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/fa/ - Fashion

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15197157 No.15197157 [Reply] [Original]

Time for some truth bombs

>no amount of fashion will help you if you're ugly

>you can look like a literal hobo and still drown in pussy if you have a handsome face and /fit/ body

>> No.15197170
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>/fit/ body
you shouldnt want to have a /fit/ body but you should want to have a fit body

>> No.15197187

high body fat though will ruin any man no matter his aesthetic, if you are fat and think you're ugly you are unable to accurately judge until youre between 8 - 12 percent BF

>> No.15197189

The real truth bomb is:
>No woman will want you if you don't act like a man should act regardless of how you look.

>> No.15197211

>no amount of fashion will help you if you're ugly
That's simply not true.

>> No.15197234


>> No.15197236
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why do you faggots only think about pussy all day?

>> No.15197256
File: 253 KB, 600x536, virgin and chad laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still trying to please women in 2020

>> No.15197444

Because it's the only constant from hundreds of thousands of years of human development.

You no longer need to hunt for food or seek shelter, but you still should seek a mate the same way your ancestors did.

It's the only natural thing we have left in modern society.

>> No.15197521

t. anorexic faggot

>> No.15197566
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>you still should seek a mate the same way your ancestors did.
but why? not trying to be mean, i just dont see the point of it in the long run..
aren't there enough people in the world? why make another soul be born in this backwards hell hole? where the only certain thing is suffering and death

>> No.15197571

>but why?
In order to lead an enjoyable life instead of posting on 4chan.

>> No.15197579

Appearance is important, sure, but look at a good chunk of models. They look ugly as sin, but they still are chosen to represent the fashion world.

>> No.15197584
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>anything more meaningful than leaving your offspring and ensuring the memory of you lives on

>> No.15197588

just because you find a mate wont make you have an enjoyable life.. if that was true then most of the world would be happy

>> No.15197596

>just because you find a mate wont make you have an enjoyable life
It may not, but it will definitely put me a lot closer to an enjoyable life.

>> No.15197607

i wont care how im remembered if im dead lmao
also most people dont care about their lineage past the grandparents most people have forgotten about their great great great... grandfathers/mothers and so on - and so will all of us be forgotten eventually

>> No.15197611

Maybe but knowing that people care for me dearly would make me happy

>> No.15197622

Really? why do you think it will? what are you gonna do if it doesnt?

>> No.15197642

As a former incel I can confirm that my life improved a lot when I found a serious gf

>> No.15197799

They aren't ugly though

>> No.15197814
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Even bigger truth bomb is that even good looks wont help you. Despite all the memes about how women care only about looks, it's the alpha personality that matters. You can dress like a hobo and look like you have been getting hit in face with a shovel for past 15 years but Chad personality still tricks women into being attracted to you.
>But what about those robots that watched couple of youtube dating tutorials and still got BTFO when they approached women confidently?
There is difference between pretending to be confident/manufacturing your personality artifically and being genuinely confident, likeable Chad.

tl;dr - There is literally nothing you can do. Of course, getting fit or buying decent looking clothes helps a lot. But at the end of the day its about your personality - Why do you think /fit/ or /fa/ are full of people unable to find a gf?

>> No.15197845

how do I fix my personality I'll do anything to escape this nightmare

>> No.15197864

Pray tell, what should a manlet wear?

>> No.15197873

Fuck if i know. But i stopped being a friendless virgin and got a serious gf after I started going to uni and moved far away from my hometown. So i would say doing drastic changes to your life makes your personality change naturally.

>> No.15198781
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I literally look like travis fimmel but with dark brown hair and brown eyes, I dress effay, but I'm still not drowning in pussy because I don't try. Women won't come to you no matter how good you look, even if you're rich, because if you were you would be hanging around rich circles, if you're autistic to talk to them, don't worry there will be at least 10 other rich guys to do it instead of you, and your dick will remain dry even if your wallet is full. Nothing can help you if you are a pussy and lack balls to talk to a girl or if you're autistic.

>> No.15198804

another truth bomb, if you're not funny, you're kinda fucked. a lot of girls no 1 personality trait is BE FUNNY, if you have retard humor you're not gonna get any girls. you may be ugly but if you can get a girl to genuinely laugh thats already a pretty good start.

>> No.15198808

they'll all forget you anon, your memory will die unloved, cope.

>> No.15198813

glad u made it, treat her nice.

>> No.15199338



>> No.15199475

Breathing is natural isn't it? And walking? Those are two other "natural" things besides seeking a mate "we" have left

>> No.15199476

If leaving offspring is the most meaningful thing, why are there so many absentee parents out there? Also if you're dead a person having a memory of you won't affect you one way or another because you can't perceive anymore. And even if you could it'll be an imperfect memory cus it's just their perception of you. And you'll leave memories on plenty of other people besides offspring throughout your life. And they'll all be dead in a couple hundred years so any memory of you would be completely gone no matter what.

>> No.15199477

Quite a cringe worldview anon. Negativity breeds further negativity. Embracing the tenets of nihilism is an active effort of masochism. Why do you enjoy suffering so much? Do you fear the concept of happiness itself? Would it invalidate you in some way?

>> No.15199479

Sure dude, eating and doing drugs is more meaningful than anything, we get it

>> No.15199480

Where'd I say that?

>> No.15199482

You're implying that nothing is meaningful since we'll die anyway and we should just exist to satisfy our basic needs of hunger and rapid dopamine rushes

>> No.15199484

Did you read the post I was replying to?

>> No.15199492

Yes. Then I'm not sure what you're implying with
>And they'll all be dead in a couple hundred years so any memory of you would be completely gone no matter what.
What is meaningful to you?

>> No.15199504

Many things but I don't believe having children is the end all be all most meaningful thing in a persons life. Too simple of an answer for such a complicated question

>> No.15199508

Having children just for the sake of having children is not what I mean.
Having a child, raising it right and contributing to the building blocks of society is more accurate