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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 46 KB, 1000x750, knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15148731 No.15148731 [Reply] [Original]

>>15114957 Old thread hit bump limit edititon.
Post what are essentially figet tools that look cool as a kind of substitute to fags and a lighter.

>> No.15148734
File: 65 KB, 1024x681, 3852319728_3ee25c2251_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hat, every bit as cool as a Zippo.

>> No.15148737
File: 5 KB, 181x231, flachmann-gravieren-lassen-shop-181x231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get one of those and develop a habit of alcoholism

>> No.15148758

lemme just sum up the best ideas from last thread real quick:
>toothpick case
>chewing gum
>lighter for anything but smoking
>I am sure I forgot something please post it

>> No.15148761

the chad alcoholic vs the virgin smoker?

>> No.15148850

Based neckbeard style I dig it

>> No.15148903

Gotta be careful with secondhand tho. I got all my watches second hand and it is a great way to get a better watch for the same money but there are some fakes out there

>> No.15149129

You can also get new fakes anon

>> No.15149194

You can also get fake news

>> No.15149200
File: 31 KB, 720x699, 1584231185304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belican woo

>> No.15149311


>> No.15149359

Exactly, people love the alcoholic.

>Always has booze on him so is ready to party all the time
>On a first name basis with the bartenders
>No problem falling asleep, just passes out
>Can tell you the name of the wine and year based on colour alone.

>> No.15149387

>he just throws up in the subway so he has a whole row of seats for himself

>> No.15150370
File: 1.80 MB, 3876x2669, 1569183769068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The key to /fa/ accessories is they need to be a conversation piece.

People need to look at them and ask, "What's that?" the moment you take it out.

>> No.15150750

whats that pencil looking thing next to the pen?
is that like a pencil holder?

>> No.15150791

That sounds so retarded posted next to a watch and some weeb pins, you’re not interesting and no ones inter In your over designed pen

>> No.15150887

>why the fuck do you have anime girl pins?
>I'm glad you asked...

>> No.15150941

a squirmle in your pocket is a pretty good convo starter


>> No.15150969

Fuck you, I'm gonna ask
>Why are you carrying a knife that is built not as a tool but to stab someone?
>What is that huge fucking Faber Castell coin?

>> No.15151033

retard edgelord knife
atrocious fake leather wallet
poseur eraser
weeb pins
knock off watch
autist bird pin
fedora electric lighter
pretentious pencil and pen

>> No.15151037

I'm like the fourth person to say this but

>conversation piece
>People need to look at them and ask, "What's that?" the moment you take it out.

>OTF dagger
>enamel anime girl pins

>> No.15151128

Those are awesome, I had one as a kid and this was so much fun. I am unironically going to order one because this is so much better than the finger skateboard tryhard childish anons

>> No.15151236

>Why are you carrying a knife that is built not as a tool but to stab someone?
it's a bugman larper, she thinks she's a spy or some shit

>What is that huge fucking Faber Castell coin?
it's an eraser, I thought it was sterling silver at first but it's platinum

>> No.15151390

People consider chewing gum and books gadgets?


>> No.15151639

What would you call items in your every day carry? If you don't have anything better to do than complaining about the wording random strangers on the internet use you should reconsider your life choices.

>> No.15151719
File: 85 KB, 643x900, eww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15151725

>lighter for anything but smoking

then what are you going to use it for? faggot

>> No.15151731

starting fires of various kinds, presumably

>> No.15151767
File: 5 KB, 531x95, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally a $500 sterling silver pencil cap, anon.

it's dumb.

>> No.15151771

this bait has to be like at least 2 years old now...

>> No.15151776

>$25,000 watch
>anime pins

the watch has to be fake, right?

>> No.15151799

>it's dumb.
yes, if you're poor any luxury item is probably 'dumb'
luxury is not for the poor.
you shouldn't even be on /fa/, you should be on /ck/ asking how you can eat healthy on $25/week

>> No.15151802

>I bought a $500 pencil and a $180 eraser.

Late stage capitalism, everyone.

This is why we needed Bernie.

>> No.15151804

>haters gunna hate
keep posting.
i like seeing your edc shit
some of us aren't fresh off of mommy's tit having to budget and make it on our own for the first time in our lives

>> No.15151807

got the corona and died you stupid cultural marxist

>> No.15151832
File: 66 KB, 750x500, Bill-Gates-Casio-Duro-Colbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is a $500 pencil cap "luxury"?

its just a waste of money, you can probably get a minimalist no logo metal one for like $20 off aliexpress. If you want a silver one you can probably find one for $100-200.
There are luxury goods worth spending money on, and others which are just poor purchases

>luxury is not for the poor

bill gates is one of the richest men on this planet and he wears a $50 casio watch.

and warren buffet drives a normal cadillac.

>> No.15151850

>luxuryfags ETERNALLY BTFO by facts and LOGIC

Absolutely seething right now.

>> No.15151869

>bill gates is one of the richest men on this planet and he wears a $50 casio watch.
Meanwhile he also collects these:


Nice to know that retards like you bought the humble lifestyle bullshit, good marketing strategy for when le humble vaccine salesman comes to chip you.

>> No.15151876

>missing the point
you can drive a car.
you can show off a car.

what are you going to do with a $500 pencil cap exactly? its not even engraved

>> No.15151907

>you can show off a car
>literally garage full of them that never get driven
>meanwhile, pencil you use everyday


>> No.15151919

>still defending his terrible purchase
tell me whats the exact difference for the pencil, between a $0.50 plastic cap and a $500 silver one. Nobody would even be impressed by it. I'm an actual artfag and I just make my own pencil caps out of masking tape. You're not going to have loose pencils just rattling around a pocket anyway, you'd want to have a pencil case.

cars are different and each model handles differently.

>> No.15151982

>how is a $500 pencil cap "luxury"?
it seems like you can't understand the concept of luxury. that's ok

>Absolutely seething right now.
yep, that's right. you nailed it bruh

>what are you going to do with a $500 pencil cap exactly?
hold it in my hand and admire it, rub it all over my body and laugh at poorfags who are btfo by someone wasting $500 on something that has almost absolutely no practical use

>tell me whats the exact difference for the pencil, between a $0.50 plastic cap and a $500 silver one
you're so stupid that you don't even know the difference between plastic and silver?

>> No.15152015

It does just come across as a bit daft though. Not many people who have earned a fortune for themselves would buy something so frivolous, it smells of a rich daddy

Which is fine, do you homie

>> No.15152039

>hold it in my hand and admire it, rub it all over my body
thats kinda...sad

>wasting $500 on something that has almost absolutely no practical use
so you admit its a waste?

>you're so stupid that you don't even know the difference between plastic and silver?
>not understanding the question

there is no functional difference, just like there is no fuctional difference between a $2 bic lighter and a $50 zippo lighter.

have fun with your "le epic $500 pencil cap" that even browsers of a vietnamese cartoon forum is laughing at right now

>> No.15152323

>yes, if you're poor any luxury item is probably 'dumb'
I'm not poor and that's fucking retarded.
>luxury is not for the poor.
I'm not poor and I don't buy retarded luxury bullshit like a $500 pencil cap. I have a $40 pen. I have 2 $300 knives. I have a $1500 handgun and an $800 handgun. I have a lot of expensive things, and I would literally never spend anywhere near $500 on something as fucking stupid as a pencil cap, especially when you probably just use regular fucking pencils that cost 50 cents in the first place.

>> No.15152344

>$1500 handgun
Mk. 23?

>> No.15152356

Nah, haven't found any in my area yet and unfortunately Corona has shut down all the gun shows and pawn shops. It's a FiveSeven, pretty neat and all, I carry it while I walk my dog, mostly just for show. I haven't shot it in a while because it's hard to get 5.7, and I often think I should have gotten the Tac-45 instead.

>> No.15152372

You should have. Five-Seven is cool and all, but it's just so stupid when the cartridge is so niche and practically unavailable. Why would you buy a handgun designed for a cartridge to beat soft body armor when it's all but impossible to buy that ammunition? I recall wanting one years ago and never could justify all the drawbacks.

>> No.15152397

There's 3 things I like in this world anon, in order
>3: Making money
>2: Saving money on purchases
>1: Spending money on dumb shit
This satisfied 1 a lot, and 2 a little because I got a discount, and a free hat. Plus I played a lot of Black Ops 2 and the Five Seven was good as hell in it. You can buy AP ammo, or load it yourself, it's usually expensive though and I don't have a reloading setup anymore because I don't have the time or autism for that anymore.

>> No.15152442

But unfortunately probably bait with that sording and Reddit spacing

>> No.15152528

it's fucking gay. imagine actually using a pencil that isn't a palomino blackwing.

>> No.15152538
File: 315 KB, 703x750, IMG_20170924_1651223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically cannot use a pencil that's not from Graf von Faber-Castell.

The moment I try, I feel like a poor loser.

>> No.15152551
File: 64 KB, 1280x1120, SAK_0_6366__S1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep this little SAK on my keys. It realistically covers 95% of daily tool needs.

Unless you've
>studied le blade
your mall ninja tactiCOOL folders are just pocket jewelry

>> No.15152557

I prefer a knife that's larger than that, usually a 3 inch blade or so just because it's easy to open and still fits well in my pocket.

>> No.15152560

If I'm doing outdoorsy shit or at work I might carry a OHO blade but any other time the little SAK covers my needs.

>> No.15152608

Smoke pipe or consume snus, way healthier than fags and also way more effay while you still have the ritual that you wanted

>> No.15152610

yeah and instead you probably feel like a rich loser

>> No.15152612

What are some items in that style for neofolk core?

>> No.15152631



>> No.15152645

he said healthier not healthy

>> No.15152671

they all kill you, just in fun different ways

>> No.15152677

everything can kill you, stupid

>> No.15152695

no tobacco product is healthier than the other.

>> No.15152731

pipes and cigars are better beacues they dont have a bunch of shit added for "flavor" and they dont have the filters which is why cigarettes are bad for you
you can smoke a cigar every once and a while and you wont harm you
the main problem with cigarettes is that you smoke them so frequently that your body dosent have time to clean it self
its the same with alcohol if you drink too much your liver is going to get overworked and then you have problems but if you exercise restraint and drink/smoke in moderation you will be fine

>> No.15153247
File: 1.05 MB, 2334x1747, 118567_Perfect+Pencil,+platinium-plated,+Brown_High+Res_5303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. This thread has be convinced.

Should I spend $480 + shipping from Germany on on a pencil?

Donald Trump gave me a check, so I think I can afford it.

>> No.15153273

yes you should do it
in these uncertain times with a recession looming and the very real possibility of a societal collapse you should really get a $500 pencil cap that'll help

>> No.15153276
File: 58 KB, 800x1024, 55574B5B-5837-4766-A46F-4404B72DA737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw get a $2 Blackwing

>> No.15153278

>posting ugly shit pencils


>> No.15153307

And a fool and his money are soon parted.

>> No.15153343

The absolute nigger tier mindset of this faggot.

>> No.15153462

Piddly little multitools are really handy, even though they make me feel like my dad. I've got a Leatherman Micra.

>> No.15153600


>> No.15153715
File: 1.02 MB, 400x268, 1582752386747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>owning a pipe

>> No.15153762
File: 96 KB, 1380x1380, north-river-outdoors-leatherman-wave-plus-multitool-stainless-832556-25582624_1380x1380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice Leatherman is going to go a long way.
I never have to look around for a tool.
Nearly every other brand looks like shit.

I've also got a handful of case knives I got at a steep discount, some opinals and an obligatory douk douk.

>> No.15154116
File: 28 KB, 386x338, 1476158309798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overpaying for "luxury pencils" is one of the stupidest ways I've seen people give their paycheck to the Jews.

>> No.15154149

Too big. Get the skeletool. It's small and has all the tools you will actually use.

>> No.15154166

are you the type of person to buy $45 moleskine notepads too?

>> No.15154172
File: 506 KB, 800x601, 20180929-DSCF0924-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poorfags just can't understand

I weep for thee. Imagine not using your writing instruments as a fashion statement.

Pearls before swine, I suppose.

>> No.15154214

Who are you? I have seen you in so many threads over the years.

>> No.15154241

>spends so much money just to get laughed at on 4chan


>> No.15154251

i mean, the watch in >>15150370 is literally $25,000. i don't think they care if we're laughing at them. they're probably laughing at us too.

>> No.15154253

ive seen nicer watches at 1/10th of the price

>> No.15154254

paying that much for a watch is retarded
it tells the time which any phone can
it doenst even look like it would cost $500 let alone $25000 dude is just a retard with too much money

>> No.15154258

bUt iT dOeSnT lAsT aS lOnG

>> No.15154261

>dude is just a retard
>he doesn't know...

>> No.15154272

dude is a gender neutral term, anon

>> No.15154352

>nicer watches
like what?

>> No.15154355


>> No.15154360

you should invest in quality furniture

>> No.15154376

Rolex Submariner is better than that shitter.

>> No.15154401
File: 112 KB, 1000x1158, un_IVgIQBMep_l3E6t2GnIOYowTgiR1Q3aO9MEBqNd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bauhaus design, made in germany, automatic, not even 1000$

>> No.15154403

they're super grandpa-core

which works for some people.

>> No.15154406

that's more liuke $8k
which is not 1/10 of $25k

jeez talk about shitters

>> No.15154409

that band sucks

>> No.15154412

>tfw I actually use all the tools on the Wave.

>> No.15154416
File: 7 KB, 407x179, 31t+ja3rEdL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my writing implements are a fashion statement, just not a queer one like you

>> No.15154417
File: 1.16 MB, 1200x1600, 4wiz1xsizb121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seiko SARB065 'Cocktail Time'

one of the most beloved dress watches and not even $500

>spends $25,000 on a basic watch with a plain white dial because (((((MUH SWISS HERITAGE))))

>> No.15154419

like they're gonna put a Crate & Barrel sofa in moms basement.

>> No.15154430

Hideous watch to be honest.

>> No.15154435

you just mad you got jewed by the swiss lmao

they got BTFO so hard by the japs they had to create Swatch to stay alive

>> No.15154457

13 mm thick shitter, with el crapo printing and a case profile that make Amphibias look subtle. Nice.

>spends $25,000 on a basic watch with a plain white dial
It's not plain white, it has an opaline finish probably best appreciated in the metal.
But subtlety is not for Seiko fans, they need a brash dial that hits them on top of their heads with overexaggerated sunburst patterns.

>> No.15154483
File: 234 KB, 800x746, citizen-2323-2088721-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh subtlety
>its really really worth it I swear, if you look at it up close under the sun you might see some colours!

this cutting edge tech ecodrive Citizen comes in at less than 5mm thick and its not even $300

>> No.15154492

luxury isnt about subtlety tho, its about showing off how rich you are. if you have to tell people your watch is 25000 dollars then you got scammed my friend.

>> No.15154528
File: 23 KB, 300x300, post neck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15154751

Pocket watch

>> No.15154768

Where do you live friend, and in what kind of home?

>> No.15154794
File: 67 KB, 186x164, nd5yMQR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do the pencils even come in different hardness grades?
or is it just a normal ass no2 pencil?

>> No.15154815
File: 20 KB, 600x600, 305665[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, I used a writing pad made by Graf von Faber-Castell too.

You can buy them from around $800.

>> No.15154860

>for a notepad
>getting this jewed

>> No.15154873

This person is so laughable. It’s great

>> No.15154879

It's really fascinating to see some rich trust fund babby getting ripped off this hard by "artiste" companies. All it takes is a bit of marketing and an absurd pricetag to hook these kids in.

>> No.15154880
File: 78 KB, 381x506, veblen1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15154886

That's pretty low actually, it's for daily use stuff, a serious notepad you'd be using for serious business is more like $8000-80000.

>> No.15154889

There’s a line where you’re just spending money for bragging rights.

Some of the most expensive things are honestly made like shit.

>> No.15154891
File: 1.58 MB, 2000x1276, 20180911-DSCF0917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Handcrafted in Germany out of Saffino leather.

You need to take notes in style, anon.

One day, you'll learn.

>> No.15154907

>my sides

>> No.15154914

>That's pretty low actually, it's for daily use stuff, a serious notepad you'd be using for serious business is more like $8000-80000.
that sounds like a scam
id rather just buy one from dollar tree for a dollar
>You need to take notes in style
i dont even take notes in general and if i did why would i waste money on a boring notebook with an over inflated price tag?
you sound like a retard that thinks others will like you because your grip on your wallet is as loose as your legs
buying expensive things isnt a personality

>> No.15154979

The skeletool is pretty good too.
I don't really notice any issue with the weight, I usually have it in a pouch on my belt anyway.

I use the file a lot on my nails, and the tiny/normal screwdrivers a lot. Turned the prybar into a chisel too. Got it 20% off but I mainly bought it for the precision screwdriver.

>> No.15154988
File: 90 KB, 512x509, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A pocket knife!
>A flask!
>A lighter!
Pulling any of these things out in public (unless you're whittling wood, drinking at a bar/party, or smoking) makes you look like either an edgy teenager or a dangerous mentally-ill person, no matter how fancy or high-quality the item is. A platinum-plated, ornately-engraved, mirror-polished-marble-grip revolver may look /fa/ as fuck and be super fun to fidget with, but it kind of gives off the wrong vibe if you pull out a gun in public.

>A nice pen and small notepad
Very good suggestions. Just make sure you actually make a habit of writing things down or sketching things, otherwise you're just that annoying person who won't stop clicking their fucking pen. Pens are also incredibly varied and speak a LOT for someone's style when used as an accessory. There are likely as many, if not more, styles and levels of quality/class for pens as there are for watches. Pocket notepads also come in levels of class - You have your spiral-bound dollar-store variety, and then there's your legit leather/moleskin-bound natural-parchment-papered variety.

I would suggest pic related - A nice, heavy coin. Canadian loonies are a good size/weight, and here's the thing about fidget items: People are going to notice you pulling something out of your pocket and fucking with it, even if you're doing it absent-mindedly and don't notice yourself. Some people are going to assume you're doing it for attention. Regardless of why you're doing it, why not make it something that actually takes a bit of skill so you can practice and build toward something while you fidget? At the least, it provides just enough "impressive" factor to counteract "cringe" factor.
Coin tricks, like rolling it across your knuckles and spinning it around in your hand, might give off that "sleazy gambler" vibe, but a coin is very inconspicuous (almost everyone has one in their pocket), and there are lots of different styles, too. The older and less-oxidized the coin, the more /fa/.

>> No.15155002

>on belt
No way, Jose! It should clip inside my pocket and be light enough that I forget about it. The skeletool is, to me, the perfect multitool because I ALWAYS have it.

>> No.15155010

>Handcrafted in Germany out of Saffino leather.

what if it was
>Handcrafted in China out of Saffino leather.

exact same grade of material, exact same skill and experience of craftsman, exact same everything except the country.

would you still pay $800?

>> No.15155052

top kek, this thread contains the best bait I've seen over the last months. But it is kind of sad that everyone is ignoring the op so I'm gonna be that person:

>> No.15155054

>"you use everyday"
I haven't used a pencil since high school drafting class.

>> No.15155066

>$800 for chinese shit


>> No.15155071

was that why you tried to kill yourself?

>> No.15155085

but everything is the exact same, down to the craftsman who spent years of his life honing his craft. So whats the difference except your brain getting fooled by "heritage"?

so you basically spent 90% more just because a white person (probably) touched it? lmaooo

>> No.15155126

Graf von Faber-Castell is the oldest stationary company in the world. They literally invented the standard wooden pencil.

Some random chink who copied a design ain't that impressive.

>> No.15155137
File: 144 KB, 682x600, 471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh story and romance
>pay us more (((((money)))))) just because our dead great-great-great-grandfathers did XYZ

spoken like a true brand sheep lmao

>> No.15155142

>heritage means nothing
>but yeah... i hope to get a ROLEX some day :)))

>> No.15155143

nice deflection dude. I hate rolexes. Rolexes are 70% branding and boring.

>> No.15155147

>it’s European, so it’s better

>> No.15155167

I carry a Swiss Army Knife. The normies never blink an eye.

>> No.15155172

I use a pencil everyday because I’m a woodworker. I buy big packs of Ticonderoga Black.

People who actually *use* what they buy don’t spend autistic money on things.

>> No.15155269

>implying anyone wants a rolex

>> No.15155484

mostly kids with no life experience and no money talking about grownup stuff
+ y'all act like a bunch of bitches

>> No.15155527

this but unironically.

>hurr, you spent how much on a watch?
>lol u can get those for cheaper LOL

>> No.15155531

theres a difference between spending your money tastefully and spending it on garbage

>> No.15155546

i spend it on hookers, rate me

>> No.15155553


>> No.15155853

thats a good use of your money

>> No.15156224

>toothpick case
LoL that sounds autistic at, maybe I am wrong tho do you have a pic?

>> No.15156303
File: 740 KB, 206x200, 1541723872734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>counting money

>> No.15156381
File: 23 KB, 600x309, fedora man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The key to /fa/ accessories is they need to be a conversation piece.

>People need to look at them and ask, "What's that?" the moment you take it out.

>> No.15156390

A book, chewing gum.

>> No.15156537


>> No.15156561

I was uncorking a wine bottle the other day but the swiss knife didn't have a cork so I just stabbed it fifty times until it fell in.

>> No.15156591

kek I hope that was while you tried to get laid by a qt but you failed because she choked on a piece of cork

>> No.15156935

>he gets close to getting laid

>> No.15157098
File: 12 KB, 800x534, gamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But one of the limited edition blackwings then

>> No.15157538


>> No.15157801
File: 2.38 MB, 480x270, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15157818

5.7 and 10mm are the only ammo in stock near me.

>> No.15158762

Honestly ccw sucks.Just neckbeards who think they're 007 do it

>> No.15158790

wait wait, citizen... I have a citizen watch my grandpa gave me I thought it was some tacky gold watch... Is that brand actually good? I've never worn it bc it's too gold and too big

>> No.15158798

yea. citizen is a big japanese brand with actual long history so thats already far better than some random fashion watch. They are best known for their industry leading light powered technology, and also have the "worlds most accurate watch" (Eco-Drive Caliber 0100 - -$7000+). anyone remotely versed in watches will know citizen

>> No.15158800

redpill me on citizens pls ^^

>> No.15158806

established jap watch company that primarily focuses on quartz and their own ecodrive tech. Is kinda quiet as watch companies go but they have a good selection for all users and seen as a quality brand on par with seiko, casio

>> No.15158808

how big and tacky is it? at least it isnt some no-name shitter brand

>> No.15158840

based supertard

>> No.15158853


>stabbing someone with a fucking microtech

You don't know shit about knives, mate.

>> No.15158910

What else would you need a two sided blade for?

>> No.15159035

Cutting two things simultaneously?

>> No.15159162
File: 228 KB, 1100x1100, eskiya-dunyaya-hukumdar-olmaz-116-bolum-tesbih-1100x1100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prayer beads are ultimate fidget tools.

Endless variety of materials (amber, bone, horn, wood, silver, etc), sizes, styles.

Asserts masculine and conservative mindset.

>> No.15159291


>> No.15159706

Anything like this but for non christian pantheists?

>> No.15159757
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>> No.15159762

Terminally based

>> No.15159766

buddhist beads?

>> No.15160099

can someone give a full rundown on how much each item costs?

>> No.15160116

>pencil $500
>eraser $180
>lighter $1,200
>pen $1,200
>knife $300
>anime pins $5
>watch $25,000

>> No.15160131

if you have to ask
you can't afford it

>> No.15160133
File: 142 KB, 438x511, 20200419_225823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not care to know what that means, but I supoose you can play with your keychain.

>> No.15160142
File: 14 KB, 450x450, 39494b1470b572ce99b51140c6b3eb18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go full autist and use a training butterfly knife

>> No.15160145

Having to try so hard to defend yourself proves you have no class and are insecure in your purchases.

>> No.15160148

Solid coppers will defeat Level IIIA from reasonable distances.

>> No.15160154

I gaurantee you only write shopping lists or tripe tier poetry.

>> No.15160161

I just want to know how hard to mock them.

>> No.15160174

atleast post all the other pics

>> No.15160208

just use a pack of lucky strikes without additives and a black bic lighter


>> No.15160296

>(((without additives)))

>> No.15160353

>everything is just mundane shit but it has a high pricetag so its """"""""luxury""""""""""
>muh swiss watch
>muh silver pencil cap
silver isnt even luxury its just for losers who cant afford gold

>> No.15160445

>silver isnt even luxury its just for losers who cant afford gold
Gold is just for losers who can't afford platin

>> No.15160450

platinum is for try hards

>> No.15160509

Please stop posting bait.

>> No.15160749

>on person has an expensive pencil
>/fa/ collapses

Christ poorfags are so fucking bitchy.

>> No.15160769

wont they just look like analbeads?

>> No.15160847

so far my favourite essentials of this thread are a book, a knife and a 500$ pencil holder - keep the inspirations flowing anons

>> No.15161110

yea bruv from what I can find toothpick cases dont realy exist. Can anyone find fa toothpick cases?

>> No.15161133
File: 9 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The key to /fa/ accessories is they need to be a conversation piece.

>People need to look at them and ask, "What's that?" the moment you take it out.

>> No.15161170
File: 416 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200419-181924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15161493
File: 531 KB, 1440x605, 1564623725237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The key to /fa/ accessories is they need to be a conversation piece.

>People need to look at them and ask, "What's that?" the moment you take it out.

>"Long story short, that's how I got this effay ankle bracelet and why I can't leave my house for the next three years"

>> No.15161606

>very real possibility of a societal collapse
shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.15161644

This nigga took the blue pill.

>> No.15161670

nigga why the fuck you carrying around a hockey puck and a fountain pen?

fuck you finna do when you run out of ink and can't find an ice rink?

>> No.15161671

Want to tell me about it?

>> No.15161762

ever since february you retards have been screaming about how the world's gonna end because of chink flu. meanwhile it just came out a couple days ago that the infection rate is probably 50x higher than what was originally reported, meaning most people already have it, treated it like a cold and recovered, or had no symptoms. also meaning that the fatality rate is really something like <0.01%. the hysteria is pretty bad but not "societal collapse" level bad. china is reopening its factories, people are going back to work within the month, slowly the world is starting back up, and in a lot of places never stopped in the first place. cases in most areas are leveling out, nurses are fucking dancing in tiktoks when the media were crying about hospitals being overwhelmed for weeks prior.
really it's you who took the bluepill in buying the shit the media was spewing about a "pandemic" most people didn't even notice. I bet you ran out and bought toilet paper like all the other retards. kill yourself.

>> No.15161765

daddy's money chink who larps as a spy, invariably appears in EDC threads with a bunch of expensive crap as you've seen here, or someone else posts her pictures to b8. a lot of anons post about her being transsexual but I never saw confirmation.

>> No.15161842

How do you know?

>> No.15161852

just wait for her stuff to be posted in an EDC thread and the other anons will post her selfies and fill you in

>> No.15162422

>her selfies
Can't anyone post them now? Genuinely curious how someone with that much money looks like

>> No.15162510
File: 183 KB, 1080x1920, 1556172010171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr read big cock american/british spy novels then larp as a spy.
>use daddy's money to buy anything to impress white man!!!
>white man likey watch? okay!

>> No.15162515

ugly house

>> No.15162840

She has nudes floating around somewhere.

>> No.15162867

you forgot dildo

>> No.15162872
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>> No.15162894

thats a lot of makeup

>> No.15162902 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15162908 [DELETED] 
File: 561 KB, 2448x3264, QEJ867L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's kinda tbicc

>> No.15162914 [DELETED] 
File: 941 KB, 3024x4032, lsQfVEx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda cute for a mutt

>> No.15162920 [DELETED] 
File: 825 KB, 3024x4032, saebnaffnf731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15162954

nice, shame she is a mutt

>> No.15162964

desu i would def bang, 6/10?

>> No.15162979

nah, saw alot better mutts around desu
but she is the kind of messed up one could actually ez bang, so good luck, pal

>> No.15162985

4/10? How is she messed up?

>> No.15163101
File: 4 KB, 300x168, noose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a rope

>> No.15163108


>> No.15163393
File: 48 KB, 320x480, 7E3F5066-455A-447F-BFB6-74BF2039EA41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s more about the spicy toothpicks, but they do come in a case.

>> No.15164000

>spicy toothpicks
Wtf, do they also sell them witch chicken tenders taste?

>> No.15164052

anyone else carry a shit ton of loose good luck charms in their pocket, or am i insane

>> No.15164247

yes and yes

>> No.15164269

What sort, got a picture?

>> No.15164272

>Graf von Faber-Castell from around $800.
>conspicuous consumption
the writing pad doesnt actually cost anywhere near $800

>> No.15164469
File: 62 KB, 633x758, 28fj3w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooo there's no way anyone has that much money

>> No.15164637

>imagine bragging to people on 4chan that you spend $800 every time you fill a notebook
>imagine bragging to people on 4chan

>> No.15164818

This seems oddly hostile. Very out of character. You didn't buy a 4chan pass just to larp as her and make her look bad did you?

>> No.15165418


>> No.15165431

please stop

>> No.15165511

fyi getting into a knife fight is a good way to spend the rest of your life shitting into a colostomy bag

>> No.15165528

Good thing id never use my knife for self defense. because I'm not stupid

>> No.15166970

sorry to burst your bubble but you won't make it on your own very far spending money on silly trinkets like these dude

>> No.15166992

>corvette limo

>> No.15167014


>> No.15167022

>no matter how fancy or high-quality the item is
it's the opposite, actually
no one bats an eye if you pull out a bic or an opinel
try this with any other shiny elaborate gizmo and it just screams 'insecure try hard spending daddy's money'

>> No.15167026

Hi, fellow woodworker!
I use this:

>> No.15167035

cute bathrobe
sharpie in pooper plz

>> No.15167139

While I'd not buy these gadgets, there is no reason to criticize. She can spend money on what she wants.
And to burst your bubble - some people are so rich that they can waste money their entire life and still die with more than what the average joe makes in a lifetime.

>> No.15167322

I can't imagine this kind of anon
in a real knife fight

>> No.15167595

looks fancy. Might grab one some time.

I buy big packs of Ticonderoga because pencils have a tendency to walk away from me. Or I"ll just use whatever work gets free from the lumber yard/Grainger/Northern Safety.

>> No.15167669

Damn shame there's literally nothing else you can do with a knife.

>> No.15167793

This. Getting upset by that fact is just pathetic. >>15167595

>> No.15167799

Didn't mean to respond to the second post.

>> No.15168196

I shit into my colostomy bag without a knife all the time. What the fuck are you talking about?