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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 124 KB, 1080x1350, 1583332618901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15220162 No.15220162[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you hate transgirls /fa/? When they are literally the embodiment of being effay?

>most are normal BMI to underweight
>starve themselves to look smol and girly
>pale and tall as fuck for a woman
>strong chin due to unwanted test
>bro tier values like loyalty, honesty, and clingy UwU to their bf
>spend money on trying to look as feminine and girly as possible
>enjoy similar effay hobbies such as drugs, cutting, starving and self loathing
>kill themselves before they turn ugly or age 30 whichever comes first

>> No.15220169

Strawmanning hard. Also /fa/ is not a hivemind so stop adressing it like one. Shit-tier thread regardless of the subject matter.

>> No.15220176

I don't hate them, I just wouldn't be interested in them as anything other than friends. For a relationship I need a girl with a real vagina.

>> No.15220232

Because they caricature femininity

>> No.15220234


>> No.15220252

This nigga like 6'1

>> No.15220261

>enjoy similar effay hobbies such as drugs, cutting, starving and self loathing
i smirked

>> No.15221142
File: 69 KB, 366x401, 1570892147778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's twinks.

>> No.15221146

Boy I sure do hate trannies.

>> No.15221150

most "transgirls" look like dudes in drag irl
also that dude voice sound yikes

>> No.15221152

I want transgirl to be a real female with a penis

>> No.15221155

because being comfortable with your gender is way more fa/

>> No.15221164

Me too hehe
What’s this degenerate name? I’ll bust a big foul smelling yellow load in his name

>> No.15222062

If I can't knock 'em up and raise a loving family of 4-6 kids with 'em, what's the point?

>> No.15222074


>> No.15222094

I think it's important to remember that for some, perhaps many, and completely contrary to the identity politics narrative that they would want you to believe, being trans is primarily a style choice. This cannot be overemphasised. And once you hold this in mind it becomes clear that it can be (although often isn't) beautiful and effay and chic for all the reasons the OP has listed.

at least that's what i'm trying to do

>> No.15222152

Lads I hate faggots so fucking much. Apparently corona is putting the gay village out of business. Thank fucking God!

>> No.15222168

so far there have been 0 (zero) recorded covid fatalities amongst non-binary people. it can only mean enbees are immune to the disease. suck it, shitlord.

>> No.15222173


>> No.15222183


>actually deigning to respond to this ridiculous garbage

>> No.15222213

They're disgusting mentally deranged freaks that are a danger to themselves and others. The fact that they're not only tolerated but celebrated is a final stage of a sick, devolved, degenerate (sorry), weak, fragmented society that has become decadent and completely lacking in pride or cohesion. To reclaim our nation and our people's way we can show no mercy to the perverted baphomets degrading our race and making a mockery of what it means to be human. The bible warned us against this with the tale of Sodom and Gomorrah, where the perverted ways (even children were not safe) caused so much ire in the good Lord that he cast death upon the wicked lot.

The last remaining nations with moral character and Christian values beat the shit out of tranny faggots: Russia, Poland, Albania, Ukraine, even nigger countries will burn faggots at the stakes because they know faggotry is an affront on God.

>> No.15222234

wanting to live in any of those shithole countries is a clearer indicator of mental derangement desu

>> No.15222236

thats not the final stag my dude. We never actually make it to the final stage. Shit will get crazier with time and technology. Wait until someone marries their sex robot and then everyone starts doing it and demanding robot rights and shit.

>> No.15222268

i'm unironically looking forward to this stage

>> No.15222298


>> No.15222306
File: 6 KB, 188x250, 1587268815331s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because 90% of them have fridge bodies and look like incels in dresses.

>> No.15222308

Based, trannies should be curb stomped.

>> No.15222343
File: 414 KB, 512x512, FAA7E75C-A6DA-4692-8E89-6F473107163C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear! Hear! Well said, comrade!

>> No.15222516

Love her

>> No.15222595

first and foremost, gender dysphoria is a real physiological phenomenon and hormone therapy is a a real physiological treatment for it.

you are absolutely right however that the choice to socially transition is part style, part identity, and part politics. the truth is, style and identity can never be fully separated because nobody can be stylish without being confident in their identity (this is extremely obvious in the case of unconfident trans people who end up vaguely approximating shitty androgyny while putting in very little effort to their overall appearance), and identity and politics can never be fully separated because all identities are definitionally informed by the power structures of society (and this is extremely obvious in the case of trans identities which some people in power are trying to legislate out of existence)

t. another tranny

>> No.15222599


>> No.15222613

Dilate, paedophile faggot.

>> No.15222619

Because I'm mentally ill and don't want to be in a relationship with someone who's more fucked up than me. Another good point to keep in mind is that they're not real girls, they're just degenerate men who either were molested or want to be molested.

>> No.15222623

I wanted to be gorgeous and beautiful and realised I could never do that as a man. For me changing genders was entirely an aesthetic choice. Couldn't give a shit about pronouns and all that crap.

>> No.15222640
File: 397 KB, 2048x1536, 4C605D5C-A360-402B-B607-CEF41519F7C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these trannies itt
This is who’s giving us fashion advice.

>> No.15222641

You will never pass, freak.

>> No.15222646

i do though, effortlessly. you wish you were me.

>> No.15222659
File: 78 KB, 1024x576, 52B56043-668B-4960-B11F-7D64C9B79DC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i do though, effortlessly. you wish you were me
So post a pic with a time stamp then, faggot paedophile freak.

>> No.15222661

Because they think being a woman is about a checklist of body parts. Because 99% of them looks like dudes with wigs. Because it's a mental illness that we've made it politically incorrect to try and treat except through gender swapping. Because lefty politics is obnoxious. Because they are deeply unhappy and a bummer to be around. Because they live in insular little circles that only exist to affirm that every ugly tranny is #beautiful and think that they're super sexy real women when in reality they're just coomers who took the fetish too far.

>> No.15222662
File: 1.05 MB, 1242x1181, A4DF3813-5E4F-48B0-AE32-6FBCE9A5737F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are faggot tranny freaks all paedophiles?

>> No.15222673

fetishes cluster

>> No.15222684

No shit, they’re literal men

>> No.15222690

Many such cases.

>> No.15222711

nice buzzwords. the truth hurts, huh
do you think sentient robots would not deserve rights?

>> No.15222744

Because your not a real girl without a real vagina. What’s not to get?

>> No.15222763

Believe it or not vaginal and anal sex are not the same, vaginal sex is superior.

>> No.15222765

Dilate, bro.

>> No.15223144
File: 181 KB, 900x900, unnamed (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The last remaining nations with moral character and Christian values

Philippines here with 85% Catholic and we are infested with ladyboys.

>> No.15223154

>Why do you hate transgirls /fa/?

1.) I can't breed them and raise 5 white children
2.) They are mentally ill
3.) They are a hollow simulacrum of femininity
4.) I refuse to kowtow to their identity politricks
5.) They don't even have a real vagina

>> No.15223178

Mental illness isn't /fa/ no idea why people thing faggotry and shit has been associated with fashion

>> No.15223184

Also aids

>> No.15223201

your country is a libertarian hellscape

>> No.15223217

I think this is an interesting take, but don't see an inherent link between self confidence and style. Some people want to look good, some people are more concerned with passing, some don't care. My mate dressed like shit before she transitioned, and she dresses like shit now.

>> No.15223239

I’m not your desu fag

>> No.15223241

Are your parents proud of you?

>> No.15223242

Someone post the Redditard freaking out about their Tranny pussy being filled with hair lol

>> No.15223258

Male to Female trannies are such a bad crowd, so many of them I know are just limp wrists that wanted acceptance. Some are alright when it seems to be genuine, and the girl to guys are usually good.

Also I hate how trannies expect to be accepted as non losers when they’re still losers, like If you look like shit and now stand out as well of course nobody will like you.

Like some of them barely even try to be passable and they seem to think females are all sex and what men think they are.

Honestly sometimes wish my girl was a TURF

>> No.15223262
File: 61 KB, 576x768, C3AC8DD9-E5E6-48E8-9DB9-6320EBA3E2A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post pic of this faggot i knew lol, like common try a little bit

>> No.15223272

>first and foremost, gender dysphoria is a real
Didn't read further, but you're a fag and should call your mother and apologize to her for being such a fag before immediately committing double Suzy site.

>> No.15223323
File: 140 KB, 900x960, a2phvkisc7y01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.) I can't breed them and raise 5 white children

Yes and when she reach 35 she'll took half of what you own and don't forget the child support. BTW, only one of the children is yours. The one you sent to gay camp.

Tranners on the other hand kill themselves at 35 and by that time you can get yourself a younger, cuter and tighter tranner.

>2.) They are mentally ill

I agrre that women are more stable just don't look at their only fans account and that thousand cock stare.

>3.) They are a hollow simulacrum of femininity

being fat and spending all of your free time on netflix sure is the epitome of femininity

on the other hand trannies enjoy similar cute boi hobbies you and I enjoy

>4.) I refuse to kowtow to their identity politricks

I know you support feminism

>5.) They don't even have a real vagina
>6.) "not now honey I'm on my period and tyrone just fucked me yesterday"

compared to something that is begging to be bred uwu and cummed on daily.

>> No.15223332

This is proof that trannies are Incels lol

It’s funny that most 4chan trannies probably never even got female attention until they became one

>> No.15223386

>coping this hard to justify degeneracy
Holy shit, dude, you must be proud of your life choices and not bitter to the women that rejected you.

>> No.15223637

You mean libertarian utopia? The country is secure as fuck if you know where to live. The amount of trust in government is high, too.

>> No.15223642

In truth, the majority of trans girls seem to have sever autism and likewise atrocious fashion sense. Actually I think the entire lgbt community I riff with god awful taste and it makes me sick. Obviously this isn’t true 100% of the time. *For the record I’m /lgbt/ myself and just starting to get sick of all the cringe fashion choices in the community.

>> No.15223650

>This is proof that trannies are Incels lol
Well duh. The only people sexually interested in transsexuals are woke queers and guys who fetishize them, both of which are very hard to find outside of twitter/tumblr

>> No.15223702

Who is this in pic?

>> No.15223705
File: 2.08 MB, 640x640, 1586633559712.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're losers even on a biological level. Voluntarily castrating oneself and thus ending your lineage is the very definition of losing at life.

>> No.15223743

famously christian albania

>> No.15223869

post op?

dat dude has an eternal would that wants to heal itself .... *puke*

>> No.15223872

This. Full homo, I'd rather date a feminine guy who's comfortable in his masculinity or defiance of it than a trans girl. Every tranner I've known has been unable to shut up about shit like how much they hate their own bodies or are otherwise anxious about coming off as a girl.
I don't want to have to be constantly comforting my partner. Especially when the shit they get emotional about will never go away. Look at the amount of cope in this thread and imagine having to deal with that in person DAILY.

>> No.15224030

I am not gay

>> No.15224080
File: 1.84 MB, 1080x1080, 1581999949201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she qt then yeah

>> No.15224099

>>most are normal BMI to underweight
>>starve themselves to look smol and girly
>>pale and tall as fuck for a woman
That's called being a manly nigga, not cute
>>strong chin due to unwanted test
That's not cute
>>bro tier values like loyalty, honesty, and clingy UwU to their bf
Not true
>>spend money on trying to look as feminine and girly as possible
And they fail miserably
>>enjoy similar effay hobbies such as drugs, cutting, starving and self loathing
And mental illness, agendaposting, etc
>>kill themselves before they turn ugly or age 30 whichever comes first
So they kill themselves as soon as they exist? Trannies are disgusting, I've never met one that was a decent human being and they're all ugly as hell.

>> No.15224106

I want to hug her

>> No.15224374
File: 113 KB, 400x224, C6CB4E15-C802-40E1-89D2-CDD25A0E32D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is genuinely beyond me how you managed to twist “gross skinny codependent autist with severe emotional issues” into some 1950s fantasy wife shit

>> No.15224433

Still looks manly. Bone structure doesn't lie.

>> No.15224446

Yeah maybe if I throw a burka over her head while we’re in public. Fucking sick, I seriously don’t know why you don’t think it’s okay to suggest this in anyway

>> No.15224504

> post hyping up trannies uses picture of biological woman

>> No.15224576

>>most are normal BMI to underweight

So now we’re just giving out cookies to people who don’t eat like pigs and have some semblance of self control? Fucking hell
>>starve themselves to look smol and girly

So you’re only making your monstoruous male bone structure more visible? Good to know

>>pale and tall as fuck for a woman

Immediately overshadowed by their broad shoulders and bulging Adam’s apple

>>strong chin due to unwanted test

sure chincel

>>bro tier values like loyalty, honesty, and clingy UwU to their bf

So basically “I’m not like other girls!!1” but you’re not like them because you’re a man?
>>spend money on trying to look as feminine and girly as possible

And real woman can do all that for free while you spend thousands just to look like a queer dude in a dress with a faggy voice
>>enjoy similar effay hobbies such as drugs, cutting, starving and self loathing
>>kill themselves before they turn ugly or age 30 whichever comes first

mentally unstable and a tranny. Wonderful combination. Don’t wait till you’re 30, just kill yourself now OP

>> No.15224796
File: 67 KB, 1851x800, 1500453828067625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow he's more masculine than average basedboy

>> No.15224850

gagged when i first read that shit. trannies are so fucking delusional

>> No.15224906
File: 296 KB, 652x540, trans rights activist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The large majority of them are hulking, fat, pasty straight men who live their autopedophile diaper furfag fetish 24/7. They're schizoid and dress in cheap grandma tier polyester, some plastic from the sex shop, with adult diapers with cartoon characters on them.

>> No.15224910
File: 3.76 MB, 411x227, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15224912
File: 197 KB, 859x847, trannies b like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex robots are less gross than trannies because sex robots aren't violent pedophiles.

>> No.15224937

>>>bro tier values like loyalty, honesty, and clingy UwU to their bf
>Not true
This, they are more std infested than gays.
Sauce: https://www.avert.org/professionals/hiv-social-issues/key-affected-populations/transgender
They also have up to ten different strains of hpv, many of those cause cancer. This is because they're so obsessed with their paraphilia and fetishes they will literally fuck anything, they will fuck fifty year old degenerates with the same fetishes, they will molest dogs, and they will assault five year olds. They are violent monsters and plague carriers at worst, nuisances at best. OP's pic is the rare exception to the rule, 99% of trannies are hideous. Nevertheless, OP's pic will very likely end up with aids too, because trannies have no other purpose in life than the seek out sex with randos.

>> No.15224949

Reminds me of that old saying that the worst men are hairy on the inside.

>> No.15224999

Their moobs are always spaced so wide apart. Their potato noses, their sausage fingers, their anime haircuts to hide male face. It's all so funny.

>> No.15225004

>likewise atrocious fashion sense
That goes with their atrocious behavior. Just the sight of one is enough to set entire groups on edge. Trannies ruin everything.

>> No.15225111

Dangerously based
The girl who made this image, Red Katherine, was harrassed by transsexuals on Tumblr so much she had to check herself into a mental health facility. She was 17 at the time and transsexuals threatened to report her to the Russian government (she is Russian) for being a lesbian. And then transsexuals demand to be accepted in gay communities and feminism... Yeah no. A lot of them are just dangerous, deranged men
I don't like men who larp as women because they reduce womanhood to a bunch of sexist stereotypes and thus claim to be ''more women'' than actual women. They take away women's legal rights and demand access to female bathrooms, sport competitions, etc and thus effectively harm women. And if you have a problem with this, they try to get you fired from your job and threaten you with physical violence. You don't get to redefine womanhood to cope with your mental illness

t. a ''TERF''

>> No.15226282
File: 234 KB, 750x547, 1580475349649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They take away women's legal rights and demand access to female bathrooms, sport competitions, etc and thus effectively harm women. And if you have a problem with this, they try to get you fired from your job and threaten you with physical violence. You don't get to redefine womanhood to cope with your mental illness
>t. a ''TERF''

pretty much any womyn who are threatened by transgirls because as time passes by we are becoming more beautiful, trad and actually love and loyal to our men. Only a few more years and until we have womb transplants.

>> No.15226286

What do you mean why? Transgirls are still biologically male and straight males aren't gay. That's why they're straight.

>> No.15226300
File: 751 KB, 920x801, P_1j0-8btfgWaNk4sX00J9ko9ywUwJhM_9wlgd6HBCk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plastic surgery is effay so is injecting yourself with artificial hormones to look qt and younger so I would say trans are definitely effay.

Also, the fashion industry comprises of like 75% LGBTQ+ All those saying trans are not /fa/ are not /fa/ at all.

>> No.15226316

Saying you're gay for dating a trans person doesn't make any sense. You're not having sex with the chromosomes of someone right? You're still dating someone who looks and acts female (And persumably you're attracted to that).

That you don't like their fuckhole, okay, I can get that.

>> No.15226319

>Because they are deeply unhappy and a bummer to be around.
Sounds like you're projecting
>Because they live in insular little circles that only exist to affirm that every ugly tranny is #beautiful and think that they're super sexy real women when in reality they're just coomers who took the fetish too far.
Perhaps, though I think much of the hate towards trans people comes from other trans people. And many trans people experience dysphoria before they have the capacity to have fetishes to begin with.

>> No.15226338

>"Homosexuality is romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender"
That's the fucking definition. Just the thought of being in a relationship with a mentally deranged dickless man is putting me off. Doesn't matter if the dude looks like Margot Robbie, he's still inherently a man. However, I don't have this reaction about proud feminine men. I still wouldn't date them though because that's gay.

>> No.15226345

>he's still inherently a man
But what makes a man a man and a girl a girl? Just the chromosomes then? I know I'm attracted to the way people behave and represent. Not to what type of genes they have in their cells.

>> No.15226346

look, behave and represent*

>> No.15226347

>more beautiful
With all that hair in your frankenvag? https://www.reddit.com/r/Transgender_Surgeries/comments/ghwvli/complications/?utm_source=reddit-android

>> No.15226348

Stop getting philosophical and shit and look up the definition, it's a mouse click away.

>> No.15226349
File: 45 KB, 291x766, troon psyop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>violent pedophiles are effay

>> No.15226354

> I know I'm attracted to the way people behave and represent
Also, you do you, booboo. Personally I just can't see how a mentally deranged self harming person could be attractive to anyone.

>> No.15226355
File: 3.50 MB, 1196x1326, 1582357741419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With all that hair in your frankenvag?

A majority of beautiful transgirls prefer to keep their feminine pp over a neo vagina. But give it a few more years and technology will improve and we will have womb transplants available.

>> No.15226356

Your own definition says: "... between members of the same sex or gender". I think we can agree on the definition of sex, the x or y chromosomes in your cells. However, the definition of gender becomes vague and blurry. It has to do with how people respresent a certain sex. And that's what I'm getting at. When talking about sexuality you (also?) fall for someones representation of a certain gender. And not just if they are born male or female.

>> No.15226362
File: 164 KB, 1080x596, bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Personally I just can't see how a mentally deranged self harming person could be attractive to anyone.

It may surprise you but transgirls are actually more kind and caring to their bfs than the ordinary modern womyn.

>> No.15226369

>The bible warned us against this with the tale of Sodom and Gomorrah, where the perverted ways (even children were not safe) caused so much ire in the good Lord that he cast death upon the wicked lot.

All good arguments until you mentioned the characters from Imaginationland and a work of fiction against the Roman empire

>> No.15226370

>definition of gender becomes vague and blurry
That's an English problem. If you translate sex and gender to German, you'll only get "Geschlecht". That might be the reason why I think that gender is imaginary bullshit and only sex is relevant.

Nice statistic you've got there, faggot.

>> No.15226380

There have been many cultures that existed for longer than any Christian society that had and revered trans people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_gender

>> No.15226382

In my language we have geslacht or sekse. And later people borrowed the English term gender. Same goes for German.
>Gender (englisch gender [ˈdʒɛndɐ]) ist das soziale Geschlecht von Menschen, also nicht an biologische Merkmale gebundene Geschlechtsaspekte, im Unterschied zum biologischen Geschlecht (englisch sex). In den Sozialwissenschaften werden so seit dem Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts Geschlechtseigenschaften beschrieben, die jemand in Gesellschaft und Kultur beschreiben. Für das Wort „Gender“ gibt es keine deutsche Entsprechung, darum wurde es als Lehnwort ins Deutsche übernommen.

>> No.15226397
File: 13 KB, 650x650, 1461793588755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15226402

So then you're gay definitions aren't hard

>> No.15226403

Sex= gender

You cannot change what you are, just like you can't change ethnicity, eye color or age

>> No.15226404

>literally importing this nonsense
I don't deny that there are existing social gender roles which are forced onto you, but that doesn't make "gender" less stupid. If you feel comfortable in being a stay at home dad and raising children and cooking and cleaning and other dumb stereotypical stuff that's fine, do what makes you happy. But if you literally need to alter yourself with hormones and surgeries just to feel comfortable to do "girly" stuff, then you need to get mentally evaluated because that's obviously not a sane behavior.

>> No.15226422


>> No.15226749
File: 2.56 MB, 1080x2429, 1571387224634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you pass then yes. Come to think of it most incels will fare better if they are tranners. I recommend transitioning if you are
>5'7 and below
>can't be bothered to work out
>weak chin

Pic related.
Life will be way easier for ugly incel if they transition. It's the only way they will get love and attention. No woman will ever date an ugly short incel.

>> No.15226801


>> No.15226834
File: 55 KB, 640x732, 11BDA7D7-D999-481C-B103-F6576B7DB105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to coom in him so bad bois

>> No.15226846

these tranners are literally built for cooming
who needs sexbots when we have these fetish sex objects. treat them like the little fucktoys they all are

>> No.15226855

>le reddit proves my strawman

>> No.15226988

That’s a tranny retard. Kys

>> No.15227130

Like they record if you're gender challenged when you're about to die