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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 17 KB, 320x320, images - 2020-05-18T173452.645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15244158 No.15244158 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly some of his video are pretty good and educational

>> No.15244163

Cringe and redpilled

>> No.15244164

snap out of it

>> No.15244165

He's rad, dude.
You don't become Axl Rose's boyfriend for nothing!

>> No.15244166

Lmao any reasons?

>> No.15244171

educational if you're 13-15 and wear khaki shorts

>> No.15244172

Eh entertainment, useful info somtimes.. I personally think he's effeminate but hey if it works for him I guess its good in his neighborhood.

>> No.15244175

Who's ready to have SEX

>> No.15244179

>he's effeminate
Why would you say that?? Is it because of the eyebrows? Or is it because of the high pitched voice? Or is it because of the earrings? Or the scarf perhaps?

>> No.15244183

All of those but at least hes not high pitched fluttering effeminate AKA the gay

>> No.15244192
File: 746 KB, 1749x2557, 1477786509215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the idea that thousands (or even millions) of third world men are watching his shitty videos and seeing it as the pinnacle of fashion never fails to make me laugh.
seriously what the fuck

>> No.15244199

i think he deserves more love

...from india

>> No.15244203

It's still better than what they are coming from (fake gold watches, silk shirts, brown leather sandals and shit).

>> No.15244207

He's cringeworthy but I'll never understands why some people here are so obsessed with him, making threads about him all the time. There are plenty of pitiful youtubers out there, what's so special about him

>> No.15244213

It's a love hate relationship.
He's an endearing guy.

>> No.15244566

he's better than Ashley Weston at least

>> No.15244573

White people don't watch his channel, so if you follow his advice you will end up looking like a third world shitskin. And Indian men dont end up with white women

>> No.15244589

he's great material for shitposting hard on /fa/.
other than that: cringe.

also, somebody fucking tell him to STOP SHOUTING SO DAMN MUCH. WHA-WHAAAT?! GENTLEMEN!!!!!!!!!

it's the shouting manlet channel. *checks MVMT watch*

>> No.15244615


>> No.15244630

Honestly, I came to /fa/ for fashion tips, and the best tips I got were from videos linked of Alpha M

>> No.15244676

He's a manlet (that alone is enough to disregard anything he says) shill whose advice only interests incels/pajeets. Basically, he's below normie-tier and only those lower than him pay him any attention.

>> No.15244717

How come his wife is so old?

>> No.15244727

he's just really funny because he's so over the top

>> No.15244734

It's affectionate teasing. His videos are cringe, but comfy

>> No.15244743

Pajeetshit, after discovering his channel I now realise why literally all Indian men under 30 that try to look cool dress the same no matter where I go on the planet. Walking around in their ugly cafe racer leather jackets wherever I go, America, Britain, Germany, France, Austria, even the one who lives opposite me.

Why do they like those so much anyway? I thought leather was bad to them because they love cows so much

>> No.15244746

Based and Tiegepilled

>> No.15244758
File: 1.16 MB, 3365x699, Thank u mister alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alpha is the granddaddy of all YouTube style consultants. Also, no other menswear expert has over six million subscribers.

>> No.15244765

He's just extremely stereotypical calling himself fucking Alpha Male while shilling some tough guy meanswear aesthetic.

>> No.15244773

r/malefashionadvice for pajeets

>> No.15244774

he's the most popular male fashion youtuber and is very memable because of his over the top manner of being, tacky tastes and blatant shilling

>> No.15244779

Too bad they don't take his advice

>> No.15244809

Is he some kind of pick up artist? How do women feel about that?

>> No.15244812

Selling the 3rd world the fast fashion garbage they sewed in the first place. Genius.

>> No.15244817

I don't see you doing anything to educate the unwashed masses sloth.

>> No.15244822

he acts like he's a playboy pickup artist but he actually has a wife

>> No.15245232

His advice is good but each 6 minute video has a 3 minute ad for some shitty product

>> No.15245405
File: 143 KB, 1080x1339, 860b1b62622064fc48f0c2a76cad6e2d09615c2b96ef8f7a4ac797bad303fdcd_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indians (dot) love him, I see why
>videos are repetitive
1. smile back
2. BUY TEIGE HANLEY YOU FUCK (10 min of the 13 min video)
>shower regularly so you dont smell like shit

>> No.15245431

Overcompensating manlet with an inflated ego. Nobody should take this guys advice further than what hair gel to use.

>> No.15245432

It’s a channel that is still popular because of Indians, or freshy Indians anyway.

>> No.15245464

The wall

>> No.15245493

he's past 40 himself if I remember correctly.

>> No.15245513

complete garbage channel, avoid at all costs

>> No.15245537

He's absolutely gay. His wife is an obvious beard.

>> No.15245541

Do they have an open marriage or is she clueless?

>> No.15245543

I want tripsk to be my beard. bros.

>> No.15245545


>> No.15245547

except aaron is worse
ashley is formally trained in fashion and design and worked in those industries
aaron is just a layman with a camera

>> No.15245555

He was on shark tank so he is a professional shill.

>> No.15245557

>shark tank
*dragon den

>> No.15245563

>*dragon den
No, I was right, it was shark tank

>> No.15245586

goddamn I forgot he was on that show
i watched the pitch video and laughed hard, god I hate him but he's funny to watch and laugh at

>> No.15245763

Mostly cuz fuck em.

>> No.15245781

he's a salesman selling junk

>> No.15245877 [DELETED] 

>Ashley Weston

I can't stand her.
There was one video where she discussed how ugly men feet are and how they should never show them...

Well then, how about you don't show your ugly chink face and your closet faggot "husband"? No one wants to see that either.

>> No.15245891

Ashley constantly mistakes her own opinion for what the majority of women believe. She has prince charming aesthetic preference for men (as evidence by her husband wearing plain hair and clothes, never taking risks, just being good looking and really tall)
This ends up with her giving bizarre advice like no flannel, or thinking leather jackets look bad despite telling you to wear them in earlier videos

>> No.15246164

all these mens fashion youtube channels are all 10 minute comercials.

examples: here is the best pants for men by the way buy ansem belts and use my promo code so they know i sent you and hire me again to shill their belts again.

the worst is that shameless robot from realmenrealstyle he doesn't even hide the fact that he is pushing a commercial.

>> No.15246172

he is like a used car salesman of whoever sponsors his lame videos

>> No.15246310

It's also terrifying to think these third world indian men are equipping themselves with both Alpha Male Tutorials on Style AND on how to pick up beautiful women on the street. Once they swarm our country that's it, good luck ever getting a girl's attention ever again.

>> No.15246315

if you're not wearing ansem what the hell are you doing gentlemen?

>> No.15246323
File: 35 KB, 500x500, AlphaMBless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15246533

He sees fashion as a formula, he lacks creativity.

>> No.15246555
File: 272 KB, 1800x945, F7BCD689-D599-4FB0-97EF-5B4F112A374C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I discovered him through his manscaping vids a while back. I liked his makeover series. He turned a lot of NEETs into NPCs. Other than that his content isn’t special. At all. The only thing keeping his channel alive are people who idolize him.

>> No.15246568

Tiege Hanley

>> No.15246868

Why does alpha m talk about spicy sonotitas when he’s dating an old white hag? Does he not follow his own principles?

>> No.15247301
File: 156 KB, 2000x335, Dreamworks face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he like this expression so much?

>> No.15247303


I watch him for the memes

>> No.15247323

loud manlet e-huckster with bovine wife and smelly fanbased composed of indian teenagers. the antithesis of art, chic, and all ideals which the truly /fa/ embody.

>> No.15247353

This is total BS. I set up a dating profile using each of these individual pictures and got little response from women apart from 2 asking why I keep pulling a stupid face. Shit sucked.

>> No.15248411
File: 6 KB, 209x241, images (4) (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Love fron pak

>> No.15248471


>> No.15248474

The Jewish population of Israel is 6 million atm

>> No.15248480

don't marry outside of your religious and cultural background

>> No.15248484

if it's good enough for the japs, it should be good for the hwite folk

>> No.15248486

USA is a shithole police state

>> No.15248497
File: 852 KB, 400x246, Post this pic fam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15248524

Because despite the fact he runs a men's fashion YouTube channel, he is truly the epitome of fashion. A H&M leather jacket will not make you look like a "bad boy", neither will dressing like an ASOS nightmare get you all the spicy senoritas. PUA rhetoric aside the comments section is absolutely bizarre and memeable

>> No.15248536

OK chink bot

>> No.15249406
File: 220 KB, 1280x720, SPICY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15249409
File: 98 KB, 422x768, 1463252915304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15249492

Tiege Hanley

>> No.15249508

underrated post
>le incels
You should kill yourself for bring a massive faggot

>> No.15249530

He looks like a garden gnome.

>> No.15249837


>> No.15250261
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, Unironically true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15250309

He's literally only good for guys who are borderline autistic when it comes to clothes & etiquette. I think i watched some of this video's when I like 16-18 and sorta started stepping into manhood. All his advise are super basic shit

>> No.15250666


t. alpha M

>> No.15251358

You'd be surprised how many people need super basic shit.
Don't like much of his advice but he seems like a genuinely nice guy.

>> No.15251365

He knows famous singers, so what?

>> No.15251366

Tieg Hanley

>> No.15252604

Y'all realize that the reason he's got so many "Thanks from India!" comments is because he pays Indian companies to boost his engagement on youtube, right?

>> No.15252612

no shit
indian, ukrainian, chink

>> No.15252614

look at the number of likes on his insta selfies

>> No.15253802

Tiege Hanley

>> No.15254870

You should probably only watch him for grooming, hair, and hygiene advice and think for yourself on what products you want to use instead of whatever he is shilling.

>> No.15255200

>Eh entertainment, useful info somtimes..
Agree, it's fun watching him talk about SPICY SEÑORITAS and how he just puts a fat two minute ad right in the midle of the video

>> No.15255202

it's the badboy look

>> No.15255261

seems like a guy that originally wanted to help people but then realized he can make a shit ton shilling any product a company gives him to his impressionable and clueless fanbase.
also i mean if your goal is to look good with as little thought as possible (not that theres anything wrong w that) i tihnk hes a good yter to start at. but also never buy anything an influencer was paid to promote

>> No.15255270

That's not a famous singer, that's his wife

>> No.15255742

A millenial telling 30 and 40somethings what they should wear. If i wanna dress like a 20something then fuck off. i don't wanna look like a boomer.

>> No.15255799
File: 262 KB, 1691x2048, 1589612891234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


did he answer the call?

>> No.15256031

implying indians would ever pay for a real leather jacket

>> No.15256184
File: 85 KB, 681x389, Alpha-M-With-Great-Gym-Tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15256187

Alpha would make a pretty nice trannie

>> No.15256201

That he's in the closet about being gay.

>> No.15256211

This. Its basic but most people need that basic advice. Specially incels and indians. Whats a good advanced fashion channel?

>> No.15256759


>> No.15256978

AlphaM is 43. That makes him GenX.

>> No.15257239

his face makes me fucking sick. this guy makes me understand why people hate manlets. definition of an out of touch boomer repressed homosexual who thinks riding a motorcycle is cool

>> No.15257901

lmao now i get the axl rose meme

>> No.15258152

Nothing more than a coping manlet