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15247758 No.15247758 [Reply] [Original]

Is 150 pushups a day enough to be effay? I know it's a joke on /fit/ but I'm just looking to tone up a bit and be fashionable

>> No.15247767 [DELETED] 

should be enough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JphLdd_72yE

>> No.15247774

I guess so, notice chest shoulder and tricep improvement but you'd need to do more for significant results. Do it 4x a week to have like a semi rest day your muscles need rest to grow

>> No.15247788

How many chins should I do?

>> No.15247790

150 push-ups and 100 sit-ups everyday should be enough to look effay

>> No.15247793
File: 121 KB, 1133x569, Screenshot_2020-05-19 Your Orders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invest in a dip belt
and a jump rope

>> No.15247799
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>> No.15247803

Good quality leather belt for skipping is better.

>> No.15247807

>basic routine
>excessive amounts of different exercises

>> No.15247809

Can't spin it fast enough. I hate leather ropes

>> No.15247813

>tone up

No such thing. By "toned" people mean low bodyfat and muscle showing. So that's what you'd have to do. Increase your muscle mass and lose bodyfat.

So diet is key.

Do 5 sets of 15 reps of diamond pushups and the same for regular pushups daily. So many variables to consider though like age, how you already look, what you eat etc. but that should make some small changes for you.

>> No.15247814

Cool. I already have both. I'm too weak/fat to actually add any weight for dips and chins since I'm 6'2" and 230 lbs

>> No.15247820

>6'2" and 230 lbs

Lol if you're OP you won't "tone up" anything at the bodyweight, you need to lose like 50lbs first.

>> No.15247828

Lol I know. Been doing OMAD. Aim is to get to 190

>> No.15247835

nothing like taking fitness advice from an obese midget

>> No.15247848

You're going to have to put in hard work if you really want to see and achieve a change. I don't know if OMAD is the way to go... Would rather lower carbs to a small amount and make most of my diet protein and fats. That way you can try and retain the muscle you do have while losing weight.

OMAD likely means the weight you lose will be muscle and fat so when you lose fat and lose muscle you'll still look fat even when you drop weight but if the muscle stays you'll look much better and in shape.

>> No.15247849

I'm not obese and find a fault and/or flaw in my posts instead of retarded ad homs. You're adding nothing to the thread here but bitter jealousy at me. Sorry yo girl was crawling all over me bro but she never told me she had a cuck waiting at home.

>> No.15247862
File: 276 KB, 499x796, effays FANTASY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this projection

Here is my body. Now show yours you little DWEEB.

>> No.15247863

Thanks. Will look into that

>> No.15247873

I don't know anything about fit but I do 100 push ups and 50 sit ups, did 150 for while but sprained my wrist form it so went down to 100

>> No.15247874

I’m your height and I feel the most comfortable at 180 desu. But maybe your build is heavier than mine.

>> No.15247895

Another decent yardstick for /fa/ is 100 burpees in under 5 min

>> No.15247899

He's still right. Imagine how dumb you sound when you're dumber than Cecil.

>> No.15247916

What’s OMAD? Of Milk A Day? How much milk?

>> No.15247920 [DELETED] 
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only milk all day

>> No.15247922

One meal a day. It's an intermittent fasting protocol that usually follows 23 hours of fasting and a 1 hour eating window.

>> No.15247925
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only milk all day

>> No.15247931

>but sprained my wrist form it

Lol. Limp wristed soi... Just how? The wrist can be uncomfortable with a diamond push up bur really you can point your hands forward instead and it will lessen that.

>> No.15247946

I injured my wrists from computer things

>> No.15247949

intense gaming and typing back in the day
my wrists never healed, inflammation always returns or carpal tunnel or some shit

>> No.15248078


>> No.15248099

There are 16 different ones for push ups alone.

>> No.15248159

You'll just create muscle imbalances and fuck up your posture.

>> No.15248161

R u dense m8? You start at the top and work you're way down to make it harder. You're only doing 7 exercise 3 days a week

>> No.15248163

Fucking idiot can't you read?

>> No.15248164

Just lift
Don't be a fag

>> No.15248175
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LOL. Right.

>> No.15248195

Diet matters very much too. I had ridiculously low body fat levels when I started, so I had to build my gram very slowly and 50% of that was eating solid meals with plenty of carbs and proteins. Lifting is also a great way to build muscles «fast» (as in over a few months)

>> No.15248201

This is good but a bit of lifting would make it even better

>> No.15248206

what the fuck does tone mean???
just shut up, stop overthinking and lift some weights. You won't suddenly get too big by accident it takes a lot of effort to put on size

>> No.15248221

>it takes a lot of effort to put on size
not really tho, just eat a lot
if you don't care about my strength, you can get big even with light weight lifting

>> No.15248223

and roids

>> No.15248343

Wtf are you on about? If you do only pushing exercises you will fuck up your posture. Simple as.

>> No.15248348

>you'll fuck up your posture by doing a handful of push-ups a day when things such as anterior pelvic tilt have nothing to do with that whatsoever

You Ugg. You big brain Ugg. From tribe High IQ.

>> No.15248459

150 push ups will be good up to a certain point. a good analogy would be if someone who never lifted benched 95lbs for 4x8 for the rest of their life. will they look good starting out? yes but then theyre just gonna get good at benching 95lbs and thats about it. basically, if you just only do 150pu (say 3x/wk for the rest of your life) youre gonna look proportional to that. also diet plays a major role in tone-ness so theres that

>> No.15248493

also pls work on full body. doing solely push ups will only work a few muscle groups and make you disproportional and thats not gonna look good.
also also why even do that many pushups when you can just make the exercise more difficult (altho i guess there is some benefit in high volume work for fat loss but 150 is gonna take a while).

>> No.15248595

maybe so for the first few months but it still requires some degree of consistency and commitment. You'd be surprised at how shitty a lot of people's work ethic is when it comes to working out

>> No.15248614

really depends on what you mean by size. pure muscle is gonna take a while

>> No.15249178

Unironically just plank

>> No.15249479

Aren't you kinda planking when doing pushups?

>> No.15249517

This could definitely be simplified.

>> No.15249520

It's the schizo frog demotivator

>> No.15249535
File: 55 KB, 600x600, 50192555_291273128247486_8210281026589556736_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason why doing face-pulls is NON-NEGOTIABLE, m8.

>> No.15249554

Dont just do sit ups. That only engages your upper abs. Youll need to do leg raises or something to get the lower abs

>> No.15249562

usually you want to do about 3-5 sets per exercise.
how many reps in a set?
about 5-8 reps for strength
about 12-15 reps for size
up near like 30 reps for endurance
so you don't need to be doing push-ups all day, that's not usually what fit dudes do unless they're training for high scores on military pt tests, or something.
and often an exercise will have consequences for the opposite side. like... if you're doing a lot of push-ups you're making the front of your shoulders stronger while not doing a lot for the back of them.
so the dude doing push-ups might want to be doing inverted rows, australian pull-ups, something like that, see?
you don't necessarily want to be doing the same shit every day either. your rest and recovery is when your gains happen.
so generally it's best to give particular muscles 48 hours before you work them again.
don't do an exercise unless you've watched multiple videos on youtube of different guys explaining how to do them.
an exercise can look very simple but then when you actually go and do it you fuck up some key thing and you probably won't know when that is happening or when it's going to happen. that's why i recommend watching multiple vids about everything.

>> No.15249578

Three books about bodyweight exercise you can probably pirate very easily:
Convict Conditioning, Solitary Fitness, Overcoming Gravity.
Convict conditioning isn't very serious but it is very basic. I'd say it's worth skimming through for people that know fuck all.
Solitary fitness is more serious than CC but it has some... Special content.
Overcoming Gravity is most serious of the three.

>> No.15249591

What the fuck are you talking about? Why do i always see you in threads talking to yourself too?

>> No.15249612

what, example?

>> No.15250783

Push-up , pull up, squat
You have to be symmetric to be efey

>> No.15251846

Two different problems fucktard. I'm talking about your upper body and slouching.

>> No.15251899

ive got upper cross just like the red X illustration

please halp.

also, my left shoulder aches so bad in the morning. like if i dont keep them hunched up it hurts bad, then about an hour after waking up i can lower my shoulder to match the right

>> No.15252159 [DELETED] 
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If you wanna create an illusion of BIG manly Y torso, skip the leg day.
Unless you like that X shape.

>> No.15252167 [DELETED] 

or, go twice as hard on the back & shoulders
or. genes

>> No.15252345

If you don't work your back you're going to look retarded.

>> No.15252346

retarded like a twink

>> No.15252445

It's a progression, you just do the horizontally listed 8 exercise and then move down as you get strong to keep the gains moving

>> No.15252491

I stuggle to do 10 pushups, am I doomed?

>> No.15252599

drop and give me 10
do this daily until you ca drop and give me 20
then do this daily until you can drop and give me 50
then probably do some back exercises idk

>> No.15252619

yea when i started i barely did 5 , now im at 15

>> No.15252627
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this is all you need, forget the pushups, what you really need is pushup progressions

>> No.15252702
File: 197 KB, 1735x867, Screenshot_2020-05-20 CAP Barbell Rubber Coated Hex Dumbbell, 25 lbs Walmart Canada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@ leafs
If you're a fitness noob, you wanna buy these right now while they are in stock

>> No.15252704

easy resell

>> No.15252709
File: 6 KB, 401x126, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy them it's a good corona price

>> No.15252883

out of stock

>> No.15252894
File: 627 KB, 1088x1163, Screenshot_2020-05-21 Home Gym Equipment Accessories Walmart Canada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 and 15 lbs still in stock

>> No.15253159
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One arm pushups, one leg squats. No more than 5 reps per set, a lot of sets throughout the day. I doubt you will look any better, but you will definitely get stronger. Don't even think about buying a a pair of dumbells - without a big set with adjustable weights it's a waste of money.

>> No.15253170

FUCK rubber coated dumbbells. Why did they stop making the uncoated ones? I literally have them wrapped in TEN grocery bags. TEN. And i can still smell them from a couple feet away and my hands reek of rubber after I use them.

Is this some conspiracy to recycle rubber cheaply or something?

>> No.15253431

As the pic says. Stretch and massage the muscles that are tight. Strengthen the weak ones.

Basically just stretch your pecs and do a shitton of rows, pullups and face pulls

>> No.15253488

Start training and check out my boy Jeff Cavalier at Athlean-x on YouTube. In fact, get a program, get in shape. Fashion is only an accessory to the person wearing it.
An ugly girl will always look bad in good dress. A pretty girl will look good in a bad dress.

>> No.15253843


>> No.15253847

I can do the front fucking level but never more than 25 pushups.

>> No.15253860

at least you manage to do 25 pushups

>> No.15254108
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>> No.15254121

Rogue is overpriced shit

>> No.15254123
File: 914 KB, 1062x726, Screenshot_2020-05-21 DMoose Fitness Dip Belt with Chain for Weightlifting, Pullups, Powerlifting, Crossfit, and Bodybuildi[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, I already bought this one

>> No.15254128

>Rogue is overpriced shit
Their squat and bench equipment is decent, I don't mind overpaying a bit for the brand.

>> No.15254139

Лocь is Russian pejorative
cильный, вынocливый чeлoвeк

>> No.15254182

but I thought that poгoнoceц = cuck

>> No.15254186
File: 12 KB, 259x194, 830319_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aзиaт или ceвepянин; нeдaлeкий чeлoвeк, бecтoлкoвый чeлoвeк

>> No.15255229

don't forget to exercise the back, for good posture.

>> No.15255231

I've been doing 60 chins a day