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/fa/ - Fashion

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15236017 No.15236017 [Reply] [Original]

Males of /fa/, has anyone told you that you looked "pretty"

>> No.15236029

Yeah plenty of times but I really don't see it.

>> No.15236037

get it more than handsome, cute, or any other type of compliment

>> No.15236042



>> No.15236051

a couple of times in middle school, but it was a downhill since then.

>> No.15236066

once by a black girl but i'm pretty sure it was just advanced ebonics, meant in a jokey complimenty kinda way. i get "hot" more often tho

>> No.15236110

some gay guy who was hitting on me accidentally called me beautiful and then was really embarrassed, it was kinda cute

>> No.15236111

you a girl?

>> No.15236112

lachowski looks impotent nowadays
check him out at Old Navy

>> No.15236118 [DELETED] 

Gay men do sometimes. Women very rarely

>> No.15236121

Gay fags give me the stare all the time and i'm old and bald

>> No.15236128

some gay guys have called me hot or cut but thats about it. I dont think GFs really count

>> No.15236142

i don't think so
i've been called cute most often

>> No.15236145

Maybe you should spend less time in the mirror.

>> No.15236152

the hunky bald dude look is quite popular with gays

>> No.15236158

unfortunately, yes, but I don't see it.

>> No.15236220

Yeah but I have an issue with compliments whereas I don't trust them and believe they're only said to be "nice" to me

I don't know how to fix that problem..

>> No.15236223

a bit like the imposter syndrome

>> No.15236230

i think it's an issue of that i loathe myself and have always thought myself bad-looking and whenever people would call me pretty or cute i'd doubt the truth of the compliment. then again, i've had a good few relationships so i guess something must be there? it's just kinda fucked ami right?

>> No.15236233

For me it's a bit different, I find myself handsome but when people compliment me I suspect them being insincere

>> No.15236236

Maybe it's a trust issue? I just find it hard to believe them more than anything

>> No.15236238

I am just always on my guard

>> No.15236239


>> No.15236241

yes! :)

>> No.15236246

No I’ve never had anyone complement me on my appearance before

>> No.15236249

literally all the time

i fucking love it

>> No.15236260

You're cute ngl

>> No.15236265

never because I am an ugly wretch. I will lift so I can beat women to a grimy oily pink pulp.
Fuck w*men

>> No.15236270

Nah, i looked like shit before, now i lost fat and cleaner skin,i didn't meat anyone new since then thi

>> No.15236271

I was talking about people in real life but thanks I guess

>> No.15236277

When I was a teen yeah

>> No.15236324

No, but I've been told that I have pretty hair

>> No.15236333

you are a closet gay who wants attention. go to /soc/ not /fa/ because here is for fashion

>> No.15236346

Yeah, but its kinda awkward, when I was a teenager I didn't receive as many compliments as I do now. Back in my last year of hs I "unleashed" this cute/hot boy look.
However when a girl tells me I'm handsome, I don't know how to react, I know I'm handsome but It's strange when it comes unexpectedly.
I've also received compliments form younger and older women than me, I'm 20 but I look like 17. I've been told also I can achieve the "eboy" look but I just don't want to, I don't feel it real to me, It just doesn't work. I can behave as a cute boy thats for sure, but still. Besides that I've been offered multiple times to do threesomes with girls.
Anyways I hate the modern social system of dating.

>> No.15236358

>However when a girl tells me I'm handsome, I don't know how to react,

thank her and return the compliment. jesus christ this isn't hard.

>> No.15236405


I got called prettyboy at the bar

>> No.15236420

you could have scored

>> No.15236423
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>you could have scored
>with a dude

>> No.15236448

pretty much this.

>> No.15236452

get called pretty regularly from girls and women. little girls usually hide behind their parents when im around like theyre shy. gay guys call me any number of things including pretty.

>> No.15236455

its not like it matters tho because inside im just a big ole spergberger like everyone else here

>> No.15236468

beggars can't be choosers anon

>> No.15236474
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yeah pretty gay

>> No.15236500

yes and it makes me happy.
I am a cross-dresser

>> No.15236508

post pics

>> No.15236551
File: 49 KB, 540x610, c1755c6d0e57e3bca355f43b6828f888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of you guys look as good as this twink

>> No.15236589
File: 27 KB, 583x616, Beam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely yes. I've been called "beautiful" a few times. Mostly handsome and once a girl said I looked like a "moviestar". A girl once insisted that I'm not from the same town as her because she would have "heard about me before". Anyways, any of this doesn't matter because even if it's all true I have very low self esteem, to the point where I almost believe everyone is just playing a joke on me. I don't consider myself very attractive at all. I guess it's a bit of a waste because I don't think I'll ever have very much confidence in my appearance at any stage.

>> No.15236609

i most often hear handsome or beautiful

>> No.15236614


post a selfie so we can judge objectively

>> No.15236618

girl said i could date bella hadid if i wasnt so awkward

>> No.15236622

outside of people ive dated, only indirectly

>> No.15236633

I'm >>15236589 but I'm not posting my face on 4Chan and I also generally look terrible in selfies. Idc if that makes you not believe me, that's understandable. I've posted on Plebbit rate me a few years back and averaged around an 8.5 rating, not that that adds much validity.

>> No.15236638
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Only ever get pretty and cute. I dont know how i feel about being a twink

>> No.15236653

thats a naw ultra paranoid about pics online

>> No.15236665

jesus christ shave for goodness sake

>> No.15236676

>judge objectively
Oxymoron, you're stupid.

>> No.15236804
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Shave facial hair and get an e-boy haircut or an e-boy fringe, clean up skin, lose some weight by dieting and exercising

>> No.15236822

Yes not by all the girls I dated but a few, feels nice but I don't really see it

>> No.15236854

I usually just get people making gross sissification comments about me

>> No.15237037

Im about to i just have it for the quarantine meme, hence the hairstyle too.

>> No.15237091

got called johnny depp for a whole semester by a malaysian kid

>> No.15237094

Yeah i get pretty and prettyboy, also get beautiful once in a while

>> No.15237101

yes. im a pretty bitch. also im ripped

>> No.15237113

beautification and constant compliments leads to weak male adults. Give me a a handful of pretty males that actually did something great. Most of the time their equivalent of girls, non education on history, surface level-tier knowledge , laugh off anything that isnt in trend, afraid of fights, full of themselves. Males should always have the problems of being knocked down a peg once in a while. The rising white eboy trend will eventually succumb to suicide levels spiking as they'll develop the complex of hitting the wall as they've based there merits on appearance and not on there career or craft

>> No.15237125

no one asked for your gay little rant

>> No.15237144

Holy shit this level of coping

>> No.15237156


i hat ee-boys, but nigga you gay

>> No.15237306
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>> No.15237513
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ur bad at spelling

>> No.15237529

i've been called a lesbian many times, does that count?

>> No.15237530

he was so good looking

>> No.15237675


>> No.15237686


your forgot your trip igor

>> No.15237693

Just handsome and hot

Don't see it myself either

>> No.15237780


>> No.15237786

A friend of mine told me once that if I was born a girl, he'd fuck my brains out.

No, he's not gay.

>> No.15238654


>> No.15238655

that's really cute and gay

>> No.15238662

no. i've been told i look like a cartoon character

>> No.15238665

Nope, just handsome

>> No.15238685
File: 44 KB, 640x640, jkldx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told I'm a cute girl by a pedo, but probably saved from being molested by the fact that he didn't like boys. 15 years later that makes me feel good in a strange way.

>> No.15238696


>> No.15238730

I guess...

>> No.15238790

Yeah, then I got fat
I need to fix my shit

>> No.15240119
File: 77 KB, 600x902, 592B49B34934486C909AFE8B637FA923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah same to me, often I get compliments but still wondering why
pic not related

>> No.15240184

I wish i was a cute girl. I'm not a tranny so just trying to become /fit/ as cope

>> No.15240190

>I wish i was a cute girl
>I'm not a tranny


>> No.15240202

Yeah I realize i'm a value pack of mental issues. I'm also a repressed gay and regret that I slept with a guy recently. Nevertheless lifting is my only path towards beauty because hons are disgusting.

>> No.15240207

yes but usually only when I call myself pretty first

>> No.15240317


>> No.15240842

Nope, just handsome or hot

>> No.15240885

Totally not the same for me...

>> No.15240925
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No, he just kind of blurted it out and realized a second later what he had just said.
pick realted its' me

>> No.15241039

A few girls told me I was cute

>> No.15241046

Only my /gf/'s

>> No.15241123

Yes, if I get my hair right

>> No.15241126

Holy shit you look like a mix of two kids from Stranger Things, the main one and the toothless retard. Don't EVER stop shaving again for fuck's sake

>> No.15241481

Some girl said she only kept on talking to me cause she thought i was cute.
I get the piss taken out of me for looking like an eboy, i guess that means im pretty.
I usually get called handsome instead though, usually only by my mum :)

>> No.15241502

I have a wonderful gf solid 8/10 imho, when I show my gf to other girls they often are a bit confused and say they expected someone prettier. I think that's a compliment to me right?

But I like being the prettier one in the relationship :^)

>> No.15241616

I wish I was pretty

>> No.15241621
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I have only been complimented by my mom, grandma, and a couple other old ladies.

>> No.15241635

If you managed to get attention from a gay dude is because you're probably more attractive than you think, gays tends to be more choosy and "rigorous" when it comes to looks compared to girls.

>> No.15241737

Had some old gay dude try to t as ke me to denny's once.

>> No.15242922

If you're being real they say that because they want to insult your gf while complimenting you, thinking it means a better chance with you. You sound like a bad bf, you should tell them to fuck off.

>> No.15243891


>> No.15244450

my uncle said "it must be easy being the cute one" to me last christmas

>> No.15244501

then what did he do

>> No.15244510

Girls have only called me cute while one gay dude called me handsome. I have no idea what they were talking about

>> No.15244517

I thought it was the opposite that gays will fuck literally anyone because men aren't choosy.

>> No.15244521

Only by mother. That said im fairly sure an older guy (late 30s early 40s) tried to groom me when I volunteered with a political party as a recent highschool graduate.

>> No.15244538

This is based and the majority of the replies shows how absolutely fucked and underage this stupid board is.

>> No.15244551

>tfw the only compliments I still remember to this day was when a really funny security guard at a museum said I looked like a movie star the way I was dressed and that a handful of ugly girls my gay roommate was friends with wanted to fuck me.

>> No.15244720

>tfw hormonal issue leads me to never hit puberty
>be 20, skinny, and have androgynous baby face
it’s all I ever get anon. Nobody has ever called me handsome other than my mom.

>> No.15244883

you sound cute

>> No.15244893
File: 195 KB, 1024x575, 88bbf7e6cd299e56a1fd12ffdb098a43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only mama compliments and some bros, a girl never told me a word...

>> No.15246019

yeah forget the thots. it only feels good for so long.

theres more out there than that. dont be bound by modernist dating

>> No.15246024


Ernst Junger


Yeah basically all mirable chads who managed to be more courageous than anyone alive today

>> No.15246051
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>> No.15246073

I get called pretty/cute a lot by women.