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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 536 KB, 1182x1336, 20200427_214432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15185114 No.15185114[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can I be effay even if I used to be a boy?

>> No.15185117

*still are a boy

>> No.15185123


>> No.15185129
File: 11 KB, 394x373, hekwman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why? A friend told me that dress looks cute on me.

>> No.15185135

Only if you pass so well that not even other trannies can tell.

>> No.15185149

Some say I pass but I'm not sure if they're just hugbox

>> No.15185154

Post face, unironically.

>> No.15185237

But I'm kind of ugly :<

>> No.15185243

Then you aren't effay, sorry.

>> No.15185251

Trannies are disgusting.

>> No.15185254

You will always be a man and you will never fool anyone

>> No.15185259

Ok I'll post it cia unsee just promise you wont post it here

>> No.15185277

>those arms of a man

>> No.15185306

Im wearing makeup with filters. Pls be nice

app (dot) unsee (dot) cc (slash) #ea17cb47

>> No.15185439

link is already dead. not sure what you want me to do here

>> No.15185446

Heres a reup

app dot unsee dot cc slash #a3a83ba4

>> No.15185462

>app dot unsee dot cc slash #a3a83ba4
...aaaaaand its gone

>> No.15185504

app dot unsee dot cc slash #7fc0a144

>> No.15185520

>app dot unsee dot cc slash #7fc0a144
its hard to tell how much the filter is doing. I'd say you'd pass but you're just not a very pretty girl. That's ok though. Most girls aren't all that anyway

>> No.15185526
File: 164 KB, 1366x768, 1562035907080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do us all a favor and end your life

>> No.15185562

Im happy with that :>
Thank you for calling me a girl. Here's another pic if you can be bothered
app dot unsee dot cc slash #ff63ce5d

>> No.15185577

yikes bro.

Jesus FUCKING Christ I hate trannies.

>> No.15185590

Then probably not. They gotta be shocked that your not a biological girl.

>> No.15185593
File: 1.06 MB, 640x360, 1588040124001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfaoooooo wtf is thattttt. You aren't fooling anyone

>> No.15185603

Am I that bad? Maybe hrt after a few more years will help. Also Im short (5'7) if that helps

>> No.15185612

Someone just post a pic here already. I need to fap.

>> No.15185618


>> No.15185619

That's not short for a woman. That's moderately tall.

>> No.15185628 [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x1400, 6f10b31917328ab782d61ce9ab20f4a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fap to this

>> No.15185637

Well I'm fine with short guys even shorter than me. I find them cute.

Please dont :<

>> No.15185656
File: 139 KB, 670x271, TRUMP on trannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a sad state what all these trannies look like in 2020. You AGPs used to be pretty good in the past, what happened?

>> No.15185673

Do I really look that bad? I know im not pretty but at least I am trying really hard and look like a girl.

>> No.15185680

Or you could stop being retarded and accept you will never be a girl.

>> No.15185700

But ever since I was a kid I am meant to be a girl. Even if I try to become a boy, I'll just be a failed man.

>> No.15185730

>Even if I try to become a boy
You are and always have been a guy. If you try to become a girl you will still be a failed man.

>> No.15185733

Yes and while this attack was definitely in part directed at you, my scope is the entire generation, hence my mention of trannies of the past. There used to be guys that genuinely passed and made countless young men question their sexuality, what we have today is poor emulation of hyper-femininity that ends up a mockery of women. It would honestly be sensible to become a drag queen, at least that way you can indulge entirely, without the false pretense of "succeeding" in being a woman.

>> No.15185742

Just post your girlcock so I can coom already

>> No.15185832

Didnt get to see it and np.

>> No.15186826

u look cute anon, but I am biologically xx and would get hate for wearing that.

>> No.15187024

Where are your clothes from? They're cute

>> No.15187283

Are you back? I can reup it.

Thank you :3
You're a real girl. I think you can wear it better than me.

I just bought them at a local online store. I search for Korean style.
Here's my OP pic with my face
app dot unsee dot cc slash #f06c6855

>> No.15187320

you are a real girl too anon.
fuck these bullies. they need to die imo

>> No.15187324

you’re a real real woman and prolly prettier than me, you’re strong and I admire you anon.
ur clothing choice is really cute and classy. most women do not dress with class

>> No.15187328


A lot of people need to die, anon, all in good time.

>> No.15187330

This. Where did the hate towards tranners started on /fa/?
I bet those haters are all gays who can't get a decent straight guy and just settle for other STD ridden gayboys while cute tranners actually are being dated and married by straight guys.

>> No.15187335

yeah, she’s also really strong and level headed for not insulting them back. she’s intelligent and took the high road.
people who are born a different gender than what they actually are, are literally god/goddess like. they take all of this attention, sometimes negative, and judgment and still radiate grace and positivity.

>> No.15187337

ofc you can! Trans rights

>> No.15187338

>still radiate grace and positivity.
Plenty of trans people are toxic and mean.
Being trans doesn't automatically make one a good person.

Also, OP literally asked for this attention. They are not a victim here.
They put themselves out on 4chan and willingly invited criticism.

Stop being such a goober you samefags.

>> No.15187343

maybe they can come off as toxic because they are misunderstood, maybe a lot of negative comments and energy is projected at them and they don’t deserve it

>> No.15187356

Nope, OP is good.
And though you've raised some valid points please don't try to blanket-defend trans people as a whole, people of all types can be shit.

>> No.15187357

Lol, no.
The LGBTQ+ community has plenty of genuinely toxic people. I'm part of it, and have seen them firsthand.

Being trans doesn't make someone special. It doesn't make them good people. It means nothing for the quality of their person.
Personality is not the same as gender identity or sexual orientation. If you think it is, you're stupid.

If you really want trans equality, then stop putting it on a pedestal and just treat them like normal individuals, yeah?
You wouldn't give this kind of special praise to a cis woman. If you're so sold on trans women being equal, then treat them the same way.

>> No.15187366

assuming this is not a larp, you didn't need to start a new thread. this would have been fine in waywt.
to answer the question, you can probably be fa. i think the top would be better without the print. if you are just starting out, stick to solids and branch into patterns when you've got that down
gamergate and election tourists, as with the rest of this site
also, feel free to not fight transphobia with homophobia

>> No.15187368

I don’t think it is the same, I wasn’t trying to put her up on a pedestal really. I jus read some of the comments and was disgusted and wanted to defend her, because I would want someone to do the same if that had happened to me

>> No.15187377

you do not look bad damn. You look hot. these people are just ingrained with boomer stigma against exotic people.
do you need me to show you how ugly I am? lol u hot dude

>> No.15187418

You are a boy, hence your giant hands, no hips and wide shoulders.

Now fuck off attention seeking tranny.

>> No.15187429

fuck u boomer idiot

>> No.15187482
File: 21 KB, 739x415, uak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thanks you're making me blush. I doubt you look ugly. Maybe even cute. Yeah if you can I would like to see you as well.

Sorry bout that. I'll post next time there. My only inspiration was try to be modest and cute with my outfits.

>> No.15187681
File: 749 KB, 1440x1373, Screenshot_20200429-173911_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

,>giant hands

To tell you the truth im super ashamed of them. If only theres a way to make them smaller more feminine like this pic. Im trying to lose weight but even then they might not get smaller. My goal weight is 110. Currently 120lbs at 5'7

>> No.15187709

So I noticed a pattern with transfaggots.

That clown looking vieo nigger did the same thing until we chased her off.

They will literally post dozens of anonymous posts all telling them how beautiful and brave and fierce they are and how transphobia isn't cool. Check the numbers. Literally everyone who isn't calling him a disgusting ugly freak is OP. Vieo was infamous for doing it.

Look, 20 negative comments, 20 posters.


Look at this pathetic loser, has to keep telling himself "you're pretty, you look like a girl" over and over again through different posts until he believes it. But it's a delusion, youre a freak and you don't go outside because you cant deal with the smirks, the whispers, the people avoiding you like the plague, service industry people trying like fuck not to crack up when they talk to you. Because you loom like a clown... men dressing up like women has been one of the oldest comedy tropes that has existed in all cultures, every culture on earth finds it hilarious.

And here's the best bit - since every tranny creates 20 different accounts, it's not acceptance by 10% of the world, it's acceptance by 0.5% of the world, 20 times over. Almost nobody finds you attractive, almost nobody takes you seriously, the 0.5% who do are just super loud about it.

The worst part is, you can't go back. Youve destroyed yourself with drugs and surgeries. Have you ever seen someone who tried to re-transition? They look like a leprechaun or elf, their look is deranged and non gender, they look like deformed men or boyish bearded ladies. The only - ONLY solution is to isolate yourself from everyone until you finally muster up the courage to kill yourself. Suicide is the only option to save yourself from the hell you've created for yourself. Can't delude yourself forever.

>> No.15187713
File: 54 KB, 1080x125, NOTABLE-00010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.15187716

No because you were never a boy to begin with :)

Also if I were you I wouldn't come here for support. No amount of logic or reasoning can convince a bunch of angry men with a very base level understanding of the biology of sex and gender that you are valid. I wish you the best and I'm sorry on behalf of the other anons here. You don't deserve to be called disgusting because of the way you were born.

Cute fit btw.

>> No.15187746

If you post to wawyt, pls include your shoes in the fit pic.
Also look up nao in the archive for inspo. You should be able to find an infograph

>> No.15187751

>post count goes up
>poster count stays the same
>samefagging this hard

Give it up freak, nobody here thinks trannies are normal or natural.

Honestly about 99% of posters see you for the deformed weirdos you are, the only reason more don't waste their breath is because if you haven't listened to the people who care about you and dont want you to permanently disfigure yourself, why should you listen to us?

>> No.15187838
File: 698 KB, 1440x1527, Screenshot_20200429-193709_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm not samefagging and not even that anon. Im sorry that I look like I wanted attention. I didnt want to make a bad connotation. I know Im not attractive nor never will be thats why Im asking for advice to at least try to look pleasant with cute outfits and other things I can do.

Anyhow, I do know that people around me care for me like my parents. But I know that if I continue the path they want for me I would end up getting messed up even more. Just by seeing the damages done by testosterone on my body makes me suffer. I wish I would have started taking hrt at a young age. Because I might not loathe myself more than what I have done.

>> No.15187918

look at this duuuuude

>> No.15187927

>nooooooo you're supposed to reply to my negative posts and kill yourself this isn't fair
based attention whore tranny doesn't care about negative posts and keeps self-redpilling

>> No.15187937


And you’re still a man.
For your sake I hope you can at least somewhat pass, and don’t dress like a typical tranny retard

>> No.15188022

Fuck, you're right, I wouldn't have noticed this myself, up until your post thought there were actual simps for another dude on this board.
Still I don't think telling OP to kill himself is the right thing in the end, after witnessing this thread, he seems to already suffer a pretty sad existence.
There seems to be very little ground between validating their disease for social justice points and calling out for their death after witnessing depraved and evil shit they are capable of. And then there's the silent majority who fear to speak their mind lest they be socially or even economically punished for not playing along. However at the very bottom of this there are people with a textbook mental illness crying out for help and I believe the improper reaction and treatment of these people, as well as their abuse for political purposes will be regarded as one of the biggest crimes against humanity of this century.

>> No.15188084

Would you marry a tranny if they proved to be your best partner? You could just adopt some tykes from Russia if you both wanted.

>> No.15188089

based (on fact)

>> No.15188091

lol no, why would I want kids that aren't mine and a person who isn't the sex they wish they were?

>> No.15188184

>Would you marry a tranny if they proved to be your best partner?

I would but its not allowed to marry a tranny in my location. Best bet is to just cohabit and hire a cute surrogate mother. The child will be my biological child.

>> No.15188247


>> No.15188317

it does

>> No.15188541

Anyone who saw pic of op and post it here in this thread?

>> No.15188556

you really dont, dude

>> No.15188576

Does she look really bad?

>> No.15188586


>> No.15188664
File: 23 KB, 136x318, 1575286235824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not OP, faggot

>> No.15188669
File: 6 KB, 135x150, 1570281813666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw it. Have a screenshot too. Dont feel like posting it.

>> No.15188679

>Have a screenshot too. Dont feel like posting it
Based good samaritan, anon

>> No.15188787

Yes of course, but as with absolutely everything else in life being trans makes is much harder. Stick at it though because the potential rewards are very great.

>> No.15188806

It's okay to lie to yourself, but do you have to lie to poor OP as well?

>> No.15189414


>> No.15190025

Read the post nigger, I said that these were the only people who weren't samefagging.

This is the reality. 20 years ago trannies would be beat up and ridiculed. Now it's illegal so everyone just avoids them, except for that 0.5% who are super vocal about how they think it's sane or normal. Trannies always will be disgusting jokes

>> No.15190073

trannies are fine its all those fake genders you have to worry about. people wanting to get all the sympathy points trannies get without going through any real struggles in life.

>> No.15190151
File: 519 KB, 700x516, 1580679407672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based and severely autistic. Trannies on suicide watch

>> No.15190200
File: 122 KB, 573x921, LADY COMING THROUGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chased her off

You didn't chase me off. I started posting on /lgbt/ to be among my people, plus, I work long hours. There's only but so much time in a day.


Thank you for gendering me correctly.

Here. Have a picture. Straight out of the shower and Dove soap fresh. <3<3<3<3<3

>> No.15190221

fuck, I was eating!

>> No.15190289

Post it please. I bet she's qt as fuck

>> No.15190299

Fucking why. I thought black people didn’t get mixed in this fucked up shit. Come on senpai, not being a faggot is one of the last few virtues of the black community.

>> No.15190302
File: 28 KB, 637x483, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15190306


>> No.15190308

Please tell me you have body dysmorphia. There’s no way you wake up in the morning and look at yourself and say “lookin’ gud” cuz if you do you’re fucking delusional. No amount of hormones or gay ass falsetto with fix that my negro.

>> No.15190313

That is one disgusting nigger but I bet OP is even more disgusting. At least he has the good sense not to post pictures of his ugly faggot self

>> No.15190316

Congratz you killed the thread faggot

>> No.15190703

I have her pic and she's pretty cute

>> No.15190773


then post it you fucking fag or fuck off

>> No.15190784

>calls me a fag
>wants a picture of a tranny

>> No.15190798

it's not gay to fuck trannies, faggot. it is only gay to be a tranny

>> No.15190800


trannies aren't welcome on /fa/, dude

>> No.15190801



>> No.15190810
File: 322 KB, 1240x1933, perfectwoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you fagget.
Trannies now look better due to plastic surgery

>> No.15191143

>that fridge body
>that manly chin even makeup couldn't hide
Whatever makes you COOM is good enough for you, eh?

>> No.15191351
File: 234 KB, 750x547, 1580475349649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she's cuter than your gf

>> No.15191424

kek. I never thought Id see the day that this tripfag would pull off this kind of post.

>> No.15191431
File: 3 KB, 101x99, 1567057781417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fags really want this pic huh?
and no, its not >>15190200

>> No.15191482

Please don't post it. I'm OP

>> No.15191514

Yes true