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/fa/ - Fashion

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15143893 No.15143893 [Reply] [Original]

Name a band more /fa/ than Death Grips

>> No.15143899
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>> No.15143901

That's the angriest little loli I have ever seen

>> No.15143909
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>> No.15143912
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>> No.15143925
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>> No.15143949
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>> No.15143953


>> No.15143954


>> No.15143959


>> No.15143971

Not even

>> No.15143988
File: 153 KB, 1024x681, Menudo-Where-Now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh easy, Menudo

>> No.15144007
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>> No.15144008

literally anything holy fuck i hate this ""bands"" fans

>> No.15144041

Velvet Underground

>> No.15144074
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case closed

>> No.15144077
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This charming band

>> No.15144078

came here to post 'literally anything'

>> No.15144118

Playboi carti

>> No.15144128
File: 451 KB, 1363x1364, 1570266856747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I can name a couple

>> No.15144132

misspelled mu

>> No.15144136

These dudes are pretty effay

>> No.15144149

looks like three random dudes picked up off the street

how can anyone aspire to this

>> No.15144155

this has to be a self aware selection

>> No.15144215
File: 173 KB, 827x1240, 57047d288a5f232184bd7fbf4f0a1cf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Came here to post this, was disappointed it took this long.

>> No.15144661

>little loli
Pedo detected

>> No.15144667


>> No.15144742

death grips isn't a "band" per se, they are a conceptual art exhibition anchored by sound and vision

>> No.15144782

guys please also post the name of the band, how else should know who you mean

>> No.15144854
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>> No.15144954

peado get out

>> No.15144970
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>The Garden

>> No.15144983


I think they used to browse here lol

>> No.15144988

I mean they're into fashion and have walked for know brands in fashion shows, wouldn't be surprised if they were browsing a "fashion forum".

>> No.15145398

death grips is entry level “yeah i listen to real music” core, and anyone with even a mild interest in music who isnt a complete meek faggot will be unimpressed by the fact that you like death grips (my girlfriend and her friends actually make fun of men who like death grips), women arent impressed when you talk about death grips and 4chan

>> No.15145405

swans is garbage.

>> No.15145410

>Listening to music to "impress" people
>Using music taste to substitute for a personality
>Feeling superior because you consume something different from another consumer
How was your 16th birthday last week anon?

>> No.15145414

sure if you talk to women about death grips hoping to impress them and get pussy you're clearly an autist, but also fuck those whores, fuck giving them attention to get anything out of them or appealing to this shallow nonsense world of female empowerment and pinstagram likes or what the fuck ever. Do acid, take ecstacy, see shit and listen to whatever you fucking want cause it's all coming down anyways so you may as well watch it while you can. If you seriously listen to music for credibility in the eyes of the whores of babylon you definitely aren't in this for the reasons I am.

>> No.15145552


i couldn't have said it better myself. idk what >>15145414
is talking about, because someone has clearly not hungout with late teens/early twenty y/os recently. "Liking" music such as death grips is like a badge of honor.

Look up "100 gecs ringtone remix", and that's the song people parade around when they're talking about the music they looOOOoove. shits fucking ass. im totally down with alternative, like JPEGMAFIA, but ppl who like 100gecs are retarded

>> No.15145638

baste as fuck

>> No.15145645

The Body

>> No.15145914


>> No.15145930
File: 54 KB, 512x510, Death in june.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death In June

>> No.15145934
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Elias Bender Ronnenfelt and Loke Rahbek in Vår

>> No.15145935


>> No.15145936

that's a fucking child you creepy retarded nigger

>> No.15145940

dope saw them in Osaka a couple years back not knowing anything about them. they were really good

>> No.15146190

/aka a band

>> No.15146205
File: 1.07 MB, 908x650, biting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing jpegmafia is just death grips for retards

>> No.15146260

Let me spoonfeed you then.

Thaiboy Digital, Ecco2k, Bladee
Some random guy showing his vinyl collection

>> No.15146292

I got kinda pissed when Elias turned 28, I wanted him to die at 27 so that Iceage could be considered a legendary normie band in the future.

>> No.15146315

>not liking 100 gecs

Is there a less /fa/ opinion than this?

>> No.15146326
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>>not liking 100 gecs

>Is there a less /fa/ opinion than this?

>> No.15146332

>goes to mu once after hearing the fantanofag talk about it

>> No.15146345

100 gecs is the reddit version of bladee

>> No.15146356

Bladee is the reddit version of Bladee

>> No.15146366

t.doesnt vibe to bladee while smoking meth

>> No.15146405

that sufjan album is based

>> No.15146918


>> No.15146921

Ven Claridad llega ya

>> No.15146922

>le 27 club XDDDD please upboat!

>> No.15146983
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Early days strokes was /fa/ incarnate

>> No.15146999
File: 27 KB, 300x300, Smiths_-_Strangeways_here_we_come.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why that sing is so popular... Virtually every song they released on their next 3 albums is better than This Charming Man

>> No.15147003

>dude do drugs!
miss me with that gay shit

>> No.15147011
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Not him, but Acid and MDMA in a mindful setting are pretty much the polar opposite of "drugs"

>> No.15147025


>> No.15147083

it's one of the most accessible smiths songs. same with asleep and there is a light that never goes out. most zoomers hot off of listening to tyler the nigger and clairo the broadcast/mazzy star ripoff listen to these songs and think they have ascended when they are merely just dipping their toes in the water.

>> No.15147086

i tried listening to their albums multiple times and it just sounds like someone is pouring pebbly diarrhea into my ears

>> No.15147090

no thanks that stuffs a boomer meme

>> No.15147106
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>> No.15147133

Subete a mi moto

ella guardara

>> No.15147401

Correct answers

>> No.15147526

Vampire Weekend, the Strokes, the Smiths

>> No.15147723
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>> No.15147787
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>> No.15148025

Yeah its all /mu/core but they're all great albums. Don't try to deny it

>> No.15148102
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>> No.15148107

the only good ones that op has is illinoise and american football
rest are either straight up shit (death grips, animal collective) or bland garbage (okc, nmh)

>> No.15148293



>> No.15148295

>bland garbage (okc, nmh)
>american football is a good one tho

>> No.15149579

it’s actually good unlike okc

>> No.15149619


>> No.15149779


>> No.15149798
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>> No.15149897


>> No.15149959

schwefelgelb are on par

>> No.15150495

fuck yes. even just seeing their outfits live, they have such presence/recognizable style. it just translates so well into their music/aesthetic. theyre so tall and lanky, they look stunning in everything

>> No.15150498

Ride was dressed lamely in flared jeans and a workwear style rust color belt.

>> No.15150503

Dude has Donkey Kong hair.

>> No.15150508
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cropped not flared, but still, weird choice of shoes and belt

>> No.15150515
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Zac looking more attractive, Ride needs to get in shape

>> No.15150558

literally this.

>> No.15150560

they look cool but also pozzed as fuck

>> No.15150626

Ecco Furry

>> No.15151412
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came here just to post this

>> No.15151932

>my girlfriend and her friends actually make fun of men who like death grips
ok dude

>> No.15151976
File: 751 KB, 1200x1200, a2717866482_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kikagaku Moyo

>> No.15152332

We used to have a ton of saint laurent threads during Hedi era, and they were always posted as inspo.
I remember some slp models posting here but not the guys from the garden. I wouldn't be surprised if they at least browsed here, but I never seen them posting.

>> No.15153270

Death grips are the most /fa/ living band and it's not even particularly close close

>> No.15153287

>t. fantanofag
death grips has a nigger as the lead singer so it can not be /fa/

>> No.15153290
File: 1.22 MB, 3000x2000, dadadadadw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bones is /fa/, probably has the best rapper merch

>> No.15153292

black people are good at music, they got the rhythym in compensation for their -1 SD mean IQs, cope whiteboi

>> No.15153471

looks like a family meetup of my cousins
(we're all jewish btw)

>> No.15153478
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>> No.15153725
File: 132 KB, 1024x853, Bladee-and-Ecco2k-Alyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>band with members that are runway models
extremely effay

>> No.15153737
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>> No.15153744
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>> No.15154248

literally me

>> No.15154550
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>> No.15154743


>> No.15155827

Lil Ugly Mane is the best artist af this generation, the three sided tapes are 10/10
Death Grips are overrated and make them look like god is cringe and pretentious

Btw i started get into The Residents, anyone can suggest me a good album?

>> No.15156466


>> No.15156551

Meme Grips is not effay, it's peak reddit, as are most of the artists listed itt
This is correct, along with stuff like Uzi, ASAP Rocky, Travis Scott, etc. If you walk around bragging about liking Swans or some shit you'll look like a dork.

>> No.15156642

Khruangbin are fucking dope

>> No.15156656
File: 42 KB, 645x729, So+she+flicks+the+bean+a+load+and+he+has+_18646fd3f63f0cd84771a2cfe2711d5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh look at me i listen to shitty music that no one likes except myself and my circle-jerking niche internet group. Yeah i bet you dont like this clusterfuck of sound like i do because you are not as cool as me

Honestly, get some friends

>> No.15156683

Sissy Spacek

>> No.15156690
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>> No.15156724

>"just wear outdoor clothing, bro"

>> No.15156977

You're gay and a nerd for not doing drugs.

>> No.15157179
File: 567 KB, 807x612, mbv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of our way, faggot

>> No.15157640

I'm like 90 percent sure this is ironic but I wouldn't blame you for liking this if you just now started venturing into music.

>> No.15157648

>calling a actual little girl a "loli"
Death can't find you soon enough.

>> No.15159047

technically this is /fa/ the band

>> No.15159052

Apparently this is the most fashionable musician a man who hasn't ironed his shirt.

>> No.15159075


Nation of Ulysses.

>> No.15159133


>> No.15159462
File: 965 KB, 1280x715, 3a20bbd09f53a6f9b2467d15f81ea38b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they look like male version of shelley duvall

>> No.15159822

>death grips are reddit
>lil uzi and playboi carti arent
summer is here

>> No.15159839
File: 722 KB, 1280x856, sy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never seen them in a thread like this

>> No.15159848
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