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15343169 No.15343169 [Reply] [Original]

/skincare/ is effay

She only use a little bit of olive oils on her face

and you?

>> No.15343189

She also wears makeup retard
My skin looks perfect when I wear foundation and concealer, too

>> No.15344791
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how to fix my atrophic scars?

>> No.15345002

Make an appt with a dermatologist and try dernarollin

>> No.15345107

can I do to make my skin less oily? I use Thayers unscented toner in the morning and The Ordinary 2% hyaluronic acid moisturizer at night. I only use water to wash cause my skin's sensitive as fuck

>> No.15345173

I'm trying to achieve that /paleboy/ completion, mostly on my face but overall body too. are there any whitening/bleaching products you guys recommend?

>> No.15345191

Wash with soap, you moron. Soap is a surfactant, which removes lipids.

>> No.15345345
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As a male, I also, but ever so lightly, apply olive oil to my skin. This I do only if I should strip the oils from my skin due to a soaping of the face. I miss the smell of Noxzema.

>> No.15345800

can i dernarol at home

>> No.15345804

u try tretinoin bro

>> No.15345806

what would olive oil do for my face?

>> No.15345813

it would make your skin extremely oily

>> No.15345816

Canmake Mermaid Skin Gel UV Sunscreen
Hada Labo Koi White Gel Suncreen

Which one lads?

>> No.15345817

both same get whichever is cheaper

>> No.15345835

please help em

>> No.15345863

Never do this

Soap is VERY alkaline and with fuck up your pH ballast

>> No.15345869

Will make you break out and look greaso

>> No.15345947

Kojic acid

>> No.15345959

To be more specific, glutathione and vitamin c, kojic acid, and minimizing sun exposure. This is how every single ASEAN female transforms into something that looks more East Asian. I don't know if you can get intravenous glutathione there but it's a fairly common procedure here.

>> No.15346100

you're a dry guy

>> No.15346104

can I use retinol/retinoid without really any else products?

also is there a difference between the two

>> No.15346107
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Is this a reputable brand?

>> No.15346447

Ok, cool. Where's the place to order from? I'm in England, just through Amazon?

>> No.15346452

how do i stop skin picking?
i see any sort of pigment underneath the skin and I HAVE to try to get it out
i know its fucked up and OCD but its ruining my life and i dont even want to go outside (even before covid)

>> No.15346464

I have the same problem but for my scalp. Dermatillomania really sucks

>> No.15346904

yes there's tutorials on yt on how to do it, it's not recommended in the summer though, plus you can't do it while you have active acne so you first have to go to the derm
I'm not american but retinol is a weaker version of retinoid, you can get the first over the counter and the second with prescription (retin a) but it's very expensive in the us, thankfully you have brands with a very strong retinoid concentration, so look around for stuff with 40% retinol
give yourself a facial once a week or every 2 weeks, buy one of those extractors and make a very small hole with a syringe, look up tutorials for facials at home on yt, it's still satisfying and much less destructive than picking it

>> No.15347072

Are you white to begin with?

>> No.15347785
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On Accutane and getting another crazy purge. Should I add benzo perox or will nothing help?

>> No.15347849

for you.

>> No.15348732

Please help me jesus christ

>> No.15349338


>> No.15349689 [DELETED] 

the first guy gave you the only answer stupid monkey nigger

>> No.15349722


>> No.15349728

Imagine advertising your product by being proud of making a lid for a container.

>> No.15350257

for me, it's almond oil

>> No.15350378

hello, ive damaged my skin barrier through over cleansing.
what do i do to repair, shall i stop cleansing and just use a cerave in the tub moisturizer am and pm? or do i need to use a gentle cleanser in the pm?

>> No.15351003

u stop everything except moisturizing

>> No.15351004


>> No.15351098
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Anyone try this? Or should I just stick to CeraVe's SA body wash

>> No.15351755

even if i wear SPF?
i might drop everything apart from moisturiser and then add cerave hydrating cleanser in the PM in like a week or something

>> No.15351764

Just washing in the morning and night with cold water.

>> No.15351812

nice try pajeet

>> No.15351928

I eat a lot of chocolate and drink a liter of milf daily.

>> No.15351941

I mean milk

>> No.15351964

I never realized Sofia was so busty. Jayne Mansfield had nothing on her.

>> No.15352013

Based minimalism skincare

>> No.15352135
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women don't care about skincare, they have make-up to help them out. it's why they hit the wall so early.

>> No.15352395

I noticed olive oil actually lessens my acne. There are antioxidants and vitamins and it actually fights bacteria.

It also has long been used to lessen the reddening of acne scars. It does work. It makes you look a little younger too.

>> No.15352425


What do you guys think the Romans used during Roman times?

>> No.15352466
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>40% retinol

>> No.15352543

Do you still need to apply sunscreen after benzoyl peroxide when indoors? It's not an AHA/BHA so not sure if it's necessary.

>> No.15352562

Get a tretinoin or tazorac prescription. Also BHA + AHA. And then you just have to be really patient. It took me years of consistent tretinoin and exfoliant use to heal mine to be barely noticeable, and they were wayyy worse than what you have. And having a healthy diet + drinking plenty of tea helps too.

>> No.15352567

You need to apply sunscreen every single day, even in the dead of winter. UVA rays can pass through windows which won't burn you, but will age you regardless of if you use benzoyl or not.

>> No.15352581

I did all this bullshit and it helped somewhat. Then I figured out it was all due to dairy, once I stopped eating or drinking any dairy I have perfect skin. If I have any dairy I will without fail break out. I even did a sort of blind test on myself because I was dumb and didn't know donuts had dairy in them.

Just go on an elimination diet.

>> No.15352634

Ok guess I'll try to keep up with that every day
Additionally, what should I use to get rid of blackheads? I'm trying 2% salicylic acid but it doesn't seem to be doing much.

>> No.15352673

What's your lactose tolerance like? I reckon I get worse skin from dairy too.
For me it's like 500ml of milk - gas. 1000ml of milk - lots of gas. >1000ml - diarrhea.
Have wondered what would happen if I took lactase, would it translate to less skin problems?

>> No.15352685

I am completely lactose tolerant in terms of digestion so I don't think lactase would do anything (although I haven't tried). The only thing I know for sure is that ingesting dairy for sure causes some sort of skin reaction for me. The scientific literature on the subject is pretty sparse, really the only thing known there is that in populations where people have more western diets with a lot of dairy there is a lot more acne (and acne has increased in places as dairy becomes more popular).

Experiment and see what happens.

>> No.15352691

You ever tried drinking a gallon of milk in a day?

>> No.15352696

What may help is nightly oil cleansing. Basically get an oil cleanser like The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Light Cleansing Oil. This will be the first step of your cleansing routine. Massage the oil into dry skin for 30 seconds or more. Wet your hands, massage again for 30 seconds or more. Rinse thoroughly. Then move onto your usual cleanser. I recently started oil cleansing and it's helped a lot.

I don't use benzoyl peroxide, but I do use tretinoin. If benzoyl isn't working for you, I'd recommend tret instead.

>> No.15352711

I don't think so... And I'm not going to try it because that would fuck my face, neck, and upper back for over a month. I have probably eaten an equivalent amount of dairy in a day if you include cheese and butter (a couple glasses of milk, homemade carbonara, homemade mac and cheese, an entire pizza to myself over the course of two days and the ensuing ebin breakout is how I first begun to suspect dairy). No digestion problems, it just gives me really bad acne.

>> No.15352726

She's really fat though, that's gross.

>> No.15352727

Whole pizzas don't give me gas but a glass of milk will.
I've heard it suggested that pasteurizing milk makes it do this stuff to us and raw milk wouldn't.

>> No.15352819

What mainly causes aging? Sunlight and genetics? What else?

>> No.15352823


>> No.15354354
File: 228 KB, 800x1088, e489c44524b3b9ad017db3e74d6797f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude was one of the hottest male models in the 90s. The film Zoolander was based on him. I wonder if he followed a skincare routine.

>> No.15354390

Man got that rugged look like he worked 9-5 chopping wood for his entire life.

>> No.15354396
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Here's what he used to look like

>> No.15354411
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>> No.15354778

Need help with cleaning myself in the shower. When I shower I can scrape a layer of fat off of my chest (only the chest) and keep going forever. It looks disgusting and after showers there is still some fat layer left that makes me feel unclean. How do I prevent this?

>> No.15354819
File: 171 KB, 2000x1000, 1D60DC7B-0D3A-4A4E-B23F-F357127ADF49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it matter which dermaroller I get?

I found this cheap dermastamp with adjustable needle lengths.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O9ySThvMBuw [Open]

Will this be good enough? I want to smooth out my indented icepick/boxcar/rolling scars.

>> No.15354918

benzo perox will irritate your shit. just ride it out

>> No.15355054
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any essential oil recs? I've tried rosehip oil and tsubaki oil for my face. The rosehip does wonders, but tsubaki didn't really do much for me

>> No.15355139

I use a simple moisturizer, cleanser and scrub on my face every now and then, don't have any problems there anymore

My shoulders however are riddled with tiny blackheads, I've tried using the same products I use on my face on my shoulders, it only seems to get worse though

plz help

>> No.15355159

maybe use a loofah or a back brush? my backpimples went down significantly after using a proper back brush. Don't know if itll be effective on blackheads tho

>> No.15355190
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Any tips for back acne? I've been using this for about two weeks and it cleared about half of it up, I wash my sheets ever 3 days, I just want to be able to go to the beach without being self conscious

>> No.15355193
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Forgot to post the soap cause I'm retarded

>> No.15355226

You don't have the capacity to do dermarolling at home. You need to go to a professional. Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.15355398

Get a loofah, liquid soap and scrub harder

>> No.15355429

Rinse face with warm water
CeraVe Moisturising Lotion
Nivea UV Face Shine Control SPF 50

Garnier Micellar Water Facial Cleanser Sensitive Skin
CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser
Superdrug Naturally Radiant Glycolic Tonic 5%
CeraVe Moisturising Lotion

is this /thread if I don't have any skin problems?

>> No.15357259
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Any over the counter medication I could use to remove the rough skin on my elbow?

>> No.15357506 [DELETED] 

>olive oil
is that why so looks so tasty?

>> No.15357518

whats the best way to improve my skin (besides face)?
lotions and a good soap?

>> No.15357520

Drink many waters every day

>> No.15357599

Do serums works?