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15171008 No.15171008 [Reply] [Original]

skellingtons summoning accelerated weightloss from the nether edition

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.15171037
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>good face
>dress skateboard/metal
>chubby, got fat this last few months
>8/10 gf and have cheated on her multiple times with hot girls

I can only imagine being thinspo

>> No.15171038
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what was the longest you guys ever fasted?

>> No.15171059
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Anyone here have experience using:


to suppress appetite/accelerate weightloss, so far I've only done ECA but I'm considering trying out the others

>> No.15171066

Stick to caffeine, it's the safest and it's really all your should need.

>> No.15171070

I'm basically immune to stimulants though, I can drink 10 cups of coffee right before bed and sleep just fine, then go a week without it and have zero side effects

I'm on like double the standard ECA dose after slowly increasing it over the course of months and I can barely feel it, zero hint of any side effects

>> No.15171143

5 days

>> No.15171146
File: 7 KB, 302x167, E527A6F6-E661-4E04-85A4-9B5F37126336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you develop discipline?

I binge eat every day and have rapidly gained weight. I keep digging myself into a deeper trench because I heard that you can only gain a max of .5 pounds a day so I just say fuck it when I overeat and it turns into a crazy binge that makes my organs and heart hurt.

Fasting, keto, whatever I can’t stick to it for even a day.

>> No.15171150

have taken dnp, EC and clen.

took 750mg DNP daily for 21 days while protein fasting (because I'm such a macho tough guy I wanted to lose as fast as humanly possible.) well I would say it worked because I dropped over 30 lbs scale weight in a month, and I had low water-weight going into it.

however, the only time I would recommend DNP would be if someone told me "I need to lose an extra 10-15 lbs on top of what I can possibly lose by starving myself, and I need to do it within the next 25 days." let me be clear that it works. it is absolutely the most powerful product available for losing dry body mass. but the side effects can be life-ruining and there's no way to really predict whether or not you'll be hit by them since the compound is so poorly-studied. permanent nerve damage and cataract formation can result from even casual use of DNP. in practice the only people I can see this being useful for are bodybuilders who are already on a lot of steroids and want to get below 5% body fat while retaining lots of muscle mass.

ALSO, if you overdose, you die a very painful death and not even the ICU will be able to save you. and it's quite easy to accidentally OD on DNP.

even for people who want to get very skinny: you can do it without DNP.

>Stick to caffeine, it's the safest
ephedrine + caffeine is just about as safe and it's what I would recommend to people trying to lose fat (not that i'm a medical pro or anything). don't expect miracle results though, other than the appetite suppression you'll see improvements in metabolic rate of ~10-15% which could mean .5-1.0 extra lb of weight loss per week. it'll also mobilize fat, ie you'll lose comparatively more fat than muscle with an EC vs without

some people are stimulant nonresponders. but even if you aren't feeling the appetite suppression, the thermogenic effect of an EC stack (increased metabolism) is still likely going to be active

>> No.15171152

please get fucking therapy instead of posting here and on /fit/ 24/7 and threatening to commit suicide on stream

>> No.15171155

>How do you develop discipline?
if you ever find out a silver bullet for this, write a book

>> No.15171173

Fat person with a fat person brain

>> No.15171177

>I keep digging myself into a deeper trench because I heard that you can only gain a max of .5 pounds a day so I just say fuck it when I overeat
uh well.... I hate to be the one to tell you this but that's not true
I could gain 3 lbs tomorrow if I really wanted to. I could gain a lb in the next hour. human metabolism is pretty good at storing excess intake.

>> No.15171178

yeah you're right, I don't need DNP, I'm not trying to get ultra lean and I can just fast a bit more, I can always just do more cardio instead of risking life ruining effects. It's just that DNP before and afters always look amazing and then you get the guys on /fit/ who act as if there's zero risk if you dose it properly. Thanks I needed this reminder.

>some people are stimulant nonresponders. but even if you aren't feeling the appetite suppression, the thermogenic effect of an EC stack (increased metabolism) is still likely going to be active
yeah I've definitely noticed faster than expected weightloss on ECA which I wasn't expecting at all given that it's only supposed to be a small increase.

>> No.15171180

8 days water when i was fat, 3 days water when i was skinny, and 5 days with hot chocolate so not really a fast when i was underweight, i get so lightheaded when i try now

>> No.15171185

not true.

>> No.15171186

eat 3 healthy meals a day up to your maintenance calories instead of using fad diets as a replacement for actual discipline, and include foods you binge on for after your meals in proper portions (e.g. 2 oreos instead of a whole packet). you're only asking this repeatedly because you don't want to put in the actual effort it takes

>> No.15171219

Why did you cheat on her?

>> No.15171230

yes, it is true. first of all if we're just talking about "weight" strictly defined, I could go down a liter of water in the next five minutes and gain 2 lbs in front of your eyes.

second, unless you are shitting your food out undigested, your body is either metabolizing it or storing it. for context, one pound of dry (water-free) body mass corresponds (very) roughly to 3500 kcals of intake. there are extremely obese individuals (600 lbs +) whose resting metabolic rate is over 4500 calories/day, so they obviously aren't having any issues metabolizing and storing their 4500+ kcal intake. some elite athletes (the most famous example being Michael Phelps) intake over 8000 kcals / day during main training phases just to fuel their workouts.

unless you're telling me that it's "not true" that I could eat 10,000 extra calories before sundown tomorrow in which case I'll have to inform you that you're sadly mistaken

>> No.15171245

>you can only gain a max of.5 a day

You couldnt be any more wrong, even 5 year olds understand weight gain better than you

>> No.15171291

Why do you keep returning here to complain, you literally ignore the advice given to you in every thread

>> No.15171351

5 days

>> No.15171436

can anyone recommend an ensure alternative that’s both dairy & sugar free? i need something convenient post-quarantine

>> No.15171463

Sugar free chai tea + almond milk is amazing.

>> No.15171481

you clearly don’t want to change if all you do is deflect helpful advice people give to you, and you may not be able to change until you hit rock bottom and one day you’re 350 and regretting all your choices. Either way you’re angry and failing and out of control, maybe you should drink only water for a day just to piss yourself off.

>> No.15171515
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black tea with coconut milk is neat

>> No.15171679

obese kid with depression until my 20's, started my few kisses and such at 17, started clubing and dating at 19 and got so much better looking and "cooler" and im almost 21 in my second relationship and after being a dumbass dealing with ex for so long, i chose to have a stable thing with my mess arounds sometimes, its all for my ego and self confidence, im fucked but im happy and dont mindm just feel like i missed all the teenage love and am making up for it

>> No.15171940

> fasted for so long you’re not even hungry anymore

We reached nirvana

>> No.15171975
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for how long are you fasting already?

>> No.15171983

24 hours, hunger has numbed completely

>> No.15172009

hopefully it won't come back

>> No.15172018

Meanwhile I’ve fasted for 29 hours and haven’t lost shit. Feels bad man

>> No.15172043

scale weight is an illusion
unless you've been braindead for the last 29 you've been metabolizing more than you've been taking in
have faith in the first law of thermodynamics

>> No.15172073

But how will I know I’m making progress if the scale doesn’t show it?

>> No.15172166

>scale weight is an illusion
yeah maybe my scales are broken but i get different results on each of them.

>> No.15172170

the mirror? though i guess it wouldn't be visible after just 29h of fasting.

>> No.15172228

caffeine + aspirin + self respect.

>> No.15172282
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Uhhhh, woke up with bile in my mouth.

>> No.15172288

i once dry fasted for 76 hours followed by a 24 hour water fast for a total of 100 hours consecutively. It really wasn't that bad, just cold and I got bored pretty easily.
I refed on veggie broth and some peanuts, but my mouth felt tense and tingly immediately. I think I started eating normally too quickly, going back to normal the following morning. The next week I was terribly bloated and had watery shits and had heartburn. That part sucked, but 3rd day dry fasted morning skinny is absolutely beautiful.
I'm not anorexic anymore, but being thinner than I was for most of my anorexic days, I'd love to fast for a bit just to see how fucking pretty my body is with such little hydration

>> No.15172348

Please don’t ever reproduce

>> No.15172358

Don't know how to deal, anons.

My boyfriend cheated on me with this fat fucking whore. She's so overweight, whenever I think of her I can't stop imagining them having sex and it makes me want to vomit. I don't know what to do. I can't believe this has happened.

>> No.15172363

Beat her in her own game and become even fatter than she is.

>> No.15172366

cheating doesn't do any good for anyone or anything in the world

>> No.15172367

Maybe he likes a thick fat warm pussy instead of a cold rotting one that smells like coffee beans lol

>> No.15172370

Like, how fat? What is your weight and what you think hers is? Reference pic?

>> No.15172396

Trust me, you'll regret this in few years OR you're a sociopath who doesn't care, either way, please break up with her, you're involving someone else in your mess that probably doesn't deserve all the pain.

>> No.15172489
File: 225 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_2020-04-24-07-14-29-258_com.zerofasting.zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still going strong. Slept pretty well

>> No.15172558

just installed the app
i don't get it, whats the point?

>> No.15172570


this. day to day and hour to hour weight are complicated, you cannot expect to weigh yourself the day after fasting and see something that accurately reflects how much body mass you've lost.

weight is something that can only be observed at the scale of a week at minimum

as in all things, patience.

>> No.15172576
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It's nice seeing your progress slowly increase. It also helps you track how long you've fasted for and you can write down notes for how you felt during the fast. It's just comfy.

>> No.15172584 [DELETED] 

2 week water fast.

Currently going for 1 week dry fast into 2-3 weeks water fast.

Not fat I'm more naturally muscular and did football/wrestling growing up. I just see myself slipping away due to quarantine.

>> No.15172590

>1 week dry fast
Isn't that the absolute upper limit of how long someone can dry fast for assuming that they're completely motionless and don't sweat?

>> No.15172751

>lose 20kg
>face still fat


>> No.15172767


>> No.15172790



It's not surprising, but im still shook

>> No.15172801
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the girlfriend in question:

>> No.15172891

My ass and legs are fat and ugly, what do I do?

>> No.15172946

I have to be <19.5 BMI for my face to slim out, anything over and it looks massive and bloated, my chin fat disappears only at 18.5 BMI. It's probably because I used to be overweight so have more bodyfat than most people at the same weight? Like not enough muscle, idk

>> No.15172959

im too picky on the girls im with, has to be atleast 7/10 and always skinny lol

>> No.15172976

The girls must be mentally ill and ugly af outside of your delusions. No way is a real 8/10 settling for a lazy fatass 4chin who dresses like a metalhead aka every neckbeard ever

>> No.15172997
File: 170 KB, 1080x726, Screenshot_20200423_161509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha me too anon, im so skinny, bmi is 32 and these girls cant get enough of me, im sorry you to have settle for 7/10 because the 10/10 are spending their time with me

>> No.15173028

Flexing imaginary girls is pointless now, because even if they did exist, you can buy their onlyfans for £5 instead, cucks be out here spending money on girls and getting freindzoned while you can see her nudes for cheap

>> No.15173029


Sounds about right for me, ~66kg left me pretty slim and I've gained decent amount of muscle since so hoping that it won't take too much longer

>> No.15173031

it’s not ur fault, anon

>> No.15173035

ok virgin

>> No.15173040

It mustve been their fault if he resorted to sleeping with a fat girl, it was his last resort for whatever anon had done

>> No.15173486

im surprised how much less i can eat without hunger when i actually make an effort to drink water, its so true dehydration feels like hunger. i bet the obese binge eating spammer doesnt drink enough water and just eats when hes thirsty

i drink about 3-4L now, not forcing it at all but thats how much i need across a 15+ hour day, the standard 2L is too little, my skin is even dry when i drink 2L but it's soft now

>> No.15173506

I fucking wish water suprised my appetite, I drink like 6litres a day some days and have to replenish electrolytes and I still GET HUNGRY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.15173513
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What bf% will give me a sharp jawline and skinny cheeks?

>> No.15173520

it's all genetics
some people have puffy faces at low body fats, some people have lean faces at high bodyfats

>> No.15173550

well at least if it's ice cold it's increasing your metabolism

>> No.15173555

true true
bonus points because I drink iced black coffee, so even bigger metabolism increase

>> No.15173563

None, its genetics

>> No.15173570

t. degenerate

>> No.15173621

Bought slimmers World korean noodles for the meme, will post a out of 5 rating, right now, looks like alot of food for 600 calories

>> No.15173797

I need to run or cycle but I feel so lethargic. Berate me.

>> No.15173830

who else weighs themselves before, during, and while they eat, just so they feel so ashamed that they’re unlikely to eat next time they’re hungry?

>> No.15173870

I would do this before and after basically everything, so I am glad I don't own a scale.

>> No.15173873

No, because im not weak minded/willed and just dont eat it in the first place

>> No.15173877

Stop talking about bmi, retard, concentrate on bodyfat percentage, that makes way more sense on an individual than BMI ever could, retard faggot mouthbreather

>> No.15173879

is that your post number or your weight
fucking lardass

>> No.15174053

I think I burned 60 calories from laughing at this reply alone

>> No.15174192
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>last year I hit my highest weight of 200g and resolved to finally lose it
>started doing alternate day fasting
>after a few months I lost over 90g and hit my ugw of 87g
>ever since quarantine I've been beiging like a maniac
>I. CANNOT. DO. FASTING. ANYMORE. Resolve's been shot.

I weigh 176g now fellas. How do I shift this excess 50g? I can't stick to fasting like I used to. But I'm so scared of reverting into what I once was again.

>> No.15174201
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>I weigh 176g now
I wish I could say the same.

>> No.15174204

You’re 0.338 pounds?

>> No.15174205

Omad of 500-800 calories

>> No.15174218

So guys Ive fasted for like 3 days and im losing alot of weight just asking for some help, are there any exercises to reduced man bobs i have 3 kgs more to lose but my tits arent going down
im 5'11 and 74 kgs

>> No.15174220

> so paranoid of gaining weight that your average meal is now a cup of kale splashed with apple cider vinegar

What has my life come to

>> No.15174225

Welcome to the winner club.

>> No.15174227
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3/5, the sauce was strong so you couldn't taste the vegetables, but i guess thats the point if your target demographic are obese middle aged women

>> No.15174228

Calm your tits, it doesn’t happen overnight. The best way to eliminate them is to lose significantly more weight or to bulk them up into pecs. If you’ve been overweight for a while it might be excess skin but that’s worst case scenario

>> No.15174231

looks pretty good desu. How much does it cost?

>> No.15174250

thanks dude I didnt meant full fasting im just not eating breakfast

>> No.15174259

How much water weight does an obeseanon (me) typically have?

>> No.15174272

Got 2 for £5, but think they're £5 each normally, very filling

>> No.15174314
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damn bro, same.

>> No.15174531

AFAB (androgynous)

>highest weight
134 I think
>lowest weight
114.5 as a teen. I really loved being 115-120
>goal weight
115 again
>preferred method of losing weight
Restriction and it helps tremendously for me to do OMAD
>aesthetic you're going for
andro like Jude Karda

>> No.15174535

Forgot the actual question I have.

Is it going to be harder to get to this weight as i age? :(

>> No.15174565

uh yeah everyone's metabolic rate decreases slightly with age. doesn't mean it'll be impossible though

>> No.15174593

Just say you’re a tranny pussy

>> No.15174618

I’m not trans I am just androgynous and was born female for reference

>> No.15174631

No woman refers to herself as an assigned female at birth then says she’s androgynous instead of simply saying she’s a woman

>> No.15174635

It’s so that you understand my build and my goals

>> No.15174636

what does your androgyny have to do with losing weight

>> No.15174641

I have a hormonal imbalance that means I have more testosterone in my body than most women? What is so hard to understand here lol

>> No.15174646

ou people are so deluded pizdets snap out of it

>> No.15174655

Wow, great insight anon. Very profound.

>> No.15174665

chop of your tits take some androgel and start calling yourself Elliot

>> No.15174704

Androgyny and fashion go super hand in hand I don’t wanna be a man lol

>> No.15174705
File: 155 KB, 634x1011, 51D8CE37-C18F-44C9-A94B-6A819A4F9200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay to binge on the weekends

>> No.15174708

It’s too late I’m already sucking your dick

>> No.15174722

Yeah anon it’s encouraged to keep a good diet :^)

>> No.15174751

How do I stop obsessively checking the scale? I do it right after I eat and it’s just to make myself feel like shit and punish myself for eating. I do it at least ten times a day

>> No.15174763

Change the impulse into an impulse to drink water

>lose faster

>> No.15174874

absolutely despise the insomnia i get from restricting it's almost 4am and i'm wide awake for no reason

>> No.15174877

not really, i think metabolism is overstated and people just use aging as an excuse to get lazy or maybe they're not as active, then they blame their age but the amount of calories they need to eat to lose weight is basically the same as someone younger

>> No.15174885
File: 207 KB, 750x1188, IMG_0717.PNG.8eb43d3e1b8406bca2176c521c79702f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jude Karda looks malnourished. Don't let yourself go too far.

>> No.15174898

Just dont eat you ugly trannies, eat nothing and you will get thin its not hard retards, we dont want to see your chubby body

>> No.15174935
File: 3.09 MB, 3024x3263, 20200424_231334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we dont want to see your chubby body
do I have potential?

>> No.15174962

I agree about jude’s body. I want to get /almost/ there. I think to look like Jude at my height of 5’8” I’d need to be 90-100lbs and that’s too far to sustain without being in pain

>> No.15174965

A towel head post? Fucking time machine

>> No.15174995

Wide boy

>> No.15175020

No, your beyond help, just end it all, no one will realise your gone

>> No.15175039

eh, it’s not genetics. anything under 17 you’ll start to notice a difference. it is also age.

>> No.15175047
File: 1.92 MB, 1575x1575, E31EEAF4-09FF-4BBE-9118-E299E435B228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think I should lose a lil more?

5’10 and 44kg

>> No.15175054
File: 169 KB, 1060x1287, tumblr_p8jofrSWUu1w39xsxo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much water should I be drinking a day?

>> No.15175055
File: 515 KB, 1600x1309, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you share any recipes that you use when you are not fasting? I do not have that kind of determination so I just stick to eating healthy. I've already reached 103 kg (227 lbs) from a starting point of 88 kg (194 lbs) in just a little under a month. I know that most people in here have fetishized fasting but in my research I found out that in most cases it doesn't work out long-term if you begin to eat normally again right after. Anyways, I am not here to judge since I know that some or most people in this thread might not be in total control of their eating habits. I hope you achieve your end goal at some point, good luck.

>> No.15175057

No, you look great.

>> No.15175070

1 - 2 eggs
1/2 - 1 cup chopped spinach
big pinch salt
big pinch pepper
pinch garlic powder

You can do whatever you want with the eggs really. Fried, scrambled, omelette, whatever works. Just add the spinach on top of whatever you're doing once it's in the pan, and cook it accordingly. It'll cook down so it is less big. It's decently filling. You can always add more eggs or spinach too, cooks basically the same.

>> No.15175328
File: 223 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_2020-04-25-07-17-33-864_com.zerofasting.zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still going strong.i was pretty close to breaking yesterday but I feel better now. Fucking food waiting for me in the fridge is driving me insane.

>> No.15175350

Name of the app? Btw gg.

>> No.15175355

I do half my weight (in pounds) in oz a day.

>> No.15175368

There is already a book written. It's unironically called 12 Rules for Life. I know, Peterson is a meme at this point, but that doesn't make him wrong. Man with a "why" can endure any "how". You need to find your purpose in life. Once you know your purpose you can cultivate discipline. Then you can finally be free.

Citation: I quit smoking and lost 180 lbs and I'm down to 15% body fat and now working on adding muscle.

>> No.15175369

Zero and thank you

>> No.15175433

that's some seriously impressive work. before / after?

>> No.15175575

>we're just talking about "weight"
where? On Planet Earth? or the Moon, weight is hihghly dependent on the celestial body on which you are standing. To be more precise, coom-coom you should be talking about MASS.

>> No.15175582


>> No.15175587

It doesnt work out long term because people dont learn to eat "normally", they go back to their old binging habits that made them fat in the first place, they dont eat "normally" after fasting, they binge

>> No.15175600

Wide shoulders, you look like a male desu

>> No.15175602

No, you have really bad genetics, no matter how much weight you lose you will look bad, bad bone structure, wide hips and shit shoulders, your genetically doomed anon

>> No.15175604

Its not wide shoulders, its just really wide hips

>> No.15175642

You should gain minimum of 10-15 kg. This ain't healthy

>> No.15175644

You are fucking retarded

>> No.15175688

>you think I should lose a lil more?
no, you look ok

>> No.15175700

Imagine being so bad your bf gets with a obese girl, there must be something genuinely wrong with you anon

>> No.15175837

if you lose more it'll be unsustainable and you'll probably binge and gain more weight than you are right now so no

>> No.15176001

>t. coomer

Imagine defending behaviour as degenerate as cheating.

>> No.15176042

There was obviously a reason he did it, he could've got with a average or skinny girl but no

>> No.15176050

how do you know he could've? maybe he's desperate because he's ugly and fat which is why his skinny gf doesn't want to die by being crushed underneath him, who knows

>> No.15176059

He left and destroyed a relationship with his "skinny gf", if hes got a nice gf he probably isnt fat and ugly since she was with him, he cheated because shes obviously not a nice person

>> No.15176065

>maybe hes desperate fat and ugly

Ironic coming from the desperate fat ugly Internet white Knight

>> No.15176129
File: 239 KB, 1280x915, tumblr_nydus590GM1qbqy6wo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might sound weird, but I enjoy the physical feeling of being hungry. The slight wooziness with the belly ache feels good, and I don't consider myself to have an eating disorder

>> No.15176136

That's how I felt when I weighed 100 pounds.

>> No.15176212

I had to hit like 11 to get flat cheeks, but for some guys it's easier and they can get it at like 16

>> No.15176233

Post body

>> No.15176264

damn im also 5'8'' 128lbs. i want to cut down to 120 but idk if im ever gonna make it

>> No.15176266

is this girl thin? my brain feels so warped at this point i cant even tell anymore. like would the average person look at this girl and say shes thin?

>> No.15176270
File: 1.87 MB, 1025x1509, 1586649271855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thin but doesn't look 44kg 5'10

like pic related is 5'9 and 60kg

>> No.15176332

don't listen to these faggots, you already look great

>> No.15176410

yes that is thin in the western world in 2020

>> No.15176419

Fucking Christ mate, good job

>> No.15176425
File: 2.67 MB, 3024x2832, 20200424_235935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, you have really bad genetics, no matter how much weight you lose you will look bad, bad bone structure, wide hips and shit shoulders, your genetically doomed anon

my mother tells me I'm handsome lel
maybe I fast down to 16 BMI so I can join you guys in your /fa/ thinspo club. what do you think?

>> No.15176431

If your current diet causes you to gain that much in a month, then you should be uprooting it completely. Because it’s definitely not normal.

My favorite recipe is a mock cobb salad I came up with (well, it’s not really a Cobb salad anymore lol.) You need just some baby kale (1 serving is an entire box, and it’s only 40 cal), some diced turkey from a quarter breast, cut up some straw berries, put in a hard boiled egg, sprinkle some Parmesan (about a table spoon) and voila! It’s about 250 cal depending how much you add on and it’s incredibly filling. Salads in general are a very filling and healthy alternative, they also taste great. For reference, I lost 15 pounds in a month eating 1 salad from culvers a day (roughly 450 calories), so even processed salads can help you lose weight (but don’t eat them exclusively)

>> No.15176432
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Nuff said

>> No.15176434

Sure, if you wanna look like a man lol

>> No.15176462

Babe, stop! You need help. You have anorexia. Concerned about you.

>> No.15176476


What the fuck

>> No.15176482

Sad old man

>> No.15176513

What’s the issue?

>> No.15176529

3/4 of the ingredients is the issue

>> No.15176539

It’s not even that far away but it is a very hard gap to bridge especially if you want to be muscle sparing.

I have built a bit of muscle since I was 115 (I was p much anorexic then so my body composition sucked and corrected itself through years of health and activity)

But the good thing about trying to lose mostly fat is it means every pound looks more significant and you don’t just look like a smaller version of the same thing

>> No.15176547

Lmao at this teen who hangs out in anorexia threads all day long every single day. Sad!

>> No.15176558

why lol. What’s wrong with that combination?

>> No.15176575

Sad old man

>> No.15176826

Because it’s not a fat fucking greasy burger that contains half your daily intake in one sitting lol

>> No.15176886

>250 calories

Thats pretty far off, thats atleast 400

>> No.15176960

She's skinnyfat. That's why your brain is confused. She looks like someone chubby who weighs 65 kg, only on a smaller scale. Hence the confusion.
She's also lying (conversion problems?) about her height and/or weight.

No! You need to start exercising. You look exactly like I did when before I started working out, so you're probably just 1 month away from your goal. Muscle is more dense than fat, you'll get smaller really quickly, you could probably even gain 1-2 kg of muscle and still look skinnier. c:

>> No.15176974

yes, the average person would say she's thin. she doesn't have much muscle compared to fat and that's why your brain is steering you wrong. >>15176960 is mentally ill

t. scrolling past page 1, not anorexic

>> No.15177011

I'm literally saying the same thing as you faggot

>> No.15177041

>1 cup kale - 10 cal
> 1hard boiled egg - 78 cal
> 1/2 cup of diced turkey - 128
> 3 chopped strawberries- 18 cal

>> No.15177057

The cheese is calories aswell

>> No.15177067

What cheese?

>> No.15177068

You can’t make it if you don’t believe in your self

>> No.15177072

t. degenerates

>> No.15177084

I'm going to eat nothing but apples for 7 weeks. It's this a bad idea

>> No.15177088

Nah do it

>> No.15177095

Try 1 week and see how you feel

>> No.15177099

Maybe you get on /fit/ instead and stop trying to become a woman

>> No.15177115

gotta cut the fat and get the muscle breh
don't wanna bloatmaxx

>> No.15177134

Fair enough man but 16 BMI is way too low. There's no need to go below 20

>> No.15177142

20 bmi is fat, not even skinny fat

>> No.15177143

we shall see, we shall see
my genetics journey begins... now....

and good luck to all of you lol, best of luck hitting your goals and please don't put yourselves in the emergency room or an early grave :)

>> No.15177169

Delusional. I've been at 17BMI and looked and felt like an african child, except not black. There is no reason for a physically active man to be under 20 bmi.
Don't develop ED

>> No.15177230
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>> No.15177240
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>> No.15177247
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>> No.15177254
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>> No.15177282

Do you guys sleep well? How much do you get a night? Do you ever have trouble falling asleep?

>> No.15177297

I sleep well depending on how much caffeine ive had

>> No.15177303

i wanna eat chicken nuggets and mac and cheese and poptarts

>> No.15177309
File: 138 KB, 827x1034, 1586459565456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is here any good weight loss supplements for burning fat fast? i work a graphic design job so i dont get out often. i need to burn as much fat as i can. if its avalable in europe the better.

>> No.15177321

hydroxycut (?)
also meth or crack lol

>> No.15177327

If you don’t eat for a month you will look like any of these girls. Once you get there food is unappetizing.

Stop thinking that it is hard to have a body like this.

>> No.15177344

How to feel less tired?
I’m hardly eating in general for like the last 6 months, just dinner only really and I’m not thinspo but I figured I might as well carry on and do it because I like getting leaner. Weights flying off rn it’s weird, hoping I can get some nice hollow cheeks or something.

>> No.15177350

Are you living in Italy?

>> No.15177372

If youre not willing to work out you deserve the fat

>> No.15177412

I know this seems obvious but coffee coffee coffee. It is so much more helpful than you realize. It’s the only way I can get through 48 fast. Keeping yourself constantly hydrated with some celery to munch on and apple cider vinegar is great for appetite suppressants and quick boosts of energy

>> No.15177482

Coffee always does the opposite and makes me really sleepy and tired

>> No.15177545

It’s because you’re dehydrated while drinking it.

>> No.15177570

Can someone explain the Apple cider finale meme to me

>> No.15177762

Goals honestly, nice body

>> No.15178252
File: 100 KB, 960x769, 1575643973802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros why can't I do it? I just want to look like this so bad

>> No.15178296

At my lowest weight I slept like shit because I was always hungry and wanted breakfast.

>> No.15178299

It's mostly a meme, vinegar in general reduces blood sugar and ACV make reduce appetite because its nauseating.

>> No.15178316

How the fuck are people fat. I couldn't imagine living in this body. Simple tasks would feel impossible

>> No.15178339

Ephedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin "stack" has been proven beneficial.
Maca and Ashwagandha can help too, no idea if they're hugely beneficial to weight loss, but increases in libido and testosterone would imply so.

>> No.15178341
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twink detected.

>> No.15178530

Fasting/weight loss is known to badly disrupt sleep, theres nothing you can really do about it, when i did 4 day fasts my sleep was out by about 10 hours, it was impossible to sleep unless i got so tired my body just forced it

>> No.15178564

Sorry but, this is a girl? Looks like a skinny boy

>> No.15178592

Hes got bigger tits than the girls here

>> No.15178625
File: 888 KB, 3937x1574, 1577840933832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're a boy with gyno

>> No.15178713

He's still got bigger tits than the blonde earlier

>> No.15178765

>supplements for burning fat
caffeine + ephedrine (often trio'd with aspirin but the aspirin hasn't been shown to be effective for non-obese individuals, or at moderate doses)
yohimbine + caffeine
ice cold water, if you want to count that as a supplement

>supplements for burning fat FAST

>> No.15178797

I like drinking it but that’s just because I’m weird

>> No.15178856

what do you mean by stack? like all of them at once?

>> No.15178866

How to burn fat fastest

Dont eat fatty

>> No.15178867
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>> No.15178919

This sounds dangerous and will probably fuck up your kidneys

>> No.15179012

i take magnesium glycinate before bed and it helps me fall asleep, at first it actually made it even harder but whenever i don't take it now i'm awake all night. it's an electrolyte that's why. i also put potassium salt in my water while restricting bc it's an electrolyte i don't get enough of otherwise

>> No.15179020

it's only dangerous if you're a stimulant hyper responder AND you have a pre existing heart condition AND you OD on it

DNP is the only genuinely dangerous weightloss drug, and even then most people who take it are fine.

>> No.15179035

why aspirin?

>> No.15179041

I keep hearing about this drug but have never been able to find it. What exactly is it

>> No.15179044
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>> No.15179046

basically it makes energy production really inefficient, thus massively (x1.64) increasing the "CO" part of CICO

however it also makes you hot, really really hot, and if you take too much for your BW and/or eat too much you will literally cook to death

on top of that it's extremely poorly studied and causes some people to lose their eye sight and sensation. It's just not worth it imo.

>> No.15179051

>but have never been able to find it.
because it's illegal and dangerous and causes cataracts and nerve damage

it fucks with your intracellular biology so that your cells waste some of the food/fat/muscle they burn for energy, which gets expelled as heat instead. the more you take, the more gets wasted. take too much and you waste all of it and you die a painful death in the hospital

>> No.15179067

is it easier to restrict with low cal foods like rice cakes, oatmeal, soup throughout the day or do a bigger omad in the evening with just coffee for breakfast and lunch? has anyone tried both and can say which was easier? it seems like most people in general do the former

>> No.15179081

it depends on the individual, I definitely fall into the latter camp except I OMAD in the morning, try both and see what works best for you

>> No.15179082

how do you not be skinnyfat? don't you have to gain weight to build muscle, so then she'd just be fatter?

>> No.15179099

what's your omad like what do you eat

>> No.15179107

usually some hard boiled eggs or a steak
manage to keep it up for about a month before I broke down and binged so now I'm maintaining, still lost a good deal of weight

>> No.15179144
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lost almost 5lbs in one week by fasting every other day and eating abut 1000cal the other days . probably just water weight though

>> No.15179202
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Most thin people like it too, or consider it a normal part of life. The difference between a thin and a fat mindset is that thin minds enjoy/ignore hunger and only see it as a small reminder that they need food. Some thin people just forget to eat, that's how little it means to them. Fat minds think hunger is them dying and can't bare it for more than 20 mins. They're obsessed with food.

>> No.15179203

Water weight is still weight

Good job, anon

>> No.15179212


>> No.15179214

Is it normal to gain weight rapidly when you take a break from fasting? I normally eat 500 calories a day but yesterday I broke and did 1300 calories. Now I’m two pounds heavier than I was yesterday. Is that normal?

>> No.15179253

Water weight + weight from the actual food itself

>> No.15179264

How do I break the laws of thermodynamics?

>> No.15179271
File: 55 KB, 720x720, F2357E16-B48A-409C-9990-2F9A967A3E78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this cutie in an ED thread on twitter

>> No.15179300

Is he 11 or 50?

>> No.15179305


>> No.15179308

>eat my OMAD while reading the thinspo thread
>have been losing weight ever since

>> No.15179344

Am I getting any health benefits by fasting from 12 AM until 12 PM or is the time frame way too short?

>> No.15179388

zero carb omad

>> No.15179409

shut up, retard.

>> No.15179418

does anyone know why: when i was fasting i could walk around outside for literally 5 hours and not feel tired, and when i got home i wasn't hungry?

but when i eat normally, i feel sleepy as fuck and don't want to do anything. wtf?

>> No.15179467

Omad was easier for me, less of a ballache

>> No.15179473

You sound like a skinnyfat

>> No.15179475

do you stop being skinnyfat by losing weight or building muscle.........................

>> No.15179507

My BMI is currently standing at 28, please call me a fat fucking pig.

>> No.15179516

you fat fucking pig!

>> No.15179519

Sb make a new thread

>> No.15179530
File: 303 KB, 1280x1600, EUxuOcbXYAIZbW8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 and a half days was the longest i managed to fast until now. I'm going to do a 7 day fast again starting tomorrow. No excuses this time!

>> No.15179535

>to do

i meant try

>> No.15179542

Is that a boy or a girl

>> No.15179547

looks like a boy to me

>> No.15179555

cute then

>> No.15179568


>> No.15179595

Lose weight, you dont want to be fitfat, a skinnyfat with little muscle so you look even fatter

>> No.15179597

We dont need to, the bmi calculator you used already did it for us

>> No.15179602

how do you even get to the point where you’re tipping the scales near overweight? Put down the fuckin fork already piggy. You have no excuses

>> No.15179620

Fat people are slobs and weak willed in general, notice how the only ones who get thin are the ones who are actually nice people

>> No.15179624

fasting induced cortisol and noradrenaline

also maybe ketones

>> No.15179637

skinny = low muscle low fat
skinnyfat = low muscle moderate fat
fat = low muscle high fat

ottermode = moderate muscle low fat
normal = moderate muscle moderate fat
dadbod = moderate muscle high fat

ripped = high muscle low fat
strong = high muscle moderate fat
builtfat = high muscle high fat

so if you were to build muscle you'd look normal and then eventually strong, if you were to lose fat you'd look skinny, if you did both then you'd be ottermode and then eventually ripped

>> No.15179707
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>> No.15179736

when's the last time you menstruated?
>inb4 never because you're a male

>> No.15179742

2days needless to say im still fat.
I use to be around 100kg and im at 75kg now at 175cm. Im afraid i might have lose skin but i hope its just a bunch of fat of the last 10kg i have to lose.

>> No.15179756

Dont listen to these autist. Do some pullups and lose weight and youll look great. And you dont look bad now btw just normie

>> No.15179758

Dont lose more weight

>> No.15179763

Can I eat chipotles and not get fat? I’m technically underweight so it won’t be too bad but I’m still worried.

>> No.15179767

Agreed. You look fine the way you are already, anonnete.

>> No.15179775

Depends on the amount you eat, 1 small burrito is ok, 10 isnt
Its not rocket science anon

>> No.15179782

Its calories in calories out retard
Dont eat kore than 600cal of it

>> No.15179807
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>> No.15179862

That’s a dude

>> No.15179892

Hope she sees this bro

>> No.15180047

do you get abs just from losing enough weight so i could sit around all day fasting and eventually see them?

>> No.15180067

No, if you dont have any abs built, then you wont be able to see them retard, jesus fuck how does this board attract such low iq retards

>> No.15180088

wtf everyone has abs + i googled it and ppl say abs are exclusively about bodyfat percentage

>> No.15180163

I would make fun of you, but we shouldn't make fun of the handicapped

>> No.15180176

Your right anon, all tbose starving 3rd world country civilians and auswhitz prisoners have such great abs!

>> No.15180261

How much of a noticeable difference is 5 lbs of weight loss? I'm 5'10 115lbs, which puts me at 16.5 bmi. I'm considering losing 5 more pounds to be 110 and little less than 16 bmi, but I'm wondering if it would really look any different.

>> No.15180317

they're emaciated so it's different their muscles have been eaten into. i'm still convinced it's just about bodyfat since everything online says it is, building abs just means you have to lose less fat for them to show

>> No.15180322


>> No.15180376

>4 chicken nuggets has the same amount of calories as 3 entire apples

How the fuck

>> No.15180380

> yes
> yes
> yes
(have used albuterol tho)
> yes

If you're in Canada or somewhere else where ephedrine is easily available, EC stack alone is the bomb. Lots of energy, kills hunger, kind of a wonder drug desu. I suspect I may have undiagnosed ADHD or something becuase it drastically improved my school performance. I've used it off and on for five years now.

DNP sucks. You shed weight like mad but it makes you hungry so it phucks with your head and makes it hard to come off since you know you'll put the weight back on. Same with t3. DNP makes you sweat, makes you cum yellow and you smell like shit all the time. You'll find yourself taking cold showers in the middle of the night to stay cool and be constantly changing sheets. Not very effay.

Nicotine doesn't provide enough stimulant effect to be worth it for weight loss alone. I'll still smoke a cigar or cigarette on occasion with the boys but that's it.

Albuterol sucks, felt nothing. Yohimbine is mediocre but is more accessible than everything else in the US so it is what it is.

Kinda true, caffeine is the heavy lifter among stims and no one treats you like a druggie for using it, even if you are.

>> No.15180456

You are a skinnyfat.

>> No.15180546

Does black coffee affect fasting?

>> No.15180562
File: 183 KB, 200x200, 0821DBC8-45A3-4557-A883-6F66D5531E9A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ate normally all weekend, so now I’m going to fast and try to exceed my record of 34 hours. Wish me luck, comrades!

>> No.15180727

lol thanks bro. I mostly just posted it for a laugh since I knew this thread's denizens would rip into me, but I do appreciate the encouragement

>> No.15180730

oh shit is that some worlds.com?

>> No.15180778

i miss being anorexic

>> No.15180805
File: 561 KB, 750x1334, 0B33430E-A721-4EC2-951F-C05D3192AB68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m morbidly obese but want to be cute tiny and skinny, I’ve lost 10 pounds from fasting already. give me meanspo and also don’t ever end up like me :( it’s not worth it

>> No.15180834

jesus i thought i was fat.... how much do u weigh????? how do u even get to that point????? doesn’t it hurt to eat so much?

>> No.15180851

As the 16 bmi poster, i give up, your all fat autists who will never lose weight, you play victim and ask for advice here and ignore it, you won't ever make it, just give up and spare us the complications

>> No.15180916

I'm 5'11 and 118-120(16.5-16.7 BMI). I've been 112 (15.2) and I've been 130(18.1). Even 10 pounds is a really negligible difference on me. so I doubt 10 will do much unfortunately. To look skinnier you'd have to probably lose 15 or be really dehydrated. Just maintain anon

>> No.15180921

Skinny fat

>> No.15180928

>t. fat

>> No.15180940

Your skinny fat, gl coping, go fast lmao

>> No.15180954

I'm not sure what my body fat actually is, but my scale says 3-4% and online bf estimators put me at 0. I know it's higher than 3-4%, probably around 6-7%, but I'm pretty far from skinny fat.
Calling people skinny-fat in a thread full of anorexics won't make you skinny.

>> No.15180967

I hope you guys aren't being serious about the skinny thing.
Being skinny is a great look, but there's a point where you need to chill a bit, and eat a steak.

>> No.15181057

>used to have a 15 bmi
>now im skinnyfat
haha yeah recovery is great and so worth it guys

>> No.15181080

>fuck yourself up
>get the expected results
>cry about it
this is why you are mentally ill
shut up and take your medicine

>> No.15181087

nigga i just wanna be 110lbs again

>> No.15181183
File: 100 KB, 800x680, 6c29b9bd7c41ca6002481de72f85072e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comfy Rules:
>>post thinspo
>>make america thin again

dude I wish
this country is so disgustingly obese it makes me want to cry when I think about it

>> No.15181189

mirin stretch marks, how long was it since you gave birth

>> No.15181217

so I've been doing 500-700 calories OMAD and since then I'm bloated all the time even though I drink 2L of water a day and eat a lot of vegetables (vegan). do you guys experience this? what do you do to reduce the bloating?

>> No.15181219
File: 209 KB, 915x915, 47567256235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fast

>> No.15181228

Incel vocabulary. Well done!

>> No.15181235

YES, yes do it already please and also i got a challenge for you it’s called not posting my body again until I’m at least bmi 18 challenge, alright?

>> No.15181239


>> No.15181244

underage also get professional help with your parent’s money NOW is your time, enjoy while you can.

>> No.15181337

Just 34 hours? You can very very easily do atleast 72 anon

>> No.15181406

I'm the same, let's do it bro. I've lost weight as a fatty before, it comes off quick.

>> No.15181552

Nu thread


>> No.15181634

>sprinkle same parmesan

Fat retard

>> No.15182173

There are 22 calories in 1 tablespoon of Parmesan Cheese (Grated).