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15159445 No.15159445 [Reply] [Original]

How would the character Tyler Durden look (haircut, clothes) if it was 2020 not 1999?

>> No.15159459

i was going to say "who is the most popular dude on inst?" but then the narrator is probably in his 30s, right?
so 2020 tyler would be more like what a 30 yo boomer idolizes than what zoomers idolize.
i'm not sure what a 30-something would idolize TODAY though. would it still be like a hipster/workwear kind of thing?

i'm imagining a really chiseled but bearded almost strongfat guy dressed as a lumberjack.

>> No.15159475

...it would obviously be sexcore, don't kid yourself.

>> No.15159484

For that to work a 30-something man in a dead end office job, in 2020, has to idolize that look.

>> No.15159490

I am a 30 something man with a dead end job. If I looked like that I could fuck all the fat ass sluts I want.

>> No.15159492

bump. I think it would have to be something authentic, not poser-ish and not copied from a previous decade.

>> No.15159497
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>> No.15159500

Tyler is a loser's fantasy about what he wishes he was like, though.
Remember there's even a bit in the movie where Tyler is like
>is that what a man looks like?
pointing to an underwear model. What does Tyler look like? An underwear model.
I would argue that the 2020 Tyler has to be cringe because the 30 yo boomer wageslave would have a cringe fantasy.

>> No.15159536

I heard the original character wore thrift shop clothes

>> No.15159552
File: 749 KB, 1600x900, get out faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's bullshit, he wore expensive designer clothes. His stars t-shirt is a $300 t-shirt. There's tons of cheap reps now but the original is designer.

>> No.15159556
File: 128 KB, 1200x800, tyler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wears thrifted old shit from the 70s

You can see by his outfit it's very much a 70s fit.

Yet people idolize him and think he looks cool, based on his good looks and attitude when in reality, he is wearing some cringe old "fashion" long gone out of style showing you that it's how you carry yourself and your outlook as opposed to solely fashion in itself.

>> No.15159558

Idiot. The poster is right. His clothes are out of date 70s shit from a thrift store. Actually you know, WATCH THE MOVIE.


>> No.15159561

as usual you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.15159571


Do you know know what 70s style looks like?

His outfit looks like it could be straight out of Scarface which carries a lot of fashion over the decade into the 80s.

>> No.15159578


>Tyler’s shirts are extremely varied in terms of colors and prints, but they all have a very vintage look. They look like shirts worn in the 70’s with big long collars

>The shirt he wore when he went to “rescue” Marla. The print of this shirt is extremely rare and difficult to see due to the high contrast and low brightness of the film.

>The design is clearly very 70’s.

>The beautiful and super weird Gucci Loafers, an obsession of many fans.

>They are a model that the fashion brand Gucci released in the 70s.

>> No.15159584

I would say this guy is right.
Or it's kind of you're both right. It's like how he says men don't look like underwear models while looking like an underwear model. He's wearing designer shit that looks thrifted.
eg. The red jacket. How often were actual 70s leather jackets red? You can still see them on ebay: brown, brown, brown, brown, black, brown.

>> No.15159585

So we have got someone wearing 70s clothes 20 or so years later. Did he get them from the store new? No. He thrifted them. His whole fit is based on outdated clothes he thrifted. Because the movie has anti-consumerism aspects, that's why he wears that shit.

FFS. The average poster on this board is RETARDED.

>> No.15159591
File: 35 KB, 450x543, 70s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a clothing ad from the 70s.

>> No.15159599

I might be too dumb to explain what I mean. Tyler isn't a real person, right? The narrator has this idea of him thrifting because he's got this anti-consumerism ideology as part of his thing but he's not just dressing like a dude that carelessly thrifts shit, is he? He's wearing expensive flashy shit that the narrator imagines him thrifting.
Like how the narrator claims to be about not caring about looks but imagining his alter-ego to be very good looking and cut.

>> No.15159603

Probably Tyler durden, because the 30yo boomer lived his childhood during the release of fight club

>> No.15159605


>> No.15159611

There are many ways you can look at it but all I mean is that the clothing and the outfits are mainly from the 70s so he would have to have thrifted them.

People who think he is wearing new designer clothes from the time of the movie are children and can't spot a clearly 70s look.

As to why he wears them is up to you..

>> No.15159621

Yeah it's definitely a 70s look I am not arguing against that.
But would you call me anti-consumer if I spent all my time carefully selecting designer cops on grailed?

>> No.15159629

The very act of thrifting is anti-consumerism in a way though, the look is irrelevant.

You can't say just because he looks too flashy and not a bum from thrifting it somehow negates the thrifting and anti-consumerism aspects.

Just because you thrift doesn't mean you have to look like you do nor doe sit mean you don't care about your appearance. Anti-consumerism isn't about not giving a shit how you look.

He has high fashion and expensive things... it if were the 70s. It's a distinct ""fuck you" to the overpriced fashion items back then as he now has them for next to nothing. Everyone who consumed and spent masses of money for those items are his for basically nothing.

>> No.15159644

>The very act of thrifting is anti-consumerism in a way though, the look is irrelevant.
He doesn't actually thrift though because he is a fantasy.

>You can't say just because he looks too flashy and not a bum from thrifting it somehow negates the thrifting and anti-consumerism aspects.
I mostly disagree. If you went into a thrift shop and thrifted the best looking things you could find there you could say you're anti-consumer.
But if you were preoccupied with thrifting particular things for particular looks I would say you're still getting into consumerism.

>It's a distinct ""fuck you" to the overpriced fashion items back then as he now has them for next to nothing. Everyone who consumed and spent masses of money for those items are his for basically nothing.
Good point.

>> No.15159677

>But if you were preoccupied with thrifting particular things for particular looks I would say you're still getting into consumerism.

It's more vanity than consumerism. From the clothes, to where he lives and what he owns is all non-consumerism.

Thrifting specific items to look good is not mindlessly consuming and purchasing shit you don't need because tv commercials told you that you do.

The very fact he does look good in outdated shit and people think he's all designer is a shot and a threat to brands selling you the latest things to look your best when he does exactly that by not consuming the latest trends.

That means you were sold a lie that if you purchase their latest items you will look and feel great. It's a big lie. They will do the same thing again and again and you'll forever be chasing that latest look that is "outdated" by the next month.

>> No.15161137

It's not just that he thrifted, but that he thrifted the loudest and most gaudy pieces, that others (especially office wage slaves) would be reluctant to wear. Someone proplably bought that red jacket and wore it once before archiving it in the back of the wardrobe.

>> No.15161220
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>> No.15161302
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Like this

>> No.15161308

Those look like (are?) former young republicans that are 35

>> No.15161317

Going by the whole vintage style he was rocking, and the ideas of masculinity floating around today, this post nails it.

Tyler Durden in the 2020’s would be bearded and muscular, as opposed to the original slim and shaved “pretty boy”. In the 90’s, the 70’s were vintage. Today, the 90’s are vintage, so his wardrobe would be filled with jeans and flannels.

All in all, he’d look like a crossbreed between an early 2010’s hipster and an actual outdoorsman.

>> No.15161319


"I look like you wanna look, I fuck like you wanna fuck, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I'm free in all the ways that you are not."

Always go back to the text!

>> No.15161363
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>> No.15162206
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>> No.15162738
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As Tyler exists as a kind of fantasy opposition to the status quo, which has become increasingly casual, he would wear.. DKNY suits; the minimalism of which would indicate his intentionality and a paring down to essentials. The narrator would wear graphic tees and colorful prints in an attempt to attract validation from others through the products he owns. Project Mayhem ended up wearing all black, right?
>You are not your Instagram account
>You do not need to spark joy

IIRC, in the book he steals clothes from the "lost property" sections of gyms or something like that.

>> No.15162762

>How often were actual 70s leather jackets red?
Enough that you can thrift then regularly. I had one years ago.

>> No.15162852

Project mayhem was a necessary evil: uniformity in order to destroy a uniforming and centralizing society. Tyler might thrift old suits (in fact he wore one at one point in the movie). You're projecting your own desire for order on him.

>> No.15162853

2020 Tyler Durden would be a Kurt Cobain in the Matrix

>> No.15162856

I actually think Fight Club was written partly as a reaction to Kurt Cobain (the original numale)

>> No.15163190

>black skin
>TNF1990 jacket
>Puma trekkies
>meme sneakers

>> No.15164558

>20 year rule
Exactly the same

>> No.15164562

Sad old man

>> No.15164844
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>I mean is that the clothing and the outfits are mainly from the 70s so he would have to have thrifted them.

You are 100% correct.

The costume department actually did thrift every peice of his wardrobe for the movie. This is documented.

Granted, the items were carefully selected from LA "thrift" shops that carried shit like vintage Gucci loafers... so the term "Thrifted" is used loosley. I'm sure these were moreso antique market/consignment booth finds..but the point still stands.

He's literally a representation of a late 90s soibois ideal daydream about what a cool guy is. What did coolguys wear in soibois youth? Tacky 70s garb.

>> No.15164856

The character is supposed have the appearance of just wearing "whatever"

>> No.15165019
File: 15 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's thrifting things that normal people with jobs would never touch. I don't think revivalism among young people were as much of a thing yet.

Since the analog for 2020 is the 90s, you can get shit like pic related pretty cheap.

>> No.15165521

Where From, josé?

>> No.15166939
File: 118 KB, 698x1024, 8189424454_45b576acec_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.15166964
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What would The Narrator be wearing? Because the point of Tyler's attire was to make him stick out

>> No.15166971

The Narrator would nowadays probably be wearing a slightly more well-fitting suit, at least. Hmm, the one he has on in that picture looks a size or two too large.

>> No.15167002

yeah probably

>> No.15167016
File: 50 KB, 500x700, b460c2a9b8be0f66bac865bbf99920cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marla is literally wearing rick owens

>> No.15167088

i never thought i'll say that but these are tasteful tattoos

>> No.15167092

Kurt Cobain

>> No.15168454

bumping just to reference this post

>> No.15168847

rick owens

>> No.15170332


>> No.15170659

>You are not the clothes you wear.
>You are not the contents of your wallet.
>You are not your bowel cancer.
>You are not your grande latte.
>You are not the car you drive.

>> No.15170675
File: 13 KB, 430x322, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come blue eyes look soulless? a bit like fish

>> No.15170732

you're a 30+ year old person on 4chan's fashion board that's full of underaged-23 year old people. you're a little too much of a loser for this.