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File: 152 KB, 1200x800, acne 1412421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15283967 No.15283967 [Reply] [Original]

>comes in your most formative years of 10-30
>makes you look ugly as hell in your best years of your life
>fucks up your face permanently with scars too
acne genuinely is a life changing disease, a skin disease. i fucking hate acne so god damn muu

>> No.15283977

God I hate acne too. I didn’t have it as bad as some but I used to get really greasy throughout the day during puberty lmao

>> No.15284184


>> No.15284208

Never even had a chance

>> No.15285292


>> No.15285302

tell me about it anon. I never had acne in highschool. Though I was gonna luck out and be one of the lucky ones. Then I graduated and a few months later, FULL BLOWN CYSTIC ACNE. Anon, I'm close to 30, I'm only barely seeing the tail end of it. This shit did change my life -- if forced me to completely rewire how I maintain self confidence.

>> No.15285320

lol i'm 18 and have had severe cystic acne since 14 yet have never had social issues

>> No.15285383

Honestly it was all from non-personal relations. I worked retail, i would legit have random people come up to me unprompted and tell me about their secret skin care cure all, or completely seriously lecture me about how i should take better care of myself. It was an interesting time.

>> No.15285534
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Other people in other threads have said it, and I will say it too:
Go to a dematologist and see what they tell you. If you can, go on accutane.

There is no reason to tinker with mostly useless bullshit creams, diets and changing pillowcases. Acne is usually genetic and has nothing to do with your lifestyle. Get an expert's opinion and start treating this awful disease. Don't be lazy, the time and money spent with a professional will be worth it.

>> No.15285723

this is probably true however there is something to say about undiagnosed food intolerances causing cystic acne.
for me it was eggs

>> No.15286121

Wife went on accutane in Highschool, worked wonders for her. My aunt tried it too, but it fucked her up somehow. It’s a coin flip.

>> No.15286145
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>he has acne
Big laff from me dawg, I have perfect skin and I feel so blessed.

>> No.15286166

If you are 18 and can't conceptualize that other people have different life experiences to you then you are retarded.

>> No.15286180

Could i borrow it?

>> No.15286794

eat better food

>> No.15286821

Had the same thing, particularly from my mom. Would point out every single pimple and would say I just need to change X in diet. I'd try everything for years, literally counting every calorie and macro, no sugar, no fat, no dairy, etc. Nothing helped much. Very depressing so just jumped to Accutane

>> No.15286867

I took accutane after years of awful cystic acne because I could not get it to go away, tried so many prescription creams, changing my diet, every possibility that had a chance to affect acne.

I no longer get cystic acne but my face is scarred to shit and I have a terrible complexion, prone to redness and small bumps.

Accutane gave me all kinds of terrible side effects while on it and it permanently gave me dark eye floaters, mild dry eye problems, and patches on my face now get very dried out incredibly easily, like psoriasis or something similar.

Honestly I wish I had better advice or consolation but I can only say that accutane should be the very last resort and should never be used unless you have terrible scarring acne.

>> No.15287252
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Does curology work? I’m about to try it but wanted to see if I could get an honest review

>> No.15287473

How the fuck do I get rid of butt acne? I don't have to on my face or back, just on my ass. I wash it with daily body wash and it's still there. I wash it with acne face wash and it's still there. What do I do now anons? It literally looks disgusting.

>> No.15287624
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>acne since I was 13
>autist loser anyways
I don't think acne a big thing holding anyone back but it certainly contributes to low self esteem.

>> No.15287717

Not sure about all Cytology products, but I used some of the gel moisturizer from my brother's kit and I started getting less cystic acne. I've been using Neutrogena Hydroburst Water Gel as a substitute for about a year, since it's pretty similar. You might want to try out a Korean gel mask with snail, I found these help a lot with scarring/ dryness.

>> No.15287849

Stop recommending isotretinoin to everyone. It can cause permanent intestinal disease, liver damage and depression just to name a few. It should only be used when other treatments are not sufficient.

>> No.15287859

>Accutane and creams
>hormonal treatment
>nutritionist visits
>laser treatment
>good skincare routine

Solved all the issues.

>> No.15288146

I specified "If you can". I know it's a risky thing to use.

>> No.15288498

Getting sun really helped my acne. No sun block or anything just get an hour or 2 of good hot sun.
Moisturizer on after a few times during the day to stop you peeling.

Clears up my chicken skin arms too

>> No.15288506

sunday riley and drunk elephant
saved my life
expensive but worth it
bc self esteem

>> No.15288507

omg you are giving me anxiety

>> No.15288535

This. Also swimming, preferably in saltwater filtered pool, but chlorinated helps a lot too.

I had bad acne in highschool until my Dad finished building his pool. That summer, my acne cleared up entirely. The Sun + Saline water literally cleared my shit up to the point I didn't have to use anything else.

Steamrooms also do wonders when followed by an immediate shower. Never had much luck with the dry heat of a sauna though.

I was never a fan of Accutane, as it sets the fuck out if your skin and ages people terribly. Tbh, I rather have a few zits than wrinkles and look 40 at age 25.

>> No.15288548

omg you people are delusional thinking the sun is the cure

or have the young invincibility thing going on

take better care of your skin

sun is the worst thing you should expose your skin to

fucking hell wtf

heard of wrinkles and cancer?

ohh wait you dont need to worry about that bc youre young

guess what there are effective ways without damaging your skin long run

>> No.15288551

I’m 25 and still get problem spots and I do a lot of skin care. For me it’s based on stress or if I eat fast/frozen food

That shit tastes too good to stop tho f.am

>> No.15288559

Based. I had a very late puberty so I went from like 5’7 at 16 to a bit over 6’00 in a fucking year at 17 and then my then very limited acne popped off like I had smeared pepperoni pizza all over my face. 1 year of intense acne changes you. Worst part of it is that apparently I’ll keep growing till 21 so my back is gonna get fucked too. Fuck acne

>> No.15288560

Unless you're eating literal junk food that is also frozen, frozen food itself has nothing inherently bad about it.

>> No.15288562

Yeah lmao. The sun is the worst, for some it only makes things worse

>> No.15288575

It works for acne, don't take it to extremes ofcourse. 15 minutes without lotion, then put on spf 30 (which prevents photoaging but still allows you to tan)

>> No.15288811

>I was never a fan of Accutane, as it sets the fuck out if your skin and ages people terribly. Tbh, I rather have a few zits than wrinkles and look 40 at age 25.
lolwat, tretinoin and retinoids are a godsend against skin aging. Some people legit use it later in life to treat fine lines and wrinkles. If anything, going on accutane will make your skin age slower, not faster.


>> No.15288841

Try fix your leaky gut and look into some Dr. Axe materials about acne and leaky gut as well

>> No.15289255

accutane and retinoids fore sure make your skin age better if you don’t let it get dry.
a lot of people use them far to regularly however and dry out their skin and fuck up their moisture barrier

>> No.15289812
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Absolute truth, have it since i was 14, now 29. Grade 2 cystic acne on my face back of the head, back and chest. I tried literally everything from putting snails on my face to biomagnetism and reiki, took accutane when i was like 17 and didn't do shit, i was a normal boy with an introverted personality then my life completely changed when i started getting acne, developed low self steem, insecurity, depression and social anxiety that accompany me to this day, ive been getting better these last years tho, took accutane again when i was like 23 and that time it fucking worked, then got laser surgery for the scarring (only face since its fucking expensive), i still get some cysts when im stressed or eat too much shit and psychological scars still remain but im treating them and getting better with time.

>> No.15290144

i miss being able to go to the sauna, it was the only source of warmth in my life

>> No.15290167
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You're telling me

>> No.15290612

take photos and see if the pimples are on the hair follicles. if the hair is poking out of the pimple then it's likely you have folliculitis and not the regular hormonal kind of acne. different treatment for that. better yet just get a dermatologists opinion on it

>> No.15291165

I would do absolutely anything to not have acne on my face and body and to have nice clear, smooth skin. I don't get it, no one (BUT ME) in my family had acne :(((

>> No.15291231

You have similar skin to me

Try Youth to the people superfood clenser 2 times a day -> AM and PM or Cerave Foaming for cheaper

Pyunkang Yul Essence Toner

The Ordinary 2% Salicylic Acid Exfoliator 1-2 times a week

Cerave AM moisturizer and PM at night

Drink a lot of water (Strive for 1 gallon a day)
Change your pillow case every 2-3 days, try to avoid sleeping on your face for too long. Not too much dairy and sugar.

Idk if this will help for everyone but worth a try...

>> No.15291236

I have acne on my ass and legs. i guess if you had to choose where you got acne it would be there but it still looks gross. i'm not gay either so i didn't care how bad it got but i do still wonder if it would be worth sorting out. what do you guys think?

>> No.15291391
File: 91 KB, 600x400, kerapil3__WatermarkedWyJXYXRlcm1hcmtlZCJd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else /keratosispilaris/
Have had it on my legs and arms forever, it's fucking torture. I'm a skin picker too, it's hard to resist squeezing out the plugs which just makes it worse. Nothing works but I'm still trying scrubbing and amlactin right now, not really helping though

>> No.15291519
File: 16 KB, 370x348, accutane3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 years on accutane, still on it actually lol.

only cure for cystic acne

>> No.15291953

This. Wish I saw a dermatologist earlier and stopped screwing around with different skincares so I didn't get indentation scars. But I was 17 and didn't know better. However after years of tretinoin use (23 now) the indentation scars are very hard to notice. After you find the right prescription, then you can start experimenting with skincare to nourish your skin even more.

>> No.15292284

he cute

>> No.15292299

Tried pretty much everything from microdermabrasion to fucking lasers. Cortisone shots, UV therapy, cold therapy, trets, good skincare, tons of injections and fillers etc. Turns out it was my shit sleep schedule in the end. Must've wasted close to 20k by the end of it.

>> No.15292301


>> No.15293078

I can still see some deep scarring. So going on Accutane just makes you half-mutant instead of full? I don't want to be perma scar-faced if there are better options.

>> No.15293249

Ignorant retard, you will get scarring with or without accutane

>> No.15293689

treating acne and treating scarring are two different things. Accutane only fixes acne, scarring fixes depend on the type of scars, level of inflammation, sensitivity/type of skin, pigmentation, etc. Dermatologist needs to vet and tell you what'll work best.

>> No.15293851

How did sleep fix your scarring?

>> No.15293884

jesus, 3 years on accutain? I was on it for 3 months and i hated it... But i had clear skin for the following 15 years. 30 years old now, and its coming back(luckily its just shoulders and back, so i can cover it)
Its fucking shitty having to deal with acne, thinning hair, and basically age on-set existential depression all at once...
If i get ALL that shit sorted out, id only manage to be a 6.5/10 anyway.

>> No.15293971

Just shower and practise good hygiene. All of you probably reek and eat like shit.

>> No.15293995

This girl looks fine. A bit red but cute. I'd date her, swipe right, whatever. The worst part about acne is how people with acne become devastatingly shy and insecure and therefore give off bad vibes

>> No.15294948

lol yea, it aint too bad. putting on lipbalm and moisturizer every few hours is a reflex at this point. i could barely feel the joint pain.
the depression was caused by external factors not the drug itself.
scars arent that bad, makes me who i am as corny as that sounds. pretty much every girl who ive ever been with has said they didnt even know they were there (when i brought it up).
dont worry about scars friendo. be confident :)

>> No.15295060

Sometimes it’s cute tho

>> No.15296176
File: 205 KB, 449x252, 1590705485080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally get clear skin
>realize I can't blame my acne for my ugliness anymore

>> No.15296662

>This shit did change my life -- if forced me to completely rewire how I maintain self confidence.
your fault and your fault alone, pussy

>> No.15296816

After a pimple opens what should you do and put on it? I try to squeeze out whatever is inside without using too much force and put some salicylic acid on it.

Also I seem to get more breakouts on my lip line, I'm not a messy eater nor do I eat a lot of oily food, does anyone have this issue?

>> No.15296840

My skin is getting pretty clear on Accutane and I'm beginning to realize this too

You should use a comedone extractor to pop pimples, and only when they're truly ready to be popped. If they don't pop with very light pressure, then they're not ready. I wouldn't put anything but moisturizer on a popped pimple. I'd put a hydrocolloid bandage on it to protect it and suck out any remaining debris or blood after it's done bleeding and it's clean.

>> No.15296850

>You should use a comedone extractor to pop pimples, and only when they're truly ready to be popped
I don't pop, I wait until they open on their own. thanks for the advice.

>> No.15296894
File: 264 KB, 776x616, savior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peter thomas roth invisible dots
are amazing and cheap considering how many you get in 1 box
put it on when you know its about to cum on your face...also before to prevent it from happening (when you feel it cumin in advance)
anyways...youll thank me later

>> No.15296975

I'm glad you feel blessed anon.

>> No.15296981

how old are you?

>> No.15296985

Alkaline diet is the cure

>> No.15296988


>> No.15296995

you better count your blessings bc i didn't have a pimple until i turned 27...now i spend hundreds on (S) rouge sales

>> No.15297002

Hmmm, interesting..
>googles it
>finds amazon.ca listing
...$50 fucking dollars?!?!? for 72 dots!?!? Fuck that, i'll just lance them and put salicylic acid on it myself.

>> No.15297003

take the accutane pill anon

>> No.15297008

they that much? i buy 20% off at sephora

but seriously they work much better

dead ass serious

you can return them if you dont like

i tried many pimple stickers and these are the most worth

>> No.15297012

or try retinal (drunk elephant or sunday riley)

if you want clear skin youre gna have to buy descent products

trust me i was at war

>> No.15297018


>> No.15297022

idk why but this made me laugh
thankyou dramachan

>> No.15297060

>no need in changing pillowcases
You're an absolute retard

>> No.15297065


No need to pop them, just include SA in your routine and put hydrocolloid bandages on active pustules. The nexcare ones are cheap, or the big sheets that you can cut up

>> No.15297106

>No need to pop them,
Not pop, just lance and very carefully drain them. Iv found taking the puss out, washing the area VERY carefully, and then putting ointment on it has it scab over and heal in 2-3 days. Just putting the ointment on it along takes over a week.

>> No.15297994

>go on accutane.

>> No.15297998

I've used accutane for 5 months and the only side effect I had was pretty dry skin. Been off it for 4 months and I'm absolutely fine, the only thing that changed is that my skin is smooth and spotless.

>> No.15298321

everyone looks uglier with acne, that much is a fact.

>> No.15298327

only 5 months? My doc has me on 80mg for 7-10 months. I only weigh 186 lbs and acne is slight but persistent

>> No.15298353

>try this bullshit that doesn't work instead of the closest thing to a cure
The vast majority of people just get crusty ass lips and eyes. You might get a few aches, stop the FUD

Maybe your dosage should have been higher. I feel like he's going to cut you off soon, but tretinoin could clean up the rest. You can also ask him about dapsone.

>> No.15298413

Only on the 2nd month. On what seems like a purge, but I'm guessing it'll go away and if I'm acne free for a couple months we'll stop the accutane.

>> No.15298416

A case this bad is pretty rare, right?
I think a lot of cases of acne are from people not taking care of themselves properly

>> No.15298419


>> No.15298459

>I ONLY weigh 186lbs
Was on it for 5 months, 20mg/day. I weigh 160lbs btw.
Slight but persistent acne, same as you.

>> No.15298515

No, most cases are just puberty, hormonal imbalance, or genetics (more predisposed to producing more sebum or having less skin turnover). Lifestyle doesn't have much to do with it, or every fatass would have a pizzaface.

It seems like the you really start to clear in the later months more so than the first 4 months. You should do the full 7-9 month cycle because that's what's associated with less remission. If your eyes haven't started to get very dry yet, I suggest you pick up some lubricating eye drops right now. Also I think you can pretty much prevent dry lips all together by just layering on Aquaphor in the AM and PM and reapplying after it gets wiped off after eating or showering. Aquaphor >>>> Vaseline

>> No.15298519
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>they didnt get acne at the age of 13 and it going away completely by the age of 14

>> No.15298559

eyes aren't wattery yet.
Just dry lips (I am using Aquaphor), getting nose bleeds if I don't shoot up Aquaphor up my nose, and some days getting intense back aches

Hmm, and it never came back? I asked for the lowest possible amount and they said that would be 40mg, then bumping to 80mg

>> No.15298950
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Since i was 15 i have been basically playing knee deep in the acne
It is rough