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/fa/ - Fashion

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15229487 No.15229487 [Reply] [Original]

Is short hair on girls /fa/?

>> No.15229495


>> No.15229505

Depends on the cut/girl/shape of her face

On this particular girl? No. She looks like every other gross snatch with an onlyfans. The dye and the terrible brows dont help, neither does her fridge body. I think in general long hair is much more effay but only certain girls can pull off short cuts.

>> No.15229506

That is a man.

>> No.15229517

only if they are recovering from chemotherapy or brain surgery

>> No.15229577

its the same fucking thread again. can you lurkers and new fags stop responding to this shit? Just as much of a meme as the bald threads

>> No.15229605

I don't visit /fa/ often, but every time I do there's a thread asking if short haired women are /fa/. What's up with that.

>> No.15229625

No, never fucking tomboy

>> No.15229807
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>its the same fucking thread again. can you lurkers and new fags stop responding to this shit? Just as much of a meme as the bald threads

>> No.15229810

She looks like her pits smell

>> No.15229815
File: 2.72 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20200201_091807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related would be stunning if it weren't for the eyebrow/hair color mismatch.

it very well can be. most girls with short hair go with the shaggy faggy early 2000s look, which isn't always bad. although I think girls with a more contemporary guys' style can look hot asf. the biggest issue is they have to otherwise look effeminate enough to not be mistaken for a dyke.

>> No.15229820

short haired women all look like rats, no exceptions. if you want to look like a rat, go for it.

>> No.15229860

>doesnt know how to quote
keep lurking newfag

>> No.15229919
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it can be for sure

>> No.15229943

Sad, boring people remake the same thread every day

>> No.15229948

lucky monkey

>> No.15229987
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only when its against their will

>> No.15230239
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>> No.15230251

Pic unrelated

>> No.15230345


>> No.15231252

could you show us an example?

>> No.15231254

just a child angry at her father. cringe

>> No.15231288

I want to fuck all of them

>> No.15231330

Only when done correctly

>> No.15231415
File: 18 KB, 336x437, images - 2020-05-14T104135.338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attractiveness with short hair = 2x-7
Where x=Attractiveness out of ten with normal hair.

>> No.15231631

You live in a simulation.

>> No.15231834

in the end, the gamer got the girl

>> No.15231838

Slave tier

>> No.15232667


>> No.15234356

Shut up Veronica

>> No.15234371
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Bad example

>> No.15234373

If they are cute, yes

>> No.15234477

I think you have mathematical vocalized my opinion on the matter.

>> No.15234542
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>> No.15234677
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>> No.15234709
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meant this one: >>15231415

>> No.15234757

like you at your mother. cringe

>> No.15234798

Chris stop posting your femboy

>> No.15234801

self-harm scars are so hot

>> No.15234976

sometimes but long hair is better most of the time

>> No.15235016
File: 425 KB, 1281x1600, 9F91BFCD-5C54-40FE-BDFB-C82814A2F7B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15235021


>> No.15235406
File: 250 KB, 800x1133, trad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

generally not a fan of it, but if she's hot, then yea, she can pull it off. Just like everything else.

>> No.15236339

but are they effay? asking for a friend