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/fa/ - Fashion

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15249111 No.15249111 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell happened to /fa/? Why has it become so safespaced? Where's all the harsh critique? Most of the fits are shit tier. This whole board is filled with useless threads, with three different 'directions' of styles. Back in the day fa was about getting out of the norm, predicting and setting trends, not chasing them.

Anyways, where do you find inspo for new styles? Any decent forums?

>> No.15249286
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as usual, the answer is /pol/. crossboarders ruin everything. they come in with seeking understanding of fashion, see what fashion actually is (gay as fuck), recoil in digust, attack it, and ruin the board due to not understanding a single thing but feeling the need to post out of a misguided sense of need and stupidity.
the other groups (the hypebeasts) are similar, except they know a little and mistake it for a lot. they then shit up the board either uwittingly or in an attempt at "fixing" it.
anyway, IG's what I use for inspo. most of it's shit, but if you can find a few good people then they lead to more and so on. HFT's a good way of finding more decent accounts, though it's half just people in full Rick (and not necessarily in a good way)
other than that, lookbooks, runway shows, and shoots. not great, but better than nothing
tl;dr newfags lurk moar for fuck's sake
>nice digits

>> No.15249325

>Why has it become so safespaced?
The great reddit invasion of 2020 that happened when the quarantine began. Summer came early this year.

>> No.15249337

Just wait till Corona dies out

>> No.15249599
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>> No.15249608

Honestly this.

>> No.15249615

Holy shit this guy could be a 10/10 chad if he lost 60-70 lbs


>> No.15249619


>> No.15249624

>/pol/ did it those damn nazis i bet DRUMPFF told them to
How does this make any sense? You just picked a board you hate because you're a queer. It's /b/tards trying to troll and redditfags due to quarantine.

>> No.15249715

lose weight you fat fuck

>> No.15249829
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ive been on this board since 2014 (not active the whole time) and honestly i think the issue is that theres no real reason to stay on this board after you figure out the basics. like after you figure out what works, what you like, you can kinda figure this shit out for yourself and if youre exceptionally stylish/tasteful its 1000% more lucrative to post on insta. so /fa/ will always tend cater to beginners

>> No.15249843

Lucrative in terms of money or attention?

>> No.15249844
File: 35 KB, 910x172, Screen Shot 2020-05-18 at 2.17.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the average /fa/ poster these days

>> No.15249851

if youre trying to get into the industry its often where employers will look first, if youre trying to get pussy its where the art hoes are

>> No.15249867

How successful do you have to be to get paid to shill a product? 100,000 followers gym thot tier?

>> No.15249926
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>> No.15249932

moot sold 4chan and it joined the ranks of facebook/twitter/reddit

so you can't talk shit about faggots, niggers, kikes anymore and anything that goes agaisnt the narrative that CNN is pushing is banned

>> No.15250223

>Ctrl+f hair
>21 matches

>> No.15250225

basically what happened for me, I figured out how to dress myself after around 2 years of posting, mostly settled on my style. after that I largely am here for shitposting and memes (and thinspo a bit, but the thread is really bad lately due to /fit/ cross boarding)

>> No.15250234

well, I always liked changing my style,and /fa was the place to find inspo. Probably I'd never have tried lunarcore otherwise

>> No.15250289

For mens fashion numbers are few times smaller. I’d say 20k for bigger brands which are currenty interesting in this sort of advertising and 5-10k for some random stuff like ebay/etsy vintage resellers etc

>> No.15250547

shut up

>> No.15250639

>Why has it become so safespaced? Where's all the harsh critique?

Disagree with you there. /fa/ 10-12 years ago was a pretty friendly board compared to most of 4chan. It's become pretty neckbeardy with the constant negging thing thats going on currently.

I agree with you that it's lost it's direction as a fashion board though, it seems that a lot of people look at it as a game now where you score points by ticking boxes (goodyearwelt +10 resilience etc)

Going by the watch and TIP threads, a sizeable portion of the aristocracy now posts on /fa/ also, a very strange larping thread to have emerged.

>> No.15250695

>going on currently

/fa/ in 2013 was 100% negging

>> No.15250719

t. faggot thinking his poopdick doesn't make him disqualified from telling others how to dress

>> No.15250754

Yeah, that's what I remember when I first joined. In any case, my point is is that WAYWT threads are filled with horrible fits, and there's only a handful which could be considered as actual 'fits'

>> No.15250772


Holy crap, what a load of shit. The average poster here is underage so very unlikely to be a big bad wacist as reality comes with age. The genuine threads are TIP threads which are likely to have the highest percentage of your so called racists.

Daily there are threads on here:

>how do i get art hoe g/f
>how do i dress to date this girl
>is this person fa (some ridiculous teen singer etc.)
>how do i achieve this look (stupid teen zoomer photo)

There is nothing pol about those things, it's just teenagers here who are mainly left wing and that includes you because you are scapegoating and have started branding everyone from pol if someone says "men can't be women" and other such shit. You are seeing da nazis everywhere when it's just NORMAL people.

I've been here 10 years or so, if anything the 8 year olds 10 years ago have grown up in a more left wing and extreme system now so here they are online (you again) spouting their shit.

It applies to me too, I always give genuine advice and help but it's never good enough because I am not a TEENAGER and 95% of you are.

It''s teens, zoomers, left wing morons that have fucked it up and that applies all over the internet. It's why twitter is a fucking shit show. You are CANCER.

>> No.15250918
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>superior Anglo genes
/pol/tards and /b/ immigrants make cumskins look subhuman.

>> No.15250921

This board was never good except for inspo. For some reason the people on here manage to post good inspo and then dress like shit.

>> No.15251030

"inspo" is a farce doesn't help you dress for shit

>> No.15251041

spot on
/pol/ killed not just this board but this website long ago

>> No.15251070

>ooga booga where da wite wimin at
Don't get so upset, Jamal.

>> No.15251100

seething baldfag. I don't have to ask where white wimin are since they're naturally attracted to things like a full head of hair and normal amounts of testosterone, both of which you lack. Go back to making to your thinspo and "how to attract x girl" containment threads lmao fuck outta here.

>> No.15251191

board has been poor for years

3 recent milestones of the fall of 4chan:
2014 gamergate
2015 moot passes baton to hiro
2016 election tourists descend on 4chan's withered husk
we had already been on the decline prior to 2014 - board culture and content creation were dropping off. i think it was also around this time when the direction of meme flow between 4chan and social media sites finally reversed

as far as /fa/ specifically, >>15249829 is the main reason, i think. back in the day, anons and trips alike would image dump runway shows, designer collections, magazine rips, and assorted info on fabrics, cuts, supply chain, etc. i think after a while, u kind of lose the motivation for that when 90% of the board is just here for >how to dress to get __ gf

>> No.15251220

Oh crap, I forgot that the fabric and DIY threads were a thing back in the day.

>> No.15251230

i remember some anon hooking me up with a bunch of rick fabric to use to reupholster my desk chair. DIY threads come and go, i think if people consistently made them and had a good OP info dump, they might live again. with how little most people have to do, easy DIY projects would probably be popular

>> No.15252388

Discord tranny