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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 356 KB, 484x588, rina_sawayama_styling_item-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15172333 No.15172333 [Reply] [Original]

why is /fa/ so slow?
do people not care about fashion anymore?

>> No.15172334

because you are being a pedantic bitch

>> No.15172340

Rina a cute

>> No.15172342

MFA is the new fa
Kinda sad

>> No.15172414

All fashion sites are slow during quarantine.

But /fa/ died a bit as 4chan completed its transformation into a far right site.

>> No.15172417

this is a very exclusive and elite group

>> No.15172479
File: 766 KB, 1728x2160, air max.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of all black sneakers? I just bought these because I work at a pizza place and do some prep stuff when I'm not delivering.

>> No.15172480

not necessarily against them but i feel like all black sneakers usually take away most of the interesting contrast in shapes. don't feel negatively about them but the 90s look better in most other colorways imo. you've got a valid reason to buy them though

>> No.15172490

>completed its transformation into a far right site.


>> No.15172491

I agree with you. Yeah they're basically just work shoes but I want to look as effay as possible.

>> No.15172523

/pol/ took over a few years ago. They've been contained again, but it's too late. Everyone that cared dipped.

>> No.15172525
File: 116 KB, 500x537, nazis-watch-out-memes-orm-15225167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autistic communist "just wear what you want" bullshit is way more toxic than /pol/tards ever were. Also, those "fash inspo" type threads were definitely started by leftists to turn /fa/ against /pol/. They probably did eventually attract actual retards from /pol/, though, I'll grant you that.
I remember how they began, when I didn't just instantly hide them, they were definitely not actual /pol/ guys. You could talk to them and they wouldn't pass.
So, either it was a leftist psy-op or maybe it was some gay dudes that just like wearing SS uniforms during butt sex and never even lurked /pol/.

>> No.15172539

we are.....kinda in the middle of an pandemic right now? the world is going to shit and maybe the 2 biggest superpowers are going to war? you know that, right?

>> No.15172540

go back to twitter dipshit retard

>> No.15172542

you should grow up and understand -why- its perfectly reasonable that not many people are caring about fashion right now.

>> No.15172546

There was a while where you couldn't have a thread without it devolving into /pol/ shit. Killed any semblance of discussion on the board.

>> No.15172548

nah its not about that its how u talk ik ur a loser

>> No.15172554

and you sound like an melanin enriched individual with a very low IQ

>> No.15172559

bro u use -this- and end sentences like this?

>> No.15172561
File: 17 KB, 600x300, BxHCA1wCMAAFZdG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being an autist just because I dont type like you, how about you focus on the content im saying

>> No.15172572

you are retarded lol

>> No.15172585
File: 5 KB, 298x169, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're probably just not used to seeing people you disagree with.

>> No.15172588

The crowd of people who enjoy fashion have left the site because it's become too political.

>> No.15172589
File: 941 KB, 1496x906, rina_sawayama_styling_item-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uniqlo queen

>> No.15172593

Where's your evidence that it wasn't simply that places like instagram got enough traction that they became superior places to post?

>> No.15172597

There's no data on this so all we have is conjecture. Artsy people are usually left or apolitical.

>> No.15172608

FUCK, hate it when you destroy a quick reply by accidentally hitting backspace.
I don't buy it. I think claims to the contrary are probably leftists trying to co-opt /fa/ like they have been trying to do for years.
/fa/ used to have a SUBTLE right-wing presence and it pissed leftists off that this board wasn't like /co/ or /lit/.
/fa/ is actually conducive to right-wing opinions because lefties take on board shit like anti-bullying and fat acceptance.
This was a place where you were unwelcome if you were too fat, too ugly, or too dumb to construct objectively good fits.

>> No.15172620

i dont know about the history of /fa/ because I only started here some years ago. 4chan however is historically left. so it only makes sense to believe some of them would have moved on by now.

>> No.15172626

It's fuckin 4chan, literally no one agrees here. Don't be a faggot and ignore the discussion.

>> No.15172630

fuck the discussion.

>> No.15172633

>4chan however is historically left
This isn’t necessarily true. 4chan is just edgy and contrarian. This is why /pol/ is such a strange phenomenon because you have people who unironically advocate for things that were considered mainstream just a few decades ago like healthy, two-parent households and monogamy.

>> No.15172635

>4chan is just edgy and contrarian.
exactly, and 12 years ago that meant being gay

>> No.15172638

>4chan however is historically left
I haven't been on the site long enough. Is this actually how it was for the old oldfags? Or is it revisionist shit because I never see people agree on how it was back then

>> No.15172640

>do people not care about fashion anymore?
When did anyone care about fashion on /fa/?

>> No.15172645

There’s a difference between advocating for homosexuality because you unironically want to suck dick, and doing it for the lulz and making pearl clutching soccer moms upset. Now the whole paradigm has reversed and you get people who ironically LARP as crusaders and nazis lumped in with people who genuinely feel that way.

>> No.15172653

Even when you had the lefty shit, people would still call each other niggers because it’s the one socially unacceptable constant that has remained true ever since the civil rights movement. Niggers also didn’t have internet access back then because they’re completely dependent on Web 2.0 and iPhones.

>> No.15172668

yeah fair points. but the thing is now the site is legit political, not contrarian. so that would drive people away

>> No.15172686

This website isn’t inherently political. You can say anything you want. For whatever reason, a lot of people on the website seem to be intrigued by the idea of fascism. If you don’t like it, you can try to persuade them that it’s actually a dangerous ideology or something. Have you tried that?

>> No.15172688

of course its not inherently political, but the vast majority of the posters consistently express far right ideas. it's unavoidable. and some anons really dont want to argue about fuckin donald trump or niggers or jews or whatever the fuck all day. and so they simply leave and then their resistence diminishes even further

>> No.15172690

All discourse (even shit posting) is inherently political. Your ability to say anything you want here or anywhere is built on political action.

>> No.15172694

stop being pedantic.

>> No.15172695

But this is just a platform that allows for shitposting. Like I said, the website isn’t inherently political. It’s literally just a platform that a lot of people seem to know about.

>> No.15172697

If you can’t take the heat, then get out of kitchen.

>> No.15172699

absolutely. many people left because you guys are so annoying. find it cute how you call it heat though like you're tough or something lol

>> No.15172714


>> No.15172717

you're not offensive or dangerous. you're annoying

>> No.15172719

You have thin skin

>> No.15172720

oh really? how so.

>> No.15172724
File: 95 KB, 798x461, 4234232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15172725

You resort to shaming tactics instead of confronting people directly and explaining to them why they’re annoying. That might work on Facebook or Reddit, but it doesn’t work here.

>> No.15172728

omg rina is so cute

>> No.15172730

im not interested in combating your ideology or politics. i just want to talk about about alexander wang and cute models w/o someone screeching about jews

>> No.15172732

>the heat
It actually is just fucking annoying. Almost every board got overwhelmed with /pol/ spillover so it was hard to talk about anything else for a while without someone bringing up niggers or fags or whatever and derailing the conversation. Eventually people who aren't super interested in being a Nazi are going to go to other communities based around their hobbies because they're simply better places to discuss them.

>> No.15172737

So it's not about not being able to take 'the heat', it's about having no interest in it. A good board about hobbies isn't going to involve having to contend with Nazis on a mission to rile people up every ten minutes. Some of us aren't interested in those arguments.

>> No.15172745

>if you can't take the heat get out the kitchen
this fucking guy lmfao

>> No.15172746

lmaooo that’s true he sounds like a reddit boomer

>> No.15172749

>melanin enriched

>> No.15172819

Effay died the day casemods left this shithole

>> No.15172824

>lmaooooo XDDDd

zoomers were a mistake

>> No.15172880

If 2008 is an oldfag then I am an oldfag. I would say anon is more correct saying "4chan has always been contrarian" than anyone saying "4chan is left" or "4chan is right."
I don't remember 4chan ever being political back in the day. It was like... What is going to greatly upset the most amount of people? That is what 4chan is about.
(excluding animal cruelty, 4chan would go after people like that.)
Then what started to happen was the easiest marks in the world were SJWs.
Imagine discovering you could drive people on the internet to near-suicide by saying:
>there's only two genders
from that point onward the art of trolling shifted towards the art of saying things your granddad believes.

>> No.15172884

Then there were two big events, among others, that unironically made a lot of 4chan guys right-wing.
*The Trayvon Martin case. ie. Seeing how leftists would simply lie about it.
*Gamergate. ie. Seeing how leftists would lie about that and how they wanted to ruin muh vidya.
Gamergate by itself means you can't ever really say 4chan is left-wing, unless by left-wing you mean some obscure branch that would prevent tranny weirdos from ruining game development.

>> No.15172886

uh oh we got an old fag itt

>> No.15173487

>do people not care about fashion anymore?
Unironically this. No one gives a shit. Giving a shit was popular for years, now it isn't.
>completed its transformation into a far right site.
News exposure in 2015-16 led to an eternal summer. 4chan hasn't been "far right" since, though it arguably never was. There are unironic trannies around every corner now. I doubt this had a noticeable effect on /fa/, which was already a faggy board.

>> No.15173763

it's not inherently connected to politics, but this board especially has gone to shit since it gained a ton of (mostly underage or retarded) users around the 2016 election. there were always fascists around, but they didn't come to the site because of pepes in maga hats and epic twitter memes--maybe it was something about the old web culture or anonymity philosophy or edgy reputation.

maga teens showed up, tricked into this board because again they're either young and just got enough disposable income to buy their own streetwear, or dumb enough to want to be a cool rebel alt-right chad in navy blue suits and ill-fitting milsurp. everyone else gave up.

the furthest 'left' it ever was was ron paul libertarian. no one's believed in that kind of thing since 2015, and the ones who claim to are just outspoken pedophiles