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File: 1.66 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20200401_211443303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15118386 No.15118386 [Reply] [Original]

Clean shaven or stache?

>> No.15118393

Clean shaven is probably the better option, but I fucking love that stache

>> No.15118434

Stache, just trim it a little better. Keep a day or two of stubble too

>> No.15118442

Clean shaven is the safer option but staches can either look really good or really bad. Keep it trimmed and conditioned to keep from looking like a pedo.

>> No.15118444

STACHE! you look like a 1930's chad boxer!

>> No.15118445

Stache is slick as fuck and absurdly based.. But you're a good looking dude either way, no fag shit.

>> No.15118457

Like who?

>> No.15118458

you'll make it rain dimes wherever you go

>> No.15118459

depends on if you want to look like a normal low test male or a hipster

>> No.15118487

Stache. It’s not even close. Please never shave again.

>> No.15118500

Thanks for the answers everyone. I usually have the stache, have for over a year now. Just shaved a week ago for something new while I'm stuck at home. Torn between my ideal of looking like Superman or growing it back. Already feeling the itch to grow it back. How do y'all think I should trim it? AKA what could I fix in the OP pic

>> No.15118519

The OP Pic is fine. Definitely grow it back. You look 100x more masculine with the stache. Like other anons said try experimenting with letting the 5oclock shadow grow elsewhere, but keep the stache thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.15118552

s*y expressions

>> No.15118933

stache makes you from onions to goy no but seriously never shave again

>> No.15119319
File: 439 KB, 400x400, Muah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mustache is more unique specially when you have a good full one.

Even better if you are somewhat muscular (Fireman Mode)

My Experience: My female friends thought it was weird at first as I was growing it, but really liked it as it became fuller.

Have been complimented multiple times by both s-0-y boys and Chads alike.

Had a friend I kinda sorta flirt with straight up told me, and I quote "The first time I saw you at (campus) the first thing I looked at was your facial hair and thought "what-if....."

Make your own assumptions friend

>> No.15119411

Left: Fresh meat Private arriving at British Trenches circa 1917
Right: Sergeant ordering men to go over trenches circa 1918

>> No.15119460

Keep the stache

>> No.15119473

Mustache, looks good m8

>> No.15119550

Mustaches weren't popular during the great war because gas masks didnt fit over them. Anyone in the trenches were generally clean shaven. Having facial hair meant that you were in an administrative role, nowhere near the front lines. That's why big facial hair became less popular after the war, having a big beard was basically flaunting that you didnt have to live through what the common soldier had to endure.

>> No.15119568

you look 1o years older with stache, don´t be a fucking fag and shave properly

>> No.15119584
File: 274 KB, 1200x833, D53r_wTWsAABN_s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about infantry but 99% of officers had mustaches thats for sure

>> No.15119634

Beards didn't work in gas masks, not mustaches. everyone had a stache.

>> No.15119635

that stache makes you look like a gay

>> No.15119644

Left= Pixar movie main character from Ratatouille or something
Right= 1970s porn actor who appears in bondage movies dressed as a nazi

>> No.15119649

Well, yeah. Officers didnt live in the trenches.
I'm sure beards were worse, but Britian used to require soldiers grow mustaches until 1916 https://youtu.be/KsF5Mg6DXiM watch to about 1:30 in.

>> No.15120049

definitely the stache, trim it a bit tho, it covers your lips too much

>> No.15120119

stache, shve your head and wear shades

>> No.15120263

god damn, stache.
Are you available? whats your address?

>> No.15120271

>blue eyes
The first and only white person to post their picture on /fa/. Hello fellow huwhite man.

>> No.15121671

Uncle Ruckus, fuck off.

>> No.15121811

Okay a street shitter indian

>> No.15121816

nigger fuck off to reddit

>> No.15121956

incel, please. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.15121966
File: 175 KB, 267x396, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody seeing more and more people rocking the mustache or is it just me?

>> No.15121987

Similar thing here. Had a nice full close-trimmed beard (not some 10-inch-long hipster shit to hide my chin), was rocking it for months, decided to shave it off because facial hair is like a spider web for germs/bacteria, now I look like a teenager in a bad way but I'm hesitant to grow it back, for sanitary reasons.

>> No.15122026
File: 41 KB, 675x500, cavill-tasche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mustache is definitely making a comeback and starting to breach irony, entering "unironically looks good" territory.
The only thing these days is that the vibe it gives off is not 80s-revival, but more like early-1900s-revival: Not in the style of facial hair itself (the pencil 'stache is still out), but in the overall look that the mustache adds to.
It looks best on young, sharp, healthy men (not teenagers), up-and-comers, inventors and divergent thinkers, suave ladies' men, and intellectuals. It only works with a full head of conservatively-styled hair, it must be trimmed neatly (no wild lip forests), and only paired with the shortest symmetrical stubble, if any at all.
It works best with well-fitting clothes that lean toward formal, but a casual look works well too, as long as it looks "young-adult-casual", and not retiree-casual or teenager-casual.
If a mustache makes you give off a fatherly, 80s-businessman, aging-pedophile, greasy-uncle, or teenage-hipster vibe, it's not the look for you. If it makes you give off an old-timey bank teller, investor, or inventor look, then you might want to try it out. Just remember that the mustache is an accessory, not a centerpiece.

>> No.15122444
File: 107 KB, 1087x608, pixlr_20200404013028073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaved daily but now that I got the chance I gave the stache a try, 2 week unshaven. Should I keep it?

I would say try a bit longer sideburns, you could definitely go for stubble with the moustache, but either way keep it, looks pretty good man.

>> No.15122464
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, escanor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15122527

Clean shaven/light stubble, you have good bone structure, don't hide it
Stache ages you

>> No.15122539

you look good in both and moustache looks great but I'd say I like ur hair better on the left than the right
and stubble would do u good either way

>> No.15122740

But Cavill looks more dad/80s...

>> No.15122755

youre really pretty with or without stache... no homo tho :)

>> No.15122848

but he looks older on the left
>Stache ages you
yes, and?

>> No.15122849

Stashe looks better

>> No.15122868

It's not fair, some people can just rock whatever and look good

>> No.15122884

you typed all that

>> No.15122902

It's not that hard

>> No.15122920

Hard to say, but I’m leaning towards clean shave. Stache makes you look like someone trying to impersonate Roosevelt, who's gonna call someone mlady or offer a duel. Clean-shaven is baby face, but not too bad.

>> No.15123166

>he told me to go back where I came from he must be an incel hehe

>> No.15123168
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x1280, 1581628772317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than 10 years ago every fucking hipster had this kind of moustache
You wouldnt fucking know because back then you were elementary school
Fucking zoomers man, next thing they gonna say t-shirts are making a comeback just so they could feel relevant

>> No.15123332


>> No.15123333


>> No.15123447

Clean shaven. Moustache is so 1977.

>> No.15124349

Right is really nice.
Also better get /fit/ and then you'll have the perfect 1920 strongman physique

>> No.15124977

maybe bring it up to meet the line where your lips meet
definitely grow some stubble

>> No.15125108

Stache, but without the stupid expression

>> No.15125292

Grow your beard back. Just practice good hygiene and you'll be fine. What do you think, all women with long hair are shaving it for sanitary purposes? No, just shower.

>> No.15125325

>miss the beard fashion of 2010s because beard game was still weak back then
>grow a thick beard now
>just in time to miss the moustache fashion in 2020 because moustache game is still weak

epic, i bet in the next 5 years when i can actually grow out a moustache we will just go back to clean shaven fashion wont we?

>> No.15125328

that's a face to get coomed on

>> No.15125331

This guy would be 100% better without the cheesy piercings and the stache

>> No.15126208

I'm pretty sure I saw you on /co/ or on another board but I'm not sure

>> No.15126342 [DELETED] 

Chad either way. Also checked

>> No.15126351

Chad either way. Also checked

>> No.15126412
File: 280 KB, 856x679, 1567398240218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15126463

Seconding stache, but a beard half the length would also look good. Either way, a dick broom like that is too good to shave off.

>> No.15126467

If you don't work out already you definitely should. Would add a lot to have a solid body to go with such masculine features
If you decide to keep the stache you should grow it out longer like the actor in the post above you

>> No.15126472

did you miss the part about breaching irony
those ridiculous staches were all ironic turn of the century le dapper gentleman bullshit
In todays world the guy in your pic would cut the overgrown points off

>> No.15126485
File: 1.10 MB, 1350x958, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around 3 weeks progress since quarantining myself. Two of my plates said that they like it already when I sent them the pic on the right and I want to give it another 5 weeks to see how dense it gets. I'm also going to take a neckpill to make my neck thicker as it seems like a prerequisite for pulling off stache. What do you think?

>> No.15126489
File: 15 KB, 220x338, 220px-Gaëtan_Dugas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15126547
File: 85 KB, 749x1024, clark-gable-pencil-mustache-749x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, been working out daily since the lockdown started. I will grow it out but I don't think it'll reach Cavill's stage, it's thinner. I'm still content with a Clark Gable/ Errol Flynn style since I also dress formal most of the time. Cheers anon

I think we're on the same boat man, I'm on 3rd week it looks similiar to yours. Definitely keep it to see where it goes, after that maybe trim the sides a bit so it doesn't overhand past your mouth.

>> No.15126595

This is why you developer your own style.
Fashion is temporary, style is forever.

>> No.15126656

try a undercut.

>> No.15126684

>Officers didnt live in the trenches.

Not true

>Some 12% of the British army's ordinary soldiers were killed during the war, compared with 17% of its officers. Eton alone lost more than 1,000 former pupils - 20% of those who served. UK wartime Prime Minister Herbert Asquith lost a son, while future Prime Minister Andrew Bonar Law lost two. Anthony Eden lost two brothers, another brother of his was terribly wounded, and an uncle was captured.

>> No.15126700

You look like a scary guy that girl would walk away in a empty street, while with mustache. Without you look good, keep it shaved.

>> No.15126893
File: 326 KB, 510x1148, 20200405_214152[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let some stubble grow in. It'll balance out the mustache so that it doesn't stand out as the solitary centerpiece.

Anywhere from stubble to short beard looks best IMO.

>> No.15126903

This, you avoid looking like a rapist paedo.

>> No.15127295

Pretty based also please keep the stache

>> No.15127338

I fucking love staches, yours is just a little too big, other than that it's great

>> No.15127362
File: 320 KB, 1280x960, B2002378-DDAF-4E85-8F39-C4DFCF4315D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I‘m just letting it grow atm, so it‘s pretty unruly.
Considering a van Dyke or pure mustache.
What should I go for?

>> No.15127400
File: 179 KB, 1080x719, 69860451_842423056173614_1414971998856611893_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this pic or Chads on my pic related achievable natty moustaches? Or is it 100% genetics?

>> No.15127754

I'd grow a stache if I was able to grow a decent one. Got nice jaw so not complaining tho

>> No.15127819

cool story bro

>> No.15127823
File: 19 KB, 396x500, 41CpPQyI0OL._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always recommend Mustache + short beard/ stubble, but it looks like God maxed out your goatee stat and ignored the chops.
I'd go for the pure mustache if I were you. The Van Dyke is not particularly in right now (you'll look a bit larp and hipster).

Cut the ends of the stache so that they go a bit past the ends of your mouth. Trim the rest so that it is a bit longer than your upper lip.
This should land you at the Tom Selleck. (IE, a full looking, trimmed, High-T mustache Vs. your Pancho Villa)

Other tips:
Sprinkle in some stubble regardless of your lack of chops.
Get some beard oil for the stache (keeps it soft and style-able)
Get a boar bristle brush
Keep that shit tidy. Mustaches are high-risk high-reward.

>> No.15127840

Thanks for the input

>> No.15127877

Look man. These days the stache only works when you have an indie look. I'm talking cuffed beanie, dickies, nose rings n shit. If you dress normally you will look like a creep.

>> No.15128371

Thanks mate, I'll keep it. Curious how thicc it can get but I guess Cavill Tasche is too much to ask for.

>> No.15128373

Stache you look like a stud

>> No.15128409

Keep the hair, you look like a gent.

>> No.15128592

Clean is better but the mustache is a lot more memorable and interesting. Left is like, safe, but the right is kinda daring and charismatic. It's weird but not super weird. You kinda look like a weatherman who dick punches bears

>> No.15129521

Is this a joke? You look like s*y on the left.

>> No.15129540
File: 23 KB, 346x346, 1585740310996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn' huge, solid, thick and tight your 'stache can get. Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.15129570

How does a moustache look with receding hairline? What about a buzz?

>> No.15129575
File: 357 KB, 381x594, bronson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15129578

Pretty sick but that's bald and Tom Hardy.

>> No.15129780

Stache with stubble

>> No.15130069


>> No.15130170

Zbazowany i zczerwonopigułkowany

>> No.15130839

Definitely the stash. It adds a good masculine edge to your face. Maybe consider a bit of stubble on the rest of the face to look a bit more rugged

>> No.15131015
File: 7 KB, 179x281, 1554146889652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moustache'd pic but trimmed like another 0.5cm also sit on my face

>> No.15131163

Stache mane!

>> No.15131979


>> No.15131998

>tfw ugly diffuse thinning on top instead of an effay peak

>> No.15133200

Any ID on his jacket?

>> No.15133316

God damn I have your hair color but terrible beard genetics. Lucky man

>> No.15133324
