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15156159 No.15156159 [Reply] [Original]

is it possible to look tough with blonde/red hair?

>> No.15156185


>> No.15156251

The actor who plays Jamie Fraiser in Outlander. 200% man looking.

>> No.15156274
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>> No.15156278

Yes. You fucking pussy.

>> No.15156315
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I don't understand the question.

>> No.15156337

melanotan and tren

>> No.15156338

yes but its far from the average for blonde men. most are sissified wimps

>> No.15156371

darker features are associated as more manly and lighter features as more feminine its possible but its harder

>> No.15156376
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>> No.15156536

It was once, but then white men did a grave mistake of bringing Black Men on their continent, and it's not been the same...

>> No.15156577

Every been to Ireland/Scotland?

Yeah ngl not really

>> No.15156584

>Who is Dolph Lundgren
Well done OP, another useless thread asking a retarded question

>> No.15156687
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>> No.15156731
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Of course

>> No.15156733

"Ve ver just following orders, ve dindu nuffin"

>> No.15156735

What is hair dye?

>> No.15156756

He’s blonde though

>> No.15157047

all you need is just a good beard. OR with red hair you can dye some parts black. I have seen usually people do it with undercuts they leave the top red/ginger and go black on the shaved parts.

>> No.15157077
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Josh Homme would like a word

>> No.15157302

Neal Cassidy : Beat poet with blonde hair

>> No.15157307
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get muscular a lil bit, wear leather jackets and blazers, grow facial hair, smoke cigs

>> No.15157310

>posts feminine looking guy regardless of hair color with girly hair style

This is bait.

He is red blond but yeah, he looks cool as fuck.

Based boi squad.

I hate how pedowood made him blond. Thor has red hair. It's red discrimination.

>> No.15157330

Consider the fact that many contemporary accounts described Celts as having ginger hair.


>> No.15157347

Lmao I have to love people like this who think they're really smart and the rest of the world is totally retarded.

Do you honestly think the average person doesn't know about the Celt and red hair connection and you discovered some secret?

Actually... Celts are also described as swarthy and dark haired and red hair is very common in Germanic peoples and plenty of famous ones (Eric the RED) and Gods have red hair.

Red hair populations also correlate with the viking routes.

Consider yourself schooled.

>> No.15157361

He is dark brown.

double chinlet

>> No.15157387

chadest chads
*whish i could turn back time, to the good old days

>> No.15157389

>Dark brown
It doesnt have to be yellow to be blone retard.

>> No.15157410

people like who? he just posted a link dude lmao

if anything/ironically i get the vibe of the person you're describing from your own post

>> No.15157417

Yeah, see Canelo or the guy from GOT.

>> No.15157423

Cope. He posted it like it was new info or something. It's called stating the obvious and only dumb people do that.

>let's talk about clothes from the middle ages


>> No.15157444

Be muscular
Grow a beard

>> No.15157519

I tried to be a manly blonde but it was just impossible and I gave up and became a trap instead.

>> No.15157527
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