesn’t even involve lasers. The same way you run into good and bad general practitioners you need to shop around for an effective dermo with a good track record.

>> No.15365528

Please help

>> No.15365957


>> No.15365993

Yeah I smoothed out a derma piercing scar I had from edgy high school days with it using a .25mm roller. Just started doing 1.5mm because coronavirus made rollers hard to get for a few months.

It's 6 bucks to buy one, free shipping and medically valid they do it in office now. Fucking faggots thinking dermas are free. Yeah if you have $6000+ sitting around for skincare go get a surgery. Insurance isn't paying for that.

Your insurance isn't paying it either, it's all out of pocket.

>> No.15366021

My advice would be used Duac anti acne cream. Worked wonders for me and reduced my pot marks significantly. Get it in a local pharmacy for cheap.

>> No.15367068

Start with 0,05% every other day then 0,05% every day then 0,1% every other day then 0,1% every day

Get it prescribed by your doctor or dermatologist or buy it at alldaychemist.com

Today I got my hands on Duac acne gel for the first time. Really happy with it.

>> No.15367075

>different angles/lighting

>> No.15367337


Dude just get super jacked and it'll be fine. You already have the facial structure for that look anyway. Broad shoulders, wide back, thick neck - now the problem is gone.

Anyone on /fa/ who tells you this is a bad idea is a dumb cunt. Unless you look like '93 Leo, you shouldn't worry about looking pretty, just masculine.

Good luck anon

>> No.15367401

Are you from Xi'an? You look like a terracotta warrior or a Mulan extra

>> No.15367539

do u youse threatenon or duac?

>> No.15367800
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Can anybody help me please I'm so sad.

>> No.15367808

Accutane, or alldaychemist tretinoin if you can't go to a derm

>> No.15367810

So I have this as well and a lot of it went away or at least because much more clearer from the following... microneedling, glycolic acid, tea tree oil and then I would put coconut moisturizer, i'd say around 30% of it has gone away in 6 months, which made me so happy I almost cried because this bothered me for so long and ruined my confidence. I've been a bit lax with it now my routine that is because of how good it looks now, gotta continue it so it goes completely away.

>> No.15367840

terrible do-nothing advice
cope more ugly

>> No.15367893

How old were the pitted scars and how did you do the microneedling? At home yourself? How often and what needle length?

>> No.15367984

What advice do you have sir

>> No.15368019

I cry for burgerland every day, y couldn't they just have voted for bernie?

>> No.15368034
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I got rid of the acne already I just want to fix the craters...

>> No.15368043

bernie needed a better campaign manager and a style makeover

>> No.15368054

A good derma roller can definetly help and not that expensive.

Worst case can begin a treatment at a skin clinic. It'll be good motivation to save money in any case

>> No.15368058

Have you used it?

>> No.15368060

No my best friend used in conjuction with the salt pills that dried the shit out of skin for a few months and now he has great skin. It helped that he was pretty white and got a slight tan too

>> No.15368063

my mate got his lasered, came up pretty good afterwards
he needed to actually go for the throat of biden but that was never gonna happen since he's literally too much of a top bloke for politics and considers biden his friend.
I thought the grandpa style was kinda of endearing personally

>> No.15368107

please respond

>> No.15368161 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15368169
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I wish I was beautiful.

>> No.15368257

Please teach me?

>> No.15368369

>go to dermatologist to make sure I don't have cancer
>have a couple pimples on my back and a couple on my arm.
>"bro, you don't wanna be looking like that, I'll get you a script for a peroxide wash"
>no thanks, I just need to be better about moisturizing and washing my sheets. Id rather treat the cause
>"hey Becky, make sure you order this script for peroxide wash"
>thats really not necessary
>"cool, so when you use that wash remember to use a white towel so you don't bleach your good towels"

This is how I learned to hate dermatologists

>> No.15368445

Doesn't really matter at all. I have them, do 0 skincare, nobody gives a shit.
OP you're handsome. Got that 3 tours in Iraq manly look. Stop worrying so much

>> No.15368963


>> No.15369014

Talk to a derm and get on tretinoin, use sunscreen and moisturizer. Tretinoin will suck the first month or so but is worth it in the long run.

>> No.15369058

Rock the scars, bro
They make you unique

>> No.15369063

tretinoin only helps prevent scars by treating the pustules.
if the breakouts are over the only way to get rid of the scars is dermabrasion i believe but there may have been recent advancements in technology.
i am not a doctor.

>> No.15369123

Deal with them and live with it. Shave your head to #0. Get fucking ripped. Profit and fuck sideways pussy.

>> No.15370212

ur not a doc so u dunno
tret smooth scars to

>> No.15370326

Tret likely won‘t erase the scars as quickly as dermabrasion, but it will smooth them over with time due to cell turn over, just like how it tends to reverse/smooth wrinkles.

I‘m recommending tret because it‘s very effective at preventing acne and dealing with its aftermath; assuming op still occasionally breaks out. If op is already very confident in their new routine, I‘d recommend dermarolling or microneedling.

>> No.15370334

What have you tried for yourself?

>> No.15370350

I used dermarolling when I was younger which worked fine, however I switched to tret when my brother (dermatologist) recommended it to me as he believed it‘d do a better job keeping my acne in check + it just generally had many other benefits. By the time I switched the scars were significantly less noticeable, and nowadays they‘re pretty much completely gone.

>> No.15370364

Could you share your dermarolling experience when you were younger?

How was it done (frequency, needling length, treatment protocol) and when did you notice results? Did you use any serums to boost the collagen rebuilding? Thanks!

>> No.15370372

I dermarolled every other day with a 0.25 mm needle. I wasn‘t very bright back then so I mainly used manuka honey after needling since that was the only acne product I had used at the time that was effective and didn‘t dry out my skin - although I guess that goes to show that you‘re likely going to have even better results than I did if you use serums/proper aftercare.
To be honest I wasn‘t keeping track of time, although my best guess would be one or two months after starting, since by then I also started breaking out significantly less because of the treatment.

Hope thats helps!

>> No.15370377

Do you still use tretinoin? What base (gel/cream) do you use and what %? How long have you used it for and do you use it daily?

>> No.15370382

I dont have this but my aunt did. One day she was walking with a pot of boiling water. She slipped and the water burned her face really bad, her face was swollen for weeks and peeled, about 4-6 months later, she had a brand new face and looked 5 years younger and no longer had scars. True story. Idk if this info will help u at all

>> No.15370392
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You're the worst.

>> No.15370486

I‘ve been using 0.05% tretinoin cream everyday for probably around 3 years now, I dermarolled for somewhere between 6-9 months for reference.

>> No.15370582

Why did you stay at 0.05 and not bump up to 0.1?

>> No.15371009


>> No.15371093

Duac gel. It's great stuff.

I use 0,05% tretinoin creme in the evening and Duac gel containing 1% clindamycin and 5% benzoylperoxide in the morning.

I'm going to upgrade the 0,05% tretinoin creme to 0,1% tretinoin gel when I receive my alldaychemist order.

>> No.15371097

I agree with this. Tretinoin is great

>> No.15371901

The benefits are pretty marginal between 0.05 and 0.1

>> No.15372722

is it true then why this friend is upgrading

>> No.15372945

If they‘re new to tret, they might be getting some effects faster by switching, they could also consider the benefits worth the extra money (which, to be fair, there isn‘t a massive price difference between 0.1 and 0.05). Imo whether you upgrade or not is up to preference, and 0.05 has been enough for me.

>> No.15372951

If I wanna fix dented scars quick should I use 0.1 instead? I've been using 0.05 for 13 months.

>> No.15372955

Also, one thing I forgot about is that higher doses of tret can be useful if you have severe acne, which would explain why the other anon might be upgrading.
My acne ranged from mild to moderate, so 0.05 was enough for me.

>> No.15372973

Honestly I‘ve never used 0.1% tretinoin so I‘m not sure how big of a difference it‘d make, but chances are higher percentages would speed it up.

Seeing a dermatologist might be a good idea, especially since I‘d assume most of your scarring would be almost gone after 13 months (depending on how deep they are + if you‘re creating new scars).

>> No.15372979

The dents are still there. I used it for 13 months but only applied it religiously every night for the past 5 months.

>> No.15373114
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>> No.15373410

There's enough information itt, stop being cheap and see a dermatologist if this stuff ain't working

>> No.15373461

0.05% tretinoin (I also used adapalene for a few months and a month supply of Curology that had 0.009% tret) gave me real results for the pitted scars on my temples. I'm also on month 4 of Accutane. Point is retinoids alone can put in work and can be done when you're not doing procedures, if you can't afford those pricey procedures, or if they scare you.


You can't even do anything right now really for the scars because you have active acne. You can do some chemical peels, but I don't see the point until you treat the active acne for good. Get on Accutane and then treat the scars with procedures, and get on tret for maintenance and scar improvement. If you can't afford a derm or Accutane, then get tret 0.05% and hope for the best lol

>> No.15373575

You still seem to have some active pimples, you need to work on them before treating scars. Thankfully retinoids can do kind of both at same time so take the advice and use the lowest strength one. And shave.

>> No.15373926

I spent $6,000.00 on a dermatologist and all they did was do useless lasers.

>> No.15373968

Cope. Use tretinoin instead

>> No.15373972

Yes, 0,1% works alot better for fading scars than 0,05%

>> No.15373986 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15374137

what do u use and for what purpose when you say fading scars do you mean fading red marks
or smoothening indented scars

>> No.15374159

I love anonymous idle threats lol

>> No.15374193

The only thing idle will be your consciousness when I deliver you this knuckle sandwich, asswipe.

>> No.15375521

Not the dude you‘re replying to but tretinoin will smooth indents and fade red marks

>> No.15375601

How come so many of you have experience with using tretinoin? Can the level of dented scarring in OP or the other pics in this thread truly be smoothened by it?

>> No.15375798
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Stop eating carbs, you imbecile, you look BLOATED.

>> No.15375808

Nothing wrong with eating carbs or being bloated as long as it makes you strong.

>> No.15376197


>> No.15376372


>> No.15376500

mirin that neck

>> No.15377556

Yes absolutely. Tretinoin fades scars very fast.

>> No.15377573

Flattening of Atrophic Acne Scars by Using Tretinoin by Iontophoresis

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com abs

>> No.15378014

What's iontophoreisis?

>> No.15378080

Just to clarify I‘m
So you might be confusing me as multiple people. Either way, though, tret has been heavily studied and is widely regarded to be effective, which leads it to being recommended by derms and then its users.

>> No.15378133

Sorry bro, 10 out of 10 girls will reject someone with a crater face even if they look like Brad Pitt. It’s almost like you have lepracy, no girls will want her offsprings looking like that.

>> No.15378173
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wtf? brad pitt has crater acne scars too

>> No.15378179

dermarolling does work, it's like a weaker dermapen. it takes a few sessions to see a difference, and works even better paired with retinol or vit c

>> No.15378181

have you tried it yourself

>> No.15378635

did he ever cure them

>> No.15378739
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any help?

>> No.15378868

Speaking from personal experience? Luckily most men aren't as ugly as you :)

but good luck, maybe try some tret or microneedling both can make acne scars go away completely, see >>15377573

>> No.15378897

Based poster. Your posts are very informative to the new people with acne scars who aren't on tretinoin yet.

I do however disagree on >>15371901, from my personal experience 0,1% works better. I've also heard this from multiple people from r/tretinoin, which is an okay subreddit I suppose, but great if you want to see what kind of powerful improvements tretinoin can make. Alot of people post their faces and before/after comparisons. It can show the power it has for treating acne skins so for new people I recommend reading >>15377573 and then checking r/tretinoin to see what you can expect.

>> No.15378899


>> No.15379147

The studies used iontophoresis though. :(

>> No.15379307

Can I do this............. At home

>> No.15380438


>> No.15381133

any birdy

>> No.15381366
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>> No.15381845


>> No.15381859

Can this really deal with pits? The pits will never fill by themselves right?

>> No.15382060

Sir can you help

>> No.15383327


>> No.15383446
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How can I fix mine?

>> No.15383479

Go see a dermatologist you dunce they will fix it

>> No.15383481


Also stop popping pimples that's how you get scars, buy a fucking extractor/lance set and use that instead

>> No.15383513

the acne scars are not that bad but holy shit you need to shave
that looks absolutely disgusting
if you cant grow a decent stubble just do clean shave

>> No.15383516

people think they are Edward James osmosis or whatever
nah you aren't famous just another broke fag with scars
chicks will only not care if they also have acne or they are dirt poor redneck trash

>> No.15383543 [DELETED] 

What the fuck?

>> No.15383620

nobody ever thought they were the battlestar guy... what's your problem dude.

>> No.15383750

Have you seen the moon lately? My face is a carbon copy of its surface.

>> No.15384200
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Can anybody help me?

>> No.15384674

Your dermatologist can.

>> No.15384797

Derms just wanna rip you off.

>> No.15385011

Grow a beard chomo. If you cant I dont know wtf to do.

>> No.15385030

They are doctors who are highly specialized, so it is usually expensive to see one. Beyond that they aren't trying to rip you off, they have an extremely high salary so why would they? Prescribing treatments and products that are scientifically proven to work for scarring would obviously be a better long-term plan for a dermatologist than simply ripping you off.

>> No.15386249

No. Dermatologists are salesmen. They will push whatever is the most expensive laser they have in their clinic. Even if it does fuck-all for your scars because it only takes 15 minutes to press some buttons and point a laser in your face and charge you through the nose.

>> No.15386320


Post face and physique, I PROMISE you I'm better looking, have a better body, and a bigger dick. I'll put my life savings down on this. If you're denying the biological truth behind all male "self-improvement" you're probably on the wrong end of the spectrum of masculinity.

>> No.15386330

>I'll put my life savings down on this.
lmao you're gonna paypal me? you're only saying all this bullshit cos there is no consequence.

>> No.15386337


Hahahahaha, my man, I'm very very confident that you've never seen the 'look' a girl gives you when she sees you as a 10/10.

>> No.15386353


Forgot to mention, if you think that eating correctly, plus lifting heavy with the right form and exercise selection is the 'do-nothing' option, I will pay for your flight to Thailand so we can fight to the death. I guarantee that you're the one who's been doing nothing all their life.

>> No.15386422
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I've had the scars maybe since I was in grade 10 so 15, i'm 19 now. The microneedling I did at home yes, i didn't have a set time to do it but usually I did it once every 3 days was about normal, then I would put the glycolic acid immediately after which would burn my skin like hell which is what I was looking for. Use a Microneedler stamp, the rollers really fucking suck, make sure you really puncture the affected areas, you are damaging your skin (the acne scars) for new cells to regenerate then chemical exfoliant gylcolic acid that dissolves the bonds between dead skin cells, allowing them to be wiped away easily, revealing smooth, new skin below. The tea tree oil is more anecdotal, supposedly makes acne scars away which I believe in but has lack of scientific evidence, what it does do is stop new breakouts which is essential whilst you do all this treatment, I use coconut moisturizer because it smells nice and you should put it on everyday at night and morning because keeps your skin smooth, brighter and healthier, hope this helps! Cheers.

>> No.15386429

Oh also stop jerking off, it fucks with your hormones and creates breakouts, so that means no porn and touching your dick, also coincidentally healthier for your brain, don't eat garbage food as well, I ate a lot of protein and greens. Protein is very important for new skin.

>> No.15386434

What is the needle length of your microneedler stamp? Isn't every 3 days too often to poke your face?

>> No.15386436

What brand of glycolic acid do you use (percentage)?

>> No.15386548

How about having sex daily with your girlfriend?

>> No.15386657
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>> No.15386689

7% with a PH of 3.6 the brand name I use is called "The ordinary"
I don't know the length and 3 days is what I did usually I mean some weeks I would do it maybe once a week but I usually did it twice every week. I'm just telling you my own personal experience, everyone is different, this is what worked for me.
I don't know, I think it more applies to young people such as myself because cumming fucks with your hormones, so I would assume.

>> No.15386704

Have you tried The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution ?

>> No.15386736

No, don't know really anything about it so can't give you advice.

>> No.15386747

How are your pitted scars now?

>> No.15387436


>> No.15387640

Please respond.

>> No.15388689

Try mewing

>> No.15388906

Wtf? How does meowing help fix my acne scars?

>> No.15389055

Is this a boy or a girl?

>> No.15389473
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>> No.15389478

Get taller

>> No.15389592

He already answered that, you imbecile.

>> No.15389651

what tea tree oil did you use and what moisturizer?

>> No.15389828

It's important to use a non-condomgenic moisturiser so it won't clog your pores.

>> No.15390035

I'm suprised that every single one of you thinks your scars are so different than other acne scars that you feel the need to post those embarassing pictures. Do you want help? Go to a dermatologist

or maybe.. read the thread??

The answer to acne scars is this:
Other treatments include laser treatments, microneedling, other retinoids, azelaic acid, BHA/AHA exfoiliants etc. These have all allready been mentioned

>> No.15390044

[Citation needed]

>> No.15391163
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>it matters.

>> No.15391737

Have you tried any of them?

>> No.15392379


>> No.15392776

Little help please?

>> No.15393183


>> No.15393381


>> No.15393560

Anybody who did a lower percentage of tretinoin bumped up to the maximum 0.1%? What difference was there?

>> No.15394355
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Why is skincare so fucking complicated?
Is the lack of science related to self care beauty products being a female thing?
I tested some cleanser from my sister and my face was dry and slapping red for hours!
How can a product DESIGNED for the face be so shitty and irritating? Do they just do whatever in these product design laboratories and people buy it up until the next new thing comes out?
And when you just go for the supposed "good"products they cost 30 bucks and give 15ml of product... What is this nonsense?
Isn't there just some products that are proven to work that doesn't cost a fortune?
I simply need a tub of facial cleanser that doesn't burn the eyes to wash all the sunscreen off in the summer and maybe som hydration skin lotion that feels soothing and not burning.
Can someone spoonfeed me or do I have to just buy and try thousands of products like all the consooming females do?

>> No.15394426

>How can a product DESIGNED for the face be so shitty and irritating?
Your reaction isn't normal and you may have sensitive skin or a sensitivity to one or more of the ingredients. It's possible your sister's cleanser is also just shitty, there are plenty of shitty skincare products like there are shitty products in every retail category.
>Isn't there just some products that are proven to work that doesn't cost a fortune?
Cerave, Cetaphil, Eucerin, Vanicream, The Ordinary
>Can someone spoonfeed me or do I have to just buy and try thousands of products like all the consooming females do?
Normally I would recommend learning how to identify well-sourced information yourself. You should stick to respected dermatologist recommendations, and articles that are backed-up by at least a few peer-reviewed studies.

>> No.15395106

It's the jews. They know women are willing to pay through the nose to be pretty so they make skincare as complicated as possible to reap maximum profits.

>> No.15395112

BTW dermatologists are the biggest jews in medicine. They are first and foremost salespeople, not doctors.

>> No.15395524

Dude do you realise how much dermatologist get paid? They're literally doctors and don't need to make commissions. Did you mistaken them for estheticians?

>> No.15395652

>Is the lack of science related to self care beauty products being a female thing?

>> No.15395656

>I simply need a tub of facial cleanser

I use micellar water once or twice a week, it works well. But avoid the eyes.

>> No.15396104

Isn't that just distilled water?

>> No.15397122

They spent almost a decade studying the skin so winny teenagers like you won't feel insecure about their butter face. Of course they'll charge alot

>> No.15397220

I don't know. I have seen it it is really watery. Not ideal to wash sunscreen off. How would I apply it?
Waste a whole package of cotton swaps to clean my face? nah more of a fake up thing

>> No.15397666

Why are you being so rude?

>> No.15397682

I had very similar scarring and this is what i have been using for a couple months now its pretty decent. I use it twice a week.

>> No.15398447
File: 337 KB, 2048x2048, bxfw2p2lz9a51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d e r m a r o l l i n g

>> No.15398951

very nice

>> No.15399132

How she did it???

>> No.15400700

DIY 1.0mm dermaroller 3 sessions 1 month apart each time

>> No.15402020

Is this real?

>> No.15402113
File: 1.06 MB, 2620x3365, IMG_20200714_172643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what I just got in the mail. It's from alldaychemist.com (no prescription needed). It took 2 weeks or something, so apparently the corona delay isn't that much anymore.

I've been using the 0,05% creme for 3 months exactly now and I will be upgrading to this gel slowly in the coming month. I read that some people don't like this gel so much because it contains alot of alcohol. But we'll see about that I suppose. If anyone has used this specific 0,1% gel before, I am curious to what your experiences are. I'm excited to upgrade to 0,1%. I don't really care about a bit more alcohol. The creme I am using right now also contains a fair amount of alcohol.

My acne scars have faded very, very significantly in the last three months of using the 0,05% creme by the way, I'm very happy about that. They went from very visible to barely visible. I feel alot more confident now.

>> No.15402924

korean skincare

>> No.15403002

i don't have acne but does this stuff work well for uneven pigmentation? i have some sun damage that got better with lasers but want to do some more

>> No.15403368
File: 379 KB, 2048x1538, Asian Skincare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used A-Ret gel 0.05% from ADC for 1 year and 4 months (daily application). Results were great. Got rid of all my acne but the red marks and pitted scars were still there.

Recently upgraded to A-Ret gel 0.1% when I got my ADC delivery last week. This formulation smells like gasoline and hits your face like a brick. It is SO STRONG.

Just 1 week on it feels like the effect of MONTHS on 0.05%. I have almost one and a half years worth of retinization but I still had to take a day off in between uses. However, I've only been on it for 1 week so it remains to be seen. But yeah, 0.0.5% is NOTHING compared to 0.1%. I wish I had upgraded earlier instead of sticking to 0.05% for so long.

>> No.15403744 [DELETED] 

Yes. You need to wear SPF all the time tho.

>> No.15404116

Yes but you'll have to wear spf everyday.

>> No.15404569

Help me

>> No.15404863

Wow, that's great to hear. I applied it for the first time last night and yes, it's very strong. Which is great.

Right now I'm alternating between 0,05% and 0,1% every night. After 3 - 4 weeks I will switch to 0,1% daily.

What's up my boi

>> No.15405317

Bump so that autistic guy doesn't start a new thread asking about his scars and if anyone can help him every two days.

>> No.15405694

I get the impression that there's more than one of him

>> No.15405996

What kind of acne scars are you targeting with tretinoin? Are they just red marks or do you have pitted scarring too?

>> No.15406081
File: 508 KB, 1080x821, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same stuff as you do except on my forehead after clearing up the acne. Acne fucked my life so hard. Can I get a smooth forehead ever again?

>> No.15406114

If it helps, you're really hot anon

>> No.15406874

Did you reply the wrong person?

>> No.15407556

Can tretinoin fix pitted scars personally from your experience?

>> No.15408788


>> No.15409453
File: 306 KB, 963x1920, 4a034pini8b51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help curing the holes on my face. I'm a girl. :(

>> No.15409595

Anybody help me PLEASE?

>> No.15410038


>> No.15410121

you look like a greasy mofo regardless of pits. wash more

>> No.15410124


>> No.15411275

How do I this? Do you do it?

>> No.15412053 [DELETED] 


>> No.15412543

Hello can you teach me?

>> No.15412562

You're so fucking impatient, this isn't a high pace board. Have you tried reading the thread? Read this for dermarolling https://simpleskincarescience.com/dermarolling/

>> No.15412640
File: 141 KB, 768x1024, 1503602978268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many brainlets posting pictures of themselves and asking questions that have already been answered

>> No.15413530

Wow the 0,1% is really strong, I even feel like I'm purging a bit from upping the strength. I'm now doing 0,1% then 0,2% two nights then 0,1% again et cetera. It will take a long time to get used to I think but the results are also stronger, I can just notice the stronger retinization every morning after using 0,1%.

Hi, I'm sorry for responding a bit late. In my experience tretinoin helps with both red marks and pitted scars. It does work a bit better for red marks than for pitted scars I think. But if you want to see alot of before/after pics with regards to tretinoin results, check /r/tretinoin.

I think if you don't have active acne and ONLY have pitted scars left, dermarolling at home (cheap) or professional dermarolling (€150 - 200 per session) would be more effective than using tretinoin. You can't do both at the same time by the way.


>> No.15413535

Oops I meant 0,5% ofcourse, not 0,2%...

>> No.15413540

Wow am I actually retarded? 0,05% I mean....

>> No.15414587

Why does duck have teeth?

>> No.15415164

Are you sure you can't do dermarolling and tretinoin together? You can take a few days off tretinoin to dermaroll.