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15348996 No.15348996 [Reply] [Original]

Is Math the most effay STEM major?

>> No.15348998

Definitely not but it's the most autistic next to engineering

>> No.15349008

engineers are actually retarded.

>> No.15349020

I'm Comp Sci but the smartest dude I know is an electrical engineer, dude is a god with speakers . Comm majors are literal mouth breathers though

>> No.15349064

My great-grandmother was a Cambridge mathematics grad. As autistic as they come. Basically a turbo autist

>> No.15349131
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Am engineer can confirm we are retarded compared to hard science people. We just like cool stuff

>> No.15349143

There is nothing effay about STEM you mouthbreathing autist.

>> No.15349155

Math is basically an English degree you can't do shit with it.

>> No.15349158

Smartest dude I went to college with was political science then was a linguistics master's.

He worked at the hill during Obama years before we lost touch.

I got a worthless MBA and don't apply myself at anything

>> No.15349160


>> No.15349211

>stem is less retarded than engineering
>science, technology, engineering, math

>> No.15349220

Are you retarded? He asked if MATHS is the most effay of STEM, not whether STEM as a whole was effay. Obviously you're not in STEM kek

>> No.15349227

My great grandfather was a Cambridge psychiatry grad. I wonder if they fugged.

>> No.15349230

There are some really shit stem degrees out there, math, geography, biology, computer science are all worthless dead end paths that just means you'll be an adjunct professor one day maybe 6 rears after you earn your bachelor's

>> No.15349281

Nothing involving "STEM" can ever be perceived as effay

>> No.15349597


pick one

>> No.15349795

What do you do?

>> No.15349797

Comp Sci or just Math is not a bad degree at all lol

>> No.15349804
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No, it’s the big E.

>> No.15349807
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>> No.15349867

electrical engineering is the most based stem degree by far

>> No.15349881

No it isn't.

Colleges market it as if you're getting a job at SpaceX after graduation.

But in reality you'd be lucky if you got any engineering related job at all.

And consider yourself top 1% if you got a job designing the PCB of a McDonald's kids meal toy as a 9-5

>> No.15349936

Try again. CE is where it is at. Great balance between software and hardware. At this point, hardware is dead, unless you hop into defense

>> No.15349945

electrical engineering and then going into software is the real way to use the degree anyway

>> No.15349957

Big IQ
Why do that when you can do CE? Starting as a EE, you will be behind your peers once you jump into software.

>> No.15349962

Because being taught how to do software in a university is bullshit anyway. You can do the relevant parts of the degree course in a couple months of free time, if you have enough IQ to be doing EE anyway.

>> No.15349980

Alright, gonna be honest senpai. I have learned shit about programming where I work (massive corp think google/facebook type of big). Yea I learned about new technologies and methods to do things, but you will get fucked thinking that you will have a good start at your software job as an EE. What you learn in Uni is essencial to get you a solid foundation. Of course you can teach yourself, just be willing to put in the extra work. Oh and coding interviews are a bitch, so sharpen your skills in that department. I don't usually talk like this, but this is 4chen and I like letting my wild side out here lol

>> No.15349990

You can learn serviceable python in Coursera, that's where I learned it.

But the truth is you'll never need to use it because an Indian dude in a leather jacket, making half of what you make who's here on an h1b will handle all of it for you.

>> No.15350001

I'm just saying what I would have done if I could redo. I think EE degree + putting in work to get good at programming on your own is the optimal way to do it.
>just be willing to put in the extra work
This is just what I did. I never went to uni, I specialise in something very niche, and earn mid 6 figures so I'm not really worried (outside USA too, so even more worth).

>> No.15350006

math is obscenely based. it's all the logic and reasoning of the Science and Engineering fields without the burden of conforming to the innate imperfections of our material world.

Comp Sci and Engineering end game is just being a cog in some shitty corporation or onions boy start up.

>> No.15350068

ouch! :(

>> No.15350097

who this

>> No.15350198

idk, i just looked up dark academia on google

>> No.15350532


>> No.15350545

>computer science
You are Retarded

>> No.15350546

>Comp sci
Isn't this shilled as the most secure route to a job ever? I don't see how it is similar to studying math at all.

>> No.15350547

I'm in Financial Mathematics and I think it's pretty effay ngl.

>> No.15350551

Eh, it really comes down to your desired career path. CE doesn’t make sense if you’re going for a more digital career like being a developer or data. Too many extra courses

>> No.15350552

I'm thinking about doing my engineering degree in chemistry. Am I cucked?

>> No.15350556

Yeah but the truth is there are no jobs waiting for them after they get the degree.

If you want to work in that field just skip college, get an A+ certification on self study and then fill in the gaps with trainings and classes for your specialization

>> No.15350572

That's going to be mostly in the gasoline /fuels department. It's not an industry doing well right now

>> No.15350585

As a future EE major am I making a mistake?

>> No.15350589

I think the whole issue of going to university to learn a specific task. Isn't the right way to go about it.

University programs are consistently 4-5 years behind on how shit operates on the real world.

With companies especially smaller ones they're constantly adapting to new programs, methodologies and manners of doing things.

The university is this large stogy peer reviewed mess that moves at a slow pace.

You could be taught how to do something through a program designed 10 years ago with the only updates being a few electives slapped on it.

That's why people like Donald trump always argue for technical schools.

I saw this once I started getting into Medical training self study, at the University level they were still teaching the cravat and stick method of tournaquiet usage and saying shit like how you'll likely lose a limb

But research and development from the war in Afghanistan showed property TQ usage and we ended up at gen 7 combat application tournaquiets being the go to for every massive trauma car accident in every medic's bag.

Even anti-fa in CHAZ were seen applying CAT7s to each other when rubber bullets penetrated the skin the proper treatment for gun shot wounds.

That's an ancedote but it shows you that even anti-fa is more up to date on basic medical care than a university system is...that relies onnpeer reviewed white papers to move along

>> No.15350592

I did EE for 2 years before dropping due to bad job prospects. It is fun and the most complete field of engineering, but not that great job-wise.

>> No.15350605

I gotta stop you right there bro. CS is great for employability if you go to a decent school.

>> No.15350612

all Math STEMs i know i regret it

>> No.15350615

This is the myth of "but our program is highly rated"

Remember college rankings don't mean shit they're paid for just like jd power awards in the car industry.

Guys remember, colleges are businesses they use your tuition to increase their endowments and leverage those into investments for large returns in order to have large salaries for staffing.

One of the reasons all colleges went to adjuncts professorship.

Remember colleges have marketing departments just like Hershey's chocolate and Porsche automobiles company is a company

>> No.15350634

Retard the whole point of going to a good college is for the industry connections and internship opportunities. That’s what’s more important than the degree. Also, the prestige of the school helps.

>> No.15350662

You would think this helps but I've honestly lost touch with everyone from both alma matters.

You're still thinking of college as an old boys club but think about it, nearly 100% of zoomers are going to have a bachelor's degree. It's just something you do now like secondary high school.

What industry connections do you hope to find?

>> No.15350693

Yeah now I know you’re a Retard who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Schools hold internship fairs with different tech companies. Also not everyone is going to have a cs degree because the acceptance rate to these programs is very low as well as rigorous.

>> No.15350702

Bro I just scrolled down the front page and I see your name in EVERY SINGLE thread.

I'm sincerely asking, do you have a life? Are you depressed? I would consider going to therapy, no bullshit it really helps.

I get that you NEED this to feel some sort of serotonin reach your brain but this is really unhealthy man.

I hope you get the help you need soon.

>> No.15350708

> Internship clubs

You can't find an internship without a bachelor's degree?

I interned at a car dealership in high school and got a job that get me get my hours for my certifications....

Didn't have a bachelor's degree back then. Just built engins reading honda-tech threads

>> No.15350724

Who is going to accept and internship from someone who doesn’t even go to school? And the only internships available at low level universities are random companies and startups. The good schools give opportunities to high end companies and the possibility of getting hired as an undergrad. Also you need a good gpa to get in these internships. The fact that you don’t know this shows how much of a fat retard you are.

>> No.15350733

You're honestly a retard who thinks you need a bachelor's degree to do shit in 2020. I have one but it's a relic from the 2000's when the internet wasn't as powerful as it is today...

You can certify to do and be anything anywhere any time.

I've personally being going nuts with schooling these last few years....I learned more online than I did those 6 years in school

>> No.15350754

Yes it was possible to get into the tech field without a degree in like 2008. But now you need a degree to get your foot in the door. Even if you didn’t it would take about a decade of work to get what one year with a degree can get you. Also the only way to retain your freedom of hopping from company to company and raise your salary up is with a degree. Without it you are essentially the same as an illegal Mexican worker.

>> No.15350759

> 1 year of college is worth 10 years of experience

Lololoololololo hahahahahahahaha

4 years of college is worth like 2 weeks of on the job training seminars if you're capable of comprehending English

>> No.15350770

Retard I said one year of being in the industry with a degree is worth about ten years without a degree. Because you have to rigorously prove yourself and work your way up when you have no degree.

>> No.15350778

Dude I went to a no name school in canada for cs and had no internships/coops and got a job paying 70k right out the door. 3 years later and I'm working in the states for near 150k

>> No.15350826

Im not saying you need to go to a good school to get hired. If you have a cs degree you’re bound to get a job no matter what. I’m saying that good universities will put you on the fast track

>> No.15350836


Everyone collectively makes less than you people and you all just fuck around and post on 4chan all day and call yourselves analysts

Im fukkin mad leamealone

>> No.15350855

no, it isnt. math is, but your degree is worthless memery. in hft/prop, nobody studies "financial math", they just study math and learn how to do regressions later

>> No.15350885

Cry more

>> No.15350887

what? I'm a full stack dev, the shits not for everyone

>> No.15350903

I agree with that, I was just disagreeing with the trip saying uni is useless.

>> No.15350910

University is great for having sex with 18 year olds outside of that

It does nothing for your career. In 2050 I think nobody will have a bachelor's it'll be an out dated relic that none of use even refer to

>> No.15350929

not really, I learned all the basics in uni

there are plenty of people in college/bootcamps trying to become software engineers that never make it because you can't condense 4-5 years of learning critical thinking and how to solve problems into a shorter program

there's a reason top companies only hire from places like waterloo or uoft

>> No.15350937

but yeah I agree, that once you have 2-3 years of work experience, where you got your degree from doesn't matter at least for software development

>> No.15350942

also wanna add that getting that 2-3 years of experience is contingent on having completed uni

>> No.15350962

Universities are meant for getting your foot in the door and to get a pass to go through the industry. Negotiating your salary at a new company is only possible with a degree

>> No.15350991

>applied mathematics

pick one

>> No.15351046

Aesthetics and fashion don't matter if you're working towards a degree that provide you with a well-paying salary.

>> No.15351088

but they do

>> No.15351090

Everyone who says engineering is effay is out of their fucking mind.

>> No.15351476

how so?

>> No.15351576

Depends on what subfield we are talking about. Axiomatic set theory, logic, number theory, many algebra areas seem fa, less sure about analysis in general (though measure theory would be). Statistics is probably not fa, same with category theory, (P)DE, stochastic modelling, etc.

>> No.15351587
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Yes, and it is the most fundamental. You're literally subhuman if you can't reach college level math, and society would probably be better off if authoritative positions were only given to such advanced individuals, but at a certain point it outpaces the current usability of industry and becomes redundant, depreciating into the retard territory of philosophy semantics.

>> No.15351624

Math departments are filled with 50% autists, 30% wholesome friendly people who want to be teachers and 20% chads.
It's a really weird mix of students.

>> No.15351707

seethe more liberal arts brainlet

>> No.15351711 [DELETED] 

Are there chads in computer science? Brogrammers?

>> No.15351713

more importantly, are there cute girls?

>> No.15352164

Politics courses are chill, most if not all the retards you see on the internet never studied it.

>> No.15352172

They're kinda dry political science classes are all legal theory.

The natural progression is JD then bar exam.

These guy arguing about "da liberals" definitely aren't college grads or law students

>> No.15352208


>> No.15352610

Actually studied law a little during sixth form, definitely not for me. The ones calling others bootlickers or fence sitters are so far gone that they don't even realise they're into radical, fringe politics. The "boring" politics appeals to the most people, hence why they win every time.

>> No.15354114

what a shame

>> No.15354120
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Reminder that the greatest logicians/mathematicians in both the 19th and the 20th century literally went insane from the autism. Then again, I study kinesiology because I'm a martial artist, so I use some math, but rarely anything above common algebra and geometry.
I wrestle the newcomer scholars and poets like math majors as my warmup.

>> No.15354462
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>> No.15355630

Spotted the engineering major.

>> No.15355791

Math is in the faculty of Arts at my school. But by not actually being a STEM degree it is the most effay

>> No.15355795

Poli Sci is just philosophy for sociopaths

>> No.15355917

medicine is the most effay
doctors are effay as fuck

>> No.15355969

>glorified human flow charts

>> No.15356007


>> No.15356057

nah, science

>> No.15356170

Hey, that's the term used to describe the feeling doctor's go through when they say people respect them when in actuality only middle aged pajeets and asians do.

>> No.15356174

Or when you're actually great at something and are afraid others think you're full of shit

Imposter syndrome

>> No.15356603

I just graduated as an EE and I don't think it's a msitake. The job market is bad now, but I didn't have much trouble finding internships or research positions.

>> No.15356610

> Don't have much trouble finding internships

Nobody does, it's free labor

Anyone can intern for me right now, I need a cute 18 year old for threesomes with my GF, an intern to wash my dogs and an intern to take out the trash

>> No.15356630

Actually, the most effay degrees are ones that are aesthetic and completely useless. The kinds of degrees that are only worth doing if you already have a lot of money and a guaranteed place at the family firm.

>> No.15356668

Does that job market just happen to be bad or was it affected by corona? Throughout the years I always thought the job growth for EE was postive and just now I'm reading how it's poor. I guess I'll figure it out in 2 years when I choose a major.

>> No.15356710
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>> No.15356718

Just graduated from medical school and starting residency. Doctors range from incredibly /fa/ to cringe, just kind of depends on the person. Pre-meds are subhuman however.

kek, couldn't get into med school huh?

>> No.15356727

getting into med school isn't hard in the states, it's laughably easy, and even if you can't get into an MD school you have the backup of DO

>> No.15357964

what speciality?

>> No.15357994
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Family medicine.

Bottom barrel prestige but it's the most in-demand specialty and you can get a job anywhere. I'll be content working 4 days a week for $200-300k with no call and working at a non-profit to get loan forgiveness. Best consistent growth in salary whereas even surgery has seen dips in growth. One of the few specialties you get to form true bonds with patients and the community: it's a win-win for me. Everyone shits on each other in medicine anyhow, so I just stuck with the thing I liked the most.

Best part is I don't have to wear scrubs so I can rock business cas or even trad bullshit.

Why are you so salty then?

>> No.15358169

Practically all engineering internships pay

>> No.15358247

Based. 4th year still undecided between IM and FM. Most FM docs I've worked with have been p effay middle aged men in well fitting trad wear, a lot of whom have ditched the white coat in favor of a nice tweed jacket, quite like in your picture. Peak comfy.

>> No.15358287

My man. Can't go wrong with either, just figure out where you see yourself in terms of outpatient/inpatient and whether you want to do peds/women's health. I like clinic and procedures so FM was a good fit. My brother is doing IM at a prestigious academic center and is going to be a God but he wears scrubs 24/7 so definitely not /fa/. My mentor goes full on trad with thousands of dollars on his wrist while doing INDs. All of my residency is wearing scrubs in clinic/hospital due to COVID but I'm still going for business casual because I refuse to look like a trash bag.

Good luck with the upcoming interview season later this year. It's going to be a mess with zoom interviews, I'm sorry. At least it'll be cheaper. I don't know how they're going to do away rotations either. I pray your grad year will have a real graduation but who knows at this point.

>> No.15358342

lol my one year internship in cali paid me 90k usd and apparently I was being lowballed since I was canadian

>> No.15358364


seconding this

>> No.15358675

What's the most /fa/ surgical field?

>> No.15358685


>> No.15358687


>> No.15358768

None because you're in the OR constantly and are scrubbed in 24/7 or on call. Even if you're in clinic you're probably still in scrubs so you can rush over to the hospital for your next case. There's never a time to be /fa/ because you're either working or choking down hospital coffee. I've seen two rail thin brunettes in general surgery who were hot but they were borderline suicidal and I would never want to interact with them t b h.

Probably the only /fa/ surgical field is plastics because you can go full sleaze core in Miami beach.

Maybe for le brain surgery meme but the only guy in my class you went neurosurgery was decidedly un/fa/.

>> No.15358786

the only guy in my class you went neurosurgery was decidedly un/fa/.
what was he like?

>> No.15358787

What's the percentage of psychopaths in those classes lol

>> No.15358827

Totally average white dude in all respects, wore basketball shorts, poorly fitted t shirts and running shoes.

On a tangential note, all the hot girls and good looking guys went into primary care (IM, FM, Peds).

He was a pure psycho, universally hated in the class except for two betas who were also universally disliked because they were weird and associated with him. He matched to a no-name infamously toxic neurosurgery program. My bet is that he'll somehow get kicked out for bad conduct.

>> No.15358867
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Physicians have the highest average IQ of modern professions and have the longest prerequisite education.
You wouldn't make it if your virginity depended on it.

>> No.15358939

yeah I'm sure tyrone from a low tier md school or a DO school working as a family physician has a higher iq than someone working in a research lab at google

>> No.15358968

>BS in Comp Sci
>minor in math
>2 internships as a programmer/developer
>around 6 full projects in my github, ranging from full stack ASP.Net with SQL database to Nodejs and Express, Angular, and .Net projects
>a few small projects showcasing knowledge of python and c++
>simple multiplayer online game in unity
>80+ questions on leetcode
>proficient in C++, python, C#, javascript
>more than 2 years after graduating Uni
>~400 applications sent, to jobs in Cali, Washington, Texas, Nevada, etc
>only 2 personal interviews in all that time
>still no job
i got fucking memed on hard. I knew i should have just said fuck it and became an artist. at least if i was destined to live in a box i would be doing what i actually loved.

>> No.15358979

Black diversity quota admits don't count bro. Everything in academics are easy if you're black or Latino. Top universities are dying to prove they're not racist.

God bless any Asian or Middle Eastern applicants, it's hard out there.

>> No.15358993
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>it's easy to be a doctor, I could easily do it if I wanted to
>b-b-but dumpsterfire doctors are dumber than 99.99th percentile engineers
nice moving goalpost
peak cope achieved

>> No.15358994
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>not forestry

>> No.15358998

no but this dick is

>> No.15359008

You have a point about me using the 90+th percentile of engineers.

Let's put it this way, there's nothing special about going to a lower-middle tier MD school or a DO school in the states.

I respect medical students in canada and europe for example because the standards to get in are a lot higher, whereas in america you just need mediocre grades and money to get in.

Just compare average matriculant gpa/mcat from schools in ontario to even the mid tier schools in the states.

>> No.15359035

>but YUROPEEANs!!1!
lol unreal
like a clock
I expected nothing less from /fa/ggot

>> No.15359128

> There are some really shit stem degrees out there, such as science, technology, engineering, mathematics

>> No.15359313

Did a pre-med rape you or something?

I've sat on admission committees and you need more than "mediocre grades" to get into any school. I come from a poor family and got in, money is not a prerequisite. Student loans exist for a reason. There are even assistance programs to help you apply if you can't afford application fees. Never mind the fact that you need letters of recommendation, extra-curricular activities and have to go through the interview process to prove you're not a drooling retard. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Canadian and European schools are difficult to get into for sure, there are less of them but then again they don't put you into insane debt like US ones.

You might be thinking of Caribbean schools who have scant requirements and are expensive as fuck, a large portion of US physicians come through that system.

>> No.15359322

I can post statistics, the average MD gpa is 3.5 lmfao and the mcat score is in the 70th percentile

compare that to ontario where if you have a 3.9+ and 90th+ percentile on mcat you still have a decent chance at not making it

and no, I'm not thinking of caribbean

>> No.15359341

But what's your point? I even admit that schools in other countries are harder to get into? What's your end game in this conversation???

Are you some butthurt Canadian???

>> No.15359349

I honestly forget. I think my point was that people coming out of lower end of mid tier (and lower) MD schools and any DO school are not high iq.

People coming out of mid tier+ medical schools are genuinely high iq and often high eq as well.

>> No.15359405
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So people going to better schools are possibly smarter? Good job genius, your MENSA acceptance letter is in the mail.

>> No.15359535

what about IT guys am I gonna get a job out of college??

>> No.15359560
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>> No.15359627

If I major in Pure Math and minor/double major in CS, what jobs can I get out of uni?

What if I just major in Pure Math and learn to code by myself?

>> No.15359639

comp sci and EE are soulless degrees for autism automatons tbqh

>> No.15359646

Then what isn't?

>> No.15359649

>BS in Biochemistry
>PharmD in progress

there's a lot of cute girls at least

>> No.15359651

theres cute girls in biochem???

>> No.15359657

cs is fun if you like to challenge your mind with algorithmic thinking

a uni degree will only give you what you put into it desu, if you're at least 2nd year and not looking for internships/coops then it's doomed

you can certainly learn to code by yourself but it will take insane work ethic as well as interest, sure you might learn a language or even a framework, but will you know about design patterns? optimization of your programs? data structures/algorithms? testing your programs? you probably won't have exposure to it that a cs/software student would (again depends on your interest in learning)

I would double major in cs and math if I were you desu. The math will unironically train your brain and make the cs parts way easier, the smartest people I know were the ones who double majored in math and cs (compared to people who only did one).

I was in biochem for 2 years and can say that 50-60% of every class I was in were girls.

In CS like 10% are girls.

>> No.15359658

are they girls or cute girls man im going into biology soon i must know

>> No.15359670

there's plenty of cute ones in science bro, especially in bio

cs is filled with uggos it's so sad, I remember my only classes where there were attractive girls were classes that were shared among engineering/cs like the math classes

>> No.15359673

>I would double major in cs and math if I were you desu. The math will unironically train your brain and make the cs parts way easier, the smartest people I know were the ones who double majored in math and cs (compared to people who only did one).
What were there schedules like? What free time did they have for hobbies and social life?

>In CS like 10% are girls.
How many of them were cute? How many of the guys simped over them?

>> No.15359681

>How many of them were cute?
very few
>How many of the guys simped over them?
there are lots of asians and indians who will simp, I remember many times a girl would be talking with a friend about an assignment and a huddle of pajeets and zhangs would form around them helping them/giving them answers

I work full time now in software and I can whole heartedly say no field is filled with more passive aggressive beta male cucks like software is, and that in no other field will a male do 90% of a females workload like what happens in software

>> No.15359692

>there are lots of asians and indians who will simp, I remember many times a girl would be talking with a friend about an assignment and a huddle of pajeets and zhangs would form around them helping them/giving them answers

damn, that's sad. How many of the males in the class were chads or chad-lites though? I would at least want to be friends with the normal guys who practice hygiene.

Also, how is it making friends with people outside of your program? What was the dating scene like in uni?

>> No.15359792

>>a uni degree will only give you what you put into it desu, if you're at least 2nd year and not looking for internships/coops then it's doomed
What can you even intern/co-op at studying math?

>> No.15359824

>tfw majored in English
>regret it every day
What are my options?

>> No.15359916

Not possible, mate.

>> No.15359923

You can start by never asking a fashion board about what to do with your life ever again

>> No.15359999

Life is pointless anyway, so why not start here?

>> No.15360014

get math degree.

>> No.15360437

the natural sciences are by far the most fashionable! Trees and shit bro!!!

>> No.15361509

Why'd you major in english in the first place if you don't mind me asking

>> No.15361541

itt coping midwits who think math is solving integrals

>> No.15361576
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>mfw studying survey engineering
>mfw getting paid to walk around in the woods by myself

>> No.15361661

based quads of nihilism

>> No.15361665
File: 1.47 MB, 1500x2000, iMarkup_20200626_180054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the tradepill anon
>unlimited room for career growth/career paths to take
>pick and choose your employers
>potential to start your own business
>not have to worry about mr. Noseberg firing you for using gamer words
>apprenticeships pay more than most entry level STEM jobs (no such thing as unpaid internships)
>1 year college @$1500/semester recommended but not required
>actually contribute to society

Unironically you lazy low T twinks need to grow a pair and learn a viable skill. The average skilled tradesperson is pushing 50 and union halls are sitting empty meanwhile every kid with a brain is getting shepherded into menial computer work or useless arts degrees, and general soirelated testosterone issues means your average under 30 is completely unable or unwilling to do moderate physical activity for 8 hours a day. The world needs trades. Right now even if you're total crap, if you can swing a hammer you will start in the mid 20s + OT, bonuses, incentives, benefits etc erc

It's a good lifestyle don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.15361686

My entry-level stem job pays 140k a year. I have stock options. What trade job would be similarly lucrative?

I didn't pay for college either so debt isn't really a concern.

>> No.15361709

tradesmen are low-iq rednecks.

>> No.15361730
File: 32 KB, 500x500, green doctor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is actually smarter though?
>Tyrone MD
>Caribbean grad, dead last of his class, family med
>still smart enough at baseline to be board certified and be fully qualified to treat his patients
>high emotional intelligence, dealing with important medical decisions
>great social skills, communicates effectively with everyone from boomer bob to zoomer anon
>valuable member of his local community

>Nelson PhD
>Graduated PhD from ivy, works as a computer science engineer at google, got his job through autism
>sits in front of a screen all day everyday, pushing code and numbers.
>crowning achievement in life is defeating anon's adblock

Nelson is obviously better with straight memory and numbers, but if you average out the different categories of intelligence, Tyrone might still be ahead.

>> No.15361778

Plumbing, pipe welding, framing, millwrights, plus they can live out in the beautiful white country instead of aids ridden liberal cities

>> No.15361808

nelson could probably do tyrone's job if he had to (assuming he got the education), the converse doesn't apply

>> No.15361809

this but unironically

>> No.15361823

If Tyrone could dredge his way through med school and residency, he could dredge his way through memorizing some coding.
on the otherhand
>trust the autist near your women, children, and sensitive life decisions
no thanks

>> No.15361832

id trust the autist to make choices and figure out whats wrong, but not to break anything to anyone

>> No.15361834

yeah, but he wouldn't be able to do what nelson does

nelson could easily do what tyrone did

tyrone would never be able to be a programmer on the level of nelson

do you see the point I am making?

generally speaking, if you are able to get through medical school, you are able to succeed in any other profession

>> No.15361849

Before that, he would have to talk to your women and get a proper patient history without coming off as a creep or losing his spaghetti.
>but not to break anything to anyone
telling people what's wrong with their health and helping them work through it is a fundamental component of the job

>> No.15361851

yeah i am agreeing with you. im not the other guy

>> No.15361867

Tyrone can't achieve what Nelson achieved. Nelson can achieve what Tyrone achieved.

>> No.15361890

>trust Nelson with your daughter's well-woman visit
>trust Nelson to work with you through your depression.
You're not wrong on the first part, Tyrone won't be as great of an engineer as Nelson.
However, Tyrone could still make it as a decent engineer, but Nelson wouldn't ever be able to make it at all as a doctor.
If you compared the sum-total of different kinds of intelligences (visual-spatial, verbal, etc), I'd wager Tyrone would still come out on top.

>> No.15361902

it depends on the level of eq and empathy nelson has I guess

also you're severely overestimating doctors when it comes to empathy, most I've met are jaded af

>> No.15361905
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jfc you faggots are unironically comparing a bottom of the barrel doctor with a paragon engineer and there's actual back and forth debate.
You pre-med kids are cringe as fuck putting med on a pedestal. It's just another job. I doubt any of you even have your high school diploma.

>> No.15361915
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>anime posting
>this mad
t. 40yo neet

>> No.15361926

it's just a walking glorified (by middle aged pajeets/asians) flow chart thinking too highly of himself

wouldn't surprise me if he's a premed

>> No.15361951
File: 12 KB, 266x190, wagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you wagie your whole life to retire
I start retired, and get to stay retired

>> No.15361959

Yeah we're pretty much the bunch that bullied you and banged the girls you liked in high school. I'm ok with this

>> No.15362045
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>> No.15362781

electrical engineering is for autists and basic normies with work habit.

t. chem engineering master race

>> No.15363002

I’m a physicist (real science, not just a baby branch), but whatever let’s you sleep at night

>> No.15363010

>reddit spacing
>out of context anecdotal evidence
Definitely an EE major

>> No.15363015

ESL redditor (also terrible slavic sentences)

>> No.15363024

Only answer is concept artist and illustrator. The problem is that it takes ten to fifteen years of rigorous daily practice and requires that you start as a kid

>> No.15363042

Not really, you can’t learn or even improve charisma.

>> No.15363046

>nelson could easily do what tyrone did
Wrong. Pushing around some commands until it works is easy. Maintaining good relationships with your patients and being a good doctor is extremely hard to achieve. That’s why they are paid so good and rare

>> No.15363948
File: 19 KB, 271x186, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coding is a rare special talent
>devs writing their own code
Is your only exposure to the industry through Hollywood?

>> No.15364035

Theer's no critical thinking necessary. It's the grownup version of putting the round peg in the round hole and the square peg in the square one.

>> No.15364595

Is Pure Math/CS double major a god-tier degree option?

>> No.15364607

Yeh pretty much

>> No.15364612
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Double major is kinda stupid, but both of those majors are good. You are going to need to do clubs/projects in school to stand out and be competitive in internships/jobs. Double major in STEM will be hell in terms of workload and I wouldn't suggest it. Just pick one (CS btw)

>> No.15364620

More like 3% and even then they were weirdos

>> No.15364622
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did an EE steal your gf?

>> No.15364625

Based post. I started with CS and ended up with a Master's degree in Electronics

>> No.15364680

I'm just here to flex my discipline. I'm a meteorologist.

>> No.15364698
File: 36 KB, 720x493, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't study meteors

>> No.15364732

then where can i find dark academia girls like in op

>> No.15364746

starbucks baristas

>> No.15365004

enjoy pipetting 1000 times a day

>> No.15365233

I’m doing mech engineering and I can confirm this.

>> No.15365302

I am a mining engineer.

>> No.15366496


Yeah he's still some unnamed dude at the hill

>> No.15367593

Was going to go to law school before I found out how big of a scam it is. By the time I figured it out it was too late to change

>> No.15367598

So you're poor? Who cares?

>> No.15367860

Yes, but only from a top school.

Outcomes for math majors are actually quite good. I made a little over 250k last year w/ bonus and I graduated 2 years ago.

Studying applied math at uni is a waste of time

This is not true. Even at better shops you still have a lot of people that come from financial engineering masters programs.

Outside of creative fields you definitely still need a bachelors to do anything cool. Unless you want to be a code monkey at Tumblr?

In my class there was a single cute girl who the guys all fawned over lmao

>political science classes are all legal theory.
no lol

analysis is certainly /fa/

>it's free labor
what are you talking about. the desirable engineering internships all pay at least $30-35 an hour. it's never a value add to the company in the short term.

Pure Math + CS concentration (or double major if you really want) is insanely marketable at the moment. If you want to be a quant, you might be able to get away with self studying CS. Obviously that'll put you at a disadvantage for dev roles though.

>> No.15367880

>Outcomes for math majors are actually quite good. I made a little over 250k last year w/ bonus and I graduated 2 years ago.
Can you tell me what you did in terms of networking and internships? How hard were your classes and did you have time for your own social life? How did you socialize outside of uni?

>In my class there was a single cute girl who the guys all fawned over lmao
how bad was the simping? Were there even any chads in your program.

>Pure Math + CS concentration (or double major if you really want) is insanely marketable at the moment.
That's my plan.

>> No.15367901

physics or maybe some sort science that gets you out of the house

>> No.15367905

Same except he was an uncle who went to Oxford and never married. Only just now getting old and dumb enough that you can have a conversation with him.

>> No.15367918

Lmao I have a psychiatrist tested iq of 141 and my gpa was a 2.9 in a math course. Gpa doesn't mean shit for high intelligence. It measures discipline and adherence to institutional structure. I was getting docked down in my undergrad because I would modify assignments to fit into my personal studies and skip anything that wasn't a test because I saw it as a waste of time. I was also just an arrogant idiot. Obviously intelligent people can easily get a high gpa but it is not an accurate measurement to identifying intelligence because tons of dumbasses and midwits can also achieve it. Now I'm in a t14 law school despite my trash glad because I got a 179 on my lsat

>> No.15367923

>muh iq
Literally meaningless. Stopped reading and filtered

>> No.15367927

T. Taleb

>> No.15367928

My dad makes custom cabinets in California and runs his own business. Pulls 350-400k a year. Before 2008 he was making 500k. If you're going into the trades DO NOT wagecuck. Work for a couple years gaining experience and then go out on your own. Be respectful, show up on time, and don't try to fuck people over and you're already ahead of 90% of the competition and will be sitting on referral business for decades

>> No.15368066

>networking and internships
I went to a top school so the networking part was pretty easy. Did 3 internships in a variety of industries. Junior year is the only one that matters though.

>How hard were your classes
Math is harder than CS but less work.

>did you have time for your own social life
the whole grades, friends, sleep choose 2 thing is very true.

>Were there even any chads in your program.
Not really. To be completely honest, there are loads of normal kids at the start of the math major but by the grad level / upper level undergrad they're all pretty autistic.

>> No.15368612

I did 2 years of CS and dropped out since coding 5 days a week for the rest of my life would’ve made me rope t b h . Got my pilot license and volunteered with different organisations in Africa. I was paid in meals and accommodation but by far the best thing I ever did. I expect to go back soon

>> No.15369467

>the whole grades, friends, sleep choose 2 thing is very true.
Are you sure? I asked some other people and they said they had 6 hours for free time when they account for sleep and studying and commuting to school.

>> No.15369702


>> No.15369932

That's some cool ass shit. How is the pay for that kind of work ?

>> No.15369989

Choose my path /fa/
I have a bachelors in history from a top uc . For my masters it is either a accredited masters of architecture program or law school. I like both, and both will take 2-3 years. I have a good gpa and a very high lsat so I don't think getting into a t 14 would be any trouble. I would want to be a judge.
But I really enjoy architecture and my family is all in the construction industry so getting a jumpstart in my firm would also be easy.
Both grad school programs are very difficult to that isn't a problem....

>> No.15369998

very based, i want to be a pilot after i finish my AI deg.

>> No.15370001

Law is soul crushing and the debt isn't worth it

>> No.15370418
File: 94 KB, 886x720, 1592713659728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Law is for fags, went to a couple of UC Davis law school parties and they were all dipshits. Not to mention that their parties were lame. Every single one of them had a chip on their shoulder when I told them I was in medical school (I have since graduated.) It's an ignoble profession, you produce nothing and truly help no one. One of the most bottom barrel professions out there. You're a leech.

With architecture you produce beauty and function rolled into one package. Industry, homes, art, you do it all. If I was more creative I would have done that, but I don't have an eye for design in that sense.

>Soul crushing

kek, more like dick sucking

>> No.15370431

I can only imagine how little fun you'd be to hang out with. I bet you have zero friends in real life

>> No.15370436

Lawyers are Jews.
Without law you'd be African tier.

>> No.15370605
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>t. lawfag

Kek how wrong you are

>> No.15370622

>math is obscenely based

>> No.15370673

I’m talking about the situation at a top program where you’re really pushing yourself academically. Expect that to be a real commitment (in particular if you’re aiming for 3.9-4.0) otherwise don’t bother studying math.

>> No.15371861

hi prop trading friend

>> No.15372699

Do you think somebody from a school that's not so renowned but still credible can get the job prospects that you have?

>> No.15372746

Every major is good and great. Except for accounting, which is boring and shit. It's hard as fuck, but only gets you min wage jobs after 5 years of studying. Plus it's the most boring shit in the world and field is filled with cunts.

>> No.15372756

iq is meaningless. discipline and adherence to institutional structure are way more important and valuable

>> No.15372809

based as fuck

>> No.15372910

It depends on what you want to do. A lot of the popular new grad jobs for Ivy League kids, e.g. banking and consulting, will be out of reach. You should be able to land high paying technical roles though if you have the hard skills.

>> No.15372990

This so much. This goes for every dicipline of engineering. Going through uni I thought I was going to be doing great things like designing race cars or doing the acoustics for cinemas and such. Turns out for 99% of the jobs out there you just fill in spreadsheets all day and just translate some data off a graph and sign off on it. Ive pulled out my calculator like 3 times since ive left uni.

I find a lot of engineers act smarter than they are. Pretend that they have a proper physics degree and get really fucking autistic thinking they are the smartest person in the room.

>> No.15373053

Incredibly based

>> No.15373086

>You should be able to land high paying technical roles though if you have the hard skills.
that's the plan.

>> No.15373135

How does one become an architect? Is it just a masters program and then passing the exam? I have a meme English degree, but I am really thinking about property development and architecture.
I'm not sure if I want to be in charge of the project to create cool buildings, or be the architect designing them, but I want to do something involved in real estate

>> No.15374361

What's the best uni in canada to learn math/cs that isn't waterloo?

>> No.15374664

I doubt anyone here even has a degree in any STEM field.

>> No.15374784

U of t

>> No.15374794

Am biomed engi and I can confirm, most engineers are in fact retarded

>> No.15374806

Not him but I was considering Toronto for a masters in biomedical engineering, focussing on post traumatic bone adaptation and healing. Any names you could give me?

>> No.15374942

What's the best uni in canada to learn math/cs that isn't waterloo or u of t?

>> No.15375181

UBC is also apparently really good

>> No.15375185
File: 95 KB, 750x565, DF987639-184E-4981-95CF-D6DF2A7CD51F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are your top few. Alberta isn’t terrible.

>> No.15375504

Engineering isn't what it used to be either, a lot of engineering fields have very little job growth.
I'm pretty sure the BLS said EE had a negative job growth for the next 10 years because people flooded the fuck out of it.

Engineering isn't that great outside of a couple of disciplines now. CS is better, medicine is arguably better, even certain business degrees.

>> No.15375510

degrees aren't fashionable you autists lol what an autistic method of thinking holy fuck

>> No.15375526
File: 37 KB, 657x527, b3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>signing shit as 'anon MD'
sounds pretty /fa

>> No.15375582

requires years of slaving away at residency and university though, and even when you're done with that you work too many hours.

>> No.15376126

so where am i supposed to find these dark academia girls then in uni?

>> No.15376292

Around ~4k month, which is pretty decent here. Not something you do only for the money really

>> No.15376297

definitely NOT computer science, no one here can or even tries to dress for shit

>> No.15376308
File: 19 KB, 640x726, 1588276967421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math and physics, yes. The most big brain disciplines, I prefer physics but math is great as well

>> No.15376326

You need an accredited degree. That is either a 5 year professional program, 4 year arch undergrad unaccredited to 2 year accredited masters, or if you have an unrelated undergrad than a 3 years masters program. After that you need to "intern" for a couple years and then pass all the testings needed to get your license. Then if you work as a wagecuck and don't try to start your own firm you'll make pretty shit money for the level of work and education you have. The money and prestige of the profession only exists if you do your own thing. You are also seen as the least essential part of most construction so many projects don't even use them(if you ever wanted to know why most arch in the usa looks like shit) and in an economic downturn you're the first thing to be cut. Only go into this profession if you can't see yourself doing anything else. I'm only considering it because I've been obsessed with architecture since I was a kid, I have school work I wrote in the first grade saying that I wanted to be an architect when I grew up, and since my family is heavily involved in the construction industry I have the privilege of avoiding most of the hurdles
If you just want to be involved in real estate or construction there is no use getting an architecture degree unless you have enough money and time to learn it for your own interest

>> No.15376337

Thanks for the heads up. Sounds like it's not worth it.
My current plan is to start a real estate pre-licensing course soon and get a real estate license. Specifically I want to do commercial real estate. Do that for a few years, learn the ins and outs of the industry and market and then try and transition to property development with the ultimate goal of being a developer and being in charge of the projects.
I think it's best to just keep drawing buildings as a hobby and not try and make it an actual career.

>> No.15376548

>equating pi and e
this is what rick and morty does to people

>> No.15377226

for you.

>> No.15377305

geeeez it's a joke cope with it

>> No.15378005


>> No.15378100

? It's literally a well known engineering joke with the approximations. "Oh well if we can say sin(x) =0 for small x then pi=e=3 amirite"

>> No.15378107

i know, i was just playing seethe, cope, dilate with you.

>> No.15378917
File: 133 KB, 1222x759, 1578077644855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is theatre
>itt Anons who never went to college
after Theatre it's Art. Then it's English and creative writing.

>> No.15379069

Law is based you jelly cuck

>> No.15379653

What are your favourite plays?

>> No.15380516

Hello? What are your favourite plays?

>> No.15380630
File: 129 KB, 1200x800, DE137D67-19C4-4954-ACAC-15D6A5C70B87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mechanical engineering is probably the most low bow STEM discipline, but if this movie was /effay/ then so be it. MechE is pretty much hit or miss

>> No.15380635

>t. marketing major that was forced to take an intro level accounting class and barely passed it

>> No.15380641
File: 236 KB, 535x400, 1593920753290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK, jelly of what?
Being the butt of every joke? Getting no respect? Seen as a legit leech on society? Not having a billboard with 1-800-ACCIDNT on it?
When they ask for a doctor on a plane or in an emergency, they're not asking for a JD lol.
Get the fuck out of here with that cope bullshit, physicians are the most revered profession of them all, oldest second only to prostitutes.

Maybe in the next life you wont disappoint your parents.

>> No.15380645

This. Marketing majors are usually the ones that go into college not knowing what to do and choose business because their parents do not want to pay for an Economics degree aka the Starbucks employee certificate.

>> No.15380661

get on that cog sci game

>> No.15380682

math is closest to philosophy, so yes, it's the most effay STEM field. early Wittgenstein will always be the most effay intellectual ever

>> No.15380691

You're a complete idiot who seems to have formulated an understanding of law from low iq American pop culture tropes and dilettante bullshit. Law is the foundational system of civilization and has been so since the Sumerian city-states. It's a self referencing system that keeps societies together and is more important as a whole then everything short of the entire collective population of a state. You have no understanding of the work of most lawyers because it consists of subjects that go completely over your head and isn't commonly found in daytime police procedures or political cartoons. And the JD is a masters and not a doctorate retard
Wtf? what the hell do these have to do with each other? Does the extent of your knowledge on these careers ends at chinese dads lecturing their sons? There is no "competition". Nobody cares about your idiot prestige games
t. Law school student studying constitutional law

>> No.15380709

if you're going to get a job at star bucks you should study social justice warrior shit. At least then you can lead the revolution with the baristas

>> No.15380716

how do i into wittgenstein?

>> No.15380729

Can you make this much in the trades if you're autistic?

>> No.15380737

why is consulting so ivy heavy?

>> No.15380750


enjoy the game

>> No.15380760

What are the prereqs to Wittgenstein? I want to get into philosophy in general. Deleuze, Wittgenstein and Hagel all interest me.

>> No.15380769
File: 1.16 MB, 480x270, gotem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever considered why we need trust fund kids such as yourself to understand basic common law? Law is not the noble pursuit it once was. It's convoluted, obtuse and used as a method of control. You are not fucking Hammurabi, you are not forming the foundations for city states, there is no great constitution for you to draft. You're a dipshit who couldn't make it in a real profession (engineering, medicine, trades etc) so you opted for something with a title that at least makes your parents not cry at night. I have no understanding of the work of most lawyers because it is not a noble profession and therefore I have no interest in it. In addition, there are plenty of knuckle dragging apes in the legal department to handle it for me. At man's basest senses, at the bottom of Mawlow's pyramid, we have physiologic need. Medicine. Health. I don't there's a spot on the pyramid for "cock sucking lawyer."

>And the JD is a masters and not a doctorate retard
"The Juris Doctor degree (J.D. or JD), also known as the Doctor of Jurisprudence degree (J.D., JD, D.Jur. or DJur), is a graduate-entry professional degree in law and one of several Doctor of Law degrees... It has the academic standing of a professional doctorate (in contrast to a research doctorate) in the United States..."

You're so uneducated you know nothing about even your own field of study. I have out drank enough sub-90 IQ law students at top 10 schools to know enough about what you do/study. It's a disgrace, you chucklefucks can't even shotgun a beer.

>There is no "competition". Nobody cares about your idiot prestige games
Kek, life is a competition. Always has been, always will be. You yourself acknowledge this by posting in this thread merely asking for the "most effay." You yourself acknowledge this by contesting my claims. Are you to be a lawyer or a mouse? All I see some is racist subhuman shit-stain.

>> No.15380771
File: 1.32 MB, 2531x1532, stem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



t. Engineer building society for lawyers to fuck up immediately

>> No.15380784
File: 248 KB, 637x515, 1582175265748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad forgot:

t. a fucking Doctor kek

>> No.15380790

what yields the most power, so lawyer or judge, ceo, psychopath professions basically, surgeon

>> No.15380792

You should probably know about Bertrand Russell and GE Moore's revolt against British idealism.
Wittgenstein was also very influential in the Vienna Circle, who were a bunch of philosophers, scientists, and mathematicians like A.J. Ayer, Quine, Einstein, and Kurt Godel, respectively.
but mostly Wittgenstein is the prereque for most of 20th century analytic philosophy.

>> No.15380822

Also, Hegel and Wittgenstein are like polar opposites. Hegel was all about the metaphysical historical dialectic, and Wittgenstein was like, "that's all fucking nonsense, give me logic"

>> No.15380835

actually not a bad idea -- get them sweet raw denim fades

>> No.15380841

raw denim is the only reason to get into a trade field

>> No.15380847

>bragging about 40 a hour
kek. a comfy wage for a flyover anon who will do nothing relevant in their life and rot away in a mcmansion

>> No.15380876

>kek. a comfy wage for a flyover anon who will do nothing relevant in their life and rot away in a mcmansion collecting disability due to your fucked up body because your bossman put speed over safety


>> No.15380883

What's a good roadmap to show which philosophers influenced which philosophers so that I can read through philosophy with the context of what came before?

>> No.15380910

>Have you ever considered why we need trust fund kids
You know nothing about me
>such as yourself to understand basic common law?
The literal point of common law is law as dictated from past traditional proceedings, yes you do need lawyers
>It's convoluted, obtuse and used as a method of control.
Yup. Confirmed dilettante
>there is no great constitution for you to draft.
Yes because the work of law is done once you write a constitution, especially in common law systems
>You're a dipshit who couldn't make it in a real profession (engineering, medicine, trades etc)
Again, you form your understanding of this from pop culture and angry idiots who got sued. I have an undergrad in mech engineering and could have went down that career if I wanted but I didn't because I like law and I like history of law. Your complete seethe in this is quite frankly pathetic. Did a law student fuck your crush or something? Goddamn. You don't need to have an opinion
>I have no understanding of the work of most lawyers
There it is
>Mawlow's pyramid
>>You're so uneducated you know nothing about even your own field of study.
It's a professional doctorate that nobody considers a doctorate in technicality considering that you are not a doctor and you don't have a PhD. It's treated like a masters
>I have out drank enough sub-90 IQ law students
Are you 15?
>at top 10 schools
Davis law is not top 10
>to know enough about what you do/study.
Dunning Kruger
>Kek, life is a competition.
>You yourself acknowledge this by contesting my claims.
You came out of nowhere and just started shitting on the profession and I was defending it. You clearly have a chip on your shoulder and speak like an erratic idiot
>All I see some is racist subhuman shit-stain.

>> No.15380926

Doubt it, but again, I don't care. You have this understanding that there is a competition or whatever between these that stems from immaturity and a narrow mindset. Stop speaking about and attacking things you know you don't have the smallest amount of background knowledge in, it is annoying and embarrassing
Law is the foundation and mediator for building a society that can even engage in advanced engineering. Absolutely nothing exists in a vacuum, especially pursuits that requires an environment that uses an immense amount of resources, access to information, and state stability. Go build drones in a tribe and then get back to me. Be aware of the extreme complexity that leads to everything in modern civilization. This is a system maintained by the state

>> No.15380956

>Maslow's hierarchy
Yeah bud you're more important than Rembrandt and nietzsche because sticking your finger in a middle aged man's asshole is on the bottom of the hierarchy and artists/philosophers are at the top. The guy keeping boomers alive are more important than a supreme Court Justice or constitutional scholar because they aren't attending to physiological needs. Anything above chimp status is unimportant
Literally insulting yourself and regulating your profession to the bottom of the human mind's potential for higher thought

>> No.15380962

>Applied math
>Follows charts

>> No.15381096
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>Fellow anon asks for help deciding between two different professions
>As a physician I give my piece, at least some basis for my reasoning and why I think law is for losers and not effay from a professional standpoint (speaking as a professional)
>A fucking law student steps up to the plate, proceeds to call me a cuck with no argument
>Shit on him
>Lawfag tries to cope, brings up race which has no bearing in this argument
>Shit on him again
>Lawfag doesn't refute any of my points, just calls me a midwit and throws out JD1 buzzwords/nitpicking, speaks like a child, pretends to "not care" despite responding systematically like a piss ant.

Pathetic. How do you hope to practice law?

Do you think your average lawyer is more important than Rembrandt or Nietzsche? Do you think that your average lawyer is a supreme court justice? Your logic is folly. The greatest physicians and clinical researchers are not my benchmark. I know am nothing more than a cog in a machine. But despite this I know physicians are teachers, mentors, and pillars of their respective communities and make differences in the lives of individuals who are hoping to achieve something great (i.e. not becoming a lawyer). This has always been the aim of physicians, the only difference is our methods have become more scientific.

Living a long and healthy life allows one to fully explore the "human mind's potential for higher thought." I don't know who you are or what your ambitions are but I do know that you're a cocksucker. I know that when you're presenting to the ED for shortness of breath/chest pain/fever secondary to possible aspiration pneumonia (from aspirating cum and vomit) vs pneumonitis (from aspirating acidic gastric fluid as well as cum) you wont be thinking of politics, the museum of modern art or Tolstoy; you'll be thinking about how hard it is to breathe. Physiological needs are pretty important, we wouldn't have higher thought without them. Crazy huh :^)?

>> No.15381132

No, it's physics

>> No.15381137


>> No.15381146

>>As a physician I give my piece, at least some basis for my reasoning
"Piece" "basis" you just threw childish insults and said "de don't drink more beer dan me hurr" fucking idiot. Your "reasoning" is trash. Say literally anything that couldn't be found in a bullied teenagers diary
>>A fucking law student steps up to the plate, proceeds to call me a cuck with no argument
? I provided my reasoning on why I find law important and why your understanding of it to be idiotic
>>Shit on him
>>Lawfag tries to cope, brings up race which has no bearing in this argument
Again, wtf? Nobody mentioned race
>>Shit on him again
>>Lawfag doesn't refute any of my points,
There is nothing to refute, you have no "points" except ignorant insults
>speaks like a child
>pretends to "not care"
I don't care about the fictitious competition you made up between these professions to fix whatever mental problems you have, I defended my chosen path from an idiot shitting on it online

>> No.15381201

Deleuze is not hard and doesn't give you much out of reading him, Wittgenstein, kripke, all those analytical guys are great, continental phil ended with nietzsche

>> No.15381206

Unironically the wikipedia page for any philosopher you like, or just begin with nietzsche

>> No.15381208


>> No.15381402

you can be qualified as a bookkeeper just by taking 6 months worth of accounting classes, its not 5 years idk where you would get that from.

>> No.15381406

>itt: when /sci/'s arrogance meets /fa/'s narcissism

>> No.15381897

This, but fuck Nietzsche.

Right hand column has an "influenced," and "influences" section

>> No.15381917

"continental phil ended with Nietzsche"

>> No.15382026

lawyers BTFO

>> No.15383495


>> No.15383621

Imagine being this upset that you failed the LSAT and didn't get into a good law school

>> No.15383713

Enjoy your debt and remember to kiss up to the rich kid who was essentially born a partner.

And good luck with dealing with senile and unhinged judges as well. Maybe if you tickle their balls the right way you could help your criminal client.

>> No.15383737

>talking about law school debt and saying physician is better
>not realizing physician is twice as expensive as law school three times the length

>> No.15383794

Sorry anon, I'm a different guy.

When it comes to Doctors, they should just study in Cuba instead of a third world countries like the USA and it's colonies. Unless they are born rich of course...

>> No.15383824

Cause it’s kinda got this mix of like boomer culture elitism

>> No.15383844

Internships that don’t pay are practically non-existent

>> No.15383860

FYI for all the CompSci or just college naysayers, Facebook SWE college new grads got paid 100k signing bonuses in 2019

See the above, there’s something else you were doing wrong. Probably your resume. Also, I often see people doing 200-300 leetcode problems. Did you try for SDET positions? You might not be paid as much but you’ll still get paid well.

>> No.15383864

If you’re in CA yeah, you could be comfy af for a tech company

>> No.15383880

Confirmed for shitville,USA because that's the only place these archie-comics- tier jock and nerd dynamics happen

>> No.15383902
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During my math bachelor's I kept pretty much to myself but the people I did talk to for the most part were pretty cool, although maybe a bit weird. One guy made me do some dumb project (simulation) with a 20 page paper pretty much all by myself, but then puts that shit on his resume which makes me think all that cool-looking stuff on there is a sham. Another was a big hipster, liked cigars, weed, day-trading, etc. He was a C student, and became a high school teacher. Another was pretty cute, got me to come to the Putnam practices/exam, and I remember he said something which made me think he had a hidden edgy side. He also exceeded in programming competitions, so I think he'll end up at Google or something. One was doing a music degree, had dark skin but vivid green eyes that'd light up when talking about music. There were a few cute white guys that just wanted to go on to do research -- I know the most attractive one did pretty well on the Putnam exam and is currently doing a PhD -- guys seemed to dislike him, I think because they were jelly / thought he was arrogant, but I think he had the right to be, and he was nice to me. There was one incredibly obese girl who was very friendly, liked to laugh, but talked too much when we would be studying for exams, hence she didn't do too well.

I think the biggest tismo's belong to the CS department, but as a proportion of their department, not that big. I took CS1 and did better than the majority of them. I remember complaints about binary searching to cut a circle into the right ratio of areas was "too mathy" despite having access to google. Also, the teacher wrote his own plagiarism code-checker and flagged maybe half the class, and like 90% of some other (known to be hard) class.

This was a big rambling but it was mostly for myself, fun remembering. :-)

In the end, I don't think math people are very /fa/, but pretty much no one is. Here's me for example. Came here to see if there were any threads that'd inspire me.

>> No.15383943

This was a good thread.
Cheers mates.

>> No.15384088

Someone should make another. Like an effay majors and careers thread to keep it on topic