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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 84 KB, 1200x1200, heroin-social.2e16d0ba.fill-1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15214123 No.15214123 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most effay drug, and why is it heroin?

>> No.15214155

God I hate this board.

>> No.15214160

it's only ever been cigarettes because
1. they look cool
2. they kill you but really really slowly so you can be absolutely insufferable for as long as possible

>> No.15214191

Ketamine. Both in terms of how good of a drug it is, and it's having a bit of a moment right now.

>> No.15214304

ok boomer

>> No.15214306

I'm 18.

>> No.15214307

boomer braim

>> No.15214309
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might wanna take it easy on the heroin, champ

>> No.15214507

I'd tell you to kys but if you do drugs you're pretty much already doing that, just in a very slow way.
Drugs only ruin your looks, there's nothing fashionable about them, faggot.
Cigarettes and alcohol can be good for cool shots however.

>> No.15214535


>> No.15214556


>> No.15214572

Xanax because it makes you a fucking retard

>> No.15214615

heroin doesn't ruin your looks, that's meth and alcohol

>> No.15214619

what’s more /fa/ than a crack party

>> No.15214655

based but its only downside is the bladder effect, nothing more effay than going to the tolilet 10 times a day

>> No.15214731

Cigs looks cool, other than that they're trash because of the smell and they fuck up your teeth.
Been taking Modafinil for like two years now (go months without it, and sometimes I take it everyday) it's a great combo with coffee.

>> No.15214734

t. never seen a heroin addict

>> No.15214860 [DELETED] 

Hash brownies. Even goodie girls are willing to try them and the high is insane, plus you won’t damage your lungs and smell like shit unlike bong heads.

Honourable mention for whippets.

>> No.15214863

Hitler's pilots were on meth

>> No.15214895

I live in a small rural town where the drug of choice for impoverished citizens is heroin. It most definitely ruins looks, along with destroys families. Incredibly self-destructive behavior might seem effay because 'muh nihilism', but you actually are just seen as a druggie fag if you do H.

>> No.15215854
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>> No.15216401

ok boomer

>> No.15216416

drink green tea brother

>> No.15216441

>why yes, I'm a complete moron and have ruined my life, how could you tell?

>> No.15216442

And now every airforce does the same

>> No.15216470

ok looser sorry you're not effay enough to snort heroin

>> No.15216584

why hasnt coke been mentioned? have any of you ever met a model? They all do coke

>> No.15216588

the most /fa/ drugs are probably psychedelics because they're actually the most assoicated with fashion e.g. tie dyes, hippie clothing, jean jackets, long hair, bell bottoms, etc.

>> No.15216687

acid is the only slightly fa drug

>> No.15216737

love some k at the peak of a roll.

>> No.15216741

Imagine your answer to this question not being LSD

>> No.15216742

Speed is cooler than downers. It's a warrior high.

>> No.15216748

also cringed at Grimes' tweet about defenseless jet, just speed or whatever. Don't do that.
also this is like teh first tiem i ever read her tweets

>> No.15216768

Did you just stumble into the wrong thread or...?

>> No.15216839

I know several models and they all do heroin, not coke

>> No.15216841

Best and worst nights of my life

>> No.15216855

>What's the most effay drug
Judging by looks of those who still look good on it it's MDMA. Definitely not coke or heroin.

>> No.15216857

MDMA is a normie drug. Don't get me wrong, great times and all that, but not most /fa/.

>> No.15216860

drugs are underclass
unless you are a warrior or a priest

>> No.15216871

/fa is underclass. Pure class does not need a fashion.

>> No.15216874

heroin is a shit drug , same as cocaine. you can have cocaine often and be okay, you cant have heroin often and be okay.
and having a bad day in heroin is not fun or fa .

>> No.15216882

I'm 22 but ok

>> No.15216908

kids that think drugs are fa never had a fucking overdose, never had their life ruined. the feel romantic about the idea of doing drugs they never did because they are all fucking day inside jerking off while watching shit movies and listen some fucking larper rapper
holy fuck this is so pathetic

>> No.15216910

I had about a dozen overdoses. for real. God was watching ove rme, I never contacted any shit thru needle sharing with my buddy or using strange needles from a downtown parking lot floor. I have been overdosed and woke up in a hospitla like a dozen times. What if I fell asleep for good? No, I owke up every time.

>> No.15216962

Thing is 'drugs' is a broad umbrella term for a lot of different things, from things that can be safely indulged in as long as you maintain self-control, like alcohol, to incredibly addictive body destroying things that very easily take hold of your entire life.

>> No.15216973



>> No.15217329

mdma is the most fashionable drug

>> No.15217372

i dont take ketamine but drink a lot of green tea and i have to 10 times a day on the toilet

>> No.15217399

codeine for lowkey habit without cognitive impairment

dxm and acid for tripping balls

weedlmao if you enjoy being retarded

>> No.15217441

weed is cringe

>> No.15217566

disposable income

>> No.15217621


>> No.15218246

It just looks and sounds cool heroine

>> No.15218293


> there can't be romance if people die

yeah i'd take a look at human history buddy

>> No.15219006

umad bro?

>> No.15219397


>> No.15219420

Find some wise investments you consoomer scum

>> No.15220217

have sex

>> No.15220928

What does green tea do with the bladder? mines fucked atm getting better with time tho

>> No.15220962
File: 64 KB, 543x960, 95646417_3227358083961881_2729328880543334400_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. people who don't know any models.

I've worked with a lot of models, and lots of them don't even drink, let alone do any hard drugs. There's quite a bunch that smoke cigarettes and if they do anything "edgy" they smoke weed.

>inb4 "B-but I met this model and they do coke / heroin"

It's not the 80's any more. Of course you might know of someone who does drugs, but most models do not do them in these days.

>> No.15220968


>> No.15222446

>rick owens poster

>> No.15222452
File: 345 KB, 636x720, 1572989700154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heroin is fashionable? Yea i guess a drug that robs you of your soul and makes you do reprehensible things to get your fix like sucking cock and letting a negro use your anus as cum receptacle is cool than by all means.

>> No.15222774

ok boomer

>> No.15222777

Heroin is the most /mu/ drug

>> No.15222785

This scene made me feel very seen

>> No.15222791

>drugs ruin your looks
>cigarettes and alcohol are good
okay skinnyfat teethless retard

>> No.15223124

Based and cigpilled

>> No.15223372
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>> No.15223377

large doses of pure amphetamine

>> No.15223481

this is based, and double dubs prove it

>> No.15223483


>> No.15224454

the most /fa/ drug is an unknown blend of cathinones purchased from a site based in the netherlands that looks like it was coded in 2003

>> No.15224625

>smoke the joker plant daily
>addicted to snorting adderall
>once was addicted to benzos for 6 months
>took 8g of shrooms
drugs are still the coolest shit out there to me and you're just a pussy

>> No.15224630

some k is definetely elegant
some c too

>> No.15224839


Ket is effay as fuck but its too unknown in some places

>> No.15224852

shrooms are effay because ego death is effay

>> No.15225218

cigs would be the most easthetic heroin is for retards just do lsd and nothing else

>> No.15225225

based herodose shrooms

>> No.15225549

>if you do drugs you have to do them irresponsibly like an american and die

what if I do it right and not OD?

>> No.15225611

most fa drugs were over the counter amphetamines of the 40s

>> No.15225616

everything else is gross, the way they smuggle them.
heroin is usually up some beaner’s asshole several times before it goes in your body, how you can get hiv just from doing heroin cleanly

>> No.15226128

>taking cringe shit like psychedelics and weed

the only fa drugs are crack and iv meth/fent

>> No.15226147

Cocaine and amphetamines because they give you good ideas. And even tho they might not be the best you'll be confident enough to rock it

>> No.15226265
File: 211 KB, 1200x1200, golden-teacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, It's these little guys

>> No.15226459

Shrooms are probably my favourite thing to do period, but I doubt they're more effay than acid. And the psychedelic crowd in general is fucking insufferable. Loons and pseuds talking about crystals and auras etc., pretending psychedelics give you some unique and open your third eye or whatever. And then there's the way they dress.
It would also depend on how you trip, I guess. I don't think it's very /fa/ getting absolutely floored in your apartment and occasionally mustering the strength to smoke a joint. At least that's what I do.

>> No.15226471

some unique insight*
but you get the point.

>> No.15226638

I've only done mdma.

>> No.15226663

mdma has been taken over by the basic plebs. Never mind that they usually get it powdered, it's still pleb by association no matter which form you opt for.

>> No.15226676

Heroin is a boomer drug

>> No.15226776

Because it's LSD

>> No.15226778
File: 214 KB, 1200x900, DlQ_x4aWsAIiRkE[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your answer isn't skooma, you're wrong

>> No.15226857

LSD is effay

>> No.15227067
File: 486 KB, 5166x4956, rs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vidya potions being effay
>potions not having also been contaminated by the actual LARPing crowd and assorted spergs
>not baiting
u wot? And besides, isn't it just something like liquid coke or speed?

>> No.15228086

Taking it at the peak is fucking retarded

>> No.15228158

disgusting thread

>> No.15228228

LSD is the cleanest drug. The afterglow rocks too, feels like your brain just finished a wash cycle.

>> No.15228259

not true... it’s synthetic

>> No.15228373

ok boomer

>> No.15228422

>most effay drug
Unironically just smoking a nicely rolled joint. Looks as cool as a cigarette, especially if you use a filter and hold it like one, the effects are mild, it's cheap, and it won't ruin your life.

>> No.15228432

not exactly. It has analogs that occur in nature

>> No.15228477

Drugs are fine in moderation, if you have god tier self control. Which almost no one does.
Doing them just to look cool is really fucking lame though.

>> No.15229087

I'm high on heroin right now, feels good

>> No.15230847
File: 35 KB, 550x367, good-coffee-in-the-morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all need god to help you

>> No.15231456

You've literally never seen heroin before, go fuck yourself.
Good, it's awful
Cigarettes make all of your white things brown and make you stink, not cool
Ketamine is shit tier, it's just a meme.
Drugs are based
It also turns you in to a ghoul

The coolest drugs are shrooms and weed. Get a dab pen, smoke a Backwood, whatever. Being addicted isn't cool, cute, quirky, whatever, it's disgusting.

>> No.15231495

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have referenced the United States of America when posting, but the country has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stay on topic when replying to posts on 4chan, unless the thread is about Americans! Referring to a nation of people when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always treat everyone as Anonymous, unless their nationality is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.15231776

Heroin is not the most effay due to the fact that you spend everything you have entirely on heroin so you won't afford clothing unless you are into homeless core fashion.

Drugs aren't effay but you can use druga to be effay.

>> No.15231782

Did it one time and didn't get the hype. Did I immediately want to try it again? Yeah. Did I though? Nope, I'm not retarded. It wasn't what I was expecting

>> No.15231983

Based and christpilled

>> No.15232021

Weed is the worst. Boring as fuck.

Ecstasy I enjoyed. Got me feeling like not killing myself.

LSD I just felt lonely and everyone was too far away.

Mushrooms didn’t hit too strong. Probably didn’t eat enough.

Addy made me hella talkative with the homies. We got to talkin about our hopes and dreams. Shits weird.

Cocaine most effay. Stabilizes me when drunk as fuck. I say the best things and don’t give a shit. Hitting lines with a baht from Thailand received from a lady boy.

>> No.15232347

ur so cool

>> No.15232460

It's coke, if not is some russian shit you don't even want to know exists, but your best bet is coke

>> No.15232566

I was addicted to drugs my entire adult life (24). Dropped out of college and have never held a job for more than a few months due to drug use. Also had a baby out of wedlock partly do to horrible decision making while high asf. Drugs will fuck yo your life, still /fa/ though.

>> No.15234044

Based and effaypilled

>> No.15234275

I love painting my homies on lsd.

>> No.15234444

No one said I was.

>> No.15234468

Psychedelics and hallucinogens. DMT, LSD, psilocybin, mescaline. Pot is good too but only if you don't make "I smoke weed" into you're entire personality.


>> No.15234488

>double dubs
it's triple doubles, checkem newfag

>> No.15234523
File: 150 KB, 615x825, tumblr_mt1s49BNhA1run7npo1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proper fishscale cocaine on actual symbolic celebrations (weddings, birthdays, graduations) is the best and most fashionable drug for both aesthetics & effects.

mushrooms are great for introspection lessons resulting in a better character, meaning better appearances as a whole; when high on psilocybin, you will look a [hot] mess (if you're attractive that is)

>> No.15234528

ok boomer

boomer take.

>> No.15234545

I'm 21; maturity shouldn't scream 'OLD'

>> No.15234552

boomer brain

>> No.15234617

Drugs have always and will always be effay.
But the average person doing drugs is usually not effay.

>> No.15234627


>> No.15234633


>> No.15234787

Reminder that in the current year LSD is "underage girl who fucks 22 year old guys and makes her entire personality about drugs" core

>> No.15234790

acid also causes irreparable psychological and brain problems in people who abuse it

>> No.15234795
File: 43 KB, 329x244, herbal mixture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is synthetic marijuana cyberpunk?

>> No.15234805

Synthetic marijuana is for the the type of underaged who wear DC shoes and think they're hard for losing their virginity at age 9

>> No.15234809

why would you wanna fuck your psyche up?
just smoke salvia, not that K2 shit

>> No.15234818
File: 222 KB, 1599x900, galore_mag_K2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both valid points, however, I personally think this is the most genius graphic design of our generation. imo k2 packets are better than any other drug art like acid sheet prints. truly effay.

>> No.15234820

Please don't ingest this shit.

>> No.15234830

acid sheets look cooler and don't contain substance that will give you death seizures

>> No.15235834
File: 160 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat-1393516696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horse is the drug worth taking

depression:happiness = happiness:horse
yes, it feels that good...

>very few physical side effects unless you're severely addicted
>cheap as dirt if you don't have a tolerance
>don't have to shoot it

For those of you who haven't tried it, here's an abstraction of what it's like.

Any problem you've ever had is gone. Long gone. Gone in such a profound way that you might not even be able to remember having problems. Has your life ever sucked? You can't really remember, maybe not. Tomorrow ceases to exist, all you wanna do is lay down... then you start nodding, sweet merciful Christ, that feels good. Now you get it. Now you get why people willingly, consciously destroy their lives for this, and it almost seems like a fair trade.

Then you're back, you wake up the next morning sober. You feel fine, great in fact, but you remember. And that memory will stay with you for a long time.

>> No.15235854

>i don't know what i'm talking about

>> No.15235914

daaaamn, nice double dubs, based newfag dabber