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15309344 No.15309344[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What clothes should you wear as a 22 year old male if you want girls to feel as comfortable as possible around you and see you as normal all other things aside?

>> No.15309349

offtopic whorepost

>> No.15309350
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>> No.15309353

Damn, she didnt lie about being unfunny. Also, while you shouldnt be seen as an outcast, its best if women are slightly intimidated by your appearance. This will help preventing shittests. If you are a blue pill dude though, she might look right through the facade

>> No.15309363

Why wouldn't they see you as normal regardless of your clothing? Women have a much better ability to read creeps than men. If you're a creep they're going to put two and two together pretty fast regardless of what you are wearing.

>> No.15309365

This is such a wrong post

>> No.15309409

holy shit is that a dating app?

>> No.15309445
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>> No.15309453

You sound like a sexual predator

>> No.15309556

girls want to be able to style their bfs so just wear old navy it will signal to girls that you need her fashion sense

>> No.15309557

>Women have a much better ability to read creeps than men.
you're deluded dude

>> No.15309618

Women have to deal with creeps in every facet of life and can be put in physical danger if they don't know how to read them. Is that the case for men? How is it news to you that would result in them being more adept at reading creeps? Even the ugliest of women are literally flooded by creeps on dating sites, of course they know how to recognize them. And that's not even taking into account the fact that in general women are socialized to read others more closely than men.

>> No.15309620

Sorry, I meant to say that men who need 4chan to dress them and need a disguise to even pass as normal tend to do really well with women.

>> No.15309624

>tfw all girls dress like plebs to you
>tfw because of this you'll never find a girl that wants to style you

>> No.15309702

Thanks for this, I've been lurking this board for days for something that would help me look "normal and basic" instead of "obviously autistic".

>> No.15309830

You're wrong.

The only difference between a creep and a non-creep to women is the guys attractiveness level.

>> No.15309852

gayyy - this is too try hard

>> No.15309861

Yeah it's tinder. You find girls like this all the time. It's great if you're inexperienced and want to get a whole lot of sex really fast. Even ugly dudes can rack up over 50 girls in a few months.

>> No.15309884


if you have any experience, you know quantity isn't shit compared to quality (emotional attachment)

>> No.15309888

Not really the same for men, we're wired to get as many girls as possible.

>> No.15309895

This is such bullshit spoken by someone who has never used dating apps or a virgin.

It's harder to get sex on a dating app than in a bar or club. Each woman on a dating app, no matter how ugly she is gets many thousands of matches and therefore she chooses the top 1%.

The current year and morons are still pushing that some ugly dude can get laid hundreds of times a week by 22 year old girls on tinder lmao. yeah, maybe if she is fucking 10,000 dudes a day...

Don't listen to idiotic posters.

>> No.15309898

I mean that might be true for you, but I'm 22 and I've slept with 23ish women? And I've only been sexually active for the last year formerly kissless virgin. But I used okcupid and tinder to get to that number. 2-3 girls a month minimal effort. About half no condoms.

>> No.15309902

you raw dog randos? or do you vet them a little first?

>> No.15309906

as a kv myself, generally considered attractive but all my photos are selfies, do you think I could get laid thanks to tinder
and should I be open about being a virgin, put it in the bio/ intro message thing?

>> No.15309907

selfies are unattractive
get some group photos and shit

>> No.15309908

No because personal anecdotes are meaningless. Do you have any real world info that a fay gross ugly guy can bang non-stop chicks on tinder? Of course you do not, because it's not true. It's why even the pick up community and people who work on getting women always take it to reality, bars, clubs, in person etc. because it's a completely different game.

If an ugly girl gets 500 tinder matches in a day, why is she going to fuck some ugly guy? Lmao. Get a clue.

>> No.15309911

I don't have a group to be in photos with... even if my country wasn't locked down

>> No.15309919

>do you think I could get laid thanks to tinder

I love how naive some guys are. You've got this image that tinder is a sex tap. You just go on there and there are masses of horny desperate women begging for sex.

That's not reality. You don't live in reality. What there are is masses of horny guys trying to get laid so the competition is off the scale.

Reality is going to bring you harshly back down to the ground.

There are no places in life, online, offline in which there are masses of women desperate for sex from a male. It's a woman's world. Women can get sex at the click of a finger from any number of guys. From young to old. You must be underage. That's why there is a huge sexual imbalance in the West now.

>> No.15309927

sadly girls value this shit a lot.

I think not using selfies is a step up, since at least someone was there to take the picture. I hope you can make some more friends in the future.

>> No.15309931

That's not even mentioning the tinder algorithm. The higher your score the more women see you. To get the high score you have to be 10/10.

If you're ugly, you're shown less and if you like every woman you see (thinking it will max your chances of a match) the lower down in the pile you go.

So a really hot guy, he likes hot women, they like him back (high score) and he rejects uglier women (furthering his score) and ugly women like him (putting him yet further on top)

If you're ugly and only like hot women and they reject you, you go further down. So you have to only like women who you think will match with you. So you really can only like ugly women but again, they are all liking the 10/10 chad so even they reject you.

You end up being at the bottom of the tinder pile and the last guy women see and not hot women, the ugly women.

Hurr durr it's non-stop sex!!!

It was way easier in 2012.

>> No.15309940

I'm not expecting to be thronged by women lmao, you read this whole thing into my post that I never said just so you could go on your le epic redpill rant

I'm just asking if it's possible.to lose my virginity, with a little persistence. I meet almost no new women, even when life is normal, irl. the girls I do know are in relationships or relatives
yeah that's what I've heard, I have some friends I'm not a total shut in, but I just wouldn't feel comfortable asking them to take photos of me. too weird

>> No.15309942

>tfw too attractive to blend in.

>> No.15309946

and I'm not ugly, female customers where I work are often flirty, even been asked for my number a few times.
I'm kinda spergy tho, so never went anywhere

>> No.15309951

Depends how hot she is, there were a few times where I just said fuck it and went in no vetting.

Mix em, I went to Disneyland with a few friends So I used those, a few selfies and a shirtless pic showing recent gains.

I would not include that you're a virgin if you want girls 18-25.

I would include that you're a virgin of you're after grown ass women 26-35 since some of those cougars/milf's get off on taking virginity.

>> No.15309956

>saying it's easy for women to get sex
>hurr durr it's a redpill rant!!

>I'm just asking if it's possible.to lose my virginity, with a little persistence.

I would say no unless you are really hot or sorta hot with awesome game. You're more likely to lose your virginity on a dating site such as POF and 10 x more likely by actually being in a bar and talking to women.

If you must, you can take selfies now, usually it looks bad but you can turn it around.

Take selfies saying they are brand new photos during lockdown (which shames all the women using old photos on vacation etc.) and it turns your selfies into a positive.

Why not go on bumble too, women are a little more serious there, but not much.

>> No.15309957

although you mostly have it down, there is the occasional girl on there who doesnt meet a lot of guys irl and is actually there looking for a proper date.

theyre not 10/10 hot girls, but they do sometimes go for less attractive guys (if theyre personality is at least attractive) and reject hot guys that they find douchey or fratty

this is not the norm though, and is probably becoming rarer

>> No.15309964

This is my point though. Above average guys can get women in person even approaching them and hitting on them. They can go to a bar on the weekend and almost guarantee getting with a woman.

On tinder though? Nope. It's totally different and the competition is insane.

In a bar or a store the competition is those around you and an interaction creates emotional feelings within women.

On tinder the competition is hundreds of thousands, if not millions and there is no emotional interaction.

Don't think if you do OK with women in person it's the same on tinder. I promise you it's not.

>> No.15309969

Yeah there is an average girl once in a while looking for a real guy and to date, that's rare but the whole any guy can go on tinder and match 100 women who want sex in a week is such bullshit it's just absurd if you actually know about the apps.

>> No.15309970

Why are you so upset, this is the first time I heard of that algorithm stuff, I just go on there to get laid and hop off when I find a girl.

>> No.15309976


>> No.15309978

Because you are peddling false dreams. You are telling any ugly sperg from fa they can just go on tinder and have non-stop sex.

Their self-esteem is going to take a huge hit when they struggle to even get a match, let alone sex.

It's LITERALLY untrue and yes, you didn't even know that there was an algorithm.

Tinder are very aware guys will just match any girl to try and increase their match chances so it fucks it all up, genuine guys interested in a girl are stuck in a sea of a million dudes matching with her. It breaks the app so you get a score and are only shown to some people and the more you just match and match the less chance you actually have of a match.

>> No.15309986

No shit retard. Are you aware that other factors besides physical appearance contribute to how attractive you are to other people?

>> No.15309988

I left swipe less attractive black or Mexican girls. I'm not saying I get 100's of girls a day. I only meet up with 3 a month...at most. So a new girl a week...how is that unrealistic?

>> No.15309989

Nah bro, I know nothing about how power is attractive. Dumb peckerwood, gtfo.

>> No.15309992

then make new profiles from time to time

>> No.15309999

Because you might be attractive, you might also live in a smaller city (which increases your chances; large cities actually do the opposite) but on average, most guys will not have great success.

So stuff like this:

>It's great if you're inexperienced and want to get a whole lot of sex really fast.

Is just so false. And just like the above small vs large city, lockdown doesn't mean more women on tinder and thus you have a higher chance of success, it lowers it.

So right now it's really shit to use tinder anyway.

>> No.15310005

Yes you can do that, but tinder will be aware if you keep using the same cell number so you have to peddle number.

But even when you create a new profile, your behavior at first matters. So you either like ugly girls in the hope that they like you (and they won't, they will like the hottest guys) or you like hot girls who you will never match with.

So either way, it's still going to be shit.

The 2/10 girls irl are using makeup, filters and hiding their body too so they think they are 7/10. Get used to 5ft women wanting a guy 6'2" and athletic.

It's just a reflection of how the modern woman has become so entitled and narcissistic.

>> No.15310006

Are you brain-dead? Men are at ten times the risk of physical violence. Women just call all ugly men creeps.

>> No.15310013

Then why are you saying I'm wrong? Women find it creepy when men overstep their boundaries. And most women don't want men they find unattractive coming on to them.
Things that make you more attractive include having basic social awareness.

>> No.15310021

Yeah that's true if you're black and involved in a gang.If you're a man and in you're in danger by going on a tinder date then that's not really normal and explains why you are having so many issues.

>> No.15310027

Because it was a general statement and you're still talking shit.

>Things that make you more attractive include having basic social awareness.

You're either a woman, who by nature is lying. or you're "nice guy" cringe simp.

Hurr durr this fat ugly guy is attractive because he knows social awareness in da club!!

Oh no! Tall athletic Chad, eww so gross, he stepped to close to my personal space!

You're one of those creepy ass nice guy incels. Go play in some traffic.

>> No.15310032

so keep making new profiles
and alternate between liking all the girls and just the good ones

>> No.15310035

also use the same number
just delete the profile after a while when you don't get many matches
you always get a few at first

>> No.15310080

I understand that if you're 50 years old and can't conceptualize other people without using 4chan-derived templates then having basic social awareness or even knowing what that entails is probably a big ask.

>> No.15310093

Itt: sex is easy to get in the internet, how fucking shocking.

Small Town bars have like 2 single women in them at any given moment. If one of them is bleeding out of their slimeslot you don't want to use it or else you ruin your sheets for some slog

>> No.15310103

i pray to fucking christ i never have a daughter

>> No.15310112
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>have a son
>f-father, i wish to be a girl!!

Now what do you do?

>> No.15310113

Why? Ally here will reward you with grandkids and carry on the lineage.

If you had a daughter unmarried into her 30's yeah she would be a dissapointment

>> No.15310114

Make it look like an accident

>> No.15310231

nigga ted bundy had a girlfriend for like 99% of his career as a serial killer

>> No.15310234

you guys trying to say this is a boy???

>> No.15310242

thats a girl, you dumb fuck. how many times must it be said? she has a reddit account if you just reverse image search this picture

>> No.15310252

1: there are only 2 genders

2: you cannot change your gender

Tranny's are mentally ill

>> No.15310253

yeah and its a biological woman you fateared fuck

>> No.15310255
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But don't worry.

Boys are indistinguishable from girls these days, not even your parents will know you're putting your pp in the bp.

>> No.15310259

Hands, jaw, neck, thighs look at them

>> No.15310260


>> No.15310261
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even if this was a tranny, he'd still be hotter than the pigs you're fucking
but it's not, you're just a retarded faggot that cant stop thinking about traps
get the fuck out of here
also a girl, ive seen her puzzy

>> No.15310264
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>> No.15310265

Men can't be whores

> What about guys who have sex with women for money

They fuck so good they just get tipped for it.

Men with more partner's more valuable

>> No.15310268

shes a QT regardless of gender

>> No.15310271
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I completely agree, anon.

Who cares about gender?

If it's cute, put you pp in whatever hole they have.

>> No.15310277


imo its unattractive for someone to be EASY

todays society is reckless af

>> No.15310283

Sex between 2 men = opens up diseases.

Look up transmission rates between unprotected heterosexual sex, HIV positive female negative male... it's comically low.

>> No.15310287

>men can’t be whores
Guys like you wonder why your perfect trad waifu dumped you because she found out you had a raunchy history

>> No.15310291

>perfect trad waifu

>> No.15310297

My gf now was a virgin when we met, she goes to church every weekend.

She finds it attractive that I've had many encounters.

Before I started sleeping around,I was spergy and nervous around women when first meeting them.

After about 35-40 one night stands I learned to be less nervous around women.

That's one of the reasons why men with a lot of partner's are seen as attractive.

Another reason is you can lead the woman more.

You know when you fucked for the first few times you couldn't find her pussy.... imagine being 30 not not being able to one shot it like putting a USB stick in right on the first try Everytime.

>> No.15310327

congrats sieg, you have aids

>> No.15310331
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Your opinion on the riots engulfing the USA based Cecil of Seattle?

>> No.15310333
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>My gf now was a virgin when we met, she goes to church every weekend.
>gf looks like this

>> No.15310335

See my point about the HIV transmission rate between heterosexual partners.

I've only had one STD ever and it was treated with a pill once a day for a few weeks

>> No.15310338

That's not my gf. I posted my gf before

>> No.15310345

Don't worry anon, your autism will be apparent in a multitude of other ways you cant even begin to imagine. Give up now.

>> No.15310349
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ew dude

>> No.15310468

Nice projecting. Statistically men are far more in danger of violent crime than women. Men are just socialised to be unafraid of risks.

>> No.15310472

pretty spot on my dude, but don't wear a suit unless its for an event.
ive seen people wear suits in Australia to look cool instead of working and it looks too try hard.

>> No.15310475

This, men are at greater risk to everything, death from covid, death from violence, suicide, homelessness.

But none of the services are available to men, they value the life of the thot of the life of the man.

The man who can increase national GDP and be more of an effective employee or soldier than a worthless female.

Yet you take your most prize resource, male human labor.....and squander it and you wonder why this country is fucked?

You can make more females but sustaining a population of women is unprofitable to GDP ...hence why China killed women as children during their rise to Economic power

>> No.15310511
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Have you tried a shirt and pants, faggot?

>> No.15310513
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>> No.15310746

haha thats fucking gross

>> No.15310899
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it doesn't matter because you'd only be LARPing as something you aren't, when you're actually a bitter, socially crippled, internet addicted loser who has trouble with eye contact, was likely bullied growing up, and probably identifies with shitty doomer memes

>> No.15310915

this. Incels can act all oppressed as much as they want. But when it comes to online dating the biggest risk for a guy is getting humiliated/emotionally hurt by a girl, the biggest risk for a girl is getting raped and/or killed. That's just a fact.

>> No.15310924
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Would drugs change this?

>> No.15310925
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stfu your gf literally looks like the tranny from shrek

>> No.15310973

Women kill mentally the time

>> No.15311000

>women get raped and killed on tinder dates
>but men get killed mentally !!!
are you really this retarded?

>> No.15311004

Men get killed by women all of the time