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File: 1.21 MB, 1000x556, killyourselfwiththataxe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15245689 No.15245689 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine actually thinking a beard makes you MANLY


>> No.15245942

hair grows out of my face naturally

>> No.15245985


>> No.15245988

That'd a nice beard but I doubt he is a real lumberjack

>> No.15246089

I don't have the heart to tell this one guy at my job that beards are over. It's his whole fucking identity, it's sad

>> No.15246095

thanks for the info chang.

>> No.15246130

based & redpilled

>> No.15246176

There will never be a point in time where this doesn't come off as beardlet jealousy, even if it is sincere.

>> No.15246224

He looks great, and better than 95% of the people who post here.

>> No.15246239

its so fucking weird seeing a dude with a big beard and a childlike body it will never stop being unnerving

>> No.15246998


absolute COPE

>> No.15247006

why does this stick figure onions faggot even have his sleeves rolled up ? lmao does he think he looks good ???

>> No.15247008

Don't forget the precious little manbun

>> No.15247018

I'm going to play devil's advocate here and I hate the beard look and the whole "lumberjack" shit but most real lumberjacks look like pretty average guys. The huge jacked monster is a movie creation.

Average man has something like 13 inch arms and it only often seems like that is a low average because the average American guy is 30 to 40lbs overweight and has fatceps.

WW2 soldiers and Vietnam etc. would and did look like that guy.

>> No.15247032

What's bad about rolled up sleeves?

>> No.15247036

People think you're showing off your muscles when it's often just comfy and it can balance out an outfit if the sleeves are kinda long or big on you.

>> No.15247038

onions fag has no muscle lol

>> No.15247139

Fuck, that guy is so hot. Not even gay

>> No.15247165

underrated and absolutely based post

>> No.15247182

I roll them because every fucking t shirt nowdays has 5 inch long sleeves, it also looks cool if you have some muscle

>> No.15247186
File: 93 KB, 869x1024, 1582674134053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that all the cool instagram beard models are in their 30s while most of /fa/ is late teens/early 20s and that absolutely no one aside from genetic shitskin freaks is completely unable to grow a decent beard on this board simply because of their age, hence the endless cope threads

>> No.15247210

i could grow a full beard by about 21 and im 100% white anglo

>> No.15247698

100% sure you couldnt or you have distorted sense of what a full beard is

>> No.15247703
File: 46 KB, 822x960, mega4m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clean shave
>grown out beard
very cringe

>> No.15247710

Ur gonna die early from colon cancer at the tender age of 50.

>> No.15248009
File: 402 KB, 998x999, 1589905151649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao imagine being this buttblasted about a bit of keratin

>> No.15248017
File: 201 KB, 1200x1056, 358e4cb7a7c0f7b4be5177e0826a5c6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what does make you manly then, if not a beard?

>> No.15248034

this >>15248009

>> No.15248378

Being a woman.

>> No.15248806

Post facial hair

>> No.15248836

Something a total dork would repost on facebook. The actor himself is based though.

>> No.15248867

Lol just to expand on >>15246089
Walked into work today and the first thing I hear out of that kid's mouth is "AWWW DUDE I DIDN'T WATCH THE NEW RICK AND MORTY YET"

and FYI I can grow a beard and have rocked one for the past 10 years but after seeing how out of hand it got during this quarantine I'll probably never let it get longer than a 2-3 ever again.

>> No.15248895

Beards only accentuates your overall style. If a faggot ass fem has a beard, it just makes him look like a hime.

this guy looks like an alien

Being a fucking man, get shit done, dont complain, take care of you family/community, dont be a faggot.

>> No.15248899

Ex forester femoid here. Can confirm lumberbros are sick of anyone outside of being a “real lumberjack” having a beard pisses them off. It’s pretty funny actually, they bitch about posers almost as much as goth/alternative women. Frankly I think if anyone likes a style they should be allowed to wear it. No matter how much I busted ass sometimes I didn’t get seen as a “real” worker or knowing my shit because I look like I just popped out of a magical girl anime. Since then I dress in formal men’s wear just because I like it. Literally just wear what you want, who cares if it’s a LARP as long as you feel good.

>> No.15249068
File: 152 KB, 1080x1216, _20200519_183132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of my new beard comb? It's carbon fiber

>> No.15249157

just grow a fucking beard or don't. You're all grown men(?) here, make your own decisions

>> No.15249432

ye man beards are shit. Wish less men would wear them. Would mean more fish in the pond.

also some guys treat em like its their fkn baby. I mean girl do that with their own shit, but geez, for a woman that just comes off as if u have no real other features, lol

>> No.15249455

>be lazy
>have beard

well I can't really complain. the mustache part is fucking annoying

>> No.15250031


>> No.15250039

>femoid here
>I look like I just popped out of a magical girl anime

This poster is a fat greasy dude. Likely sitting in their underwear sweating right now.

>> No.15250040
File: 85 KB, 399x600, E8DA8C35-5977-4547-8B0D-45CB7436870E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to look like pic related is that too hard to ask

>> No.15250057

making shit out of carbon fiber because ~le space composites~ is fucking retard shit

you're not "STEM" because you bought some consumerist crap

>> No.15250187

How hard is it to chop wood? Get fucked. I Crossfit. Lumberjacks don't have a monopoly on beards

>> No.15250260

>t. cant grow a beard

>> No.15250303

cope chinlet

>> No.15250313

I have a bamboo comb, it smell gud

>> No.15250500

Wtf I unironically like Cecil now

>> No.15250795

Lumberjack is hard job

>> No.15250797

>shaved my beard and just kept some stubble and a neat mustache (no twirly nu-male shit)
>thought people would clown me for it but response and been positive

should have taken the mustachepill earlier

>> No.15250803
File: 1.49 MB, 1276x717, spicy senorita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appreciate it, breh. :3

>> No.15250842
File: 142 KB, 598x900, f3d224adb090c2ad9afdb815fa2bb892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lumberjacks weren't strong

>> No.15250845

That's not a lumberjack, that's a homosexual man posing for a gay publication holding an axe that's never been used

>> No.15250847
File: 30 KB, 220x469, Jigger_Johnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a lumberjack

>> No.15251661


Very based observation

>> No.15251979

How many more of these threads do we need

>> No.15251993

>In his younger years, Jigger Johnson boasted that he would not leave any tree standing from Bangor to Seattle, nor any virgins.


>> No.15251997

ppl in my circle with zero fashion sense or bad facial structure get long pubic hair beards, the ones who putt effort in their appearance are either clean shaven or have nice 5'oclock shade - personaly i think these hipster beards are quite ugly and remind me of my pubic hair, the whole wood chooper aesthetic on top feels super out of date

>> No.15252002
File: 38 KB, 500x687, sup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ppl in my circle
Do you guys sit around and jerk each other off?

>> No.15252009

Awwww baby mad cuz he can’t grow facial boo hoo

>> No.15252046

i observe them like the monkeys they are
you belong to team pubic hair?

>> No.15252051

You shouldn't judge your fellow man

>> No.15252066

iam a loser myself, why else would i bother to answer to threads on 4chan

>> No.15252073

yes, you are. Faggot.