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File: 2.64 MB, 3858x4033, 9A08FD19-5CD9-4166-A371-A61BB0EA1A43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15311898 No.15311898 [Reply] [Original]

Who’s the most effay?

>> No.15311914

taurus girl is best

>> No.15312133

Capricorn. Women in suits are sexy.

>> No.15312208

capricorn is the only decent fit

>> No.15312370

Aries x Libra fanfic:

Their relationship thrived off the fact that they complemented each other, to such a degree that they looked goofy as a couple. Together they were painful to be around -- Jenn (the dyke-ish one) would always have her arm somewhere on Sarah, and Sarah would be excrutiatingly sweet. It wasn't as if the two were different people around each other, but rather that they fed entirely into each other's vanity, making obnoxious what were otherwise tolerable personalities. If it weren't for fear of being labelled homophobic, their friends probably would have avoided encountering both at once.

As over-the-top it seemed, the appearance wasn't a farce. Jenn was clever and ambitious, and, according to her colleagues, fairly cutthroat. Old peers spoke of her highly, and she was well-regarded in her firm for being level-headed and confident. Sarah was held up a bit more by nepotism in her professional life, and had historically been quiet and cutesy.

Before having met Jenn, Sarah had dated around in the art scene. She had gone out with flowery people -- girls who mostly bore a similar countenance to her, and a few guys with earrings. Outsiders could hardly tell when Sarah broke up with someone, since she tended to keep on good terms with these people, and was seen to spend her time with them whether Jenn was around or not. Jenn never seemed compelled to care -- that is to say that Jenn didn't feel these exes were any competition. When Sarah's close friends would catch on to a break-up, the best they could get out of her was that "they were nice", but "weren't a good match". The eventual realization -- made when Jenn's arm became permanently hooked around Sarah -- was that all the old girlfriends and boyfriends couldn't get her off. When this became apparent is when most of their friends went from slightly irked to uncomfortable. The dynamic seemed obvious when they considered why a serious person like Jenn and someone dainty like Sarah would get together.

>> No.15312374

Jenn always had Sarah within her grasp somehow, and Sarah would visibly flush when Jenn lowered her tone or told Sarah to do something. Sometimes it was a bit comical -- a woman in jeans and a girl in a skirt acting like an American couple in the '50s while sitting in some hole-in-the-wall where "creatives" hung out. At the end of the night they'd step out and share a smoke, bend in toward each other, say a few things between themselves, and hail a cab. Jenn would open the door for Sarah, and Sarah would carefully enter the back seat without letting go of Jenn's hand. They'd never stay until close, and their friends caught on eventually to all the cues that signalled Jenn and Sarah heading out: Jenn's arm would practically have Sarah pinned to her side, Sarah would have her hands gently placed on Jenn's upper thigh, and Sarah's face would start to flush as soon as Jenn did so much as cast her a glance.

Past the doorway of their apartment is the only time the two would be outwardly sexual, and the intimate anticipation of reaching that point worked them up immensely. Past the threshold of the doorway, as soon as the door latched, Jenn would strip Sarah entirely bare. She'd glide her hands down Sarah's sides, along the gentle curve from her torso down to her hips. Fully-clothed she'd pin her naked little waif against the wall, lock her neck around Sarah's shoulder and listen to the gasping as she felt up the wet inside of Sarah's cunt. It was a demand that Sarah come first, so that Jenn could feel in control, and so that Jenn could do what she wanted for the remainder of the night.

>> No.15312378

If first-entry didn't lead immediately to sex, it meant that while they were out, Sarah had done something to rile Jenn up. On these nights, Jenn would lead Sarah to the living room where she'd hike up Sarah's skirt and bend the girl over her knees. Jenn would strike Sarah's ass until it was red and hot, until Sarah's eyes would well up and she'd make pained moans, then Jenn would let Sarah eat her out from her seat.

>> No.15312458

Aries real name is Ketuta

>> No.15312639

Not in my heart.

>> No.15312733
File: 108 KB, 693x960, 59477752-B886-4826-A200-537BB84CAD64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s a qt though

>> No.15312759

libra by far

>> No.15313114

that ain’t Capricorn

>> No.15313409


>> No.15313576

Damn, capricorns just keep winning!

>> No.15314362

They do

>> No.15314491

This pic is absolute trash
I can't believe they did my sign like that...

>> No.15314770

What’s your sign?

>> No.15315221


>> No.15315972

Sorry boys gotta B U M P

>> No.15317370


>> No.15317643

Anyone got an ID on her? I am in serious lust.

>> No.15317655

what kind of girls are best for Taurus guys?

>> No.15317844

According to Compilations usually other Earth signs like Virgo or Capricorn. Although I wouldn’t focus on zodiacs just be your best you bro