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File: 53 KB, 499x750, be4b2e7de5cc393b4c8325a6c8c4081b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15248069 No.15248069 [Reply] [Original]

how do i need to dress to attract a cute skater bf like pic rel? Do i need to go full arthoe?

>> No.15248079

Men don't care how women dress, just talk to him and he will likely fuck you

>> No.15248085

agreed. if you're evn remotely attractive or have a cringe-level fac tatt.. he'll be fiending

>> No.15248110

i don't want him to just fuck me. I want him to think of me fondly when he sees me

>> No.15248116
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>> No.15248125

skater here
just don't be fucking basic. it doesn't matter if you're an art hoe, if you're punk, if you're goth, if you're an egirl, if you're heroincore, if you're hardcore, if you're industrial, if you're a mall goth, if you're a skater yourself, or what, just don't be fucking basic, and more importantly, don't be a poser.
it'll also probably help if you do drugs, you're skinny yourself, and you at least kind of know how to skateboard.

>> No.15248133

is this /high school/ ?

>> No.15248140

dont be old hag

>> No.15248155

this. doesn't matter if a girl is hot if she is basic I will blow my brains out if I was in the same room as her

>> No.15248203

good digits confirm.
that's what I always hated going to nightclubs. all the girls there were cardboard cutouts. at least when you go for a skate while high, you've got a chance at meeting a girl who's cute and can hold conversation.

>> No.15248282
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>> No.15248296

LMAO shut the fuck up

>> No.15248305

have a pussy

>> No.15248352
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1531358833296s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't seem to understand what it's like to have an agonizing crush whom you think fondly of when you see them, anon

>> No.15248363

Yes, and what's the logical conclusion to having an agonizing crush? Holding their hand and going on a nice walk in the park?

>> No.15248367


>> No.15248399

yes. (and then fuck)

>> No.15248409

>jack kilmer on the set of his first movie, Palo Alto. His acting is so natural, it feels like we will see him for years to come.
haven't seen this bitch anywhere after palo alto came out

>> No.15248813

his mom
wrote that

>> No.15248818

they arent interested in trannies

>> No.15248933

more like val kilmer payed someone to write this about his boring son

>> No.15250211

Do you ever masturbate to him?

>> No.15250255
File: 215 KB, 1396x1400, eels-1539881985-compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skater boy here (im kinda cute)
I say just dress however, just be urself and look somewhat interesting and unique. Pls don't conform and dress in instagram explorepage core like an 'e girl/art hoe' or a 'goth' or anything like that coz that's cringe as fuck.
And it wouldn't hurt if you had some knowledge on more respected/ archive designers and brands like raf, helmut, N(N), Undercover, Ann D, CDG, Rick etc. coz that's a real turn on.

>> No.15250582

gay as fuck

>> No.15250624

What kind of coat is that?

>> No.15250646

that's a wool cardigan

>> No.15250760
File: 215 KB, 914x1324, jack kilmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He cute, no homo.

>> No.15250796

fuck u beach rat

>> No.15250886

Just be hot and listen to mac demarco or 90s hip hop. Don’t wear a bra. Cuff your pants

>> No.15250944
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>> No.15251142

he really had the potential to blow up like chalamet especially after this role as stereotypical uwu softboy skater

>> No.15251152

Literally the biggest turn on but chances are this dudes some normie fag who shops at zoomies

>> No.15251271

shut the fuck up.
I hate being attracted to you fucking grimy pieces of shit. Why do I have to be some soft weak pasty curly haired skater boy to attract girls?? Why can't women see me and say "how do I make him think fondly of me"? I mean for fuck's sake no one says that about me at all, ever, no one has ever been in a meaningful or intimate relationship of any sort with me. If I approach a girl she instantly becomes uncomfortable regardless of the context. don't give me that "I'm sure someone would love you for who you are" bullshit like every girl does, No one does, no one will. I've gone through my life being tossed aside by women in favour of these motherfucking pasty ass skinny guys. The skinny asian soft boys and the lanky hockey guys. Women sleep with whatever and whoever they want and very clearly don't give a shit about who you are as a person. Fuck your "ah your standards are too high" all I want out of a woman is someone to love and support me, and isn't obese or burn-victim ugly. I myself am not obese or burn-victim ugly, so what fucking gives?? What? Do I have to go buy a fucking skateboard? wear hoodies and beanies and grow out my hair? talk like a autist hopped up on HRT? Start extended fasting? "Just B yourself :)" has not fucking worked.
kill yourself.
quadruple kill yourself.
you deplorable disgusting filthy fucking degenerate whore.

>> No.15251298

Kind've impossible to answer your questions without knowing who you are. We know what you aren't, you aren't a skater boy or an asian soft boy or a lanky hockey guy. Ok, but what are you then? Who are you? What are you about?

>> No.15251346

>you fucking grimy pieces of shit
>you deplorable disgusting filthy fucking degenerate whore
>Why can't women see me and say "how do I make him think fondly of me"?
it's not rocket science anon

>> No.15251350

Are you a girl(male)?

>> No.15251352

learning switch tre flips rn so ill chime in
met my gf at a club last year and i fell in love when she said she was studying for the bar exam
being cute and whatever is cool but those arthoe girls are all a dime a dozen.
apparently there were a good amt of girls who were into me in uni but they never did anything to let me know so i never bother talking to them. make a move if you like a boy
my gf is super layed back and always easy to be around thats why im so into her not her fashion
shes super smart and driven which is better than "if your into archive fashion that helps" thats pretty shallow
butttttt i find her saving Rouge outfits for inspo if that helps. im into it

>> No.15251368
File: 54 KB, 720x560, image%3A10183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kinda cute
Uggo confirmed

>> No.15251392

>shes super smart and driven which is better than "if your into archive fashion that helps" thats pretty shallow
This. Not that I've met many people who are into high fasion/le archive meme but it seems like a cringe shared interest.

>> No.15251406

even better is that during quarantine she sewed 2 blouses and 2 dresses by herself off youtube tutos which is more than most archivers anyways lol

>> No.15251413

What constitutes basic?

>> No.15251421

wdym "who am I"? like there's some formula based on my personality. Is it not enough to just be who I am? I don't know how to label it, it's all over the place, I have no 'identity' like the retards itt calling themselves 'skaterboys (kinda cute)'. I work hard trying to make sure I don't become a NEET out of college. I like fitness, Cars, videogames/anime, and cooking/baking. I'm funny, can usually lighten the mood in a room, I like making people laugh. I dress like a normie, no identity just either casual with a hoodie or something tucked in and more clean. My mood changes nowadays between being goofy and being angry/tense, mostly bc of shit like this. I feel like trying in life is gonna be useless unless I have someone with me to try for on their behalf, then I get frustrated and write anonymous incel paragraphs on 4chan. I force myself so hard trying to attract a woman but they all flock to these fucking tiny and weak motherfuckers who don't give a shit about anything and burn out by their late 20's and lose their hair.
I tried for years. Only recently have I gone incel. I'm angry at women for making me feel like shit and wasting so much of my time. Constantly preening myself and being conscious of every single little thing, making sure I don't sperg out like I always do. All that effort is just gone and didn't amount to anything, and then I see people do it without trying. All those awkward uncomfortable albeit rare interactions I have had with females has proven to me it really is fucking rocket science.

>> No.15251441

How would you rate your face on a scale of 1 to 10? What about your body?

>> No.15251455
File: 357 KB, 1920x1080, 1576644453528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you dumb, stoopid or dumb, huhh?

>> No.15251479

face: 7 or 6. I look underage and have glasses, Grew a stubble but I'm probably gonna shave it, it's unclean and doesn't look too good
body: 5. I'm short. I lost my gut recently and slimmed down a pretty good amount, 15 pounds. I look good in all clothes now but I still have gyno and look weird without a shirt. Might need surgery for it, but I don't have 3200$ lying around for cosmetic surgery. I'm 5'10 145 lb (my scale ran out of batteries like 2 months ago, I have been fasting for a month so I'm guessing I'm in that range).
how am I dumb. I suck with girls.

>> No.15251608
File: 51 KB, 768x495, Alt-J-Left-Hand-Free-Video.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol nope.
art hoes:
>highly strung
>literally wears their insecurities on their sleeves
>female version of being the coolest guy at the renaissance fair

the mythical "sk8erboy"
>does what he wants cause its fun
>dgaf about conforming to a look (there are exceptions ofc)
>wears whats cheap and works

like, sure op, you could probably attract some van wearing mallgrabbing insta skater if you tried hard enough. and maybe thats what you want. but most guys who ik just want someone whos chill as cliche as that sounds

like i skate, bmx, ride thru traffic like a maniac on my brakeless fixie, ride dirt tracks, getting my m1 soon. like i do that shit cause its fun. im not like trying to fit into an image. i dont post any of it to social media. i wear whats durable. and i hang out with people who give off positive vibes and/or who are fun to be around

and not to pump up my own tyres here but like im attractive enough that i can have my pick of girls. like my requirements are just be skinny, fit and have a good energy to you. i couldnt care less about what you wear.

work on your self esteem, is my main tip, just get to the point where you think "im good enough" then you can have your mythical skater boy :)

>> No.15251715
File: 66 KB, 356x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like, sure op, you could probably attract some van wearing mallgrabbing insta skater if you tried hard enough. and maybe thats what you want. but most guys who ik just want someone whos chill as cliche as that sounds

>like i skate, bmx, ride thru traffic like a maniac on my brakeless fixie, ride dirt tracks, getting my m1 soon. like i do that shit cause its fun. im not like trying to fit into an image. i dont post any of it to social media. i wear whats durable. and i hang out with people who give off positive vibes and/or who are fun to be around

>and not to pump up my own tyres here but like im attractive enough that i can have my pick of girls. like my requirements are just be skinny, fit and have a good energy to you. i couldnt care less about what you wear.

>work on your self esteem, is my main tip, just get to the point where you think "im good enough" then you can have your mythical skater boy :)

>> No.15251765

irl skaters are just a sub-genre of frat bro normies and most of date basic bitches unless you live in a relevant city and he's actually interesting outside of skating

>> No.15251782

dress like a poser slut and be really thristy

>> No.15251797

>dgaf about conforming to a look (there are exceptions ofc)
very wrong, skaters these days have a very specific skate dress uniform that is very conforming. dickies, tiny hat, slip ons or cons etc.

>> No.15251815
File: 1.40 MB, 193x135, 1588966626983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, payed?

>> No.15251821

Then be a decent person? Stop catering to boys interest and being a hoe and actually be your own person for once.

>> No.15251823


>> No.15251840
File: 56 KB, 500x357, mlfm60N9wg1qcysh1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just be confident sis

>> No.15251853

"Don't be basic" but you go ahead and list out a bunch of overdone and basic subcultures.....

>> No.15251885
File: 1.63 MB, 255x192, 1588182740392.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I want a skaterboy
> No I want him to love mee!
I don"t know if you are just dumb or shallow as 90% of women. You want a specific type of boy, but you want him to love you. You've never fallen in love with somebody I suppose. If you would then you wouldn't care about some skater shit but you would be trying to find things a lot different than that. Dont be shallow bitch please. All of those incels are thinking that you get all of the boys you want but you really just get those shit types that dont really care about you and want you for the same reason as you want a skater boy. All of the good guys just realise the fact that you are shallow and move on in their life. You're basically just a waste of time right now until you mature emotionally so sorry Im not gonna help you this time, sorry and good luck trying to find love just by some bullshit like you've just said and then unti you hit the wall and live with a guy you dont even like. Im just really tired of women like you I don't even know why Im writing this shit it won't change anything but you'll realize this one day anyway.

>> No.15251893

"want to at my pusy while i smoke weed"

you'll be his 420princess

>> No.15251908
File: 62 KB, 640x960, image%3A14129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you losers stop typing in paragraphs, no one cares that much

>> No.15251919

Sauce on gif

>> No.15252014

the whole thread was meant more as joke (as well as the "i want him to think of me fondly" comment) like the equivalent of all these "how to attract an art hoe gf" threads that keep popping up. You guys are projecting a lot of your own bottled up shit onto a tiny ironic comment. So honestly this: >>15251908 calm down it's really not that deep

>> No.15252648
File: 151 KB, 341x314, 1524546777462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you make every girl you talk to uncomfortable, then the biggest problem is most likely you being weird and desperate instead of them instantly hating you. It has nothing to do with becoming a sk8er boi, because if you weird out every girl you approach, obviously they'll detect that and you won't have any success. If you're also under the age of 20 like over half of this board is, you'll soon see that only orbiters get desperate for romance and eventually stop putting relationships on a pedestal

>> No.15252703

> I'm 5'10 145 lb
There’s your problem. Unless you have a beautiful face, you’re fucked. You rate yourself as a 6 or 7, so you’re probably a 5, because people always overrate themselves. I mean come on, man. You’re twig skinny AND you have gyno? AND you’re 4 inches shorter than what women want. Why are you surprised?

Get in the gym, lose as much body fat as possible, which will improve your shitty body and redefine your jaw and in your mid 20s you will be golden. Remember: women only care about your personality AFTER you reach a certain looks criteria. Don’t give up.

>> No.15252842

women always worship these babyfaced actors who play characters that have no real life equivalent
you'll never find them also admit to being a hebephile

>> No.15252873


It's probably because you're angry and entitled; most people can tell from an initial interaction. I'd be willing to bet you give off school shooter vibes to these girls and that's why they don't want anything to do with you. It's the red flags you're giving off.

Protip; get a hobby, join a club, work on having meaningful social interactions where your end goal is not sex, fix your attitude and take responsibility for your own life.

>> No.15252880


Try being angry at yourself for feeling like shit and wasting your time.

>> No.15252884

5'10" isn't even short you're still taller than most women.

>> No.15252899
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>> No.15252928

it's implied. I am.
been in the gym for 4 months and planning to go again as soon as Rona lifts. You can't lose gyno at the gym, bro. It's a hormonal imbalance I got from eating too many mcD's as a kid. I don't think I'm 5 territory, I'm not ugly.
I don't think I have anything to say, other than "yeah, okay". I dunno how to be comfortable around girls. I guess I'll get over it and become gay maybe. that'd be nice.
also <20, spot on. I'm too young to be sad about girls but too old to not have any experience with them, which is annoying.
hey ho, woah hey! peepeepoopoo I still feel shorter than every man I meet. Even if they're physically shorter or younger than me I feel like I'm shorter and younger than them.

Loving the replies tho. Makes me feel like the subject matter. Nice.

>> No.15253058

kys mega FAGGOT

>> No.15253920

You made yourself the subject matter by sperging out in a cringy incel rant

>> No.15254339

yeah ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

>> No.15254630
File: 39 KB, 648x465, 1588174454674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this hoe serious?

>> No.15254652

no, see >>15252014

>> No.15254668

this is embarrassing, please don't post ever again

>> No.15254690

I think if you look anything like Rachel Goswell they will swoon

>> No.15255155

how I hate women

>> No.15255245


>> No.15255370


>I can lighten the mood in any room

By leaving? you obnoxious manchild

i hope this is a larp

>> No.15255377


how is it a womans fault that you hate yourself, how did they waste your time? have no men wasted your time? how is that something women have done to you exclusively, other than them clearly not wanting to fuck you ahahahha

>> No.15255530
File: 115 KB, 500x396, hes-right-you-know-32644960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a basic subculture is still a subculture. as long as you dont dress like a target model or only watch the office and that 70s show and youre thin youre sexy

>> No.15255557
File: 74 KB, 630x1200, tim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah disagree, that kid cant act and his face is like 7/10 at best he round as hell
look at this kid and he's actually a great actor

>> No.15255571

depends where you live. brooklyn lameos, yeah, chad sf skaters dress like it's 1993 again, huge fucking pants and hoodies

>> No.15256737

Shut up whore the thread isn't about you anymore

>> No.15256774

>every post is literally a paragraph
cannot be assed to read anything in this thread

>> No.15256824

is this the female equivalent to the "what do I wear to attract art hoes?" threads?

>> No.15256831

Get a hobby and delve into it. Stop looking for a woman. Get good at something and women will notice. A lot of the attraction to "skater boyz" is sparked by them have an obvious skill in something (in this case skating). It's attractive as fuck to our monkey brains to see someone display any kind of talent, especially physical. It's also why guys that are in bands or that play instruments tend to draw a woman's attention more then a normie who just "has a good job". Your job and stability will make a relationship last since you can provide for her, but you need to first attract some attention to yourself. So go get a hobby.

Though, seriously, work on your anger and "blame everyone else" attitude. That shit will rot your soul.

>> No.15256835


>> No.15256860

fucking amazing how you get assblasted by pissy incels shitting themselves over this female equivalent arthoe thread, but those threads are filled with legit advice on attracting arthoes.

>> No.15256981

rule 1 is don't dress like a skater unless you are a skater and definitely don't wear vans shoes or thrasher hoodies though you probably figured that out. other than that, it really depends on the guy but yeah art hoe aesthetic really make your odds go up. but if you're uncomfortable with it then what's the point.

>> No.15256989

why is it that women have an aversion to fucking men who legitimately love and care about them? Why are THOTs so fucking loose when they are younger but as soon as they settle down and get married they start having chronic headaches that disable their ability to spread their fucking legs?

>> No.15257038

this. Incels are so busy with obsessively pointing out female hypocrisy (even when there is none) to see their own. It's ok for guys to be attracted to a certain stereotype but if a girl does it she's shallow and the worst human being on earth

>> No.15257047

>i don't want to just fuck him, i want him to actually like me
>why is it that women have an aversion to fucking men who legitimately love and care about them?

>> No.15257191

100% this. The reason why girls are so attracted to skaters is a) because they are doing smthing that is popular and seen as "cool" by almost everyone and just overall aesthetically pleasing to look at as a subculture. And b), the more important reason, most dudes who skate are really invested in it. More often then not it's not only a hobby but a lifestyle which gives them an aura of not only independence (getting girls isn't their priority, because they are just having fun being invested in this hobby with their friends) but also inaccessibility. Skating is a male dominated scene. There are female skaters but they are rare and i've never seen a skate crew that is actually mixed. It's always either all guys or all girls.
So the fact that these guys are not only trendsetters in terms of music taste and fashion, socially well accepted with tight knit friend groups, passionate about something and seemingly out of reach and unimpressed/not chasing after girls all the time, makes them very attractive to girls.
If you think about it's actually a bit like mgtow but intuitively done right and without all the cringe and bitterness.

>> No.15257214

tell him to do a kickflip and if he cant tell him hes a poser and should commit suicide

>> No.15257226

hi /esg/

>> No.15257237

>I myself am not obese or burn-victim ugly, so what fucking gives??

In Pulp Fiction, when JT and SLJ are sitting eating breakfast and JT offers SLJ some bacon, he declines and the discussion devolves into why he doesn't eat pig. SLJ argument boils down to pigs being filthy animals that eat and sleep in shit. JT counters that a dog eats it's own feces, does that make a dog a filthy animal. SLJ thinks for a second and says no. A dog has a personality. "Personality goes a long way". He can tolerate a dog eating shit, because it has a personality. JT counters that if a pig had a personality, would he consider it a filthy animal. SLJ says "we'd have to be talking about one charming motherfucking pig."

You are a pig, not just without a personality, but a repulsively shit one. That is what drives women away. You have a chip on your shoulder as deep as the Marianas trench and a victim complex you're rolling up a hill you've made yourself like Sisyphus did the stone. Your outburst is just one of the reasons why people don't like you and no amount of primping and preening will make up for who you are as a person, because people can sense insecurity and insincerity a mile away and nobody likes it.

The rest of you fucking incels need to take a long hard look at yourselves.

>> No.15257242
File: 20 KB, 400x400, mid90s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15257244

based and well written

>> No.15257262 [DELETED] 

Don't sit on ramps, don't wear vans or nike
If you have a board: No mongo pushing (except switch), no mall grabs
Please wear a modest outfit when I skate because I will ignore you if you look like a skank

>> No.15257266

this guy skates

>> No.15257601

>huge fucking pants and hoodies
that shit is so ugly and try hard i wish they'd stop

>> No.15257610

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

>insecurities left and right
>no basic bitches
>using the term "basic" in the first place

God you all are a bunch of little faggots. When I was skating we'd fuck anything that moved. Fucking Stacies or "basic" bitches was something to relish in.

Have a beer. Chill out. Try to enjoy yourself, you never know.. you might like it.

>> No.15257642

Speak for yourself. The last thing I want is a girlfriend who skates. I've also never heard someone say poser unironically.

OP, there's no good answer to your question, because most of us have nothing in common with each other besides skateboarding.

>> No.15257657

Found it on /gif/

>> No.15257669

There's enough good pussy for everyone, but resentful loathsome guys like you really push women towards the rest of us. I'd just like to take a moment to thank you for your sacrifice. If it wasn't for guys like you, average-looking skinny guys like me would never fuck. Please, never take a moment to look inward. Keep blaming others. Keep viewing your personal gains as empty because they weren't validated by a woman. If guys like you stop doing these, it's really gonna fuck up my stats.

>> No.15257686

hey, my only physical hobbies are weightlifting and cooking sometimes. What other hobbies can you guys reccommend?

>> No.15257711

all women are boring regardless if they're basic or not
it's not your job to be interesting, we have other men for that
just fuck him and be pleasant to be around and he'll like you

>> No.15257718

this desu

>> No.15258962

Men dont think fondly when they see someone.
The most they'll think is 'I wanna hit that'.

If you want him to be interested in you, show your interested in him.
Stupid ass shit waiting for him to come to you.
He wont even know your there unless you announce yourself to him.

>oh but I'm too shy
>oh my anxiety
Bitch what the fuck do you think he's thinking when that 10/10 whore walks past him.

You can look as good as you want, but confidence is the largest accessory someone could have.
And it suits every outfit on every body type

>> No.15259234

id say woodwork(no homo) if you think thats something you could learn.

>> No.15259240
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x1661, Seventeen magazine February 1990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15259508

I made a monado replica in shop class. really well made. I'm good at it if I try but I don't have machines at home obv.

>> No.15259547

RIP pspliff tho pablo lives etc etc

>> No.15259549

kinda based. all this talk and shit distracted me from the fact that i think i only go for alt chicks because theyre the only ones who like skeletals like me. i would fuck hot jogging normals if they let me

>> No.15259744

so you're implying men are unable have romantic feelings? Sounds like a personal problem stop projecting

>> No.15259764

>unf ugh PROJECTION you're PROJECTING your insecurities about--
if you think you're gonna get a halfway decent partner out of a man who's only hobbies are standing on a wheeled board, getting high, and being a disappointment to their father, then the only delusional retard here is you. You're about as useful to guys as a PVC pipe, 2 sponges, and a condom, with the only added benefit being that you're warm (most of the time).
This isn't projection, and even if you think so it's not my problem to have to give a fuck, you're a woman or a tranny anyways lol

>> No.15259777

i'm not even op, faggot. I'm just pointing out your retarded incel delusions

>> No.15259783

? when did I say you were OP. I said you're either a woman or a tranny. Also
>"involuntary-celibate" is our word, but you can use "incel" haha
You guys just love throwing that shit around, as if "not having sex" is in some way a negative and being called an incel is damaging.

>> No.15259790

i'm not a woman either you worthless loser. Being an incel is not simply "not a having sex" it's being a sociopath, that makes not getting laid his identity and blames everyone else for his own autism

>> No.15259808

Hence the tranny holy shit you snailbrain. Incel literally means "involuntary celibate". How is the guy a "sociopath" for saying "men only care about sex and judge by level of attraction on the first impression" and "be confident so you can stand out"? I mean you may not be a woman but you sure as hell act like one with your "le incel" bullshit. The slightest difference from your opinion and you label people as sociopathic incels. Fucking insufferable. If you have a cock it's probably in a chastity cage rn lmao. Better go ask your big titty mommy goth GF or whatever who takes care of all your responsibilities around the house for the keys you retarded little beta bitch.