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File: 828 KB, 1500x700, 94a1-emergency-home-page-skyline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15153016 No.15153016[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Being a white dude in Toronto is fucking hilarious.
You walk around in even the most basic shit and instamog every single hypebeast chink/streetwear nig/ "fashionable" pajeet that try to cope with their inferiority through flashy and expensive clothing

>> No.15153026

>his shock isn't about how those countries have been taken over
>instead it's all about him

The selfish "me, me, me" generation. Cool breh,if your whole nation becomes taken over by pygmies you can brag online about how much taller you are.

>> No.15153031

Hey, I voted for the far right party.
Not much else I can do currently.

>> No.15153036

>spend half your paycheck on a shoebox apartment in a city full of shit skins that is winter half the year

Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.15153041

Well that's something. The issue is the more of them that come, yes the better you will feel and look like a God in comparison but that also means you become a target of their hate and jealousy.

As they say... "you're the nigger now"

>> No.15153054

I inherited a house in a nice area from my wealthy family
The condos are for the non whites and leftists

>> No.15153154

This is the ugliest western city on the planet. The amount of bad architecture in the downtown is insane, condos destroying everything with soul so some Indian bugman can work at his open desk office.

I want to die. This city is gonna be a dystopia. The people are hyper liberal and all dumb as fuck, and no one has any style. Only the asian immigrants try. The white people here are bascially black in terms of personality and dress like white trash.

I want to move

>> No.15153254

Canada's glory days are well behind us, we've been replaced. They are working on fully eradicating all whiteness in small towns as we speak.

>> No.15153261
File: 225 KB, 1437x908, 1469825510118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is quebec based? It's the only place in canada I kinda wanna visit

>> No.15153268

One of the least effay cities imaginable. Everyone who lives there including OP is a massive faggot, glass the whole joint.

>> No.15153269

Toronto is the most soulless city in North America. It's only purpose is to serve as a business hub and is horrible to live in. Every time anyone points this out the only defense any paki has is "good jobs. lots of money." Yet the first thing anyone does with their wealth is buy property as far away as possible to escape the urban shitstain on Ontario.
t. born and raised in TO

>> No.15153272

i don't understand what people expect from a big city? tourists and people with no taste will always be the majority.
seoul is depressing, i've never seen so many clones in my entire life. new york, especially during fashion week, is beyond tragic. list goes on
fobs are awful, drowning yourself in designers almost never looks good. i'm sure there's some 10k population town you can go dress fancy in cletus

>> No.15153298

fuck no. if you're not from there they will hate you. trust me, I lived there for over a decade

>> No.15153303
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Canadian cities are just shitty replicas of American cities with no actual character.

As must as I hate Quebec at least their cities have character.

>> No.15153310

Ah yes, a bootleg European city. The epitome of character

>> No.15153322

People on this thread are tearing up Toronto Damn. Everyone here is pushing how important their cities "culture" is, but honestly the best part of Toronto is its so multicultural people really get broken down to being individuals, if you cant hold your own among other cultures you end up being a King street yuppie that moves away cuz you don't "get it", which is what I assume most of you would end up being.

But if you're actually connected in this city you can essentially get the best of every culture as well as just a general lack of uptightness. Anyways i wouldn't live anywhere else

>> No.15153323

if you think montreal is like Europe you've never met a Montrealler in your life

>> No.15153327

NY, LA, London, and even Vancouver are far better examples of multicultural cities. Toronto barely passes as a bootleg.

>> No.15153331

Why Do Other Countries have their head so far up their Ass, As Canadian I'm shocked that people identify with the Nations they live in more then themselves and their own family and community.

Honestly Nuke Everything East of the Americas, Second Generation immigrants are so much better then first gens.

>> No.15153341
File: 538 KB, 614x676, 1567683986723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these city threads are exactly the same. People living in the boonies who have been to the city a couple times over the weekend, and then people currently in the city who for some reason refuse to live in cultural hubs such as Keswick or Woodstock.
Sorry froggy, only time Quebec is ever mentioned is when the topic is Toronto or Vancouver so we gotta stereotype.

>> No.15153344

its litteraly the most multicultural city in the world statistically, Vancouver is like only Punjabis, Whites and Chinese and their segregated as fuck by neighbourhoods

>> No.15153355

The problem with it is that nobody in Toronto ever integrates and there is nothing unique about the city. In New York at least all the Asians, blacks, whites, and pakis have a collective identity as New Yorkers. That isn't the case in Toronto. The pakis and chinese forever see themselves as paki and Chinese.

>> No.15153370

not really, i mean obviously its not New York or LA yet, they have the benefit of like 70% of films taking place there, but i'd say most people who stay here identify with City and within 10 years its culture will be more defined. Toronto as i see it is a changing period, its part of the reason its nice to be here, the Important Toronto Culture figures i think will be defined within the next few years, every individual can have sway over the culture of the city which i feel isnt true with New York or LA

>> No.15153420

Not fair to St. Johns, that place has a shit ton of character. Though honestly, it barely qualifies as a city, it's pretty small.

>> No.15153423

ok greg, why dont you eat some green and blacks chocolate and have a nap

>> No.15153473


I have been to canada, and USA twice.

Califorina literally is as cesspool and NEEDS to go. just drugs and facades and homeless ness, any city there is 100 times worse than Canada.

that said, best city in usa? Washington DC.

>> No.15153488

you dont know shit about california, you went to sf or la for three days

>> No.15153491


yep and thats all i needed to see. disgusting.

only good places in USA are Mexico city, San diego (texas one) and texas.

>> No.15153687

It's great that you can get cheap boipucci from all corners of the earth, but for us neurotypicals atomization is a count against the place.

>> No.15153688

>changing period
You guys are certainly getting Chang'ed in this period lmao

>> No.15154275

Yes, by far. Don't move here if you're a socialist tho.

>> No.15154279

>being surrounded by anglo subhumans

Sucks to be you.

>> No.15154281

Based. First prize in the lottery of life desu.

>> No.15154305

I lived in DC for a couple of years and it's kind of a shitty attempt at a city. Like a model that people come to and pretend is a city.

Food is really shit too except for some good places in the surrounding MD and VA neighborhoods

>> No.15154411
File: 100 KB, 1024x1024, 455454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada's peaceful days. I welcome the opportunity to ride in the tumens with Kalki across the western plains.

>> No.15154454
File: 36 KB, 420x512, jeandupays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes its very based. like france but with actual white people. girls are a bit strange though.
I'm a socialist to some extent and I love it here. got me a socialist gf.

>> No.15154475
File: 2.20 MB, 1506x1025, chinatco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dystopian smog filled Toronto of 2025

>> No.15154507

This. Baltimore, while a shithole, at least has nice local flavor and real culture. DC is a fucking husk.

>> No.15154532

What do you mean by strange, exactly?

>> No.15154544

Quebec City is the most effay city in canada

>> No.15154554
File: 82 KB, 925x765, 1502469791992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's really really good. You make way more money than Americans and have way more civil services. It's safe, there is a lot to do, all artists come through here, and we have good work benefits. People are generally friendly (though petty at times) and there isn't really much crime unless you live in nigger areas. Americans say shit about us because we have all of the good they do (and better) and none of the bad. They call us cucks for immigration and gays despite the fact that all of that is way more prevalant in America along with all other forms of degeneracy. We have guns, hotter girls, no school shootings, great education, lower wealth disparity, no niggers, no mexicans, etc. and that's really what it is. I think European cities are equivalent with different advantages and disadvantages, and NYC is pretty close, otherwise...

I'm not even Canadian btw just living in Toronto and it's great, I'm from Europe though I've lived in many places.

>> No.15155141
File: 1.92 MB, 1200x791, dayoftherakeplease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean dystopia in a bad way

>> No.15155146
File: 306 KB, 1200x834, canada is hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please shut the fuck up this is wrong in so many ways and your economic arguments are stupid.This city is filled with Somalians and Jamaicans, Indians everywhere, Asians everywhere. Whites are a minority.

The people are vapid and ugly. All the attractive white women are married to nogs. I hate it here please shut the fuck up

>> No.15155150
File: 859 KB, 4656x2612, gay canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire country needs to be burned to the ground. I hope the white people here get what they deserve

>> No.15155382

AHAHAH fuck you’re a goddamn retard

>> No.15155395
File: 315 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-Bay-and-gable_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this picture essentially compares royal buildings to everyday buildings, stop being an idiot and be logistic, also Toronto is filled with victorian style houses

>> No.15155486

The nice areas like pic related are increasingly losing their soul. Most are sold to fat tech kids who use their wealthy parents money to rent it, or they are turned to hipster fuck pads. Most of the middle class is being wiped out for working poor (ie dumb immigrants) and the rich tech oligarchs.

All the small buisnesses are soulless and shit. The areas that are middle class are super liberal so they will be around for a little longer before they get turned to crime or condos

>> No.15155515

This is in leslieville, right?

>> No.15155551

Triggered non white detected!

>> No.15155568

could be Annex, or forest hill

>> No.15155581

This is both a huge projection that could broadly be put on most cities for most of history. This older non-immigrant well off middle class of people is so rare and probably has been forever, at one point italians were like niggers and now they bitch about somalians, but i think if you're that pissed about how shit is now you'd probably be pissed in every generation of urban city

>> No.15155715

It's the annex.

>> No.15155803

It's on Brunswick, just north of Bloor

>> No.15155972

east coast cities are effay as shit

>> No.15155990

How low is your reading comprehension?

>> No.15156014
File: 153 KB, 1920x700, sault-ste-marie-signature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most effay city in ontario

>> No.15156107

so much of the traditional architecture here was built here way after their peroids had already passed in europe.

>> No.15156498


Who the fuck cares nigga

>> No.15156583


>> No.15156746

We're taking your women, shitskins

>> No.15156824

nah, they can keep them. I'll take those asian qts tho

>> No.15156850

Eurasian master race

>> No.15156931


What is the most based city with the most white people and less minorities? Seattle?

>> No.15157164

post fit n body pic

>> No.15157182


>> No.15157188

why type out so many hahas, you're like recreating what would be a weird thing to do in real life

>> No.15157196

im recreating what i actually did, which was laugh, stop, reread, and laugh. it was very normal and in fact cool. i looked good -- much better than you -- while doing it

>> No.15157231

stopped to put a dick in your mouth, ah i see

>> No.15157436

seems like no one wants to have seks with you and you're mad at others rather than yourself

>> No.15157568

I feel that, but as a white person in a border state. When I used to hit the gym I mogged literally every jacked Mexican manlet just by being white and over 6 feet.

>> No.15157653

hmm no i didnt actually

>> No.15158070

>le sex incel argument

ok retard get some taste

>> No.15158079

Literally the street I lived on! I miss Toronto lol

>> No.15158084

post a recent pic please

>> No.15158170
File: 1.41 MB, 2004x2015, 34344537_1744711072287388_6013148965397069824_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoaaa op slow down youre really telling me you can mog this person by existing... wow what else can you do? Can you tie your own shoes without running out of breath? Can you sleep a full night without pissing yourself? good on you boy wonder.

>> No.15158186

f10 mogs me

>> No.15158193

>best thing

Hang yourself shitskin. White people built Canada and up until the 90s it was entirely white and human. Now it's just stinky disgusting third worlders and faggot liberal fairies. I once sat in a Toronto cafe and no word of a lie there was one of those "woke" niggers talking to a faggot about "deconstructing the white supremacist power structure of the medical industry" . The one behind the counter was a beady eyed faggot. Don't know why someone would voluntarily live in an environment where 80% of people are gay minorities.

>> No.15158227

Italians are like a cross between a nigger and a jew - as sneaky and nepotistic as a kike, as criminal, violent, and dishonest as a nigger. If you've ever worked for an Italian, youll know they cheat you out of wages and are the cheapest laziest fucks around, cut every corner and rip off their clients. Buy a house from a wop builder and it will crumble in 5 years because it's made from dirt cheap materials by a spic earning 10 bucks an hour cash. Wops are literally the most subhuman of all minorities

>> No.15158229

>that pic
>Elliot Rodger here

>> No.15158234

Enjoy getting shanked at random by a native high on butane... only to have him tried in native court and sentenced to 4 hours in a healing circle...

>> No.15158246

Only half? Yeah right ...

>> No.15158282

Yes, I can.
Even a brown millionaire has a significantly lower SMV than me, simply by virtue of my blue eyes, light blonde hair, and 6'1 stature.
Cope all you like, but women of every race always choose guys like me.

>> No.15158297

>t. can't afford to live in california

>> No.15158303

Possibly the cringest thread on 4channel, holy fuck absolutely pathetic

>> No.15158306

ghost of tripsk haunting

>> No.15158310

>White People Built Canada

Rich people built canada on the backs of poor white people and killing natives, and at the end of the day nobody even gives a shit about the history

At the ended of the day you just went to a liberal cafe, didn't say shit and seething with anger, the guy at counter literally didn't even say anything you just think he's ugly because you probably already hate the whole experience.

>> No.15158319

>the best part of Toronto is its so multicultural

HAhahahahahahahhahahaha zombies man.

>> No.15158334

Funny. It's actually Montreal.


>> No.15158342

canada isnt a real country
being a nationalist for it is being a national for a post racial post nation state, its being a nationalist for ultra pozzed hyper diversity

canada is a natural resource acquisition program for the west that sustains itself on rich pock immigrants coming in and buying boomers homes so they have a retirement fund, youre not protecting or conserving anything of value of youre right wing here

>> No.15158365

a larper who cant read sarcasm jesus christ go back /s

>> No.15158391


Get a load of this newfag. Nigger hate is as old as 4chan itself. Go bk to Reddit faggot.

>> No.15158397

Fuck off faggot shitskin redditor

>> No.15158404

Shut the fuck up you dumb cringy retard. Literally just ousting yourself as a post 2016 filthball trying to fit in to whatever online community you lapped onto to cope with your virginity and non existent social life. You are a loser. Seriously just take a step back and observe what you're doing and writing. Pathetic
Go to the gym, turn off the PC, pick up some hobbies and then try talking to people and maybe you wouldn't be a seething manifestation of parental disappointment

>> No.15158416

post skin larping nigger

>> No.15158417

>doesn't know the 4channel meme
>calls somebody else a newfag
As if you couldn't get any more pathetic....

>> No.15158430
File: 102 KB, 745x491, 1585426336815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw non-white, non-Protestant in Toronto
feels excellent man, like I'm a Visigoth strolling down a town in Hispania Ulterior

ya seethe Pickering man?

lol this fag actually bought into incel memes and is using them to COPE

>> No.15158434

>feels excellent man, like I'm a Visigoth strolling down a town in Hispania Ulterior

Bro wtf, your post is too high iq to post here, you're non-white but you're OK in my book, anon.

>> No.15158436

Your women are ours, shitskin.
All the quality white women stay within their race as well.

>> No.15158445

Toronto is actually pretty comfy. It's not London or New York. It's a big city full of small town people. You either get it or you don't. There is a reason so many people move here from the rest of Canada, and stay here forever.

>> No.15158458

Torontonians who can actually afford to own a Victorian have no taste. They'll completely gut the insides and turn them into grey-white marble and glass box disasters.

>> No.15158460

you don't get much pussy do you

>> No.15158468

theres quite a lot of Victorian houses here, i've lived in 2 low income apartments that were made from old houses, they're not like only for rich people

>> No.15158476

>It's a big city full of small town people.
It's not 2005 anymore anon. Toronto was a nice place with nice diverse communities but that has eroded quickly. The new wave of immigrants only sees the city, and Canada as a whole, as a slab of land to make money off of. It's a business venture and nothing more to them. Ask anyone who was born here and was alive before the 2010s whether they be black, white, asian, or brown.

>> No.15158484

i guess, but also I think it has to do with something deeper, i've heard like all across canada with hells angels kinda falling out as well as the mafia essentially theres like a crime power vaccum that either probably gonna be taken by the new buttload of immigrants or the native gangs, but it could be anybody, essentially crimes will rise for the next while, we really should spread the new immigrants out but judging by the past they'll all end up in the same projects

>> No.15158490

Have sex incel

>> No.15158496

I'm not talking about crime. The communities themselves are completely segregated. In the 90s Chinese, whites, Jamaicans, etc often hosted neighbourhood garage sales, BBQs, etc. together. That type of stuff doesn't happen anymore. There is no integration, only cutthroat competition and isolated ethnic social groups.

>> No.15158502

>trying to rationalize with some brainwashed leftie tard who can't understand that by nature races will segregate

>> No.15158508
File: 60 KB, 700x420, 3269a66e-0aa2-46fb-9b7a-3a1f85740834-1020x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>native gangs

A big hearty kek at the savages being able to organize in any capacity beyond packs of drunk teens robbing gas stations

>> No.15158517

this picture makes me want to die, new york is starting to look like this too

>> No.15158666

you don't gotta be a genius to sell meth and fenty

>> No.15158922

>Live in Budapest
>Beautiful architecture
>a lot of history and actually unique feeling a culture due to it being Magyar
>based government that does not let it become another copycat soulless multicultural Grey mess
>cheap enough to not live in one room apartment giving half of your paycheck to Chino or Jewish landlords
Life is good.

>> No.15158931

You live in a corrupt shithole with a fancy paintjob

>> No.15158934
File: 96 KB, 1440x810, 1440x810_cmsv2_7150b62f-1dbb-5b3e-8fbd-7444012faff8-3748794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cucks you
b..but muh soros

>> No.15158936

If I had magical powers, I would will everybody in this thread to kill themselves. Unfortunately I don't, so I beg all of you to finish the job for me.

>> No.15158939

Moved there from Berlin due to job 5 years ago. Orban may be corrupt but at least he isn't an assclown like a whole Bundestag.

>> No.15158982

Sorry about your skin tone and stink... must suck not being white

>> No.15159786

So is most of Europe (especially Netherlands). This "style" of architecture is soulless, it is just to give people a place to stay when they go to their job. Really depressing, hopefully they regret it now that theyre forced to live in these 100 sqft rooms because of quarantine

>> No.15160362

Post skin tone.

>> No.15160376

From St. John's, can confirm.

>> No.15160397

I laugh because it hurts

>> No.15160410

I have to wonder how u get a ladder big enough to paint the top of that house.

>> No.15160429
File: 76 KB, 700x527, social_networks_26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15160617

shut up retard

>> No.15161557

Frenchies and the entire East coast are gay. Go to BC or Alberta and camp in the mountains.

>> No.15161568
File: 121 KB, 1150x382, 1500813172162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP awarded most delusional incel award

>> No.15162061

whats the most effay city in europe? is it vienna?

>> No.15162070

>Hradec Kralove
>St. Petersburg

>> No.15162080
