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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.95 MB, 1920x2769, kardashian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15326411 No.15326411 [Reply] [Original]

How on earth is this trashy bitch considered a fashion icon? Fat asses are vulgar. Fake nails are trashy. Cross necklaces with diamonds are tacky.

>> No.15326443

She’s only considered an icon by niggers and white women who fuck niggers

>> No.15326460

Better than the nigger in the back

>> No.15326461

i don't think anyone finds her attractive

its one of those things you just say in public to not be outted as a racist

yeah kim kardashioan and beyonce are so hot

t. only dates blue eyed blonde women

>> No.15326475

kardashians are a psy-op.

>> No.15326485

90% of men would fuck her because of her tits and ass
Women with low IQ (ie 90% of women) want to be her because they know men want to fuck her

It's really that simple

>> No.15326492

Beyoncé was attractive in her prime though

>> No.15326500

t. low t """""male""""""

>> No.15326528

Does anyone seriously do this in America? Lie about what they think is attractive in order not to be labelled racist? Honestly can't tell amymore.

>> No.15326534

I do it often, sometimes i do it at work with women 30+ to get them to actually do their job since women my age are lazy and inept as shit, and they hate men the same age as them for no reason so flirting keeps you on their good side.

i also lie and say i find Mexicans attractive, to avoid allegations of racism

like if someone hey man isn't juanita hot!?

and i look over and it's some chick with huge ass and thighs and that nasty curly ghetto hair mexicans chicks have

i always say shit like yeah bro

on here i'm unfiltered as fuck

>> No.15326549

>on here i'm unfiltered as fuck
wow you’re so cool

>> No.15326552

Yes, everyone in America is dishonestly nice, and it's very blatant. It doesn't just pertain to race, it's about everything.

>> No.15326556

God, what has happened to the West?

>> No.15326558

>tfw you would fuck literally anything but you're also racist

>> No.15326573

you can get "cancelled" it's where all these liberal types band together and agree not to, talk to you, exchange with you, hire you or do business with anything you start up

so you need to be fake 100% of the time and be for the "cause" whatever it is the liberal types want

think of it as an IRL twitter ban list

you know those block lists everyone shares?

same shit

>> No.15326581

From what I have seen, Kim is the one who is considered racist for "appropriating" black culture, style, features etc.

>> No.15326605


I'll never understand the love Beyonce gets. Her music isn't that good and she's not hot.

>> No.15326610

Still, at least Beyonce has some class. She's not gutter trash like Lizzo, Cardi B, and whatever other slut pretending to rap is hot right now.

>> No.15326611

Fat asses are not /fa/. They make clothes look horrible. No serious designer makes clothing designed to accommodate chicks with ass implants.

>> No.15326612

>Still, at least Beyonce has some class


>> No.15326613
File: 75 KB, 696x464, whitening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15326617

Beyoncé was a conventionally attractive woman, no one said anything about loving her

>> No.15326621

Zoomers detected
Both Kim Khardasian and Beyonce were among the most desired women of the 2000s.

>> No.15326624

good goy suck down that media hype

no one gives two fucks about these nigger whores

>> No.15326628

What media hype? Kim Khardasian was only known for her lawyer father and sex tape. Beyonce was in Destiny's Child

>> No.15326632


>> No.15326634

That stuff is from 2015 Twitter or whatever
What I'm talking about is before the age of smartphones

>> No.15326639

kim kardashian was not desired in the early 2000s lol. she only blew up in 2007 because of the sex tape, everyone and their grandmother saw it and she was only known for having dat ass, other than that she was a literal nobody and paris hilton's closet organizer until E! came in and gave them the reality show. it wasn't until like 2009/2010 that she started becoming this desirable symbol

>> No.15326641

do you not see the brain fart you made here:
>What media hype?
>Kim Khardasian was only known for her lawyer father and sex tape.

bro, that's a tell that you're dealing with media hype.
a worthless cunt that becomes so famous every girl in an anglo country between 16-26 is trying to look like her, for years.
nothing organic about her popularity.

>> No.15326671

Lots of people want to fuck Kim Kardashian, but that doesn't make her a fashion icon. She doesn't have the height or body type to be a real model, and her taste in clothes is unbelievably tacky.

>> No.15326677

because your country is getting blacked hard

>> No.15326679


She's not a fashion icon, she's a Hollywood/US celebrity icon.

>> No.15326700
File: 998 KB, 250x251, We just don't know.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trashy bitch
>fat asses
>"fashion icon"
Gee, I wonder who could be behind the promotion of such vulgar, shallow, materialistic, violent and egotistical individuals as being people that is worth admiring and imitating..
It's almost as if whoever is doing this is intentionally trying to corrupt and destroy the people that they are indoctrinating..
It is a mystery

>> No.15326778
File: 136 KB, 700x700, 1587829853079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day, I become more and more convinced that the wrong side won in WW II.

>> No.15326782

japan is the same since ww2 racist as shit

just better at hiding it

>> No.15326785

The jeews

>> No.15326828 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 636x636, 1559802433541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a violent man but I want to beat her and her kin to death.

>> No.15326832

You're not wrong.

>> No.15326863

fashion icon?

where do you live?
you should move immediately

>> No.15326883

The turks should have finished the job.

>> No.15327015 [DELETED] 


>> No.15327407

>blue eye blonde women
Low test, Mayo taste

>> No.15327418

Oh lawd this. I live in a place where the media is a nepotistic piece of shit industry ran almost exclusively by fucking Armenians that fled the genocide. It's like they're Jews-lite. I fucking hate the Turks for botching it.

>> No.15327419

Agreed, this tripfag has fucking awful taste