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/fa/ - Fashion

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15313242 No.15313242 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever taken the buzzpill? what was your result?

>> No.15313248

Got a fat booty latina's number the night I shaved my head. I'm russian so it suits me fine. Have a huge overgrown mullet noe though, probably won't shave my head anytime soon.

>> No.15313324

if you are not balding, or if your face is not 9/10 aesthetic don't do it.
Also every fucking normie and their grandmother buzzes now so doing it will only lower your chances of looking /fa/

>> No.15313332

>every fucking normie and their grandmother buzzes now
People have been doing buzz cuts for decades now, it's absolutely nothing new, you only started noticing it now.

>> No.15313339

I am not saying it's new. But it is the new trend, has been for few months already was getting popular months before the virus, but when quaratine hit most normies 404'ed at the prospect of no possibe way to get a haircut. Also if another guy which buzz doesn't suit gets it, I am going to fucking shoot someone.
Stop giving people bad advice. And if op wants genuine advice about buzz he should show his face.

>> No.15313345

I usually do once every 18-36 months. Over the years, my past 7 gfs have consistently said they liked me with longer hair so they could put their hands through it. Not that it remotely plays into my decision, but if you're hoping it makes you look sexier to women it literally does the opposite.

>> No.15313558

I did it once around 10 years ago. People started asking if I was a boy or a girl.
Haven't cut it other than health trims since.

>> No.15313570

I did it when I was 17. People started calling me 'scotch egg' because my ginger stubble looked like the breadcrumbs on a scotch egg lmao. It was an unfortunate few months.

>> No.15313572

your advice is based on shit tier anecdotal evidence from your tiny Instagram feed

fucking yikes

>> No.15313574

Buzzed from pretty long hair recently. Shit was cool, the shock factor with normies etc. was worth it. I also like how it looks now growing back, but it'll probably start sticking out like fucking monkey hair soon (I have pretty strong, thick hair).
Flip side is it made me worry about my hairline, which is not as good as I thought (still not bad, but definitely not as strong as the guy in pic rel).

>> No.15314881

Was pretty nice, but I think I like my little curls more

>> No.15314912

nice shot, but you have missed, it is the thing to do in every facecuck community, seen more buzzed normies out than ever, especialy those that dress better than the norm, people from my uni that wore some streetwear shit buzzed as well.
but w/e you are just butthurt redditor because you thought that u are doing something adventerous or breaking the norm when u buzz, but actually you are doing exactly the thing that every npc normie does now

>> No.15314913

I was involuntarily buzzpilled by a bar barber my freshman year of high school.

Never again

>> No.15315903

who is this? he's super cute

>> No.15315918

To be clear I was bullied relentless and since it was freshman year and nobody knew anybody I lost many potential friends and never recovered in terms of social status

>> No.15315927

this wtf. when I took the buzzpill thicc chicks and latinas wanted my dick whenever I went out.

>> No.15315973
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Which one should i get?

>> No.15316026

mid fade, taper fade if you have a big head

>> No.15316028

Frederick remmond, he invented anal sex

>> No.15316032

I asked for a mid fade but my baber gave me a taper, i fucking hate her

>> No.15316163

Cringe, imagine wanting to get a haircut, but not getting it because other people also have it...

>> No.15316274
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Sure thing, I did last year. I kept it for the hottest months of the year but it made me look too latino IMo so I changed it for an Ivy League sort of haircut.
Pic related. Also, one of the few blessed genetics I have is 0 hair loss.

>> No.15316276

it's cold

>> No.15316278

Took it some 8 months back after having mostly long hair all my life. The shock value from friends and family was pretty entertaining and I could tell I was getting some positive attention from people I didn’t know but after a few weeks I started to miss having more hair though I might do it again sometime in the future.

>> No.15316283

At a certain ago you just stop giving a fuck. I have reached that age. You can't beat time

>> No.15316304

I got mixed comments when i buzzed it but still enjoyed it. Might do it again sometime

>> No.15317001

your ugly.

>> No.15317116


> barber
> her

It's all your fault fucking idiot

>> No.15317885

its a black thing

>> No.15317910

>blessed genetics

>> No.15317953

I have a lot of cowlicks so growing out of a buzz makes my hair look pretty bad.

>> No.15318153

they arent called a barbhim so whats your point?

>> No.15319250

i did it for conscription and looked like young hellboy sans the beard. i can't pull it off, makes me look like a fucking cartoon caricature character

>> No.15319327

Why do non-black men get their hair cut by women? Never understood that. For me it's always made sense to get it cut by another black man.

>> No.15319342

I don't feel like hitting up the barber right now considering buzzing it again but with my mask someone might confuse me for a white supremacist and beat me up :c(

>> No.15319456

Post mask

>> No.15319490
File: 40 KB, 564x708, youre a faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you need to take the beardpill if you take the buzzpill

>> No.15319504

Went from 5/10 to 9/10. keke

>> No.15319507

Yes, I looked like a skinhead. Am not that handsome.

>> No.15319519

it's just a black wrap mask required by work to wear.

>> No.15319550

>r/asablackman xD

>> No.15319581

I've taken since I was a little boy. This is haircut is always my go to. It makes me look 5x younger and easier to show with.

>> No.15319591

The only people who profit from it are masculine chads. Men this days have low T faces so most look worse with buzz.

>> No.15319596
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I've taken the fierce flow + beard pill to great effect!
I'm just too dumb to do anything with it, so I need some hoe to braid it for the maximum flex

>> No.15319599

you're fucking yourself over with that hair and beard
I'm thinking of tech support pajeet looking at you

>> No.15319602
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Only 1% of men can pull of this aesthetic.

>> No.15319647
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not really. Just don't wear it open if you have a rather slim and long face.
You can wear it open, however, if you can compensate with a massive beard and thick eyebrows - think Dan Bilzerian, for example.
Ez to achieve if you have a decent base, though. Just put some Minox on that bitch and watch it grow, especially great for eyebrows.

Obviously you gotta be muscular to some degree so you don't look like you're half head.

>> No.15319654
File: 85 KB, 527x1024, oblong a shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. My face is oblong. What should I do?

>> No.15319664

same, imo one of the shittier ones, especially because I have no jawline whatsoever.
Luckily, I can grow a decent beard, and I'm thinking about using Minox to make it thicker.
With a full beard and thick eyebrows basically every hairstyle works imo.

>> No.15319717

i looked like i was ok chemo