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File: 10 KB, 500x499, Keanuhusbando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15363565 No.15363565 [Reply] [Original]

Post anything hair related here :)

>> No.15363579

What is a good style for diffuse thinning?

>> No.15363582
File: 3.41 MB, 1306x1601, image0hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roughly 18 months progress here


>> No.15363629


>> No.15363641

thanks the whole lock up situation made it easy to get past the awkward phases

>> No.15363651
File: 96 KB, 733x802, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its nice but if you can add some volume i think it will look better

my hair right now, i like how it is but i want to cut it short again, i have all the tools at home but 0 experience, how hard its to get a 2 block or just some short hair with bangs? Is it worth the risk?

>> No.15363764

Thoughts of this product for minor hair thinning/loss?


In kind of afraid of side effects since its supposed to be a DHT blocker. Mainly would it affect my test in that area on my scalp or whole body? I want to keep my boners, sex drive. Muscles and all that good stuff ....sorry if this is a retard post

>> No.15363809

This is 10mins post shower, how would I go about adding volume?

Your hair pretty good, do you plan on going longer?

>> No.15363812

Some kind of combover.

>> No.15363904

Any suggestions on a good hair gel/wax/whatever? I like a matte look and don't want to pay too much. Also, I live in Europe so I probably can't buy your Walmart products or whatever

>> No.15363907

Is Hitlerjugend haircut good? Im still going to use it just wanna hear y'all's opinions

>> No.15363910

Also if we talking Europe Reuzel is quite damn good imo

>> No.15363921
File: 76 KB, 571x571, shorthair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Should I just go back to short hair?

I'm split on wanting to grow it out or going back to being able to style it.

>> No.15363936


>> No.15363941

Oof I said cheap..

>> No.15363954

How is it not cheap? I live in russia in shit border town and when I go to barbershop I pay like 18 Euros (with all the delivery import tax and all that crap considered) for a can of it that lasts at least 3 months.

>> No.15363982

noted, will keep growing out my hair then :)

>> No.15363994

Second pic is a stylish cool guy first is Jesus anprim hobo. So yes you should go back

>> No.15364058
File: 111 KB, 680x680, c11c483c0148976ba042bce4160b3847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommendations for an Ameritard? My hair is long now but it looks like shit and I'm trying to go for the Bradley Cooper look. At least when I have to look presentable for my job

>> No.15364060

In the drug stores I find hair gels and waxes for about 4 euros.

>> No.15364063

nice hair homie

>> No.15364122
File: 1.67 MB, 4608x2112, IMG_20200630_134133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I control my hair while I'm trying to grow it out? Leave in conditioners and coconut oil still isn't helping with the frizz and poof of my hair

>> No.15364135
File: 91 KB, 720x957, e0afb3f3a43145dcb6d6664f92791a1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimate goal is to grow out my hair and to cut it into a mullet that's around the length of pic related despite my wavy, coarse hair

>> No.15364151

Its not that much if we don't compare to store things and its worth it muh quality and so you know.

>> No.15364156

the issue with those is that they usually leave residue or have some drying alcohol in them.
they're shit-tier.

>> No.15364157

you could try getting some layers in there to reduce the poof. as for frizz, you're going to have to keep experimenting to find what works for you. ask for samples from your local salon.

>> No.15364191
File: 791 KB, 2576x1932, 006A0A2D-8D13-4B1F-A055-7FA5095BC239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sorry the pic quality is shit but how can I improve my hair? One side has more hair and I don’t like it

>> No.15364203

What are the 2020 hair/facial hair trends for men so I can avoid following the cattle herd

>> No.15364248
File: 220 KB, 1338x1338, 20200629_001731-579563876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did i fuck up by falling for the buzzcut meme ? What should i get instead ?

>> No.15364261

My dick in your mouth

>> No.15364265

already too late for anything else now lol, wait 2months then we can suggest something

>> No.15364266


>> No.15364268
File: 1.09 MB, 1334x750, 1CBA3853-BE1A-4E93-B088-D492C7A56E7E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair is just a social construct

>> No.15364310

What should I do to make my hair grow longer?

>> No.15364358

uhhh not cut it?

>> No.15364360

Younv Justin Trudeau

>> No.15364362

thank you kind friend

>> No.15364755

>have receding hairline
what style do I get to fix or cover this

>> No.15364823

i've had long hair for some years before this, i'm just growing again because of quarantine.
To be fair i've never had to do much, i just always washed with cold water, dried while walking outside if possible and just tied if necessary, it seemed really volumous, the thing that made the most difference was how i dried, blow drying made it super volumous but frizzy, the best way for me was air drying in open space.
But your hair looks good as it is though

thanks my man

>> No.15364861
File: 489 KB, 659x800, 1581561571209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how do you guys let your hair grow? you just buzz it to zero an just let it grow natural or start cutting it at some point to give it shape?

>> No.15364898

So I haven't had my hair trimmed in like 5 months because of covid but I have back length hair and I've noticed that the hair strands that are long enough to reach my back have very few split ends meanwhile newer hair strands that are like 10-20 cm are for some reason full of split ends?
Has anyone heard of this happening?
The only explanation is that I was treating my hair well before which is why the long hairs are fine but I changed my care recently and now I'm fucking up the shorter hairs?
My hair care is basically just combing my hair while dry, washing with shampoo twice a week and conditioning 4 times a week and I wear my hair either down on in a low ponytail.

>> No.15364908

I like my hair both short and long so I get it cut ~twice a year, getting cut down to a couple inches like:
and then growing it out to a bit shy of this:
Which is about where I was at when everything closed. It's getting hot as fuck soon and I need a shearing. I've got a trimmer, I just need some instruction.
The tutorials I've seen have been for someone maintaining a short cut or doing a full buzz. I want to take off a lot of length but not buzz it. Anybody got some that cover my case?

>> No.15364910

middle part, fringe, caesar cut
get creative anon

>> No.15364915

out of all that, it sounds like combing it while dry could be your issue. try using a wide-tooth comb while you have conditioner in your hair and no other time.
see how that helps.

>> No.15364916

That side doesn't "have more hair"- hair grows out in a spiral, not straight out from your scalp. One side is the trailing edge of that spiral, and one side is the leading edge- that's why it's different.

Looks totally OK, my dude.

>> No.15364932

Unless you're under 30, just comb it straight fucking back and don't give anybody room to say shit about it. You don't have to cover it, you just have to be confident.
Decide now whether you're doing finasteride and commit.

>> No.15364943

ikr every one I click is like "OH GOD I HAVEN'T GOT A HAIRCUT IN 3 WHOLE WEEKS I NEED ONE SO BAD" and I'm like... 3 months is too soon for me...

>> No.15364946
File: 8 KB, 259x194, images.jpeg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i need to have this haid

>> No.15364947

Thanks I guess I'm finally getting a wide tooth comb lol, have only been told to do it for the last 2 years but have been too lazy to get one...
Assuming that this is what caused it, what should I do? There's no way in hell I'm cutting my hair short so could I just keep on growing it out and getting trims?

>> No.15364953

>could I just keep on growing it out and getting trims
this is what i’ve been doing for the past 10 years.
if you just try to grow your hair out without cuts, the damage will work it’s way up and make your whole hair kind of frizzy

>> No.15365069

I have the same length as this. Never really used gel before, how do I style it like this? also, does putting on gel regularly and slicking back cause baldness?

>> No.15365097

I am under 30, 23 to be precise.
preferably a style that will allow me to grow out my hair a little long. I've just decided that I need to do something, rather than the nothing I've done my entire life

>> No.15365104

It will do nothing for your hair loss sorry bro. Fin is the only way you'll be able to effectively reduce the dht. However if you still use it you won't have to worry about side effects.

>> No.15365128

lose weight on your face and you're good

>> No.15365165

Everything non-pharmaceutical is bullshit preying on your insecurity and hoping you'll placebo enough not to demand your money back.
Take finasteride, own it or shave it, those are your choices

>> No.15365207


>> No.15365361

Do you recommend any hair products personally? I haven't found a leave in conditioner that has been good enough for me and using clays/pomades/hairspray feels uncomfortably

>> No.15365381

The poor man's Ecco 2k

>> No.15365706

Looks fine. Keep working out and perhaps get a barber to define the edges.

>> No.15365788
File: 343 KB, 960x1284, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally never tied my hair before yesterday, does it look ok? How to make it less fizzy?

>> No.15365794

I haven't been able to get a haircut in forever, because of the lockdown. Now my hair is covering my eyes, and I have to constantly push it out of the way, and it's starting to bug me. Wat do?

>> No.15365798

Can't you guys just make /copegen/ or /baldgen/?
This is a hair general, fuck off kneeheads

>> No.15365812

can I ask how you get this trimmed/cut as you're growing it out? I can never tell from similar pictures what the length is like on the sides and back; I'd assume pretty short?

>> No.15365828

>what the length is like on the sides and back; I'd assume pretty short?
What? His sides/back look pretty grown out
Maybe the ear area is trimmed short idk
>can I ask how you get this trimmed/cut as you're growing it out?
If you can grab them already just say you keep them tied
When you can already comfortably tie your hair you can start going for a proper cut instead of a trim
If you can't grab them at all stay away from scissors and let them grow

>> No.15365861
File: 153 KB, 1080x1580, m5p333l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya I'm mostly wondering about the area around the ear, you're right about the back. I'll add pic related as another example, it seems to just be long on the top + top half of the sides, hanging over whatever is underneath? I may very well be blind/dumb and its just uniform length all over.
Also that all makes sense, thanks. Mine is a couple inches shorter at the moment, haven't touched it since December. I just have no idea what to do with the sides (if anything) as they're at least an inch shorter than the top atm.

>> No.15365864
File: 29 KB, 750x750, Diamond-face-shape-bespke-unit-Bordered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good haircut for diamond face shape? I've been rocking the side part for a while but wanna experiment with something else, suggestions?

>> No.15365909

>I just have no idea what to do
can you tie your hair?
ask for a trim, say that you want to keep your hair tied
they will either trim your hair or tell you to come back in x weeks
you need to grow them out, research hair care and start making a routine (wash cycles/products etc)

>> No.15365973
File: 2.12 MB, 3688x4927, IMG_20200701_155022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to keep hair short because I have incredibly thick hair but have let it grow in lockdown (and stopped using shampoo) - hairdressers are reopening in a week and I don't know whether to keep growing it longer or cut short again. The thing I miss about short hair is having it shorter on the sides as it tends to grow outwards and looks stupid - is there a style that would work with shorter sides and keeping the length on top? Any advice welcome x

>> No.15366023
File: 87 KB, 617x691, 1583101962741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15366113

sure. i personally use a lot of kevin murphy stuff myself.
HYDRATE.ME for shampoo + conditioner.
SMOOTH.AGAIN Leave-in treatment reduces frizz. you put that one in clean hair after a shower for air-drying.
EASY.RIDER is a cream by them and that also reduces frizz significantly + adds piece-iness while still allowing you to move your hair. not gunky at all.
then there's YOUNG.AGAIN oil treatment.
i use them exactly in that order (look up LCO method as to why)
these are a bit pricey but it's what works for me.

>> No.15366114

looks awesome, but that's a very lazy low half-bun my man.

>> No.15366119

try argan oil (or whatever oil you like) and blowdry it back. this will set your hair in the flow style.
then add a medium/high hold paste, wax, gel, whatever

>> No.15366404

Actually have a full head of hair except for one tiny spot. Just trying to get ahead of the issue. No need to be an asshole, homie.

>> No.15366600
File: 2.00 MB, 1216x1636, hair fuzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I take proper care of my hair?
Since March I've taken advantage of the quarantine to reduce my shampoo usage to a minimum, I only shampoo it once a week now, but after months of this it still hasn't reached the fabled nopoo achievement of looking wondrous. Now it just looks oily, although I appreciate how this makes it keep down. However, once I go back to a normal routine I'll probably be forced to wash it almost daily again, and pic related is how it looks like when doing that, it "puffs". It doesn't even look as bad as it gets in that picture, it's usually at its worst when I need to leave home right after washing it, then it quickly feels dry as shit and puffs like hell, if I try to comb it after this it'll feel like pulling wires. I really like my hair when it's at its best and I didn't want to cut it, so I appreciate any help.

>use these 29 products
I'd prefer avoiding that, I hate using products. When I wash it I use one hand of shampoo and one of conditioner, that's it. In the past I bothered putting some vinegar on it once a week but I stopped doing it. I even tried washing it with eggs at some point since it's supposedly good for it, it was really grubby afterwards.

>> No.15366650


>> No.15367660
File: 1020 KB, 640x852, hair question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I be going for a different style for my hair? I went to a salon and they recommended this for me. Thought it looked kinda basic considering but just wanted thoughts.

>> No.15367715

It makes your hairline look bad.
And you should probably shed some weight.

>> No.15367718


Been working on that. Went from about 195 to 185. Still working on it. What would you recommend then since I'm pretty oblivious to other styles that would work for my face shape otherwise

>> No.15367772

Grow it out and go for something that either has a fringe or an off centered middle part. I would recommend putting some product in when wet, messing it up in the shape you want and then letting it air dry.

>> No.15367777

Am currently 183 and working my way to 175. Glasses can mess with how your face shape is perceived so I'd suggest either contacts or something other than the thick black frames.

>> No.15367796

I hate high humidity weather so much, i get the most disgusting frizz possible. After going back inside its becomes normal. I'm doomed to stay in my basement it seems.

>> No.15367813
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, 1591161027751.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pretty thick hair and paste and wax are clumpy and not doing it for me
do you guys think pomade or putty would be the next best step?

>> No.15367822


Yeah I think I’ll also try just going to a different salon place without those glasses and seeing what happens. Probably talk more and explain the hairline thing as well

>> No.15368040
File: 181 KB, 730x843, Louis-Marzin-Fenton-Bailey-Style-Magazine-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you need thick hair to pull off this type of cut?

>> No.15368170

you should start a youtube about how to be stylin' to get hot chicks

>> No.15368387
File: 678 KB, 2048x1728, 364DCDAF-CDB5-4DBE-925F-0087867DD6E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm going to shave it off, I don't know what to do anymore, I don't know how to style it, it's all over the place.

>> No.15368391

Who is this

>> No.15368401

Recommend me some styles for a norwood 2 with an oval face.

>> No.15368411

Anyone know if it's healthy to put oils on a dry scalp? I'm using coconut and avocado infused with tea tree, peppermint and eucalyptus but don't know if I'm cause more harm than good. Please advise.

>> No.15368413

it's ogre

>> No.15368417

Pretend Im holding a gun to your head.

>> No.15368432

go ahead and shoot me, you're still a bald loser (:

>> No.15368435

I thought we were just jokin around anon I didn't know you were being genuinely hurtful. You're no fun.

>> No.15368515

u have very nice hair no homo

>> No.15368518


>> No.15368534

Anyone here not using shampoo?

>> No.15368537
File: 83 KB, 493x763, 2020 hair trends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is in right now so shave your face and buzz your head

>> No.15368569

If I have zero fashion sense and I go to a well regarded barber and just tell him to use his best judgement and do whatever he wants, what's the likelihood of him giving me a cut that works?

>> No.15368661
File: 2.15 MB, 2736x3648, IMG_20200620_174407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I too old to pull it off?

>> No.15368679

It has great volume. Why cut it off?
Ideal haircuts have to match your face shape and features but short back and sides is generally well accepted and easy to maintain.

That being said you need to start treating your hair better. It's super thick which is great but it seems like you are just using soap ad shampoo and conditioner.
Light perms are also in and hair like yours could actually clean it up some.

Anyway get some decent shampoo and conditioner and just use 2 times a week or so and once a week get a leave in treatment.

Regular hair cuts also. But again great volume. You can practically do anything you like with this hair so long as mat he's your overall face shape and features.

I'm guessing you are Indian or east asian

>> No.15368684

It's fine so long as have thick hair already. Oils weight your hair down so with thinning hair it's not advised. But if thick then they're fine In small amounts. You don't want too much oil or your natural oil secretions will lower to compensate plus clog the scalp.

If thinning hair which I'm guessing because you mentioned biotin I'd recommend avoiding oil except for castor oil but only if your going out. Can really add volume.

>> No.15368697

Nope, looks good mate

>> No.15368703

that text makes no fucking sense whatsoever

>> No.15368712


>> No.15370002
File: 602 KB, 2404x2932, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I stop being a 22 yo kissless virgin

>> No.15370003


>> No.15370162

be a man

>> No.15370180

wait a year, become a 23 yo kissless virgin

>> No.15370219
File: 1.20 MB, 1707x2278, 1586997253253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quarantine hair do be lookin pretty kvlt

it's probably going to be hard to cut it at home by yourself unless you do something easy like a buzz. alternatively get a friend who knows what they're doing to cut it for you.
either look good, whatever floats your boat. i like long hair bc it's easier but that's just me.

wear a beanie while your hair dries, it will help a lot.
either let it grow or cut it down, simple as.
gel and a comb my man, also an old barber will help.
see above.
something with bangs will help hide your hairline, otherwise maybe shave the sides down for a bit more contrast.
literally just download tinder

>> No.15370367

That look is try hard shit.

>> No.15370369

You look old. Look for someone who's older.

>> No.15370371

Being a virgin is effay as hell

>> No.15370380

okay guys how the FUCK do I get rid of dandruff without some hair nuking shampoo

>> No.15370395
File: 95 KB, 1080x1080, kidding-press001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna post a pic of myself, but I can't decide if I should grow my hair out like >>15365861 and >>15363651 or if I should get a haircut like >>15365973
or pic related.

>> No.15370504
File: 3.23 MB, 2828x3059, 1588759940243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you "manage" long hair?
I have the same length as pic related but I'd like to add more volume and more wavy-ness to my hair, since it just plops down after washing and I don't want to have to wear it in a ponytail, except for when I'm at work.

>> No.15371066


>> No.15371077

>add more more wavy-ness
sea salt? idk about volume
can you post a pic of your head?
high and if you go to a salon even higher
but you should grow your hair out while acquiring a 'fashion sense', whatever that is

>> No.15371083

Thanks for the response. I'll look into a salon. I'm trying to improve on my fashion/wardrobe in general right now, but my haircut is ass and I feel like it's the cornerstone of a good outfit. If my haircut sucks then I don't think anything would look good.

>> No.15371087

>my haircut is ass
post pic
but still you should grow it out, unless you're balding

>> No.15371112
File: 619 KB, 1916x1280, d22fasf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure it even warrants being called a cut, more like I've just been letting it grow out for the past 4 months without giving a fuck about styling it. As for the balding thing, I'm like a 2 on the norwood scale but I've been taking dut for the past 5 months or so and I've seen some improvement, so hopefully it won't get any worse at least.

>> No.15371165

>2 on the norwood scale
you're not a 2, you're a 3
time for you to embrace it with a swept back slick hairstyle or wear a wig

>> No.15371189

I'd rather just take the buzzpill than wear a wig, but I guess swept back is an option.

>> No.15371196

You look like a Skyrim character

>> No.15371207

Condition before you shampoo and conditioner after, tie it up and leave it in while you wash your body then rinse.

>> No.15371213

You’re good looking enough where it’s either you need to be more outgoing or you have a bad personality. Make sure you’re nice, relax, and don’t have enter into interactions with any predispositions.

>> No.15371216

Uh oh raggy

>> No.15371217

Shave that little chin beard lol

>> No.15371226

Shave it. Get used to it. Did it, I would never come back and when I look back, I must laugh to myself how much time I wasted to give a fck and deal with an issue I had little to no power to change.

>> No.15371282
File: 41 KB, 456x429, soy55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shave it. Get used to it.

>> No.15371540



Is there any styles im too old for

>> No.15371556
File: 855 KB, 1970x2093, 20200702_052018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally buzzed, should i get rid of the mustache ?

>> No.15371572
File: 1.76 MB, 3072x4096, 20200703_214917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic, also,is my buzz alright ? my friend told me theres too much cut on the sides.

>> No.15371573


>> No.15371598

Keep the tashe m8. Grow it huge.

t. tash wearer

>> No.15371628
File: 529 KB, 1491x2650, Snapchat-1976172634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hair is thin, wavy, receding hairline (Lite Norwood 2) , would growing it out hide my hairline and work with my hair. if not id appreciate suggestions

>> No.15371641


>> No.15371699
File: 674 KB, 397x614, 1579709314225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does biotin actually work?

>> No.15371755
File: 336 KB, 1168x1350, 20200703_231051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a hair under the lip too, but i got rid of it because it looked bad

>> No.15371908
File: 202 KB, 383x298, beauty_long_hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can you post a pic of your head?
no, but how do I achieve pic related?

>> No.15371937
File: 1.84 MB, 320x180, biged.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15371988

Trve kvlt but shave

>> No.15372356

no he's not, fag.

>> No.15372365
File: 131 KB, 1080x1020, soy116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no he's not, fag.

>> No.15372388

I don't hate that look. You'll be able to rock it better when it thickens up.

>> No.15372512

Does longer hair usually make you look older (in a bad way)? Since I am a manlet, I imagine it looks more like being ungroomed than doing me any favors.

>> No.15372557

Guys, I am currently struggling with dry scalp syndrom, kind of clueless what to do. I use matt clay so I have to shampoo every day in order to wash it off, but then there is a scalp irritation and itchiness. How do you deal with that?

>> No.15372668
File: 606 KB, 1574x2099, 803E7E86-42E8-4488-9E4F-F88E1A448548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me what to do with my hair please

>> No.15372695

good or bad thing?

don't listen to metal lol

>> No.15372706


>> No.15373179
File: 942 KB, 1848x2756, IMG_20200704_064222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't got a haircut in 4 months now and going in a few days. I could use some advice on what haircut would fit me. Personally I was thinking about getting a Hitler Youth haircut (no, I'm not a /pol/cel), which would be similar to my old haircut, but with a little bit more length on top of one side. How do I communicate this to my hairdresser without mentioning the Hitler Youth?

>> No.15373181
File: 18 KB, 236x358, 68c10a1b0f17b9792e36d948da389b75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the HY haircut for reference

>> No.15373183

What's a good way to find a good hairstyle?

>> No.15373187
File: 2.29 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20190825_152452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old haircut

>> No.15373367
File: 115 KB, 511x788, IMG_20200703_233014_01__01__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any idea what I should do with my hair? got it permed a few months back on a whim, thinking about what I want to do next. this is my hair without any product, I usually slick it back but lately it hasn't been working and just falls to the sides, making some weird George Washington looking middle part :/

>> No.15373372

have you tried talking to a dermatologist? after mentioning it to mine he diagnosed me with a minor case of psoriasis and gave me a shampoo that helps a ton

>> No.15373373

is it bad if i dye my hair unnatural colors?

>> No.15373375
File: 724 KB, 2115x2115, IMG_20200510_095028_794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what do with mine. In the humidity it just curls so much. I have resorted to wearing hats because I have no idea where to start with it.

>> No.15373439
File: 97 KB, 207x201, 1464022333508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of picture should I post in this general so I don't go unnoticed?

>> No.15373905
File: 704 KB, 200x200, 1499346413905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>square jaw
>shit chin
is there any hope for me?

>> No.15373922

w2c this shirt

>> No.15373934

Your choice, my hairline is almost like this but at a certain length of hair you can kinda keep it back behind your ears and fraud your hairline lol

>> No.15373940

Cool pic and hair

>> No.15374077


Your hair is lifeless, condition more and use less shampoo. If that doesn't work try a hair mask, leave it in overnight once a week.

I also cannot stress this enough, air drying is a game changer. Never towel dry/use a hairdryer. It's a pain in the ass but only shower at night and it takes ages to dry

>> No.15374101
File: 1.17 MB, 1528x3216, 20200623_165338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do?

>> No.15374338

looks hot, so grow it out I guess

>> No.15374351

Would anyone be interested in baking and/or mantaining a proper /hairg/ or /hg/?
I can't find any good op in the archives so we could start with a very basic op and gradually add stuff

>> No.15374749
File: 186 KB, 2000x1811, plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this style look strange on me? I've been told that my forehead looks bad exposed.

Keep growing it, looks nice.

>> No.15374903

I'm sorry
>my forehead looks bad exposed
it does
now you can be a cuck about it and shave your head or do some cope fringe or you can slick it back and own your baldness

>> No.15374923
File: 2.32 MB, 1927x2463, 2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I balding? This was my hairline 4 years ago, and to me it looks exactly the same.

>> No.15374958

you have one more year tops
are you some kind of anglo?

>> No.15375001
File: 765 KB, 638x640, Screen Shot 2020-07-04 at 5.36.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts am gril

>> No.15375003

I'll take the buzz pill when is actually starts receding

>> No.15375060
File: 54 KB, 720x960, 5b23992c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look like me and i'm a guy

>> No.15375075

as the other anon said its just a regular mid length hair, i didn't trimmed it yet, its growing from a short sides/back, long top, curiously when i first cut my long hair it was exactly this cut >>15365861 it was basically a longer version of a generic kpop middlepart and i just showed the guy in your pic, you need pretty volumous hair to look like that

yeah i already gave up on cutting it, i guess i will have long hair again

its thrifted, you can look for some cream wool turtleneck and will find something similar

thanks :)

>> No.15375092

haha cool

>> No.15375114
File: 996 KB, 1887x1935, CFBB42B8-0E80-48E0-B908-DAB76DB3164D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me I can save this with fin + nixoral

>> No.15375119
File: 107 KB, 699x974, 31DBD2B0-A44E-4780-BEF2-9D0696512A12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Density is nuked in the front and back and temples. Not as noticeable with the right style but it’s still destroying me mentally

>> No.15375136

Is that a compliment or. I really cannot tell

>> No.15375148

it's ogre

>> No.15375151

No... this can’t be true. Please god no. Why did this have to happen to me.

>> No.15375252


>> No.15375377

Tanechka Ozolina

>> No.15375457
File: 22 KB, 220x308, 220px-Henryk_Mikołaj_Górecki_Polish_composer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any tips for adding volume to long hair?

>> No.15376116
File: 1.36 MB, 1880x3968, 20200705_101019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i keep going with growing my hair out? Always wanted to try it but not sure if it fits my hair type etc. Also know its not a beard thread but also wondering about it

>> No.15376166

Got medium-long hair and the wind always blows it in front of my face dunno what to do are there some effay solutions or should I just take the ponytail pill?

>> No.15376182
File: 46 KB, 736x561, c9ovfxmicri41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out of 4chan and check these digits, faggot

>> No.15376207

I'm growing my hair out it is currently mediumish i guess but my sideburns are incredibly thick and it looks messy af. What do I tell a barber/salon(?) to do? I want to keep growing it out but it looks like shit and a friend told me if I don't get 1cm off at least I will get split ends.

>> No.15376208

I'm growing my hair out. Getting to a point I need to use a different product, I've only been using a really simple cream up until now to hold it but its getting too heavy - I have very thick hair.
What's a good product to tame longer, thick, wavy hair, but still allowing me to run my hands through it - I don't want it to be stiff.

>> No.15376217

don't use products

>> No.15376218
File: 6 KB, 202x250, Travis_Bickle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15376247

My hair keeps bending in unaesthetic ways though, its a fucking bird nest.

>> No.15376261

the only advice you can get without posting a pic is to stop putting shit on your head, especially if you want to grow it out
so yeah post a pic

>> No.15376281
File: 475 KB, 511x550, 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 and h8

>> No.15376285

can't see shit/10

>> No.15376643
File: 174 KB, 750x1334, 8491AAFF-C752-421E-8262-C0920BE7F551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just booked an appointment at the barbers. Haven't had my hair cut since before lockdown. Any recommendations for hairstyles?

>> No.15376752

Its becoming godly. Why not keep growing?

>> No.15376781

I used to have that haircut

>> No.15376828

I want to run my fingers through you hair and gently grab it as I pound your boypussy

>> No.15376866

I don't know, I just think it looks bad on me. But maybe I'll just get a trim and continue to grow it out.

>> No.15376875


>> No.15376997

imo it looks bad on pretty much everyone
Makes you look like a useless punk

>> No.15377003

I say do the fade on the sides and let the beard grow full length while keeping it groomed/straight

>> No.15377007

you look 6'2, I say grow it out you have the head shape and great color

>> No.15377032
File: 246 KB, 1080x1122, Screenshot_20200705_195359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do with this? My hair has gotten wavy and hard to style as it got long, also I'm on a heavy hairloss regiment right now and my hairline hasn't recovered yet,

should I somehow cut it?

>> No.15377047

And eventually move on to growing hair out? Or is it a bad idea in general

>> No.15377167

>What should I do with this?
Wash it

>> No.15377303
File: 857 KB, 2071x2446, IMG_4587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hair has too much volume and dries like shit, how do it fix this?

>> No.15377308


>> No.15377326
File: 123 KB, 1080x1920, q9o4l862ia901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tips on dealing with fivehead? Pic ain't me but I look simmiiar. I also grew my hair out to conceal it because I looked 40 since I was 15.

>> No.15377523
File: 187 KB, 1200x1200, trim time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this style too anime? what should i do about my sideburns? also how can my hair be both dry and greasy?

wdym it looks fine
>antonina vasylchenko
front looks a lil awkward yeah
just go full wildman

>> No.15377598

nice tele

>> No.15377619

>Haven't had my hair cut since before lockdown
if 6 months +, get a slight trim
otherwise call it off
you have gorgeous hair, don't change anything

>> No.15377629

>heavy hairloss regiment
can relate, homie :^)
>should I somehow cut it?
absolutely not
how often do you wash it and what products do you use?
I think you can do better but you don't need to cut it at all

>> No.15377666

I wash it once a week with ketoconazole shampoo then apply a bit of coconut oil to it after I dry it, I'm scared of using any other hair products until I'm sure my efforts (finasteride, minoxidil, dermarolling, nizoral) have brought hair back

>> No.15377682

heil satan
keep doing what you're doing, I agree with the anon who told you to wash it because it looks dirty
just own the somewhat greasy hair and worry about how to style it when you're reverted the hair loss

>> No.15377958

I've been lazy with it since i haven't been going out at much. but yeah, when i shave i look a lot better.
uwu ty anon
play with your diet and take colder showers. also some conditioners can get you the same thing
that's an awkward length, long hair gets more manageable the longer it gets
v nice if it's that wavy without you needing to do anything to it
honestly looks good, though i'm not really sure what you mean by both dry and greasy unless you touch it a lot.

>> No.15378712
File: 365 KB, 810x388, 1379299015011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some not so obvious things about cutting hair to achieve this style?

>> No.15378729

what do you mean? that hair style won't work if you have a chad skull but othen than that nothing

>> No.15378737

My gf wants to get her hair cut short while all this shutdown stuff is going on. I've gotten pretty good at cutting my own hair these past couple years, so she asked me to cut her hair. She has a small, cute, and feminine face, and curly-wavy hair, so I think something like this might work

>> No.15378861
File: 15 KB, 800x903, hairline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I fucked up my corona self haircut

>> No.15378863

You look like a thumb

>> No.15378873

that's unfortunate, I was going for more of a 'person' look

>> No.15378973
File: 246 KB, 1600x1130, Mugshot of Joseph Stalin held by Okharna the Tsarist Secret Police, 1911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I ask my barber for this cut?

>> No.15378976


>> No.15378978
File: 970 KB, 923x1311, 92E175AB-732D-4BD9-8187-C79173777C75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What hairstyle should I go for? I tried cutting it during lockdown so it looks like shit atm. Should I grow it out?

>> No.15378980

Look at photos of your hairline when you were a kid too.

I thought my hairline was receding for ages, but when I looked at my kid photos I had the exact same high hairline.

If it starts changing then yeh thats bad

>> No.15379233

Holy kek

>> No.15379331
File: 65 KB, 582x681, 1594034060487_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. What is this hairstyle called?
2. What kind of hair do I need for this style?
3. What's the worst case scenario I could end up with trying to get this hairstyle? Post pics please.
4. How to go there from a short crew cut? What do I tell my barber?

>> No.15379342
File: 21 KB, 620x430, Last-Import-252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone with a big forehead/receding hairline pull off a side-part?

>> No.15379398

Really up to you, just tough to get through the awkward phases. I recommend hats,hair ties.

Try letting it grow 6months freely and maybe get it shaped every so often

>> No.15379401

It's complicated since his hair has been blow dryed, hair gel and cream, styled by a professional. I wouldn't say you could maintain this look at all times. It's similar to when you get out the shower and shake your head.

>> No.15379404
File: 63 KB, 600x672, 5head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight guys, how fucked up is my shit? 21 years old. Not sure whether I am norwood 2 or 3. Neither my father nor his father are bald, and still have full heads of hair, although my maternal grandmother's brother is bald. Need the harsh truth from some anon's as to my fate

>> No.15379413

Shit, I think I have seen a similar look in some sort of submarine movie, do you know of any similar but less complicated style?

>> No.15379513

You're not balding

>> No.15379519

How can you tell? Is it just that I've got genetics for a shit hairline then? I hope you are right, I'll have a fivehead over no hair any day

>> No.15379523

>shit hairline
you just have a high hairline

>> No.15379706

based big ed

>> No.15379709

Actually yeah I think the sidep art tends to cover up some of the receding hairline.

>> No.15379712

I keep seeing him spamme dhere, who is he

>> No.15380491

Looks good, I think you should texture it a bit with clay or something while it's wet.

>> No.15380545
File: 331 KB, 1536x1536, 1594086564571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What hair style should I get? Sick of tying it back and might just pixie. Long hair looks weird on me. I have a high forehead/recessed hairline, widows peak, my hair is very thick but looks thin, curls/waves when I don't straighten. I have sickly pale skin, so most hair colors don't look right. Literally anything helps.

>> No.15380752

post unstraightened hair
also, mullet of course

>> No.15380833

I don't think I have any pics except for when I was a kid because I don't take them. Sported a mullet in high school, unironically.

>> No.15381043
File: 119 KB, 479x486, 1576383398396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this haircut overplayed by now or is it doable?

>> No.15381225

>not really sure what you mean
idk it feels really coarse and scratchy to the touch but also oily
take one then doofus
also desu it looks fine long

>> No.15381282

I know it's cringe but I'm trying to go for metal head hair but I'm really anxious about getting it cut.
I figure that I can't just go to a barber because they aren't suited for long hair and I was told to go to a more expensive hairdresser to get a quality cut but there's going to be women there and I feel really bad asking for long hair because only women have long hair and I'm a guy and I feel weird going to a hairdressers with women in it and i'm not sure if it's wrong for me to want long, nice looking hair as a guy? Walking around with long hair isn't so bad because it looks terrible and I figure people will just be like, 'that guy is too poor to afford haircuts, he actually wants it to be short' and then they won't judge me.
The longer I wait the more damaged my hair will get so I need it cut but I'm too anxious.

>> No.15381369
File: 260 KB, 894x1461, 20200707_044744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im in the process of growing my hair out but not sure what to do with it rn or maybe I should just cut is idk plz help

>> No.15381399

buzzcut unironically

>> No.15381410
File: 28 KB, 472x279, 2dd71eda9bd0fa3df7c2133e68d200e0~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get this??

>> No.15381413

grow all around to 15cm, go to a salon and show them that picture

>> No.15381728 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 662x707, 68C9939A-1DBE-4835-BE34-00DD45FE32E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get my hair to stay like it? I like how it looks like this but whenever I start moving it just goes in my face. Hairspray?

>> No.15381730 [DELETED] 

*like this

>> No.15381755

where do you actually source haircuts from?

>> No.15382393

Bring a better picture and show them

>> No.15382449
File: 209 KB, 560x748, 20200707_145211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I keep it like this or go for something else?
Also is there a celebrity or something with my face shape I can take inspo from?

>> No.15382467

How do I tend to my hair by growing it out but not making it greasy?

>> No.15382491
File: 81 KB, 1100x1100, b0ec506527b22caef53bee4a39c95191ca28b14br1-1100-1100v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get my hair to look like this? My hair is long enough I just don't know what the style is called. Pls no bully.

>> No.15382507
File: 76 KB, 716x483, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is a pic of what I got last time (left before/right after), I have straight hair and some anon told me that the haircut I got didnt suit me, I have a longish face. What should I get this time?

>> No.15382532

I think it looks really cool in that picture. I can see how it might potentially not look great from bad angles or in motion, but I say keep it.

>> No.15382540

I've been growing out my hair for about three years now, started with an undercut hair, than I decided to grow it out so I just left it do what it had to. Cut it like trice during the time period to get a better shape but once it grew to my shoulders I really didn't see a point in cutting it.

>> No.15382632

god what an ugly mop on your head

>> No.15382641

take the buzzpill
grow it out faggot
kys urself /v/irgin
how often do you wash, what shampoo and how many, what conditioner, how do you dry it, how long is it now

>> No.15383517
File: 1017 KB, 1963x3648, Snapchat-230471526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep growing?

>> No.15383539

Hell yeah
Your hair looks silky smooth

>> No.15383652

High fade, same length on top so you can still style it. He'll understand what you want

>> No.15383655

I unironically thought this thumbnail was of a mushroom

>> No.15383689
File: 1.43 MB, 800x683, soylite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate cutting my hair bros gonna let it grow out to slick back length similar to pic related, what's a good product for this?

>> No.15383742

I’m on a lot of drugs that cause my hair to thin. What should I take to prevent it from getting worse.

>> No.15383743
File: 57 KB, 310x399, Richard_Ramirez_2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long hair bros what product do you use to slick back your hair so it doesn't cover your face?

>> No.15383745

If I shower at night and then go right to bed, my hair always looks really cool and volumous when I wake up. How to keep that style in general?

>> No.15383833

Wow hair looks amazing! I say that length is perfect.

>> No.15383839

Bottom-right is the best.

>> No.15383874

Serious? There's no styling. It's just been growth from my last chin-length bob. I've been considering layering it.

>> No.15383901

I really think bottom-right looks the best. Maybe I just have a bias against ponytails, but Zoolander agrees with me.

>> No.15383961
File: 24 KB, 411x531, my hair right now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started growing my hair long, looks alright from the front but looks like absolute shit from the sides/profile.

Am I supposed to get the sides cut shorter and just let hair from the middle area fall on top of it?

Going to grow it for another 2 months and get it properly styled and if it doesn't fit me then it's over.

In the picture my hair is wet, but when it dries it sort of gets poofy and goes back to the problem of sticking out the sides, my friend suggested I try hair relaxers, anyone have experience with them?

>> No.15383968

I just put my hair in a pony to show my face shape and get some recommendations for what would fit it.

>> No.15383974

Common problem for that hair length, I experienced that too. Hair relaxers didn't really work for me. I'd get a good hour, maybe, before it poofed back up. I had a hair stylist recommend using a flat iron and "curling" the hair in the opposite direction to make it lay flat. I'd probably get 4 hours out of that, but my hair was shorter than yours so it would curl at my nape. I mostly covered with a beanie while it was growing out.

>> No.15383979

Ironing my hair completely kills it and makes it look like fake hair, even if I use a nice heat protectant.

Guess I'm doomed

>> No.15384000

There's heat adjustable irons you can use at the lowest setting. You don't even have to turn it on if you use hairspray and hold down long enough. It's not worth it, imo. most people won't even notice.

>> No.15384002

How to make a ponytail look good? I am tall and my hair is asscrack lenght so I always thought of buns as too heavy. The main problem is that I am an ugly guy with no chin and when I put it in a pony it exposes my entire face. Thought of maybe getting bangs, but I don't know

>> No.15384453
File: 475 KB, 2046x901, AEE4C9CE-7BD5-4FC6-8BF1-B16881760A7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I repair this birds nest?

>> No.15384474

yeah of course looking good hombre
hope you put sunscreen on your face tho

>> No.15384481

>Going to grow it for another 2 months and get it properly styled and if it doesn't fit me then it's over.
endure it, how often do you wash it?
are you going grey?

>> No.15384487

Classic comb over/side part. If norwooding get's any worse it's a buzz

>> No.15384501
File: 35 KB, 332x313, Smug_Ella(7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comb over

>> No.15384509

It makes older men look younger, and younger guys older. If you have strong facial features and you take care of the hair, it won't look ungroomed. At worst it makes you look a bit shorter visually

>> No.15384512

Yes. I’m 24 though.

>> No.15384513

Depends. Most people with unnatural hair colors are/look lame

>> No.15384522

hope you're a 8.5/10 chad with a perfect warrior skull anon

>> No.15384537

Thanks for being an asshole and not even trying to answer my questions bro. Much appreciated.

>> No.15384547

yw bb

>> No.15384772

I wash my hair every day at bare minimum with conditioner. I shampoo at most once a week.

I can't not wash my hair in the morning, hair looks completely screwed up if I don't wash it.

>> No.15384780

stop doing that right now, do a weekly double shampoo + conditioner and see how it goes

>> No.15384792

How do I fix my hair in the mornings then?

>> No.15384994

how long is it?
either with a brush or hand combing
also 1) post a pic or your bedhead 2) measure it with a tape
I'm sure it's not as bad as you think it is and wetting it less it's only going to improve it

>> No.15385236

goes up to my nose as you see
I'll just look into stuff like sea salt spray as well as getting the sides cut

>> No.15385750
File: 393 KB, 499x530, 11monthsbuzzcut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a buzzcut almost a year ago. I think it should be longer

>> No.15385791

we can't tell how long it is, there's a dead animal on your head

>> No.15385806

time to wash your hair

>> No.15385842

It gets worse when I wash it, once a week

>> No.15385851

how old are you? do you need internet strangers on 4chinz to teach you how to wash your hair?
back to the buzzpill buckaroo

>> No.15385859

thanks i would like to crop just a few inches tho since it's getting a bit annoying
i like this length. i'm gonna try to cut mine down to something like this

>> No.15385867
File: 378 KB, 1819x1091, BASED GOULD AND BASED ALTMAN KINO AS FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15385908

what products to use to get that effect ? or is his hair just dummy thicc ?

>> No.15385933

where did I ask for air washing tips?

>> No.15386192
File: 1.62 MB, 1242x2688, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hairs started getting like this since April when my mom died, not sure why it’s thinning it’s always been thick, I had a wide part before but the hair was much thicker at the roots. Am I finished? Hairs thinner all around..

>> No.15386200

big ed has better hairline than me

why even live

>> No.15386496

here >>15385750

>> No.15386550

well your mother died (RIP) so it could be stress-shedding anon

>> No.15386698

where do you live? i'm in a medium-sized city (200k ppl) and never felt judged going to a salon
fuck the haters u look gr8 as is. maybe trim some split ends

>> No.15386710

Un gril you are fucking fine and i want to see the rest of your face. Your hair looks soft and nice and i wanna feel it. Pls respond

>> No.15386784

Is anyone having a really hard time finding DHT blockers in stores these days?

>> No.15386818

I've had noticeable results from OTC DHT blockers

>> No.15387071

yeah and becoming a tranny

>> No.15387591
File: 21 KB, 675x522, 1539937000454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw going to a doctor tommorrow
>mfw head skin kinda stings in one place
>mfw probably balding

>> No.15387694
File: 610 KB, 2896x2896, 20200709_103236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been just been letting it grow for 1.5 yrs. Haven't done much to it except wash and condition every second day or so. What should I do with it?

>> No.15387766

dry hair and you are balding

>> No.15387934

haven't washed my hair since I posted desu, it's not so bad today, feels nicer too

think the steam from a shower is enough to "wet" the hair enough to keep it manageable

>> No.15388015

How do I reverse it? Been smoking more weed and using those stiiizy pens, started going to the gym for almost a month now since they’re open again. (Used to go religiously before lockdown)