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15324665 No.15324665 [Reply] [Original]

How to have this aesthetic?

>> No.15324827

Apply to Hogwarts school of wizardry

>> No.15324829


>> No.15324887

Buy turtleneck and grey paint

>> No.15324909

write basic horror novels on coke

>> No.15324917

Money, arrogance

>> No.15325338

money how?

>> No.15325391
File: 501 KB, 744x1460, 1591786059938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of question is this? You have the picture, just copy it.
Get a turtleneck, round glasses, a tapered haircut with lots of gel put on a piercing look as if you are about to rob or rape somebody.
Also pick up a copy of ego and its own

>> No.15325410

how to have that piercing look

>> No.15325423

get a job
get a pair of eyes

>> No.15325424

I mean how does money get that look

>> No.15325426

For starters he’s not wearing his correct frame size. His head is literally pushing the limit at which his glasses bend. So he looks even stupider.

>> No.15325428

stupider or cooler?

>> No.15325432

Confidence and determination
You are probably a young faggot so naturally you look like a deer in the headlights.
You need to judge everything you see and look how it connects to yourself.
Just read Stirner and you will get it.
Do some cocaine and fuck some prostitutes that helps too.
There is nothing wrong with paying someone to fuck you if you desire to do so.

>> No.15325441

>There is nothing wrong with paying someone to fuck you if you desire to do so.
but I don't desire to do so, so that's out of the question.
Is there something to do with eye colour? I think the colour of his eyes contribute to achieving the piercing effect.

>> No.15325454

It mostly has something to do with how low the eyebrows are. The expression you have when you concentrate on smth in front of you. You can't change your eye color.
It is general mannerism as well. The guy in pic looks meek but will absolutely strangle you from behind if it suits him so.
It is mental thing

>> No.15325460

It's the hair

>> No.15325580

Stupider, you think it looks striking because angles and lighting. In real life he looks poor and boring.

Get a life cause he just gay as fuck.

>> No.15325616

I guarantee Sam Beckett would mog you to death if you met him

>> No.15325619

It's not Stirner it's Beckett

>> No.15325629

Lol, it’s pretty sad you continue to compare yourself and your standards through Strangers that you will never meet and don’t even know you exist.

Especially when you dick ride about his looks like a fag. Objectively he looks likes shit and one of those nerdy losers. Then again that’s probably what you relate to with your poor self image and delusion.

>> No.15325844

you use the money to buy the clothes. not a difficult concept.

>> No.15326506

be handsome

>> No.15326530

who dis?

>> No.15327045
File: 52 KB, 597x572, ira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil irishboy core

>> No.15327081

have a fkn sick hairline. If you're balding tho bad luck.

>> No.15327156
File: 148 KB, 596x800, samuel-beckett-hugo-jehle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but some people are just naturally aesthetic. Beckett looked like this in his 80s. He retained a full head of hair with a NATURAL black streak through it (the rest was grey). He was tall and thin with great posture. He was even said to have graceful walk which one friend described as a "sportsmans walk" (he played cricket). You can see his walk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtMUL0aDFO8
He was also, obviously, an artistic genius.

>> No.15327358
File: 48 KB, 500x625, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people still claim this guy's Stirner?

>> No.15327362


>> No.15327375

probably for the hair before anything

>> No.15327440

He was only 5'10"

>> No.15327588
File: 1.50 MB, 2998x2249, notfilm010.onsetbeckettschneiderkeaton-26d3e28889026b87c503a2190a13e91a654413e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah according to some rando website on google with no sources. It's impossible to know his exact height but people who met him describe him as "very tall", and if you look up any picture or video of him he towers above everyone.

>> No.15329297

How to know the right correct frame?

>> No.15330551

holy shit anthony bourdain had a huge nose