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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 12 KB, 420x420, 1554331823618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15355295 No.15355295 [Reply] [Original]

What do we do about the tripfag problem? It has clearly gotten out of control and the board is suffering as a result.

>> No.15355299

what do we do about the reposting your last thread that just died problem

>> No.15355308

But sieg, Igor, and tripsk are great though

>> No.15355349

Trips I like
Trips idk about but they seem alright
Trips that suck and should leave fa
>Most of the other ones

>> No.15355356

Become a tripfag yourself. Tripfag board so noone feels special anymore

>> No.15355371

That's the worst kind of trip. To be an actual useful tripcode user you have to be an expert in a field that's qualified to give advice

>> No.15355377

All of them are bad except for Tripsk

>> No.15355379

Do we have any of those at the moment though

>> No.15355393

Me. I'm an expert in the field of creeping women out but they fukken' love it

>> No.15355404

Haha my first trip here was
Expert In the field
Just to fuck w people
And it worked

>> No.15355408

Hi Cecil
I’m sorry I said you weren’t my type
And asked politely to stop posting your face everywhere

>> No.15355440

I did a dirty squirty over your picture. Do I get a treat now? *wags tail*

yah right.. U WISH.

>> No.15355448


>> No.15355460
File: 1.42 MB, 1448x1597, yoink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool, breh. You can read.

>> No.15355491

i would like say tripfags are great because its brings unncessary drama and shit to such a vapid, barren board filled with the same threads

>is ??? fa?
>uniqlo thread
>lift bro fucking faggot
>haircut general
>literal WHOtuber
the average poster probably would not buy anything over $400 and fa does not even have a waywt - it's basically r9k lite

>> No.15355502

we need to go back to goofninja vs dadcore

>> No.15355547

I only wanna molest that brown bitch tripsk, otherwise she comes across shallow as fuck, low iQ.

>> No.15355548

You forgot the starving auswhitz wannabes

>> No.15355567
File: 192 KB, 1536x2048, EYqAnm5UcAA-iay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EW! She looks like one of those anime hags lol

>> No.15355659

Ew what the actual fuck.
Give your mom her lipstick back.

>> No.15355664

He probably spent more on that lipstick than your walmart one

>> No.15355670

>anime hags

>> No.15355671

Hey dude, honest question. Why don't you pretend to be one of those cute zoomer chicks?

The woman in your pics is legit middle aged mom and it's probably time to let the idea of her go and let her live comfortably with her husband and kids.

Plus younger women are more fun, they're doing shit like protesting, rioting, and going out mid-pandemic

Women in their 30's just kinda stay home

>> No.15355681

Did whoever this incel get his pics from get found out

>> No.15355688

Pretty much when he couldn't really lost a time stamp that followed all directions

Just more "convient" images with some lame looking photo shops

>> No.15355697

Tbh it looked the same as cecils shop when he changed it to say shes his sex pig or whatever it was

>> No.15355708

Lol, slampig right?

IDK why this dude pretending to be her just doesn't go out and fuck 18-19 year old girls for a few years.

25+ is when guys have the higher SMV than the average woman

>> No.15355785

That's your lipstick, and can you stop changing your lipstick color. My dick is starting to resemble a rainbow.

>> No.15355790
File: 465 KB, 501x619, oink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I forgot about that

>> No.15355800
File: 472 KB, 404x512, i'm a slam pig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would u fuck me?

i'd fuck me.

>> No.15355805


I fucking did you retards
Stop pissing me off

Is this your way of begging for mOAr pics?

Sieg of all people - you were here when I first appeared - just tell them, yes that beautiful woman is in fact ME

I know you know
my shiny personality is hard to replicate

>> No.15355807

Nice work on the hairline

I forbid you to touch any of my pictures again

>> No.15355810

Omg. Excuse me while I go throw up. Brb.

>> No.15355811

>I forbid you to touch any of my pictures again

I'll touch you in your stank place, sweet pea. And Daddy promises you, you'll love it. You'll beg for more.

>> No.15355814


>> No.15355815
File: 888 KB, 790x510, i make this shit look good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rock the look better than you. Out of 100 guys asked, 94 said they would prefer me. Only 6 said you. The 6 blind ones.

>> No.15355824

This is what she wants from you Cecil, she's trying to milk that genetic goo before she hits the big 3-5.

21 months and counting

>> No.15355825

But that's your original pic before shopping out your wrinkles

>> No.15355850 [DELETED] 

Lol her egg basket is getting empty real quick. That's our little Cecelia. She needs my load is worth more than the load of Henry Cavill.

>> No.15355853

Lol her egg basket is getting empty real quick. That's our little Cecelia. She knows my load is worth more than the load of Henry Cavill.

>> No.15355905

I bet you that she read that cecila comment and smiled. Old worthless women are obsessed over kids.

She's trying to steal her brothers kids and raising them as her own. Raising them in bitchcraft

>> No.15355921

the norwood reaper spares no one

it's over

>> No.15355922

I have 1 wrinkle and As soon as shit summers down I am getting Botox!

>> No.15355980

she cute

>> No.15355984

Will filling out name do the thing or is it options? (self answering post.)

>> No.15355986

get the fuck out

>> No.15356054

if we all become tripfags then no one will

>> No.15356058

Where? Because I noticed laugh lines, and crows feet. You also had dark circles forming in some of your pics that you don't filter

>> No.15356077
File: 882 KB, 1382x2098, 70F6A0EA-A571-4BC1-A7FD-850243D8077D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck off
The only wrinkle I need Botox for is this

>> No.15356080

If I smile it’s worse
Therefore I’m never smiling again

>> No.15356088

Don't worry you have nothing going on your life to smile about

>> No.15356090


>> No.15356094
File: 49 KB, 800x450, honklhonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15356102
File: 281 KB, 835x1280, F1D82D98-9FA1-4133-B484-976D92DAD4CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my dog
And getting paid for house sitting
Sit around for absolutely nothing
They rider me take out for dinner every day too
That makes me smile

Not exactly fulfilling but I won’t lie
This is the easiest job I’ve ever had
I just hope I don’t get too lazy
I’m a creature of habit

>> No.15356103

That was the point

What’s your name ?
Or should I just call you numbnuts from now on?

>> No.15356108

His nuts are numb after you drained him ? Is that why you keep using that term?

>> No.15356138
File: 39 KB, 200x200, 4250-1571091483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.15356152

make a thread like this so they can all stay in it and keep the bullshit out of the other threads

>> No.15356153

>what's your name

Nah, i dont need your level 2 wiccan spells on me

>> No.15356180

Our thread now

>> No.15356186

>Prodigy says "I'm not flirting"
> " Btw what's your name ;)"


>> No.15356215

Kill yourself fatass

>> No.15356224

I like you

>> No.15356230

Keeps calling me a kid aswell so not suprised shes trying to lure me in

>> No.15356247

Flirting more

>> No.15356254

She's trying to be /fa/'s "cool mom"

Got the mountain dew, the Xbox, the pool and saggy a cups

>> No.15356260

Should've dye'd her hair blue or pink and mightve given her a chance

>> No.15356266

Horrible taste

>> No.15356274

That’s My James nickname haha
Don’t even ask why bc it’s ridiculous

Years ago - I got bored and bought hot pink and purple hair dye and just sink colored my hair....looked good but I got arrested literally that same night ...I swear it was bc I looked like some punk or something
Had my mug shot in the gotcha paper and everything.

>> No.15356283


>> No.15356294

This could be us but you too old

>> No.15356299

I am going to personally annihilate each individual tripfag in this thread

>> No.15356300

I think that's the saddest thing I've ever read on this website.

>> No.15356312

Start w sieg.

>> No.15356314

I'll help you out.

>> No.15356317

Start w Sieg and Cecil pls
If they disappear without a trace - I will drop trip forever

>> No.15356318

I think I'm gonna start with you.

>> No.15356322

Yeah, super jealous.

I'm too old for your groomer ass

>> No.15356323
File: 53 KB, 943x527, TEST1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of them eventually just go away cuz they realize looking for attention on 4chan never ends well/isn't worth it

>> No.15356326

Ffs not even included with them, you really do like me dont you

>> No.15356329

If you think I'm going away keep waiting

>> No.15356331

Wtf I do to you?

>> No.15356335

Are you scared?

>> No.15356336

She's horny 4u

>> No.15356342

Yea Sieg is never gonna leave
Even after he dies from diabetes - he will reincarnate into another deformity and be back before you even notice he’s gone

>> No.15356349

Shes already stealing my youth, could be my mum

>> No.15356350

Probably gave him herpes

>> No.15356365

Would post myself to me but dont care to be added to her child collage

>> No.15356369

they all suck, you retard.

>> No.15356375

Give /fa/ mom your cummies we all did, to post on /fa/ as a tripfag prodigy gets 10 mins with you in the closet

>> No.15356377

Fuck it

>> No.15356387 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 858x912, IMG_20200628_024617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15356390

>tripfag "problem"
>le epic reddit frog poster
jesus christ why is everyone on this site so fucking new now

>> No.15356394
File: 98 KB, 612x491, 1540429292829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a quick rundown on me? I've only been on /fa/ since 2017, and I know about Sieg, Tripsk, Igor, and Cecil, but I don't think I'd seen me until just a few days ago

>> No.15356398

>only been on here since 2017
>epic reddit frog pics saved to hdd
You don't say...
Fuck off to whence you came, zoomer

>> No.15356404
File: 35 KB, 400x533, 1386133467450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New rule: if you're going to be a tripfag you have to post your fit so I can continue to post it 6 years from now.

I miss you Trunks.

>> No.15356407
File: 375 KB, 1049x1399, 1566746030162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to Huckleberry?

>> No.15356425

Add me to your fuck list

>> No.15356432

Rundown on prodigy, doesn't matter, never mattered and never will matter.

Middle aged bitch

>> No.15356438

Doesn't matter. I made her leave anyway

>> No.15356447

Posted me, ffs

>> No.15356455

Suprised she didn't msg me further, guess im too old for her

>> No.15356458

Thank you

>> No.15356460

Probably wasn't into the fact that you're old enough to have pubes

>> No.15356462

he needs his diaper changed and it’s not my turn

>> No.15356463

Posted my face and got no luring actually triggered, too old for her

>> No.15356465

I told you to leave

>> No.15356468

Let’s see it

>> No.15356469

You'd suck his dick like a Dyson if given the chance and admitted to it

>> No.15356471 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 858x912, IMG_20200628_024617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15356472

Add me to your child compilation

>> No.15356473

Prodigy have sex with this guy he posted his pic and is actually interested

>> No.15356485

Interesting hairdo

Def not what I expected

In a couple years you’ll be slamming bitches , I mean ladies, left and right

Unless you’re hiding some fucked features under that mask bb

>> No.15356490


>> No.15356494

i cannot imagine anyone tripping on /fa/ in 2020, like how incredibly embarrassing tripping on literally the worst fashion site

>> No.15356501

Im doin alright rn, im doin well. My features match my face

>> No.15356507 [DELETED] 

What's your dm/messages if you want to add

>> No.15356518

Oh..whose deleting shit now

>> No.15356519

Have sex with him now, James might appreciate me getting his stalker off his case. Once you start stalking someone make sure you tell him he owes sieg from /fa/ a favor plz

>> No.15356522

We all know you already downloaded his pic

>> No.15356527

? You saw my face x

>> No.15356529

Your ok lil wabbit.
Fix your hair maybe.
Tho idfk what the teenagers are into.
Looks like you have nice hair texture/volume...you just need a better stylist

Again idfk maybe that’s what the young ladies Are chasing??

>> No.15356538

Its tragic desu

>> No.15356539

$250 hair cut, $3000 skin care products, $650 in makeup, $2000 in hotox

And all you can muster up from most people on 4chan is eh, you're cute sometimes.

This picture is not one of those occasions

>> No.15356540

Yea you posted it
And it’s in the archives forever
Fuuka warosu fa (in case anyone wants to look) =D

>> No.15356546

Its quarentene, my stylist is over booked rn

>> No.15356548


>> No.15356551

I really am behind

>> No.15356554

Botox but I'm calling you a ho

Try to keep up

>> No.15356557

/fa doesn’t forget

You see Sieg diggin up dirt on me from 7 years ago?
Insane. I know.

>> No.15356560
File: 1.07 MB, 609x782, B94DEB9E-A8EA-4175-90C0-0D97B652BDD8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15356562

I forgot, I usually just hit prodigy, search by image then find embarrassing shit you posted. ..there's years of it. You're not a smart person

>> No.15356566

Post your current face
You keep saying you were doxxed blablablah
Haven’t seen anything aside from that same pic with that girl that dumped you and broke your heart.

Post your face

If you look even close to bangable - I’ll never call you hunchback fatass repulsive fat fuck Mexican bastard again

>> No.15356569

Shes tryna flex me, posting pics of me, that i dont post anywhere else, shes a sad old woman

>> No.15356575

Think back to everything you know about me.... remember every single time that I out smarted you?

What makes you think that's going to work?

>> No.15356576

Post my face, only guy who would ever to consider to sleep with yoy

>> No.15356577

u little shit I knew I should’ve aborted you

Ladies - this is what happens when you let unwanted children live

>> No.15356578

Fuck this whore

>> No.15356581

Dammit he’s 18 and still hasn’t learned to read.

Anyone want to adopt a retarded child? I fucked up and missed my appointment at planned parenthood

>> No.15356582

Post me, you have a pic

>> No.15356583

You're safe. She's literally fucking retarded with computers.

It took her a week to figure out how to trip. She literally doesn't know how to post anon since she thought you had to put a name....reverse image search and searching warosu is like way above her technical expertise.

Like if I showed her that in 3d print shit for guns "fRuM dA ComPTAh?!" She will accuse me of "also being magic inclined"

>> No.15356585

She has pics of me and wont post shit, even posted my face

>> No.15356588

Every single time YOU outsmarted ME?
Didn’t realize it was a competition.

But now that I think about it ...no, not once
I remember plenty of times when you used the disgust to distract maneuver
Or post some old pic out of context maneuver...or even “u can’t speak English” maneuver.
Jesus Christ
You’re not even on drugs and you’re this crazy delusional

>> No.15356590

She doesn't trade, she thinks she "outsmarted" you on pic4pic but honestly she telegraph's it. Just imagine an edgy 13 year old and that's exactly her.

Like you can spend an hour mansplaning slicing, layer heights, what PLA does what a hot end is, is made up of and how it works she'll nod her head and pretend to understand than ask

>Y don't u 3d print gold bars?!

Then you just sort of give up on her and just tell her "this is just the way it's done indre"

Instead of

>Wash your hands indre, you can contract covid


>Wash your hands
>Just wash your hands trust me

>> No.15356592

Didn’t you just post one and deleted the post?
It’s archived

I don’t need to post it

>> No.15356593

Post my pic x

>> No.15356594

Just post his pic you idiot

>> No.15356595

Tripfags must be purged

>> No.15356599

Post my pic

>> No.15356602

I never said you don't speak English, I said you don't comprehend English well.

This is evidenced by the fact that you don't know what the word comprehend means and have deducted in your mind that I meant you don't speak English at all.

>> No.15356605

Use my pic

>> No.15356611
File: 136 KB, 858x912, IMG_20200628_024617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15356616

Omg fuck u
I’m in my phone and went through the trouble to do it...just for “duplicate file” bs
Last time I get trolled into anything again

Good on you to join the scumgang w Sieg

>> No.15356620

I bet I can actually speak better English than you. Without your Mexican slang and/or Ebonics....your egotism is fascinating to watch....
Like holy shit this fat shit thinks he’s better than me!?

>> No.15356621

I'm a scumbag?

You sell acid to kids, flirt with underage boys, and you're like 8 days fresh off cheating on your ex boyfriend

>> No.15356623

Um, no that's me fuck you

>> No.15356624

Record something

>> No.15356625

Just leave

>> No.15356632

Who the fuck are you and what do you want?

Block me
It’s not that hard

>> No.15356634

Prodigy has mental issues prove ne wrong

>> No.15356635

You’re confused. And that is ok. I’m not surprised.

>> No.15356638

I'm the final boss of this board. Don't fuck around and be more respectful. This is a friendly warning.

>> No.15356639

Cope harder beaner, go fuck a dog or smth

>> No.15356640

Is it hard to do?
My moms a programmer, yet I can barely figure out how to print multiple copies.

>> No.15356643

I blocked you on the laptop and desktop fyi. I only respond/read (like an idiot) when phone posting

I really need to stop but you legit piss me off

>> No.15356645

Click the circle, talk like you're calling me. Then hit the square when you're done

Don't wait for me to respond back because you're not act

>> No.15356647

Just my kind of man

I’m sorry I’ll do better

(I pray to the gods it’s not Cecil)

>> No.15356648

Your into me because im the only use for you, and you saw my pic

>> No.15356649

Ually Calling anyone you're just recording your voice.

>> No.15356652

Ohhh ok so you’ve blocked me on most of your “devices” or whatever the fuck
But Still you wish to hear my voice??
Why do I piss you off bb?

>> No.15356653

Filter to anonymous only. Do not respond to tripfags, do not even acknowledge tripfags. They are pure AIDS on this board and ruin every thread they post in. They feed off of attention (mentally and emotionally ill) so don’t incentivize them to post anymore

>> No.15356655

Better English pumpkin. It’s my 2nd language. I have no idea Wtf you’re trying to say.?

>> No.15356656


>> No.15356657

this is why assigning identities to an anonymous forum board is a bad idea. you retards might as well go on reddit and dish it out there

>> No.15356659

Don't be gross, just say something in English and let's see how far along your ESL has been

>> No.15356670

Or you should be grateful bc we are the only ones making traffic

And engaging people

Otherwise this shitshow would die

I’m sorry that Sieg and Cecil exists - bring that up with the parents. That’s not on me.

>> No.15356673

Fuck sake i dont exist

>> No.15356676

All of your shit is off-topic

>> No.15356678

Where's nthe voice recording "bb"

>> No.15356680

You exist lil wabbit - youre just not on my hit list (yet).
I’m letting you mouth off (for now) bc you’re young and simply don’t know better

>> No.15356684

Pay closer attention then bc I talk real shit 45% of the time. Ok maybe 33%....but I’m easily distracted by these vultures

>> No.15356685

Why am I on the hit list? I'm younger than you are....

>> No.15356692

You saw me already, want to prepare me for you

>> No.15356704

Bc you don’t deserve to live

>> No.15356712

Sure , you just want to take advantage and corrupt an innocent young kind-hearted tripfag I'm onto your ways

>> No.15356715

Im ugly? Tru hero me

>> No.15356723

what's wrong with trips?

>> No.15356726

no bb...and if you hate your face - it will change as you mature into a man

while im not in the business of insulting teenagers...i am being honest...from what i saw (w/mask) you are okay
you just need to wait for the masculine hormones to kick in

>> No.15356729

Yeah I don't really like coming here anymore. I just look at pictures, because tripfags flood most threads, and I don't like any of them even slightly. I wish they'd all fuck off, but they are all too retarded to leave.

>> No.15356730

She abuses me :(

>> No.15356731

Why don't you start sleeping with him and be his milfy mentor that helps him get girls?

>> No.15356735 [DELETED] 

Im almost 22, doing the 2008 emo sleeping with sirens vibe

>> No.15356740

i made a vocaroo
but perhaps it was a mistake
bc its always a mistake when i reveal any fucking thing about me

where the fuck is scott????
the one descent person i met in this hell hole

>> No.15356741

Post the link, you kept posting hi Scott ..who the fuck was that some dude you were chatting with?

>> No.15356748

All you have to do is filter and/or completely hide and ignore all tripfag and namefag posts and threads. Nothing bothers them more than being ignored since they are all low-quality attention whores. They’d rather be acknowledged and BTFO’d than ignored

>> No.15356750

Lowkey lmao

>> No.15356751

someone i met here
and then exchanged emails...etc
thats how that mexican got contact and sent me videos jerking off - and i seriously though that was you...lol

>> No.15356755

Then you lied and tried to claim was me thanks for that but of libel.

Low key jealous you never emailed me

>> No.15356758

first - youre not 22 (18-19 at most)
2nd - abandonment issues

>> No.15356763


>> No.15356765

Im 21

>> No.15356772

Wtf do you want, you saw a pic of me

>> No.15356776

stop changing your age!

or...how many of you are fucking with me out there?

i cant handle more than 2 kids atm

>> No.15356784

Fuck off stop being retarded im the only one fucking with you the past few days, you cursed me, and post my picture to you, pretty sure you are into me, quit using me

>> No.15356785

Where's that link?

Ashamed of your thick ass accent?

>> No.15356787


dude i got rid of my accent 5 years ago.....
for the most part...my problem is overly enunciating

>> No.15356788

Im 21, any bored whore if she doesn't fuck you, tell her to dm me

>> No.15356791

how dare you?
speak to me that way?!!
im more than a decade older than you - you little shit

goddamn kids these days i swear to god

thank god i dont have any

>> No.15356797


>> No.15356798

jesus christ theyre jerking off

>> No.15356801

it is sad

i was raised that you respect people that are older than you. period.
(even if theyre a pain in the ass and a mess overall)

>> No.15356804

I'm sorry but you're not at the 20+ year mark in America with that level of speaking. It's very evident that you're a foreigner

>> No.15356805

Post me x

>> No.15356809

No, I don't find your voice very attractive. I know you tried at the end but I was expecting more Mila jovavich

>> No.15356816

wtf are you on about?

ive spent a lot of time back in LT
and i speak it daily w senpai
and i recently have been teaching my bros kids lithuanian (quarantine) 3 mo

but most americans cant tell unless they talk to me for a while - and then they just think i talk kinda weird

whatever - im fine with an accent - i just think youre being a troll

>> No.15356825

I would tell you if your voice/accent was sexy. You looked cute in the picture you took yesterday. Not the one you took today though.

I understood the first half, but the middle I couldn't comprehend then smarter better than you find a way to deal with it was the only clear part.

>> No.15356828

Would fuck with you if you had somewhere to msg that wasnt here,

>> No.15356829

i dont particularly care if you like me or not
im just tired of you putting me down when you are an actual fatass pos

i know it sucks being below my standards
and i imagine it sucks to pretend you have a significant other

and regardless of how mean you are - i do feel for your shitty situation

>> No.15356835

thanks bb
drives me nuts that the hunchback somehow thinks hes better than me - or even in the same lane...

sieg, designer sunglasses arent gonna lure a lady into your bed (with your looks) unless you roofie her

>> No.15356838

Ha lmao, a troll fucked up the name. You saw a image of me tomorrow morning. Yeet me

>> No.15356840


>> No.15356841

What standards? You're 33 almost 34, have a loose grasp on the English language, dabble with hard drugs and are in a failed relationship of 10 years with a drug addict who wants nothing to do with you, live rent free in a family friend's home, can't afford food so they pay for it. And you brag about this life .... online.

You also recently committed a felony and posted about it on 4chan's fashion board involving a wild animal

>Putting you down

Lady I'm just telling you to reflect on your fucking life choices

The one thing you had going for you 10 years ago was that you were mildly attractive in some cases. Less so now. As you have aged due to hard living

>> No.15356844

you and "Fawn" arent 1 and the same?

>> No.15356845

Yeah, I absolutely am better than you, for 1 I'm not a convicted felon.....you are though...

>> No.15356849
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>> No.15356851

No, do you have Instagram? What's your email?

>> No.15356852

What do you want old woman

>> No.15356857

fuck you scumlord
dont bring up my past - if anything my criminal record is effay af - yes i have felonies from ages ago....but it was for distribution... and used all profits to travel and do fun shit and mostly blow money on clothes...
...i spend money more wisely now bc its different when you dont make money easy like that.....yes young dumb and full of ego...fun times...until you realize youre not invincible

i miss those days

any qt bad boys out there that can give me the lifestyle i deserve??

>> No.15356860

Say something sexy

>> No.15356862

for one
stop calling me old kid

>> No.15356863

Are you looking for a husband here

>> No.15356865

You're living the lifestyle you deserve. Hopefully you'll be deported soon

>> No.15356866

Fuck you, add me if i request for you whore

>> No.15356871

hate to disappoint but im a citizen :P

i know im weird and a little off.......husband on 4chan? doubtful...i just want a bad boy mobster type to toss me around and put me in my place. which wont happen here. its all nerds and fat fucks.

where to cop a badass man???

>> No.15356876

english isnt your first language either eh?

>> No.15356878

Lmao I knew that you were into degradation. Explains why you come here to get bullied by sieg everyday

>> No.15356883

Useless whore

>> No.15356887

hahaha sieg couldnt handle a woman like me in a conversation let alone beyond that

>> No.15356889

So I've been getting this old haggard drug addict off with my posts.....great .

>> No.15356891

what drugs is she into

>> No.15356892

Yeah, I'd just tell you I don't have any spare change and I don't know where the nearest planned parenthood is sorry can't help ya lady

>> No.15356897

I don't know or give a shit ask her

>> No.15356898

Welcome to 2020

>> No.15356902

pinot grigio

>> No.15356907

druggie ho

>> No.15356908

Old, if you was 10 years younger probly be chill, but no you like dick from randoms

>> No.15356915
File: 663 KB, 828x1792, 32B5EFC8-644F-4B51-8A6D-9E6F125DC72F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t know or give a shit yet you pay a lot of attention to me bb

I can tell you now. Takes a very special man to handle a woman like myself.

You are way too sensitive and I think you realize...and you’re mad about it

>> No.15356917

You ever do homemade ketamine?

Mix bleach and windex

The high is fucking amazing

>> No.15356924

think about me next time bb

>> No.15356927


>> No.15356928 [DELETED] 
File: 773 KB, 828x1792, 186F0E07-2BF3-45F7-AF24-FA0F9B0F5A80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who you calling ho??
Been loyal to this fucker for 12 years about idk anymore I lost count it’s been so long

>> No.15356929


>Trips that suck and should leave fa

>All the rest not mentioned

>> No.15356931

Why did you deny cheating the other day?
You know I'm right about you

>> No.15356935

"i guess you found some other"
Your just a whore

>> No.15356936

James Flynn sure sounds like a beta cuck lol
Doesn't seem like the "bad boy mobster" type you were talking about

>> No.15356938


stoppit you square pos

>> No.15356939


>> No.15356940

>He legit doesn't want to fuck you haha

Absolutely zero interest

>> No.15356941

o non nononononononononoo

i hate alcohol

>> No.15356942

I'm a bad boy mobster....I guess you're fucking someone else Tonight okay I'll just wait here

>> No.15356943

I wonder what James thinks about you sharing his name on 4chan hmmm

>> No.15356945

You should come over I'll give you shot of 55 grain lead, it'll go straight to your head...feels amazing. Will feel like you're dying

>> No.15356946

he was years back

not mob level or anything

but its complicating

esp when illegal shit was involved
hes trying to get it together and not do illegal shit now

>> No.15356947

Oh no no no im too old for her now

>> No.15356948

you're so immature

>> No.15356949

Mclovin without the appeal. What was the point of this guy?
What’s the point of any tripfag other than the ability to carry drama between threads

>> No.15356950

he has no idea what 4chan is and he goes by a different last name

daddy issues 999%

>> No.15356952

After he cums in you message me Queen

>> No.15356954

how so?

>> No.15356955

You're so cool you're fucking a loser tonight who doesn't mind getting fucked casually

>> No.15356956

lmfao imagine getting a bootycall from a 35 year old roastie

>> No.15356957

god I wish that were me

>> No.15356958

She must have found someone else hahaha

>> No.15356961

post nudes already

>> No.15356963

I gurantee prodigy isn't kinky enough to give a stranger sloppy seconds after cheating on her boyfriend

>> No.15356969 [DELETED] 

You saw pic of me, use it if you want, idc for posting

>> No.15356976

nah she's definitely kinky

>> No.15356978

She can post my face, waiting for it

>> No.15356980

she can sit on my face, waiting for it

>> No.15356984

She has my face and draining me, not working well, oof

>> No.15356986

>I'm so horny, I'm thinking of you right now

>....James is typing

> Did you mean to send that to your bf?

>No you dumbass

>...James is typing

> Please don't

>> No.15356990
File: 184 KB, 828x1792, A59D7385-886E-4ADE-8B09-12630DC36124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15356994

he still sounds like a clueless goof lol

>> No.15356996

i swear im better at this than all you scumbangs

while i love him to pieces - there will be a wall around my heart until its possible

ive been broken over a man before - ive been broken over james too....i just learned the invisible shield is best...you can love them - just not too much

>> No.15356997

You really are a worthless whore, just a used up wrinkly cock sleeve

>> No.15356999
File: 1016 KB, 1903x1200, 9f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 205 replies
>Argue about tripfags, when they could spend that time getting bitches irl
And i am not a expert?

>> No.15357000

Ha ha, your just a fuck whore untill he finds someone better, and it won't take him very long

>> No.15357002

You're doing most of the chasing....seems like you're just convient

>> No.15357003

didn't you say that you like to be treated like shit?

>> No.15357004
File: 29 KB, 500x500, artworks-000513802194-9yd7e5-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind almost 300 replies

>> No.15357009

there are probably like maximum 10 posts that are complaints, the rest is tripfag attention whoring lmao

>> No.15357010

You are deranged and unstable, do us all a favor

Either post tits or get out.

No one here is interested in how your life is going downhill or about your mid life crisis. You keep thinking that you're hot and that this entire board wants to fuck you. Newsflash: 99% of the people on here cum in a dirty dry sock every night. You're not special and you contribute absolutely nothing to society aside from being a little warmer and wetter than a cumrag.

The only solace you'll find here is in knowing that you're not as annoying as that fattass Sieg.

>> No.15357011

Hes fucking other girls, "me" is just a easy side whore for a easy fuck, hes a lad

>> No.15357015
File: 22 KB, 500x375, 196b972e3e7483eb1e988bc8db2d188a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre all a bunch of losers and assholes, only assholes witth mental illness use trips on fa

>> No.15357016

Agreed until sieg, c'mon man I don't post my desperate sexts on here

>> No.15357019
File: 513 KB, 828x1792, 3B1855F8-A22E-4794-836E-C1133F138DC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I gotta go guys

>> No.15357023

For sure, I seriously wish Cecil and some other trips saw how desperate nthis bitch is

>> No.15357024

seriously and unironically this desu

>> No.15357038

You don't have any desperate sexts to post, that's what makes you more pathetic than her. You spread misinformation about products that you have no knowledge about, but worst of all you're the one user that engages with this lunatic.

I get that you're lonely, and fat, and most likely don't have any friends, but you should really spend all this free time working on yourself instead of giving bad advice.

The difference between you and her is that eventually some beta cuck will find some value in her and MAYBE she'll be able to entrap him and live some sort of comfortable life.

There won't be any value in you if you keep wasting away. You'll just become a burden to society, if you aren't already. Most of your good years are gone, and you're wasting the remaining few thirsting over crazy pussy.

>> No.15357041

this is the funniest shit i have ever seen
are you gonna start posting your pussy too? you've only been back for like a week and you're losing your shit

>> No.15357044

I can't stop laughing I love this thread, my man's so alpha

>Won't ngo to empty house to fuck his side bitch.

>> No.15357050

These messages look like incels first relationship, fucking tragic old people

>> No.15357054

Shes lost it

>> No.15357057
File: 527 KB, 840x859, pepe-the-frog-with-sunglasses-11550173510srzedby45x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahah true

>> No.15357058

James is chad

>> No.15357062
File: 227 KB, 1080x1559, Screenshot_20200628_075739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some other fuck, he aint no incel, me is a easy lay and he fuck some other girl lmao

>> No.15357075

I got exposed anyway, expect my pic in a few hours

>> No.15357082

Cringe bro

You'll grow out of common projects soon

>> No.15357092

What a bunch of irredeemable fucking losers. Please start a tripfag/namefag containment general

>> No.15357158

Maybe, too lazy to resell them and they do make excellent lifting shoes.
You on the other hand, cant seem to be able to grow out of anything except your pant size.

>> No.15357486

Fuck off, retard. All trips are cancer
Imagine now filtering all trips by default

>> No.15357617

desu Sieg gives useful posts and Cecil too
Igor and Me are in the same shitter