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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 94 KB, 500x371, tumblr_l7xcl6RdLK1qcmyueo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15247960 No.15247960 [Reply] [Original]

early 2010s tumblr indie kids thread. Also please post your favourite indie music from that time, i'm addicted to the sad but warm nostalgic feeling.. take me back lads!

>> No.15247962
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>> No.15247966
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>> No.15247974
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>> No.15247976
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>> No.15247986
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>> No.15247988
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>> No.15247993
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>> No.15248066

>tfw you never lived in a house w a bunch of other indie dorks who would take film pictures of your friends during house parties
Why live

>> No.15248077

I did and it was cool. Our fridge was covered in pictures. Then everybody started getting careers and married. Sucks

>> No.15248112
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>> No.15248115
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>> No.15248129

those were the days

>> No.15248135
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an obvious classic

>> No.15248139

Don't forget Spoon and The Unicorns

>> No.15248151
File: 78 KB, 500x331, tumblr_lffpx5NPOZ1qbf0pno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the entire album reminds me of the best years of my life when i became friends with all the older stoner skater kids in my school after being a loner for years.. good times

>> No.15248205

The kooks = normie shit

>> No.15248225
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>> No.15248233

It's all downhill from high school

>> No.15248241

??? No one listen to this guy, its all downhill after college. High school is fine, but college is where the real fun is.

>> No.15248259




>> No.15248260

true. If you're rich, college can be like high school but without all the restrictions. You still feel a lot like a teenager in your early 20s but you're an adult so you can go and do what ever the fuck you want.

>> No.15248319

this thread hurts man

>> No.15248358
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i know

>> No.15248362
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>> No.15248369

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuoTjYYqe4c devastating to think abt what SF has become

>> No.15248372

god I wish that was me

>> No.15248375

this 100% nails the aesthetic

>> No.15248377
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>> No.15248383
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>> No.15248388
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>> No.15248392
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>> No.15248393

Please stop OP. These were the best years of my life and now they're gone.

>> No.15248396

have always been curious to sort of figure out what happened to this. like I miss microgenres, for instance

>> No.15248413

We got old and became normal people. Some people still dress like this and listen to the music, but most have either assimilated into average adult life or hopped over to the next wave. God I miss those times. I had so many sweaters and flannel shirts. I also had friends

>> No.15248424

100%. just curious what ‘waves’ even happen now. everything feels postgenre now—like k-hole said ... “mass indie”

>> No.15248429

it's a type of subculture that just passed because it's members grew out of it. Just like eboys and arthoes will eventually die out

>> No.15248439

god i remember being really young and i joined tumblr right as this hipster aesthetic was at its peak
fucking weird looking back on it all

>> No.15248460
File: 115 KB, 500x338, tumblr_ltoem6EaIF1qcysh1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss being 16-17 having lots of friends and not worrying about anything but how we would get to that underground show in the next bigger town after getting stoned all day


>> No.15248462

Guess what?

Your mid and late twenties are even better

You finally have money and can do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.15248475
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>> No.15248479

no because now you most likely also have a full time job and most of your friends are starting to get married and having families

>> No.15248481

do you know what show this is from?
i can tell its a hc show the dude crowd surfing is wearing an expire shirt

>> No.15248488

i have no idea. Found it in some random tumblr archive a while back

>> No.15248512
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>> No.15248518
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>> No.15248522
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>> No.15248540
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>tfw you'll never be able to go back to being a teen drinking PBRs and passing around a bong on a back porch listening to Conor Oberst with your 3 closest friends

>> No.15248559

i have no money

>> No.15248568
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>> No.15248570
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>> No.15248572

i did a few years ago. now i look down on some of them for getting corporate jobs and becoming yuppies. hope i'm not a fucking loser

>> No.15248578

Not if you get a cool job and cool friends.

>> No.15248579
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>> No.15248581

sf is still sick unless you work in a fucking office

>> No.15248585
File: 25 KB, 500x329, lUADVzaa6eHhwaGsiU6lw9HGONbsOuJp2pfHYxhW438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets not forget about this absolute classic

>> No.15248589
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>> No.15248591

I definitely feel and appreciate the nostalgia, but honestly most of these people were insufferable in real life.

>> No.15248592
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>> No.15248597
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>> No.15248605
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>> No.15248658

wish I was 17 again

>> No.15248663
File: 75 KB, 1200x672, 19834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aku aku

>> No.15248684

how were these girls in bed

>> No.15248703

for some reason 16 is the age that gets romanticized a lot but for me and a lot of my friends 17 was the magic age, too

>> No.15248708

my fav song of all time

>> No.15248709

Some were great some weren't, just like every other girl

>> No.15248718

bro... people here still remember khole... i gotta start browsing fa regularly again

>> No.15248735
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>> No.15248737
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I was and still am a massive shut-in during my adolescence which took place in the 2010s, so I'll leave this thread before I kys myself.

>> No.15248743
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>> No.15248750
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>> No.15248760

same. Not trying to be gay or anything but i'm actually getting teary eyed... life is sad

>> No.15248807

Hahaha really? You guys are joking when you say you were never invited to a house party where you went to wearing your best kappa trousers and billionaires boys club shirt where you ended up smoking weed for the first time and snogging an indie girl who goes art school and you'd go out with for the next two months before you break up? You mean you really didn't do that?

>> No.15248846

No, unfortunately.
I've seen a young grill who couldn't be older than 19 wearing a floral print dress and a jewel tone cardigan a week back. Looked like a transplant from this thread.
Had to prevent myself from tearing up.

>> No.15248868
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i'm sorry lads

>> No.15248875
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>> No.15248876
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>> No.15248879
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>> No.15248880
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>> No.15248884
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>> No.15248885

Used to go bananas for girls like the one on the far left. I pretty much still dress the same. Thrift store Pendletons, black jeans, I'm actually growing the amporphus mop of hair back out for quarantine. Kinda look like if guy on the bottom was blonde. Mostly listened to punk and hardcore, post-punk and stuff like the velvet underground. Pretty much same taste slightly expanded. Never really stopped living the life. Hitchhiked around the country, and lived in bumfuck PNW working on weed grows for a bit before heading back to the city, in a 2 piece garage punk band with my gf. Stopped drinking cus I'm an insane alcoholic. Oh well. It's sad that this time is over but I'm glad I got to be a part of it. So many people didn't appreciate that decade. It was really a golden era.
Seriously where did all these strawberry blonde babes go? It's as if it was a more prominent hair color then, but those people should still all be alive.
I did it was great and horrible, a total mess for sure. Now it's just 2 of us in the same kindve house. Pretty comfy.

>> No.15248889

this aesthetic is so fucking millennial but damn if it doesn't bring me the nostalgia tingles

>> No.15248891
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>> No.15248897

how does someone like you end up on 4chan?

>> No.15248904

>indie hipster nostalgia
>early 2010s
fucking zoomers
peak hipster was 2003-2008

>> No.15248908


>> No.15248911
File: 53 KB, 500x331, tumblr_lby20i7lN91qcm3pqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish girls would dress like this again. But it's nice to see that full fringes are apparently making a comeback

>> No.15248916
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>> No.15248918
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>> No.15248921

fucking mongrel early zoomers were in middle school by that time so early 2010's were more influenced by millennials, that by that time were in hs and college

>> No.15248922

i've been seeing more women middle-aged or close to it wearing Chucks, and I wonder if they are ex-hipsters

>> No.15248925

I can smell the dry ketchup smell through the screen ugh

>> No.15248930

>early zoomers
>born in early 90s
pick one, fucking idiot. millennials were born ~1985-1995.

>> No.15248932

>peak hipster aligned with peak Pitchfork
It couldn't be any other way desu

>> No.15248939
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>> No.15248941
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>> No.15248946


>> No.15248955

that's what I'm saying you absolute brainrot. early zoomers were in middle school or were just starting high school in early 2010's so they didn't had the possibility to influence that style while mid to late millennials that were born early to mid 90's were in high school and college directly influencing that style

>> No.15248969

i still like wearing comfy cardigans

>> No.15248981

Life was real good at 17. I was told by a 30 year old when I was 17 that I should appreciate being young and I laughed in his face. Such is life

>> No.15248984

100% guarantee this dude was an obnoxious faggot

>> No.15248986

I enjoy the occasional kek at seething virgins

>> No.15248987

this. The most stupid thing i did as a kid was wishing that i was older and being in a rush to grow up

>> No.15248990
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>> No.15248992

yeah everyone around him looks annoyed or unimpressed lol

>> No.15248994

>where did all these strawberry blonde babes go
depends on where you live i guess its more common in midwest

>> No.15248998
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>> No.15249001

>not having a family

You do know the white race is going extinct right? If you're not having at least 2 kids you are the problem

>> No.15249002
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>> No.15249006
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>> No.15249009
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>> No.15249016
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>> No.15249021
File: 31 KB, 480x360, serveimage (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indie kids were and are pretentious as fuck. If you don't remember how cringy they were back in 2012 with their 'ironic' fashion and humour you're too young to be on this board. They were all pretentious upper middle class kids spending daddys money on overpriced 'vintage' aesthetic. Good riddance.

>> No.15249030

2 is still below replacement 3 is good. Also doubt his friends will have 2 kids even as an average

>> No.15249037

I can't stress this enough. I a revival of this happens I'm gonna move in a field secluded from this joke of a world

>> No.15249040

Did a guy in a flannel shirt fuck your girlfriend?

>> No.15249041


>> No.15249042

that neville longbottom?

>> No.15249055
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>> No.15249059

This thread is filled with shit tier inspo pics. Cannot even see what the people are wearing in most of the pics. Don't make this into another tumblr

>> No.15249060

No, I was in a highschool filled with these types. I could only listen to Mumford and sons and the Arctic monkeys so many times before I would get the urge to drive the hipsters face through his shitty ten quid iPod speakers

>> No.15249062

I got no problem with your post, except for the fact that we were mostly poor. A lot of my peers were just service industry wage-slaves packed into a crappy rental house. Instruments were bought on craigslist or yard sales. We glamorized the semi-nomadic vibe of it all, but after a while you get tired of slumming it through life.

>> No.15249063

>they listened to Mumford and Sons and Arctic Monkeys
That's the issue.

>> No.15249073
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>> No.15249076
File: 138 KB, 500x566, i-found-myself-in-india-starter-pack-im-getting-my-23115569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual interesting poor people I hanged around with would see the bullshit of the hipster culture and we would organise lan parties at a caravan park and fucked around while most hipsters were like this (note the date the vid was uploaded)
Those were the artists I recognised but they're all the same sounding generic indie music designed to be eaten up by the post scene girl crowd.

>> No.15249083

Currently living in a arts uni town in the uk and I can tell you people really do still dress like this, very different silhouettes and some other differences but with the same ethos. They’re mostly cunts and slaggy girls but maybe I’m just salty because I’m mentally ill and don’t have friends :))

>> No.15249086

It could be that European hipsters were particularly more revolting, or maybe you just grew up around shitty people. The best time in my life was when I was around the indie scene in the southern US

>> No.15249094
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>> No.15249097
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>> No.15249098
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>> No.15249104
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>> No.15249110
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>> No.15249121

take me to your best friend's house

>> No.15249289

Been on here since like 2006 when I was a teen. I only still come because I like the posting format and anonymity.
Don't LARP as me
Ah I'm a Mid-Atlantic ish boy

>> No.15249296

lol i know that girl. i guess she's semi tumblr famous

>> No.15249298

It's also full of the same exact pictures from last month's hipster nostalgia thread

>> No.15249311
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>> No.15249314
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>> No.15249319
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>> No.15249323
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>> No.15249326
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>> No.15249699

Where you guys finding these photos? Also anyone remember Be Your Own PET?

>> No.15249722

wait.. these hipsters were actually hip

>> No.15250025

Tumblr archives

>> No.15250144

the absolute state of /fa/

>> No.15250977

What the fuck is this thread it's literally making me physically feel it in my chest
This one gives me vibes to the university house my friends lived at that we partied in
For us it was:
Neon Indian - Polish Girl
Washed Out - Feel It All Around
Yeah I miss those times and I'm not really friends with these people anymore. You never know what the good times are until you've left em.
Used to take polaroids and hang em on the wall
Always beat up couches man, always

Glad to see there are anons that had similar times. Solidarity bros.

>> No.15251050
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>> No.15251052
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>> No.15251056
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>> No.15251060
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>> No.15251062
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>> No.15251065
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>> No.15251071

Last time fashion was anywhere close to being good.

>> No.15251073

This was the last time when being white was still cool

>> No.15251105

nostalgia/revival le "hipster indie" faggots are the scum of society and they should be shot. there isn't an ounce of creativity and originality in this type shit, just plain larping and revival without bringing anything new and boundary pushing to the table.
they all larped as "progressives" but the irony is their whole movement was drenched in revival and fetishization of the past, and these things are the definition of conservatism mixed with reactionary bullshite.
fuck these people man and fuck you op for making this thread. kill yourself you used goods cunt.

>> No.15251107
File: 28 KB, 400x291, 2010stache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know if this has already been posted here, but I'm making my contribution

>> No.15251148

>but honestly most of these people were insufferable in real life.

I always found them to be really fake and hypocritical. Vegan because of the environment, but still traveling to India and Vietnam for months on end, mysteriously being able to pay the tickets and expensive hostels with no jobs or in between study. Also buying expensive "vintage" or "Indian inspired" clothing. The whole neo-hippy thing they sometimes had going on was often very arrogant and "white upper middle class".

>> No.15251357

Good one :’)

>> No.15251664
File: 121 KB, 652x762, scene-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was one of these guys and i can tell you that me and my friends were poor as fuck, maybe a little more into the punk side of things. I bought second hand clothes and vintage "ironic" shirts because i worked as a cook in a diner. The drumset for our garage band that i played was a gift from a friend of a friend in the rockabilly scene, I saved up to go to shows and drank PBR cause it's cheap. You also have to realize that every website and media outlet did the "hipsters are ruining everything" shtick, it was popular as fuck to hate hipsters hence why a show like Portlandia got 8 seasons. If you didn't like it that's okay but you hated it because you were told to by all the media at the time. Also Mumford and Sons and Arctic monkeys are pop bands.
This thread is making me nostalgic and sad. I miss my friends, late nights fueled by shitty beer, going to shows, buying 7" records, thrifting, all of it really. I hate getting older.

>> No.15251679

rip hipster runoff rip our youth. comfiest thread i've been in in so long

>> No.15251827

how tf do i form friend groups like this at 25 in a brand new city where i don't know anyone? :( feels bad man

>> No.15251838

i have money and no friends making friends at 25 is hard as fuck

>> No.15251845

im the friend that takes the cool film pics of everyone and has no pics of themselves. 2016 was fun.

>> No.15251854

same, i have drawers full of just pictures of my friends

>> No.15251860

i had a life from ages 12-16 then i was a shut-in until i got to college and had 2 really good social semesters and then sabotaged all my friendships and now I've been back at square one since 2017

>> No.15251863

i'm 23 and moving to a new city in october. I feel like it's almost impossible if you're not in college anymore...

>> No.15251867
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>> No.15251870
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>> No.15251871

being white still is cool imo if the aesthetic is done right.

>> No.15251877
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>> No.15251881

that sucks to hear, im banking on my hobbies to meet cool people. im lucky i skate, making friends at the skatepark has always been easy as fuck especially if they're locals but besides that i have no idea how to meet people besides at whatever job i end up getting and tinder.

>> No.15251888

sucks for you, you ugly incel janitor

>> No.15251891

i keep mine in leather photo albums looks and the loose random pics organized in craft bins. i think you should preserved yours better, your future self will thank you.

>> No.15251892
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>> No.15251905

i know, you're right. I guess i should also organize them while i still remember what specific year/occasion they are from lol

>> No.15251910

fuck, you kids are being nolstagic about my college days

trust me it wasn't /fa/ it was shit

cobra starship, carly rae jepsen, and that one song you wear designer shades you're cooler than me

and woooooooo isall you heard for a fucking decade

>> No.15251920

these girls were literally just mainstream girls its just how they dressed

>> No.15252057

How many times in your life do you need to be told to fuck off you fat retard? Seriously no one gives a shit about you and your faggot opinion. You obviously didn't get it now you're mad. Cand someone post the picture of this neckbeard and his pig gf?

>> No.15252141



>> No.15252151
File: 4 KB, 225x225, fat faggot for ants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15252164

Those were my college days and it was great time. Maybe it's because I was in a small town and had a tightknit group of friends? There weren't a lot of us in town so we all flocked together. We would've never played Cobra Starship, that's horrible. You either had a genuine bad experience because you didn't like who you were around, or you are too cynical to enjoy anything

>> No.15252183

>You finally have money

uhh yea... about that...

>> No.15252188

>now i look down on some of them for getting corporate jobs and becoming yuppies
Lol I'm sure the feeling is mutual. You might want to consider growing up.

>> No.15252481

very comfy thread


>> No.15252534

they lost their corporate jobs dont worry

>> No.15252537

I'm starting to believe that you're just a bitter and unhappy person

>> No.15252540

Not him but I am a bitter and unhappy person, and I blame social isolation, you fucking cunt.

>> No.15252549

You're cool Igor, consistently one of the best posters on here

>> No.15252596

Play music or get into photography. Niche hobbies like custom bike building or screen printing. After that, easy-peasy.

>> No.15252641

well I'm already into film photography so that's cool. I bought a eurorack case and plan to get into modular synths soon also plan on picking up mtb, already bought my gear and shit so im stoked on that. I'm not sure how to meet people through photography and mtb but I'm hoping i can meet people at niche synth events hopefully. Photography is more of a solo activity and mtbers usually already have an established ride group. It's not something you meet random people through I feel like.

>> No.15252660
File: 21 KB, 220x220, 106979_7_5022a893e0876_Client-3603-8-06122008-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15252696

i remember when indiecore hit upper middle class suburbia circa 2010. I was in 10th grade.

its funny to look back and remember how all the rich/popular kids, who up until this point would relentlessly bully and mock anyone remotely different, suddenly clamber to reinvent themselves as sensitive, indie, and into art house film (aka amelie) and underground bands (aka tame impala).

>> No.15252713

I'm the same age, and how the fuck do you even make friends at at all at 25?

I had a falling out with my best friend from high school and the rest of my friend group has drifted away.

I'm lucky enough to work around interesting people my own age, but they're always going to just be 'work friends'.

>> No.15252769


>> No.15252830

>I had a falling out with my best friend from high school and the rest of my friend group has drifted away.
the same exact thing happened to me recently and I regret nothing, there was a lot of resentment. people grow apart but in reality i just felt like he was super two faced. don't have time for shit like that now. i rather be alone. i'm so ready to start over it'll probably take me a year to make friends probably even longer w/ this covid-shit i hope that when things open back up people will be so attention starved from quarantine/lockdown that it'll make it easier to meet people that's been dying for human interaction but things will probablly just go back to normal. people that already have friends at this age don't need more which sucks.

>> No.15252839

whattt at my school kids that were already weird were the ones that turned into indie art hoes all the popular jocks are just turbo normies now.

>> No.15252934
File: 46 KB, 448x349, ABDCDB7F-3757-4858-B86E-4FBAB1D42BE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me. 28 now graduated in 2010. I lived this scene and had a great time. Highlights included an Anamanaguchi performance at Sludge Mansion and a party at FIDLARs house where they performed in a sweaty ass bedroom.

But I grew out of it, now I have money to do things and more confidence as Ive gained more knowledge of self.

It’s ok to grow out of things, what’s important is that you appreciate your present because one day you’ll be older than you are right now.

>> No.15252936

Me and my friend played a show with them.

>> No.15253091

Okay, this thread made me sad as fuck. I was in film school back in 2009-2012, so people like these were the norm (including me), and those years were some of the greatest years of my life. Everything is gone now. I didn't do any fucking relevant thing since then. A lot of my old classmates are married, living aboard, and/or just doing regular jobs. I basically see the same type of people in my old college social media, it's like time stays the same and very lively in there while I'm growing old, tired and more and more depressed.

>> No.15253168

i'm an asshole in general

what tangible benefit do "friends" have in an adult life?

they'll slow you down asking for favors or some shit

and many times can be used as leverage to attack you socially

>> No.15253222

You're a sociopath

>> No.15253245

Although it is true that hipster bashing was popular in the media, don't fucking tell me that I hated it because I was told to at the time. Almost all (save about two) people I met that came under hispter or indie in appearance were pretentious douchebags with a smarmy know-it-all attitude which made me want to sucker puch them. They were literally the onions boys but with hard ons for underground bands instead of star wars. They were annoying in the 90s, the 2000s, the 2010s and I thank god I rarely see them where I live.

>> No.15253391

That's awesome. They unfortunately had their laptop with unreleased music stolen at the party I went to. I wonder what they're up to now.

>> No.15253396

This is a shit thread. Pics are intentionally distorted to imply more time has passed.

>> No.15253916

It's called filter faggot

>> No.15254011

lmao yall a bunch of normies, why are you on 4chan if you haven't been perma depressed since high school?

>> No.15254037

>join 4chan as a khhv depressed diagnosed autist
>later magic happens and now Im happy with my life got a good job living with my gf
>still come to 4chan and browse hobby boards
Its enjoyable to visit 4chan once in a while, its a breathe of fresh air and solace to browse through your faveioute boards and just have a good time.
>muh sekret club
fuck off faggot 4chan has been infested with normalfags since 2010

>> No.15254189

I've been here since 2004 and being a millennial this scene/music was very time appropriate. Also why can't I be depressed and have friends?

>> No.15254291

i always suspected that the majority of users aren't the mega incels but actually just normal people that use 4chan from time to time and think that they are the only normal person on here

>> No.15254380

why do you think 4chan is some secret loser club? it's not, it's just reddit w/ less moderation and no upvote system.

>> No.15254411

good times

>> No.15255066


i believe it was mostly flickr, if you have the right links you can find even better examples than itt.

>> No.15255136


>> No.15255233

Nah I'm just good at mitigating risk/reward

>> No.15256136
File: 273 KB, 608x480, hro-608x480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being at a northeast college 2005-2009... we made fun of most of the shitty bands in this thread. No Age was good though.

All my photos are lost but I still have the negatives in a box somewhere.

>> No.15256145

better times, people weren’t so plugged into politics, more fun to be around

>> No.15256196

You’re all just feeling bad cause the bars are shut. Once they open again we can all stand outside them and drink our tinnies again x x

>> No.15256464

good website but even the bad music rocked

>> No.15256684

Hateful thread, quite painful to see.

They were quite literally everything to me, but I'm friends with none of those people now. I miss who they were in high school, who we all were. It was so simple, so easy. Everything was new and childishly romantic in the light of our youth. We spent every weekend together, snuck out on school nights, lied about parties, lied about love. We relied on each other emotionally, like a home away from home. I hate who they became, I hate where we all went. They're so far now that I can't even bring myself to reach out, even for "old time's sake". But now it is too late, we've all moved on. I will attend no reunions, I will never go back home.

The world turns. I find it is easiest just to forget. Thanks anon, I'm going to bed now.

>> No.15256699

You must understand that your perspective is unique, as most people do not have personality disorders. No doubt you think your viewpoint is a kind of acerbic genius that will wow and confound people in this thread, but rest assured that all the drama you'll drum up here is coming from people who genuinely cannot empathize with your point of view because the value of friendship and love and human connection is self evident to them. This is normal in human beings, we are social creatures.

If you ever feel like it, I would recommend that you seek help. It'll make your life easier.

>> No.15256758

Being in the gamer/nerd circles instead of being around people like these was probably the worst decision I made when I was younger, I don't even like games or so-called "nerd culture" stuff much anymore. Now it's too late to be a part of something else, my youth is lost.

>> No.15256876

I'm 36 and spent my early teens to my early twenties underage drinking in the park, doing E, speed, coke, ket, acid, weed. Yada yada yada. Hanging out, going to concerts and drum and bass / jungle nights, a metric fuckton of house parties... Most of it I can't remember because I was drunk or off my tits. There's more than a few people I used to run about with who're dead now. Suicide. Drugs overdoses. My oldest and closest friend is a raging alcoholic that simply can't be helped. We would kidnap him and lock him in a room to detox, but it's so bad that the physical withdrawal would likely kill him. I came close to being jailed for various violent offences outside pubs and nightclubs as well as twoc'ing. Ended up hospitalised in a secure unit against my will to finally give me the kick in the arse I needed to get my shit together and get sober.

Like any pictures, the ones posted here show moments in time that don't capture what is happening before and after. They're curated just like those posted to instagram today. I thank fucking Christ that when I was partying and doing drugs and boozing in the late 90s/early 00s, that digital cameras and camera phones barely existed and those that did were shit and not something people carried around on a night out. And thank fuck social media didn't exist in any capacity either.

My youth was lost because I was drunk, or fucked up on drugs and I don't remember most of it. I often see people saying how they'd love to do it all again, and honestly, I wouldn't. It took a fucking toll on me mentally and physically. Not just me either. My friends that are no longer here, and the ones that still are but are walking a razors edge. And the only reason I did any of that shit, was because I wanted to fit in with the people I thought were cool. The only thing I got was an extremely wide spectrum of music I'm into and internal organs that don't work quite right anymore. Grass is always greener, rose tinted glasses and all that.

>> No.15256884

>German SocDem tattoo

>> No.15257037

I'm 32 I knew some people from those days who got caught up in that shit too. Ive seen the overdoses, the suicides and the drinking well passed it being fun anymore too. That said I've also seen more people get their shit together and be successful, make art and start families. I don't think you can tell that other anon that he had to make a choice between two wasted youths like that was the only path available. Glad you turned yours around though man.
I think the image is using it mainly as a general antiauthoritarian thing (cause they hated the nazis and the commies) rather than that specific philosophy but that's just a guess.


>> No.15257063

glad you got your shit together, anon. but i don't think your story is particularly representative of "hipster culture" (if you wanna call it that). most were just bored middle class white kids decked out in vintage, flexing their supposedly superior "you've probably never heard of them" music tastes. in short: they we're boring fucks. and as a part of that generation i always felt we got the short end of the stick as far as youth cultures/subcultures are concerned, compared to other decades.

it's also pretty telling that no one ever called themselves "hipster". It was a derisive term from the very beginning, everything had to have 3 layers of lame-ass irony with fries on the side. it was shit. i 'member.

>> No.15257071

>I don't think you can tell that other anon that he had to make a choice between two wasted youths like that was the only path available.
I'm not. I'm saying it isn't as glamorous as it appears in carefully curated pictures. So don't feel like he wasted his time doing stuff he enjoyed doing at the time. He did him at the time and that's all you can do. I had fun at the beginning doing what I was doing. But it started going down hill very fast. All weekend drug fuelled benders take their toll on the body and the mind. Where I am in my life now, I wish I'd tried a little less hard to be cool and spent more time being me.
>Glad you turned yours around though man.
Waving a knife around at police and getting shot with a taser and hog tied and bundled off to a mental hospital that looked like something out of One flew over the cuckoos nest has a way of making a person take stock of their life to date and actions. LOL. It's also where I picked up my Warhammer habit. Warhammer got me off drink and drugs. But it's another addiction entirely. Not nearly as destructive to my body, but just as destructive to my wallet.

>> No.15257096

this one hits me the hardest. When i was in high school one of my best friends family owned a local bar/venue that was very popular among all the skater, stoner, hipster kids. The bar was downstairs and a had a big courtyard where the bands would play and their apartment was upstairs. So when it was very crowded we used to sit in the windows looking down on the courtyard just like in this picture.
Last summer when a lot of our old friend group where back home, we visited that place again. Our friend now runs this place, his parents retired. So we were sitting on the window still again like in the good old days but the music was shit and the place was filled to brim with zoomers. I think i'll never forget the moment when we all just sat there in silence and one of my friends just said "guess we're really too old for this shit now, huh?". I think that night my youth died.

>> No.15257222

Those moments can be rough. I remember the last time some of my old friends and I went to our spot by the water for river beers and there was a bunch of teens/early twentysomethings hanging out there already and it just felt uncomfortable so we left, back in the day we would've just hung out and made friends with them.

>> No.15257257

get a 3d printer m8 or play online

>> No.15257347

Can't pick simply one music video. These incoming are all 100 % this feel.


>> No.15257360


>> No.15257367



>> No.15257396

The Skrillex - Summit music video is peak 2012-2013, imo



>> No.15257413

Wrong fucking thread bro, this is not the same thing of whatever you are thinking

>> No.15257600

This chillwave faggotry is exactly when the indie scene died

>> No.15258233
File: 218 KB, 1500x1500, 71xtuRugCvL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vibe in here is more late 00s dude that chillwave hater is right, i love some washed out songs but they killed the hype of my actual fav 00s bands

>> No.15258301

We always made fun of those bands and tried to listen to as many local bands as possible because we were friends or bandmates with most of them

>> No.15258985

Thanks for keeping me, my dad and my gf employed.

Gf drug addictions therapist, dad attorney, me homeless non-profit

>> No.15259019

Please see

>> No.15259225
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>> No.15259387

passion pit

>> No.15259420
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Each iteration changes
I'd still give anything to be young again

>> No.15259520

imagine being a 30 year old girl with a mustache tattooed on the inside of her finger, crossed arrows tattooed on side of her ribs, a dreamcatcher tattooed on her thigh, a 1950s americana tattoo of a regular household item on her bicep, and not being cool and trendy anymore.

>> No.15259537

girl I was with in college.. shes still trying her hardest

>> No.15259539


one of the most underrated 00s bands

>> No.15259540

word vigoda means profit in russian

>> No.15259545

>tfw this will be my friends in a few years
she's real cute tho anon, we got the same type. i bet her boobs were nice before having kids too

>> No.15259563
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They were way smaller. she actually got most of the tats after we parted ways. She was smoking hot and quite cool but had the usual crazy girl baggage.. eating disorder, blackout drinking, self harm, sleeping around..

>> No.15259596
File: 20 KB, 80x70, 1522488510275.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it ever worth it? my cute blonde ex got drunk and cried every weekend and would get all upset if she found she weighed over 100 pounds. the prettiest girls are never normal

>> No.15259617


>> No.15259619

it's worth it once you have some experience. Everyone has issues and honestly I've been hurt a lot worse by emotionally-distant manipulators than manic heart-on-their-sleeve girls like we're talking about. I enjoy being the father figure and dealing with drama as I'm a very even-keeled person myself.

>> No.15259629

she always annoyed the crap out of me but this video fascinates me. It focuses on that everpresent awkwardness of being basically a hipster but removed from your element of college house parties and having to deal with mainstream people who think you're retarded.

Of course she pretends like the social divide isn't there, which is basically the indie equivalent of the gold chains and glocks affectation in rap.

>> No.15259632
File: 23 KB, 600x350, 7564AB0F-2DBB-450F-B0B6-61AD030C81CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15259641

>I enjoy dealing with drama
spotted the emotional tampon

>> No.15259647


>> No.15259660

you dodged a fucking bullet she hit that wall going 100

>> No.15259740



>> No.15260628

Yeah I dont lose any sleep over it. She was one of the few girls I've met that you can actually have a serious conversation with though.

>> No.15260783

didn't start listening to them until after high school, but some of their tracks make me wish I could start it all over again

>> No.15260817

I fantasize about starting over at 18 more than I fantasize about starting over at 14.

>> No.15260846

i love and hate this thread

>> No.15260864

>I think that night my youth died.
what age were you when this happened? i'm 26 and i still feel at home in bars/clubs, i'm sure my realisation is due anytime though.

>> No.15260872

>t. greasy tub of lard

>> No.15261358

all of you are needlessly bitter. Resolve your inner troubles now before it's too late. You'll be doing yourselves and everyone else a big favor in doing so please

>> No.15261373
File: 1.87 MB, 700x700, 1584842971686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no more ice cream parlor punk shows
>tfw no more gigs in the attic of a coffee house
>tfw no more smoke sessions in a lazertag arena before playing
>tfw no more after parties at someone's house
>tfw you cant go to the local record store with your bros and dig before a show
>tfw you will never play basketball against another band before performing again

>> No.15261376

Some how i knew what song this was gonna be before i clicked it, got me spooked

>> No.15261387
File: 156 KB, 1280x960, 1588555226202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was starting to feel bad, then I remembered I never really liked these kinds of hipsters. I only ever started hanging out with them in community college. The only thing I got out of them was my interest in comix/drawing/artshows

I'm well aware I'm a boring fuck, but seeing these pictures of suburban teens drinking beer made me cringe even since high school

>> No.15261401

this thread is interesting i never realised how popular this aesthetic was. was 15-17 in the late 00s when this was popular, but lived in england in the middle of nowhere so all the fashion and music sense was like 5th hand and a couple of years out of date. Some random points i feel like mentioning:
>all the girls in this scene were insanely insecure, it was honestly fucked up. i can't overstate how insecure they were
>boys were 50% cool 50% dweebs
>everyone wanted to fuck everyone else constantly
>definitely the most fun "subculture" to be in at that time. the other options were square or chav, neither of whom ever really fucked
>no one had any money at all and we lived nowhere so we weren't going to shows (apart from local bands) or anything, mostly everything happened in someone's house so was actually a weirdly cosy time
>smell of strongbow still makes me want to vomit
>memorable sensations include the taste of cheap lager, sitting in wet fields in the dark, all our weed smelt like roast chicken for some reason, the music the local bands made was surprisingly decent
All in all was a fun time, would probably go back if I could just for a while. Also we didn't listen to mumford and sons, we did listen to arctic monkeys though

>> No.15261438
File: 53 KB, 485x456, 6nf8162y5as01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was MSN Messenger big in the US? In the UK this was prime MSN time. God what I'd give to throw out one last nudge.

>> No.15261449

>tfw you will never shitpost on the topshelf records' forum again

>> No.15261464

Come up to my level

>> No.15261490

Pathetic and disgusting

>> No.15261655

2000??? My god I thought this movie was early 90s at the latest. I swear I saw this on comedy central in the late 90s wtf

me or her lmao

Hell no. We used AOL instant messenger, the prime place for admitting feelings for girls you knew and cybering with girls you didn't. It was partially usurped by gchat and texting in the late 00s before everyoje grew up and the wave of technological isolation hit.

>> No.15261658

When MSN Messenger came along it was like zoomer shit for me.
We were all about ICQ. I think that's around the time when I completely became reclused, when ICQ died.

>> No.15261660

ICQ 101950 hit me up

>> No.15261665

member licq, letoadtus, isoaq
sigh good old days

>> No.15261667

sending pics with embeded trojans .jpg _______.exe

>> No.15261724

why does everyone associate this aesthetic with the early 10s when it was objectively the late 00s like 08? it literally went 2000-2005 was emo, 2006-2009 was indie kids 2009-whatever was hipsters

>> No.15261734

I'm only 25 but this shit was great back in like 2007-2012ish. Used to go to shows every single weekend when I was 13, meet indie chicks and smoke cigarettes, bum beers off the older guys. Then everyone just moved out of my city and now there isn't a music scene at all.

>> No.15262183

I posted the majority of the pictures in this thread and they are all from 2010-2013

>> No.15262204

what happened to sky :(

looking back her career probably died when this atheistic died

>> No.15262210

I can’t believe we live in a post indie world

like literally how am I almost done with my 20s. what shitty culture are college kids into now besides SoundCloud rap and silver chains

>> No.15262214

what are some good movies about this era that aren't drive and 500 days of summer

>> No.15262235

hipster died when pitchfork gave yeezus a 9.6

>> No.15262253

Me and my cousins used to do this. Pretend to be an underage girl and when a grown man asks for nudes, send him a file that deletes system32. what a time.

>> No.15262259

not gonna lie all this sounds fake and lame now, like a bootlegged version of 90s adolescence nostalgia

perks of being a wallflower

>> No.15262313

ones that dont suck?

the one that immediately comes to mind is submarine

>> No.15262316
File: 78 KB, 500x693, lol-laughing-out-loud-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


does anyone remember this movie? Not really a good movie lmao but it fits the aesthetic (all the guys in this look like stereotypic indie band members) and it makes me feel super nostalgic. It was pretty big when i was in high school but i think only in europe. There's a shitty american remake of it with miley cyrus

>> No.15262468

whats khole

>> No.15262481

was never a hipster but goddamn is hipster runoff wasn't a complete fucking legend
dunno mang, this shit doesn't really exist after 22-23 or whenever ppl normally finish uni

>> No.15262743
File: 85 KB, 1080x718, 1574631527791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tfw being few years too young and still being in middleschool when all this "indie" stuff was a thing, I had no friends at the time and I daydreamed about having cool hipster friends
By the time I started going out and having friends everything was already asap rocky yeezy hypebeast niggerism
the girl in this Fidlar music video overdosed on heroin and died a long time ago

>> No.15262750

fuuck the girl from my first serious relationship where we both lost virginity to eachother was a mix between emo and indie and she was incredibly hot. She is fat and looks like she is 40 now

>> No.15262754

I wish more girls would wear sheer black pantyhose nowdays, so hot

>> No.15262759

boyyy this is already too late and the time niggers took over

>> No.15262816

I have no money, no friends, no future and chronic pain.

>> No.15262817

That’s weird, I don’t remember posting this.

>> No.15262823

Im so fucking glad this shit is over

Used to be pretty social from 2008 till 2012, then depressed for around 6 years.

Fuck 10s
Last two years were the best years of my life.

>> No.15262830

>the girl in this Fidlar music video overdosed on heroin and died a long time ago

no she didn't. She's the lead singers sister. I follow her on instagram, she's alive, well and apparently sober. I think you mean his gf who passed away from an overdose but she is not the girl in the video

>> No.15262834
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>> No.15262836
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>> No.15262837

>song from 2014
>800 million views
>can't remember hearing it before now
>now playing on repeat


>> No.15262838
File: 160 KB, 640x433, tumblr_madhp3SQaV1r3lckbo1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15262839

IDK man

Dated two like that (one still going on) and one liek >>15259619 said a distant narcissistic manipulator, which was really fucking worst.

On the other hand I became so emotionally blunted against her doing stuff like blackout drunks, bulimic purging etc. that I think I don't even care about that girl (compared to me lashing out ever time the former did that - which was in my teens).

Honestly, recently I am constantly questioning whether I should go the family route (which I never questioned before). Because It feels like I dont fucking care about any of that normanfag shit, even though I pretty successfully manage to play alaong.

>> No.15262842
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>> No.15262845

more like this pls

>> No.15262846

same. I remember watching skins as a 13 y/o desperately wishing i had cool friends like that and that my life was this eventful lmao

>> No.15262849
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>> No.15262853
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>> No.15262855
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>> No.15262860
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>> No.15262863
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>> No.15262865

incel in the background getting some

>> No.15262979


>> No.15263109

Ohhh I see, thanks for the info
Fucking hot sister tho, whats her insta

>> No.15263381


>> No.15263481

dont post anymore

>> No.15263498

she's not hot anymore tho lol. I think shes in her mid-late 30s now and the drugs and partying definitely took toll on her looks

>> No.15263764

tame impala wrote an anthem for this feel
