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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 611 KB, 2909x2794, 5U4MNkt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15213517 No.15213517 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate /r/mfa and the homogeneity of internet style.

>> No.15213523

This isn't even internet normie. It's even more normie than that. It's irl normie.

>> No.15213526

It's even worse than normie because they consider themselves incredibly stylish for spending thousands on bland, played out "quality basics". Makes me sick desu.

>> No.15213558

>they consider themselves incredibly stylish for spending thousands on bland, played out "quality basics".

I feel that's more of an internal thing though. If something is "basic", that decreases the chances anybody would actually know if it's nice/expensive or not.

Like the guy wearing a beanie and black t-shirt in the pic, Could 95% of people discern these items, even if they WERE expensive, from inexpensive versions of a black t-shirt or black beanie? Probably not.

Which is my point: if someone spends a lot on "basics", it's probably more for themselves because a very small percentage of people could even notice the difference

>> No.15213576

Fair enough.
I think my main grips is seeing the same sillhouettes, colour pallets, and items (CP's, margiela GATs, black trousers, leftist beanie, etc.) over and over again. Shit is boring and very uninspired.

>> No.15213578

fatass cope

>> No.15213584


I think it looks good desu.

but i can achieve the same look by getting all that shit from uniqlo and hm bahaha

>> No.15213590

Nah, I'm slim.
I like your fits, at least they feel somewhat like you created them.

>> No.15213638

yes its a cope, they dont actually have a style but by copping expensive basics they can feel elevated and like they have taste. its a huge waste of money and serves no purpose other than allowing them to temporarily get over their insecurities enough to feel superior to plebs who literally do not care at all about clothes

internet fashion is dressing up for people you will never meet, if that isnt the definition of fake and gay i don't know what is

>> No.15213753

Don't know how people who don't live in cities do it, but I take a lot of my inspo from people I see in my city. Hippy chic is big where I'm from and draw a lot from that. These internet fashion people spend far too much time comparing their fashion to others through a screen

>> No.15213766

based, and this place is the exact fucking same
dressing like a retard for nobody and/or following internet trends (appending 'core' to any way to dress like a faggot, etc.)

>> No.15213781


>> No.15213789

Fashion is a hobby for some people.

Wow, i know its unbelievable,

like are you really so fucking retarded and up your own ass that you think everyone who finds fun in fashion is just looking for attention.

>> No.15213920

fashion isn't a hobby u retard

also op's pic isn't exactly an image of someone having fun lmao

>> No.15214053

>fashion isn't a hobby

How is fashion not a hobby, you collect clothes, you learn about styles, you're literally on a discussion board about fashion, people are actively taking time out of their day to talk about fashion trends.

And i'd say a part of that hobby is putting together outfits, which can be enjoyable.

>> No.15214056

>dat ikea lamp
>t-shirts on a hanger

>> No.15214061

because buying shit and then talking about how you buy shit isn't a hobby

fashion is an extension of your lifestyle

people who say "they're into fashion" are fucking retards who don't get it

>> No.15214087

99% percent of people in any metropolitan area dress normcore/mallcore af. there's zero inspiration to be gained.

>> No.15214099

>if you act like you care its lame

Are you 16, or are you really just that far up your ass.

>> No.15214109



>> No.15214113

i have no idea how you got from
>fashion is lifestyle
>acting like you care is lame

do you not care about lifestyle?

>> No.15214116

Everything is lifestyle, but you get to choose what you spend time on.

>> No.15214120

is there a point there or?

>> No.15214125

cars are just as lifestyle as fashion for a lot of people, that doesn't mean you can't have car hobby, its defined by caring more to point where you take time out of your day caring about it.

>> No.15214134

are you stupid, you said fashion cant be a hobby, with your reasoning being, its a part of your lifestyle. im saying thats wrong, are you following

>> No.15214144
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>> No.15214145
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>> No.15214146
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>> No.15214149
File: 668 KB, 1372x2696, mfa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk why but this is my least favorite one. something about the colors make it worse than even the hairless leg guy

>> No.15214151
File: 2.68 MB, 2347x2554, epstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked this because it was 100% posted by jeffery epstein

>> No.15214173

I like it, but his hands look really soft.

>> No.15214180

what do mean by fashion here?

fashion and cars aren't compatible here unless ive misunderstood you a car is a physical object, fashion isnt quite so tangible

>> No.15214185

also the hobby part with cars is working on them, doing shit with the car outside of yourself just buying cars isnt a hobby

dressing yourself for the day isnt at all the same thing are you mending clothes? are you making clothes? i have a sneaking suspicion the other guy just meant buying and wearing clothes but caring a lot about what clothes you buy, thats not a hobby that's a time and money sink because youre a retard

>> No.15214448

There'll be people with decent fashion sense, you frequent the areas you might find people with a better sense of style?

>> No.15214457

this looks nice

>> No.15214461

yeah this ain't bad, dubs blessed too. Rest are pretty weird and off looking but you probably cherry picked them, didn't you?

>> No.15214462

Look at the camera you beta faggot

>> No.15214514

spent so much money to look like a clown. internet communities, not even once.

>> No.15214551

is coin collecting not a hobby then, because you don’t make coins yourself?

>> No.15214555

It's the fucking beanie making him look like a horrendous faggot

>> No.15214558

at least he isnt wearing high heels like that faggot jonah

>> No.15214578

and the cropped pants, and the eyebrows, and the pose, and...

>> No.15214596

/r/mfa has improved allot since 2014, this was the norm on fa a couple of years ago

>> No.15214624

This man is better dressed than 99% of dudes in any American city.

>> No.15214630

Compared to

this fit is miles ahead and everything except the shoes is great

>> No.15214631

Americans at least have money. Imagine how people look in places where 500$ is average monthly incoming.

>> No.15214665

OP is probably a fat and jealous poorfag.

>> No.15214681
File: 39 KB, 476x600, 1515858239053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i swear this board will make you re-re

>> No.15214694


Dawg you knew tho.

>> No.15214728

honestly this fit isnt bad, its just uninspired, but thats okay if youre somebody who just wants to look presentable. Theres nothing really wrong with buying "basics" that are more expensive if they make you feel nice. Personally, when I went from buying shitty hoodies to getting myself a reigning champ hoodie I felt pretty good, and even though nothing was visually different you can feel that there is one. Is this type of fashion creative? no, but if dressing simply is what makes you comfortable then you should do it. If you happen to fall within a certain style because of how you dress, its at least more genuine than trying to go for a "core" like all the other retards on this board

>> No.15214744

Reddit is so full of fucking faggots, fucking turned every male fashion sub into a fucking pro trans and women zone now half the fucking posts in a MENS FASHION SUB are WOMEN and FAGBOYS KILL YOURSELVES GOD DAMN

>> No.15214747

What a fag god damn

>> No.15214751

What a 20 year old boomer looking faggot, probably wears Stetson too the piece of shit

>> No.15214753

Still somehow less faggoty than americans, speaking as one

>> No.15214804

how triggered are you rn

>> No.15214808

jannies larping
maybe even hiromoot himself

>> No.15214821

those hats are for homosexuals and soys

>> No.15214915
File: 941 KB, 945x1413, W4HC7eg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twins, separated at birth

>> No.15214973

MFA is laughably bad but the WAYWT here are just barely a step ahead

>> No.15215004
File: 153 KB, 906x1359, 148AFBBD-B6E1-4F51-BFE5-ED6019AA2D1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, he looks good. I dont like skinny pants in general, but he looks fine. You have shitty taste and you might be trolling if you think he looks bad. I like how people itt dont spend any time or effort to show their perspective on truly UNIQUE and GOOD FASHOON. Kek, nothing changes.

>> No.15215089

Where do you look for tips?

>> No.15215328

why is this hard for you? buying shit is not a hobby

>> No.15215348

i picked them right out of their waywat thread that was up when i posted.

>> No.15215401

not telling bc dont want faggots like you fucking up my board

>> No.15215519

>What a 20 year old boomer looking faggot, probably wears Stetson too the piece of shit
What are you even talking about? His fit reeks of millennial. Look at his "heritage" workwear boots, dark indigo jeans, that shirt's pitiful collar with no roll, and that fucking jacket. That jacket is pissing me off. Not only is the color gross, but the hem is too short, the sleeves are too slim, and the gorge is too high. This picture is everything wrong with mfa rolled into one.

>> No.15215684

Coin and stamp collecting i'd say are two of the most popular reference points when talking about hobbies.

You don't Just buy random shit, you research into it, and discuss it. Your point just seems to come from up your own ass entitlement.

Theres a difference between just buying wine to drink and making a hobby of collecting fine wines.

Also at the end of the day you drink the wine, thats the core activity, like clothes at the end of the day you wear the outfit and the hobby is built around the discussion around this

>> No.15215692
File: 45 KB, 780x352, Screen Shot 2020-05-08 at 3.59.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this so hard for you.

You're just wrong

>> No.15215695

I'd say fashion is an interest more than a hobby. I think it's weird to say that people "collect" clothes.

>> No.15215696


>> No.15215699

sure but, replace clothes in that context and thats not what fashion is, that would be like clothing collecting

>> No.15215712

I don't think the argument is that he looks bad, rather that while the pieces might be expensive, the look is very uninspired. People would argue that one of the key elements of "fashion" is taking risks and experimenting. The issue is with people that dress in safe basic cookie cutter styles and then claim to be into "fashion".

>> No.15215713

>It's even worse than normie because they consider themselves incredibly stylish for spending thousands on bland, played out "quality basics". Makes me sick desu.

All that hate on basics comes from total misunderstanding that it’s impossible to advance forward.
Just think why start learning maths from basic operations rather than integrals, even they are more talented.

>> No.15215863

Dude almost all hobbies are extension of your lifestyle

>> No.15215874

Usually in poor countries people are still making some hand made garments, or are getting more classical stuff, and consider their clothes as quite valuable instead of buying a tee for a week

>> No.15216189

you can opt in and out of hobbies, you cant opt in and out of fashion u retard its something literally everyone does even nudists
being more concious about the clothes to the point youre spending hours insisting that talking about and buying clothes is 1. fashion 2. a real hobby doesn't make it true

>> No.15216210
File: 127 KB, 900x500, sapeur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15216287

by your logic anyone who drives is into cars and opting out of being a car hobbyist would mean never driving again.

Either way understand that you have a made up definition of hobby, and that also i understand your point of "fashion is different because everybody has to where clothes" it doesn't mean that people can't have the many activities surrounding fashion as a hobby.

Fashion is a unique hobby as everybody has to take part in it a little bit, but its not the only thing like that and doesn't mean you cant make a hobby of it

>> No.15216308

>opting out of bejng a car hobbyist would mean never driving again

i think you're conflating clothing with fashion.

cars are tangible physical objects
clothes are tangible physical objects
fashion is not a tangible physical object

>> No.15216310


>> No.15216469

how is driving a tangible object

>> No.15216503

you're still confusing clothing and fashion with this line of reasoning

>> No.15216719
File: 219 KB, 899x1200, 1586157537801 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see shit like OP and I'm reminded why I still prefer to dress like a millionaire nog

Fuck internet fashion

>> No.15216765
File: 1.11 MB, 3311x3600, bfa-10710-1299005-1501091804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so would you say you have a clothing hobby if you enjoy styling and talking about fashion

>> No.15216775

Raf lookin cute

>> No.15216969

>talking about fashion and enjoy styling

you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what fashion is, and barely a passable understanding of what constitutes a hobby

>> No.15217115

You guys are fucking retards. There’s some jack ass out there that comprehend basic English even though they speak it and there’s educated anons having the situation go over there heads because the autist is sincerely that stupid.

Thanks /fa/ you gave me a great laugh here at work.

>> No.15217125

Fit better than all 95% of /fa

>> No.15217246
File: 61 KB, 601x469, skinheads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its literally skinhead fashion, everyone dresses like a skinhead and they dont even know it

>> No.15217268

Those are hooligans, not skinheads you retard. Two of them not even shaved hrad but have medium short haircut.

>> No.15217284
File: 231 KB, 640x797, SladeSkinheads1969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a fucking retard, tell me what about them isnt skin. dont gotta have a shaved head, just cropped

>> No.15217298

yeah but these guys had higher testosterone and their clothes weren't made by chinkers

>> No.15217305

>working class people dress like the working class

Holy shit anon I think you're onto something

>> No.15217781

what did he mean by this?

>> No.15218067


>> No.15218153
File: 3 KB, 125x125, XDDDDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
