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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 68 KB, 640x640, 84176924_495243601417346_7644605694344739400_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15199067 No.15199067 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys remember the tripfag voldie?

Well she got a bunch of shitty tattoos and gained a shit ton of weight

>> No.15199101

Well if she hasn't killed herself she is still doing better than a couple of them.

>> No.15199516

is that the same voldie who was an fgc groupie?

>> No.15199536

hnnnng, imagine the smell.

>> No.15199621

she looks cool to me

>> No.15199890

yeah I rate it too.
whats her insta?

>> No.15199969

So you're saying a woman has father issues and hit the wall?

And the world goes round...

>> No.15200033
File: 484 KB, 376x579, ouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even know voldie tripped here too and not just on /cgl/.
But yeah the descent has been fairly painful

>> No.15201628

I like chunky girls, got any more pics? or maybe she has an ig or something?

>> No.15201660

Post her ass

>> No.15201680
File: 1.40 MB, 1064x1068, Screen Shot 2020-05-03 at 8.56.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some trips just only get more beautiful as time goes on

>> No.15201688

Post boipussy

>> No.15201690

she might be the only one that didn't get molested. she should let me molest her to become more authentic.

>> No.15201729

Lmao and you fruits give me shit for looking bad. These creatures are pig ugly. Gross.

>> No.15201757


>> No.15201758

Voldie more like brapp let me smell the foldie sniff sniff mmh pungent slampig

>> No.15201759

They're 4s and 5s, you're a 2, try again sweaty.

>> No.15201777
File: 838 KB, 831x473, hello thar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who just met a teenager that had run away from home because of the lockdown causing family issues for her and her violent Father.

Guess how desperate she was for cash?

Guess how she was a virgin?

Guess how I just got laid with a teen virgin for 20 dollars.


>my face right now

>> No.15201784

Why would I care if you shag some ugly whore?
Point is you're ugly and I'm in your head rent free

>> No.15201789

LOL this virgin incel rage. It's beautiful.

>> No.15201796

Post boipussy

>> No.15201804

>not keeping her as your coronabride for the duration of the lockdown

>> No.15201806 [DELETED] 

>getting busted with a 15 year old teen who has run away from home in my apartment

Lol nope.

>> No.15201813

works for muslims

>> No.15201817

Reported to local police

>> No.15201818

Hah yeah but I am not a protected brown person who can do whatever they please in the West. I'm just a white dude. male and white. The least privileged out of them all in a land my ancestors built. Oh well.

>> No.15201821

Nothing to report. She isn't with me now. I gave her 20 dollars so she could go back home :-)

>> No.15201827

Okay bud

>> No.15201850

pics from before she got fat?

>> No.15201854

wow. i felt this.

>> No.15201856

you look objectively worse

>> No.15201865

I'm a bald 40 year old man. What is their excuse?

>> No.15201867

if you guys just stop replying to Cecil he doesn't make more posts itt, if he does then seeing how no one is giving him attention makes his post attract a lot less anger. Just stop giving him his attention it's literally all bait, either that or the man is genuinely delusional and either way is not someone you should try communicating with in any way. Best feeling is when you see him realise he's made 0 contribution to the thread and not even the usual butthurt retards like you will give him attention.

>> No.15201872

Stop gatekeeping.

Yeah bro, I am "baiting" by saying they look ugly. I guess OP is also baiting as they are saying the same thing. How are people like you real? Take your meds, you sound like a schizo.

>> No.15202058

the weight is cute tbqh
>inb4 the resident anorexic gayboys seethe

>> No.15202088

cecil is the best thing to happen to this board
genx boomers are based and you should cherish their shit posting

>> No.15202090

why would i stop replying to him when he is legitimately one of /fa/'s better posters?

>> No.15202102

She’s cute. I don’t know what the fuck you incels are on.

>> No.15202247
File: 812 KB, 709x694, voldie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk man, I'm not even into sticc-tier girls but this is too much for me. The OP picture is pretty much the most flattering it's gonna get.

>> No.15202255
File: 117 KB, 1080x720, imagine being this hungry for attention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her IG is voldiee but she's been fat for a very long time.
Pic related is from 2013.

>> No.15202266


not even a slampig, just a pig.

>> No.15202274

low test fags step aside and let me smell her armpits.

>> No.15202295

>back boobies


>> No.15202296

these girls would be in your league if they were 30 years older and 50 pounds heavier