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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.83 MB, 1081x1077, 1589058011658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15221088 No.15221088 [Reply] [Original]

Fags at /fit/ are losing their shit over this. Muscles mean nothing, it's all about face and hair.

/fa/ won again, baby.


>> No.15221148

i guess they found him, dude tripped too hard and realized life is meaningless and went off the deep end

>> No.15221188

I'd rather be joosy and depressed than be a twink and make threads about people being joosy and depressed lol.

>> No.15221203

This is why you start with small doses of psychedelics, kids

>> No.15221209

People are saying it's a prank

>> No.15221218

i don't know much about him but /fit/ are taking it as legit and from the sounds of it this guy's whole bit is trying to emasculate men in front of their girls. he's probably fucked in the head and will kill himself or re-surface in six months as a tranny.

>> No.15221232
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>> No.15221379 [DELETED] 

roids made him mental or wat kek

>> No.15221457

>t's all about face and hair.
>/fa/ won again, baby.
Its not about that either you fucking retarded incel faggot

>> No.15221488

>Fags at /fit/ are losing their shit over this.
i don't see any threads about it over there.

>> No.15221510

yeah dude clearly has some repressed shit. not a normal reaction to psychs

>> No.15221527

Holy shit, dude looks very unhappy. I hope he sorts his shit out.

>> No.15221532

But he has a better hairline than some and definitely a better face than most.
It's almost as if happiness isn't summarized in just looks.

>> No.15221557
File: 98 KB, 619x653, 1586975600416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this twink completely missed the whole point lmao. On a board where the whole point is your appearance. Nigga fasted his braincells away LMAO.

>> No.15221561

>repressed shit.

Every mental breakdown a highly attractive person has is of their own doing. Everyone deals with shit but normal people learn to live with it. Meanwhile ultrachad faces one faces one sad bit of reality runs straight to addiction and attention whoring. Imagine being this fucking weak willed.

>> No.15221572

stop poking fun at this guy, he is cleary feeling like shit

>> No.15221599

how does he have 2 million subs anyway? his face is 5/10 normie trash and he has the voice of a 11 year old little bitch

>> No.15221625

Post fit and body

>> No.15221638

its 14 year old jerk off material, Essentially Vitaly.

The fact that an ego obsessed idiot working in a career that relies on him feeding his ego had a breakdown shouldn't be a surprise to anybody.

Should of stayed away from shrooms Lol

>> No.15221639

idgi he said he fucks 3 girls a day isnt that the whole point

>> No.15221696
File: 47 KB, 1100x636, norwoodreaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The norwood bell tolls for him

>> No.15221718

>idgi he said he fucks 3 girls a day

Yeah, this sounds like bullshit. Every girl I've ever met has explicitly told me she hates players, there's no way this guys has an harem of girls willing to fuck him daily.

>> No.15221735

None of the people that make "self-improvement" youtube videos are actually successful.

>> No.15221748

He's been tripping hard over the past few days, it's def just a bad come down, lol.

>> No.15221757

Hahahahahah!! Oh yes, anon. Girls like "nice guys" indeed. Just bee urself.

I remember being a 16 year old virgin too.

>> No.15221760

>mad at the sister
fag homo gay

>> No.15221769

I probably fucked 3 girls in 1 day once, and now just uses that to brag.

Normies tend to do that, use the highest figure/the one they're most proud of as if it is the norm, rather than using the mean/mode.

>> No.15221776

His sister killed herself bruh

>> No.15221779

woops sorry, didn't watch that far

>> No.15221812

Yeah because everything on earth revolves around appearance you shallow prick.

>> No.15221814


>> No.15221823

>Yeah because everything on earth revolves around appearance

correct, ugly people don't know what they're missing if they don't understand his breakdown. similarly to happy downies versus intelligent people.

>> No.15221825

imagine taking psychadelics

>> No.15221864


Someone psychologically sane does not break down this hard about their appearance. I get it we all feel ugly at some point. It's not the end of the world. Unless you built your entire personality around your looks.

>> No.15221878

>Unless you built your entire personality around your looks

that's the whole point of

>Yeah because everything on earth revolves around appearance

when you're very attractive your whole life how else is your personality meant to develop? every interaction feeds it

>> No.15221932

>every interaction feeds it
You don't have to go along with it or revolve exclusively around it. You can cultivate other interests to rely upon for when your looks become inevitably less and less valuable. I know a lot of beautiful people who are more than that.

>> No.15221954

sure but that's on a person by person basis, it's easy to say just don't go along with it from the outside but not when it's your everyday life and most likely doesn't feel wrong in the moment. in general you put anyone in a high enough category and the possible break down is the same whether it's wealth, fame, looks, whatever else

>> No.15221968

>crying for 9 minutes
>not a single tear was shed

So who's going to his bathroom to meet god?

>> No.15221981

It's only a loss if you use it as a currency.

>> No.15221982

it really bothers me that the streak of light is in his right eye the whole video, like nigga just save urself a world of pain by moving 20cm to the left

>> No.15221989

I don't really feel like watching this video. Is the dude actually tripping on shrooms or something???

>> No.15222053

I've raped enough people to know crocodile tears when I see them. Desperate for attention/10, totally scripted act for views. Guy is a sociopath and this is all part of the plan. Here's how it's gonna play out fags:

>it becomes his most watched video
>he goes on "spiritual journey of discovery"
>some faggot ass #vanlife millenial finding himself ayahusca and burning man shtick
>vlogs the entire "journey"
>subscriptions skyrocket
>becomes household name
>writes book, becomes bestseller
>does the rounds on daytime talk
>may or may not become a movie
>meanwhile he's the same manipulative narcissist he ever was

Screencap this post.

>> No.15222064

Manipulative or not, he's not sane nor happy. He needs help.

>> No.15222111


>> No.15222143
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>> No.15222181


>> No.15222203

What a retarded take lmao

>> No.15222258

Actually you're right. There was another video of him basically saying he's taking acting classes and this is all bullshit because he wants to gain attention and become an actor. Looks like everyone is falling for it too, sad.

>> No.15222444

Are you the person posting all over threads talking about their rape fantasies and how many chicks they’ve raped?

If I can ask, why do you think anyone cares?

>> No.15222545

>implying a /fa/g has good face and hair

>> No.15222558

Lol brilliant

>> No.15222583
File: 796 KB, 1184x940, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s getting older and simply can’t handle the fact. This is what happens when your BMI becomes your God. The roids did a number on his dick too and he can’t handle not indulging in his “feel my bicep” attention-whoring due to the lil’ bitty lockdown. Weak cunt.

>> No.15222606


>> No.15222720
File: 35 KB, 277x281, Q1Y73VH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what taking finasteride eventually do to you. DHT is very important for your mental health and collagen.

>"Androgens such as T have been shown repeatedly to have potent skin anti-aging effects. Topical T convert heavily into DHT so many of the skin anti-aging effects of T may be simply due to DHT conversion. Progesterone, pregnenolone and DHEA also have such beneficial effects but the androgens seem more potent."

>> No.15222782


What the fuck is that??

>> No.15222813

the norwood is taking its toll on him... you can see hsi vertex super thinned out... i just pray he gets the hair he needs to save his sanity

>> No.15222822

Dude looks like Brendan fraser

>> No.15222843
File: 148 KB, 640x1136, 1493297395112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15223143

The future.

>> No.15223176

>Muscles mean nothing
until you get thrown around like a pine cone

>> No.15223185

He's achieved all his life goals, he's become an AlphaChad and still isn't fulfilled, it's a story as old as time.

>Every girl I've ever met has explicitly told me she hates players
Every girl you've met doesn't represent every girl. Also what they tell you doesn't always match reality.

>> No.15223189

>Every girl I've ever met has explicitly told me she hates players

I'm sure most girls prefer nice guys with dadbods and great personalities and weak chins with patchy beards ahhahHAHAHhaa

>> No.15223193
File: 17 KB, 542x540, 1503826670440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15223439

This is so clearly fake, anyone buying into this is a clown

>> No.15223466

We live in the age of Tinder, anon. It's super easy to find three whores who will fuck you if you look better than the average incel.

>> No.15223484

What is his name, video was removed.

>> No.15223515

For once I actually agree with this cringe-ass tripfag

>> No.15223661

Connor Murphy.

>> No.15223701

Is this me??? Hahahahaha. Wow. I was scared to open this. It scared me :c

>> No.15223706

Those people go by FFMI

>> No.15223788

/fit/ lifts for other men, you hadn't realized that yet?

>> No.15224091

cringe af

>> No.15224295

Guys the video is down, anyone have a mirror or reupload?

>> No.15224330
File: 17 KB, 367x210, EC83F472-8953-46FC-B01F-4F77DD21076D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a Chad but he doesn't have the head shape to pull off a buzzcut, he's fucked. Zyzz was the same, his hair was the thing that made him stand out, without it, he'd look weird as fuck, if you don't have the head shape for a buzzcut and you're balding, you're fucked.

>> No.15224351

And if you look over here youll see a wild blue pilled beta haha
What girls say and do are two totally different things. Girls fuck ONLY players you faggot.
If youre not capable of getting other pussy then it doesnt make them feel special and get turned on by you. If you havent figured this out yet then youre not getting pussy. Until you take a redpill you need to stop commenting.

>> No.15224353
File: 226 KB, 628x736, BaldChicoChicoBald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15224360

It tolls for about 95% of white guys

>> No.15224364

This is a very /fa/ balding pattern

>> No.15224373

Steroidsmake your balls smaller but not your dick. GH actually makes your dick bigger

>> No.15224380

He hasnt been on finasteride that long

>> No.15224530

Are mental breakdowns /fa/?

>> No.15224628

The Norwood reaper spares none

>> No.15224681

I fucked 4 girls in a day/night and got a handy from a 5th. It was the most degenerate thing I've ever done

>> No.15224923

Fuck, vid got removed by jewtube, can anyone tell me what happened and who's that

>> No.15225021

Cecil my niggah. I altered you so if you ever feel bad about how you look you can feel better and know it could be so much worse. Stay safe King xxxx

>> No.15225030

They’re fags Igor my man. How was your day today?

>> No.15225769

Thanks breh, I saved it and will likely make much usage of it. X

>> No.15225776


>> No.15225886

not something to brag about desu. its more hip to have morals and standards in this current era of degeneracy

>> No.15225929
File: 87 KB, 721x667, 1589246699160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome back to the anabolic kitchen /fa/ggots, I know you guy's don't really like eating anything anyways bc you starve yourselves with fasting while also masturbating to Japanese cartoons haha. Today we'll be experimenting with creatine and psychedelics!

>> No.15226374

GH does no such thing and steroids cause impotence.

>> No.15226394

Protip don't get advice from women on how to fuck women

They'll just turn you into a beta simp orbiter who wishes he could upgrade to fuck one day when she hits the wall

>> No.15226396

Upgrade to cuck*

>> No.15226474
File: 74 KB, 591x570, CE1ABA58-84E3-4D33-B8C5-26034C91AEF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ also believes that. You effay fags believe that clothes matter more than muscles, thats where the disagreement is

>> No.15226487

Apparently he has never even smoked weed before but decided to try Ayahuasca WITHOUT SUPERVISION... at that point you really deserve anything that happens to you.

>> No.15227676


>> No.15227796

there's a fine balance betwixt fitness and fashion.

>see me, an Adonis with the fasion sense of the gods.

>> No.15227821

>that's the whole point of
why did you cur yourself off?

>> No.15227960

I would fuck 90% of the dudes on /fit/ in the CBT threads.

I would not fuck 95% of the people here.

Muscles matter more.

>> No.15228051

quoted for truth

when the clothes come off, y'all nasty hairy skinnyfat motherfuckers

>> No.15228057

>i would fuck 90% of the dudes on fit

Ignoring fa thats just disgusting of you

>> No.15228305

exactly, not like you cant be /fit/ and /fa/

>> No.15228323

whats CBT?
cock and ball torture?

>> No.15228342

you can't.

>> No.15228387

current body thread

>> No.15228389

ottermode is peak, saying anything else is cope

>> No.15228412



>> No.15228601

why is it so hard for internet people to process the existence of preferences

>> No.15228645

Dyel cope. Go suck dicks now, sissy

>> No.15228752

The ultimate redpill is when you have a shitty personality and you get in amazing shape and people start noticing you; you forget people don't actually give a shit about what you have to say and just care about what you look like.

When you remember again, the emptiness comes like a massive wave.

>> No.15228762
File: 79 KB, 1080x1350, JohnnyDepp5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Brutal blackpill. Post more lookspills

>> No.15228778

Yeah, Jude Law looks great and his balding doesn't make him less attractive.

>> No.15228781

That's because only good looking ones are brave enough to post.

>> No.15229479

bretty good bait

>> No.15229563

This is likely true. Lots of ugly dudes lifting to improve but too insecure to ever post their face on fit. You just see the very top ones.

Meanwhile fa has a lot of posters too autistic to have any self awareness and most pictures are stolen photos to make fun of others so the normal brained and normal looking people will avoid posting their pics.

>> No.15229575

welcome to the world of being good looking. you have no idea the amount of vapid unselfaware basic pussy that gets thrown around. but who cares thats roastie poon that doesnt matter anyways. the real final enlightened form is finding a real life wholesome farm girl.

>> No.15229620


Funny how he got cucked by a girl 15 years younger the moment his looks faded. He never had the need to develop the skills to keep bitches in check.

>> No.15229640
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>> No.15229642

What a cutie pie! :3

>> No.15229680

We're all bald and ugly too.

>> No.15229685

Didn't he have 1 hair transplant already?

>> No.15229688

cope harder

>> No.15229706

RIP baldfags, i buzz my hair just for the look and have to pluck stray hairs moving down my hairline i have reverse receding hairline rn

>> No.15230282

>she told me she hates players!!
haha sure she does ;)
even if this were true, its not like you have to tell any of them, it's your business. just keep the label between you and them ambiguous. I've had as many as 5 women I could hang out with on a given night. 2 of them knew about the other ones and didn't care, the other 3 just didn't know