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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 66 KB, 500x354, tumblr_lg9le3R8Nz1qfvsabo1_r2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15117785 No.15117785 [Reply] [Original]

i miss the good old days lads so here's a comfy 2000s indie hipster core dump

>> No.15117788
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>> No.15117793
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>> No.15117797
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>> No.15117800
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>> No.15117808
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>> No.15117810
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>> No.15117811

closely monitoring this thread thank you OP

>> No.15117814
File: 70 KB, 604x453, EA6F6093-000C-4B8D-8B72-A813A6F856AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread sucks and fuck you

>> No.15117815
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>> No.15117818
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>> No.15117822
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>> No.15117829
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>> No.15117835

keep posting thanks

>> No.15117838

i'm so glad all these people either grew the fuck out of this or are retail employed alcoholic wrecks. fuck em

>> No.15117855
File: 93 KB, 500x500, alexachung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back in the day when every girls fashion icon was alexa rather than trashy instagram "baddies"

>> No.15117865

It's ironic how such a culture flourished directly and immediately in the aftermath of a recession. Perhaps these were all very wealthy youth.
Also ironically, it died out when the economy was actually starting to recover. Eventually it got replaced by art hoe but that's another story.

>> No.15117867
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>> No.15117868 [DELETED] 


>> No.15117869

Kill yourself worthless zoomer.

>> No.15117872
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>> No.15117875
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>> No.15117876 [DELETED] 

*coof coof* Sorry, I didn't mean too.

>> No.15117890
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>> No.15117896

Can you stop posting these holes pls
Stop being a thirsty incel

>> No.15117898

Shut the fuck up retard and fuck off.

>> No.15117900
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>> No.15117903

op here i'm a girl

>> No.15117928


>> No.15117932

man those days were kino

>> No.15117962

>tfw made my tumblr in 2010
am i a poser...

>> No.15117986
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>> No.15117989
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>> No.15117995
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>> No.15118005

twee will never die

>> No.15118121

these fugly fatty-cope high waisted denim shorts are the only thing they kept

>> No.15118137

Thanks for the thread OP.

I'm combing through /fa/ archives for tumblrcore to have something to contribute.
Not a zoomer btw.

>> No.15118139

My gf has that exact same dress. If she doesn't stop wearing it when I tell her then I'll find a way to get rid of it. It's way too short.

>> No.15118185

>men still prefer feminine twee 08 tumblrcore over slutty tacky arthoe instathot
>women still prefer 08-11 men's minimalist monochrome scandinavian streetwear and mfacore

>> No.15118191
File: 1.07 MB, 964x630, 2020-04-01_19-27-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps this wouldn't count OP but he's old enough and carries himself like he would have been in that crowd.

>> No.15118206
File: 161 KB, 1080x1080, 50201798_166928254274750_1573050354194372114_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15118209

Hey you kids!
Stop shittin in my windows!

>> No.15118211
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>> No.15118213
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>> No.15118217

Which recession? Most of this stuff was mid aughts, the crash wasn't until 07. And yes indie was for rich white people

>> No.15118222

>Which recession?
The Great One.
>Most of this stuff was mid aughts
And it continued being "in" and a thing into the early 2010s. It didn't die out until 2014 thereabout.
>And yes indie was for rich white people
This is why classism is a good thing.

>> No.15118224
File: 963 KB, 939x602, 2020-04-01_19-44-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15118227
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>> No.15118233

Silverman looks like Barbra Specter

>> No.15118235

Yeah but if your idea is that it was driven by the economy it started at the tail end of a huge period of pretty good growth and lasted through a horrible long trough. In other words it existed through both. Not sure how both economic extremes could have come to the same fashion conclusion. It was way better than the soundcloud rapper shit everyone wore afterwards in my area though

>> No.15118244
File: 67 KB, 768x433, 1551544311323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny Furniture - Lena Dunham

Crying in Vain

>> No.15118262

I love living far away from this subhuman race

>> No.15118263

I am subhuman race that controls you

>> No.15118267
File: 38 KB, 900x506, ashly-burch-feet-7-photos-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you gotta be so mean?

>> No.15118271
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>> No.15118290

>Not sure how both economic extremes could have come to the same fashion conclusion
It has to do with the generation. All Millennials.
You'll notice the shift in youth fashion/culture with 2015 with first 18 year old zoomers.

>> No.15119011
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>> No.15119013
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>> No.15119015
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>> No.15119016
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>> No.15119017

ootl what actuallt *is* an instagram baddie?

>> No.15119019
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>> No.15119022
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>> No.15119036
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>> No.15119132
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>> No.15119134
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>> No.15119137
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>> No.15119350

one of the best threads ive seen on /fa/ in a very long time. thanks anon

>> No.15119537

thanks! It's all stuff from the archive of my old tumblr, been digging through it since yesterday . Makes me feel so nostalgic lol. I'll post more later (it's mostly female inspo though)

>> No.15119552

cyrs cool

>> No.15119966
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>> No.15119968
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>> No.15119970
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>> No.15119971
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>> No.15119972
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>> No.15119974
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>> No.15119976
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>> No.15119977


>> No.15120031
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>> No.15120033
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>> No.15120039
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>> No.15120044
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>> No.15120101
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>> No.15120104
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>> No.15120106
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>> No.15120107
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>> No.15120149 [DELETED] 

where did everything go wrong, lads... ;_;

>> No.15120166

made mine then too. I met my husband there!

>> No.15120187


I think this is probably the best conclusion. The recession of '08 likely hit these girls' parents, but that's about it.

There's a fair argument that some fashion trends were driven by economic factors (e.g., the 80s in the US/Japan), but that doesn't seem applicable here.

Yeah man, props for this, it's a nice nostalgia trip.

>> No.15120355
File: 86 KB, 960x842, Computer-Magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats DANZ aka Computer Magic!

>> No.15120373

She looks Like she smells like booger mucus

>> No.15120403
File: 17 KB, 300x256, Snow_Informer_(Single_Cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is like nu-snow core. i dig it

>> No.15120471

Remember, this is what they took from us

>> No.15120506
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>> No.15120539
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>> No.15120541
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>> No.15120557
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>> No.15120564

>Not a zoomer btw.
Thanks for informing us

>> No.15120639


>> No.15120726

Sauce on the glasses?

>> No.15120882

Cyr is a faggot

>> No.15120896

great thread OP. these really were the good old days, makes me feel 16/17 again

>> No.15120944

so happy this thread exists I tried to start a similar thread a few months ago and it didn’t work as well as this one

>> No.15120948

really wish I could remember my tumblr account name from 2010, I would have a lot to share/dump. I'll come back if I can think of it. Thanks again for sharing these, anons. really cool thread.

>> No.15121051

Good times but the fashion trends during this time were shit

>> No.15121085


>> No.15121087

If I ever went to a Kooks concert it would be the best memory of my life

>> No.15121290

but girls still dress like this

>> No.15121369

same, i was too young when they were popular but they fit this aesthetic perfectly. It seems like british popculture in general had a huge influence on these trends (the kooks, arctic monkeys, alexa chung, the tv show skins, britpop music in general etc...) but maybe it only seems that way to me because i'm from europe


>> No.15121396

girls on my campus all either dress like boring normies, arthoes or insta thots. There is literally no in between. Art hoes are probably the closest thing to this but they all wear this crazy dragqueen makeup that wasn't a thing until maybe 2015

>> No.15121398
File: 315 KB, 1200x1805, 1200px-MGMT_Fun_Fun_Fun_Fest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Andrew van Wynging peak '09 hot guy?

>> No.15121407

I don't know lmao
Hope you weren't expecting me to rant about Jews and shit.

>> No.15121421

i did and i'm glad that you don't lmao

>> No.15121645
File: 87 KB, 500x338, tumblr_ls3q6szsGY1qcysh1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back with some more


>> No.15121649
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>> No.15121650
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>> No.15121651
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>> No.15121652
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>> No.15121656
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>> No.15121658
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>> No.15121661
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>> No.15121663
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>> No.15121665
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>> No.15121666
File: 2.84 MB, 1556x1036, 5755895409_c0f82916ee_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno who started this thread, or if there's multiple people contributing, but by all means, please keep posting. This thread is hitting me way deep in my nostalgia towards 2012-2014 Uni days.
First time living on my own, started changing my music tastes, got into tumblr. Good times.

>> No.15121669
File: 115 KB, 500x338, tumblr_ltoem6EaIF1qcysh1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15121676

op here, most of the posts are from me. I'm so glad people here take this thread so well, was expecting a bunch of "fuck off fag" comments lmao. I'll keep posting more!

>> No.15121679
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>> No.15121682
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>> No.15121686
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>> No.15121687
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>> No.15121688
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>> No.15121691
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>> No.15121693

For sure, great thread. I love the female fashion from back then, rather feminine

>> No.15121695
File: 59 KB, 464x700, tumblr_lwdq8eetvh1qcysh1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15121704
File: 103 KB, 500x332, tumblr_lq4in5v1Jy1qcysh1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i noticed that too. Almost all the girls in these pictures are wearing some form of dress or skirt. That combination of tights and shorts was also a huge trend

>> No.15121706
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>> No.15121707
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>> No.15121719
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>> No.15121723
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>> No.15121726
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>> No.15121729
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>> No.15121732
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>> No.15121733
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>> No.15121805
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>> No.15121807
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>> No.15121808
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>> No.15121856

Relevant youtube kino

>> No.15121869

Looking back, it wasn't all that bad, eh lads?

>> No.15121914

i think a lot of the "magic" of that time stems from the fact that even though the internet and social media (to an extent) were already a thing, smartphones weren't. Social Media back then was way more playful than the depressing cesspool that instagram is nowadays. Loads of these pictures were taken in a moment with the primary purpose to capture said moment and with posting it on social media being a secondary thought (most of these were taken with disposable cameras). Zoomers under the constant pressure of posting shit in their instastories right then and there in realtime, to show everyone how much fun they are having will never understand. Back then you would check social media maybe 1-3 times a day, close your laptop, be done with it and not think about it anymore. I know i sound like a boomer but this "innocent" and pressureless era of social media was ideal.

>> No.15121960

>most of these were taken with disposable cameras
no they weren't?

>> No.15122014

or some form of analog camera. These don't look like phone or digital camera photos and there are no filters to accurately mimic this analog look (especially not back then before apps like vsco)

>> No.15122035

very early digital cameras looked pretty shit desu. But yeah, most indie types have always been into analog cameras so youre probably right.

>> No.15122109

you hit the nail on the head

>> No.15122116

most of these were not taken by disposables but youre correct about the rest. zoomers live to pretend they're living

>> No.15122731

not that bad at all :')

>> No.15123027

father time

>> No.15123112

Thanks for making this thread op :’—). Made my night a little better. I miss those days.

>> No.15123178
File: 80 KB, 800x534, 1577810339336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga there has literally been a comeback of this style for little over a year now

>> No.15123179

damn, remember following a "polaroid" blog on tumblr and wishing I had frinds that cool

>> No.15123180

Can sing the whole song from the back of my head

>> No.15123275


Were fringes/bangs hairstyles just a lot more common in the late 2000s than around ten years later? I like them.

>> No.15123308

It's strange how these pictures make me feel nostalgic for a youth i never had.

>> No.15123319

This whole zooey dechanel style used to be super popular back then. I follow a lot of hair stylists on instagram for inspo and i've noticed that bangs are becoming more popular again

>> No.15123342

loving how classy these girls look, wish zoomer girls my age could actually dress themselves lol
did these girls have issues like art hoes/e girls/edgethots or were they chill?

>> No.15123352

Remember when that chick from Paramore was hot?

>> No.15123353

They were arthors of back then.

They dressed and wee like Zoey deschanel in 500 days of summer but in reality they were new OkCupid guy a weekend (this was before tinder)

>> No.15123589
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>> No.15123593
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>> No.15123594
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>> No.15123596
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>> No.15123605
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btw i took most of these pictures from this blogs archive. There's a bunch of cringy shit but also tons of authentic pictures from back in the day of people partying and hanging out. Very interesting rabbit hole to dig through


>> No.15123618
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>> No.15123626
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>> No.15123662
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everyone in my school back then had a side swept bang, girls and guys

>> No.15124200

Aerith looks like she's doing pretty good for herself these days.

>> No.15125485

2010 every motherfucker (girl and guy) had the side sweeping fringe especially after Bieber hit the scene. Come on man use your head we all remember this shit.

>> No.15125676

i want to go back

>> No.15125678

this is a good take.

>> No.15125730

I understand the need for this take to SEEM accurate, but unfortunately, it most definitely is not. people REALLY cared about myspace back then. it was always an argument about "omg he just takes those polaroids so he can scan them onto hsi computer to post on myspace!!! they're supposed to just hang on the wall but he does this extra thing to advertise he likes vintage stuff!!" there was also way more drama with top 8/top 12 friend lists. normal, smart girls and guys would do stuff like, "hey hey, can you take a pic of me sitting here staring off in the distance in this sick outfit?" and that was normal. the kid with the DSLR camera was KING because that kid was posting high quality pics online of parties and shows, and the only area in between for going out taking scene pics was polaroids/film cameras or digital Canon Rebel (which would get stolen and were a liability). nobody had a camera phone that worked very well, so honestly, there was WAY more of an emphasis on taking posed, choreographed pics of each other.

i remember this distinctly because my HS gf was a vintage chick who wore the highwaisted skirts and had the thick, shaggy hair and did the same thing of carrying herself in this fragile, anorexic (eating disorder) way that a lot of the girls on here do.

also just an FYI these types of people were way more mean, aloof and carried a LOT more social power than it looks in these casual bedroom chillout pics. a lot would be super mean to your face. it was crazy, people were super competitive back then about music and fashion. being a poser (stealing all of your faves from one or two people exclusively) was under INTENSE scrutiny. the investigations never ended.

>> No.15125769

guess you're right. Nostalgia makes us feel like things were better then they actually were. There are and will always be tons of assholes among trendy people since a lot of them choose their friends for superficial reasons. Most of the best people i know don't give a shit about how they look or their social media presence and they especially don't give a shit about how anyone around them looks.

>> No.15126129

Very comfy thread thank you!
God these digits

>> No.15126248

You're right, but at least it looked kind of cool. Are we really going to look back in ten years and think that arthoes' instagram pics look awesome and wish we could bring it back?

>> No.15126250

>i’m a girl
Nice larp bro

>> No.15126285

i miss her being hot so much

>> No.15126296

Who is that?

>> No.15126371
File: 53 KB, 500x664, DE57944B-3D9C-44FE-8865-0C1015BA1AEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does early 2010s hipster count?

>> No.15127040

The only attractive one in the whole list

>> No.15127101

I miss this look. I miss the internet back then. I miss Hipster Runoff. This video is peak 2009 indie and it's gorgeous. rip to girls the band and the show and indie


>> No.15127108

I know all of this is kind of trash and insular or whatever but it was a formative time and even the cess pool that was indie and alt-lit is still kind of in cool in retrospect, im sorry. My life is shit and I never lived these idealized indie moments :(

>> No.15127109

also thank you indie tumblr anon, great pic archive!

>> No.15127127

I’ve always thought about what it would have been like to have been living in Brooklyn through these times. I’ve read stories about weird illegal bars and clubs from back then and they seem almost mythic. Such a powerful and distinct energy, I love it.

>> No.15127129

Oh and to add, I don’t think it was just social media that started to phase this movement out, but the entry of politics into everyday life as well

>> No.15127140

Anyone know where I can read a good write up of how this movement started, specifically the beginnings and first cultural influences? In extremely interested.

>> No.15127168
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>> No.15127235

love that band :)

>> No.15127236

Thank you anon, these were good times :,)

>> No.15127256

>it's 2010
>around midnight on a Wednesday
>you're with your best friends, you've known them since childhood
>you've got $28, an eight of weed, a little adderall, and a 30 rack of PBR
>you're on your way to a basement show just outside city limits
>everyone in the scene will be there
>every thing is okay
>every thing feels right

You'll never be this comfy again

>> No.15127290

i was too young to witness this era. is it too much of a long shot to suppose that both of these takes are true? that maybe the organic, romanticized version and the artificial, cold, imaged-based copy of it coexisted at the same time? or maybe the fake type emerged second and gradually subsumed the original?

either way, this is one of very few good threads on /fa/ this year, between the image dump and discussion about cultural history

>> No.15127448

that's the shirt of a man who cannot get laid

>> No.15127473


>> No.15127561

watch out before I cough on you old man

>> No.15127672

It’s the shirt of someone who’s been married for years idiot stop projecting

>> No.15127724


>> No.15127728

Shut up incel samefag

>> No.15127882

Oof, but I'm not nostalgic. What I see, personally, is mostly time wasted, an embarrassing proto-me who could've been better sooner if I had taken a few different turns.

Macro culturally, I guess kind of the same? It all seems quaint, both like how lazy affectations of... simplicity! of all things! passed for aesthetic refinement and like... oh this is how people dressed before we had to face real history again?

Some stuff ITT is good, because of course some people kept better cultural flames alight, but... goddamn no, the 2000s were a bleak void. There was neither the satisfied, positivistic optimism of pre-2001 (when we thought we were facing real history again back then, oh lol) or the struggle born engagement with real life that's been growing since 2011 or so.

Some of you are going to be like, "what are you talking about, engagement with real life, *points to Instagram*" and I'm going to be like "exactly," and you're going to be like "what" and I'm going to be like "forget authenticity it's not 2004 anymore and anyway that app was for the first bit of its existence literally about faking your photos being taken on ~film~, STFU and think for a minute about why people would use Facetune, or get plastic surgery, or whatever."

>> No.15128087

Post occupy indie wasnt much different aesthetically until 2012~, media conglomerates stole from indie and the mainstream grafted a lot of indie's identity onto itself. Insofar as fashion, the 90s waves of indie are popular, and bedroom pop and twee are also part of mainstream indie hybridization that is really popular amongst zoomers

>> No.15128272

I agree with you 100% that the internet was better around that time. A lot of people I talk to seem to agree. It wigs me out to see all these zoomers, engaging in an internet where advertising is as dominant on all corners of the web as it is, appearing totally unaware that there exists a better model for social media. Shit like Tumblr, for all it's faults, was better when it was ad free and programmed by people who weren't dead-set on making their site addictive through the application of casino-based psychological research. I feel like shit after being sucked into instagram for hours, whereas, with Tumblr, I'd often feel inspired to go draw or make something after catching up on blogs I liked. There was simultaneously an air of mystery, anonymity and community on Tumblr back then. Shit, I even remember being online before all the social justice diatribe was as tribal, cutthroat and thoughtless as it is now in everyday discourse.

>also just an FYI these types of people were way more mean, aloof and carried a LOT more social power than it looks in these casual bedroom chillout pics. a lot would be super mean to your face. it was crazy, people were super competitive back then about music and fashion. being a poser (stealing all of your faves from one or two people exclusively) was under INTENSE scrutiny. the investigations never ended.
There were a lot of douchebags posturing in the idie-scene shit, for sure. I'm fortunate enough to have missed most of those social interactions, but whatever. There are douchebags today still anyway, so I don't know what difference it makes.

Also, I think you're right on the money here.
Also this.

>> No.15128295

>all these zoomers, engaging in an internet where advertising is as dominant on all corners of the web as it is
it's such a shame...there are probably kids on 4chan right now who never got to see it before moot quit and it became infested with ads

>> No.15128313

No, you're definitely right. The British garage-rock scene had a huge influence on the American scene. I'm from the American West Coast and I remember a bunch of my friends pirating English shows like Misfits and Skins. It really was a thing.
I used to travel to the UK on occasion, and fuck it was so much cooler back in the 2000s than it is now, when England is just doing a bad job at being as shitty as the United States.

>> No.15128327
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>> No.15128330

We have to go back bros...

>> No.15128434

You can never really ever go home again it's as simple as that :(

>> No.15128448
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>> No.15128545

such a comfy thread thanks op

as someone who was in high school 2007-2010, both of these takes are pretty accurate. people were just as obsessed with appearances on social media, only it wasn't as prolific yet. and indie cred was literally everything.
however i feel that people didn't rely as much on social media, obviously because it wasn't hyper-integrated into everything as it is now...but thinking about this time is really just so nostalgic

>> No.15128565

I want the world to be comfy again...

>> No.15128657

we can just hope that this recession can give us the culture back again

>> No.15128756

These were good times, but every one of these girls is miserable and 30lbs heavier today.

>> No.15128994

like thats going to stop anyone

>> No.15129172

God damn anon, this hit too close

>> No.15129268

i had nights like that in 2016 and they were definitely the peak of my social life which is sad as fuck

>> No.15129289

Cory Kennedy, "muse" of that jew party photographer Cobrasnake

t. old person

>> No.15129572


>> No.15129576

This thread makes me wanna cut my bangs

>> No.15129762

>AM will never be as good as during these years, into humbug

>> No.15129886

All the time and thought he put into writing, and it could've all been summed up by just captioning it "faggot"

>> No.15129958

zoomers will never understand this

>> No.15130139

but then the number tumblr/insta thots he has on his dick might decrease

>> No.15130198

>t. retard
I "understand" it just fine, all my older siblings were millennials. Kinda sucks the way the internet went in my own adolescence, but fuck it.

>> No.15130212

It's still different to have lived through it versus having witnessed others who have lived through it. I think when anon says
>zoomers will never understand this
it's less of a value judgment on zoomers, and a helpless cry of realization that millenials are aging, and that their youth is fading, and that the future is more bleak than not.

>> No.15130289

I think this is an important point. Although I don't entirely think it's a bad thing - it's hard not to look at these pictures and think 'christ, these rich bohemian dickheads'.

You also see the last dying gasps of those indie rock bands like the Vaccines that we all instantly forgot about. All singing songs about fucking underage fans. Can't imagine that today. There has to be some connection between this really carefree attitude and the absolutely desperate times people were living in post 2008.

Anyway posting essential 15 year old me core.


>> No.15130313

Nobody believes me when I post that 4chan didn't require a captcha in the good days

>> No.15130319

You're going to see a return to this in a little bit 2019 was very much like 2006 a lot of money coming in, crass people back stabbing everything about money.

A lot of soccer mom's being bitches

>> No.15130323

>Which recession?
>the crash wasn't until 07
This style blew up around 2009 though was around since 2006ish, the crash hit in 2008
>indie was for rich white people
Fashion was for rich white people until they started to fetishise urban black culture in the mid 2010s

>> No.15130326

wasnt he friends with onision like 10 years ago?

>> No.15130350

Asking someone to define a subculture is like asking someone to describe a flavour. You can give descriptions like sweet, sour and bitter, but you won't really understand the difference between a strawberry and a blueberry without tasting them.

>> No.15130393

Both are true. On the topic of people being assholes though I feel the need to point out the distinction of who people were mean to. Back in 2011 people (mostly those highest on the food chain) picked on and talked shit about those in their scene as they'd be seen almost like rivals. If you just stayed out of peoples way and did your own thing you wouldn't be seen as a threat and therefore left alone. This contrasts with 2020 as it's aimed towards people both in and out of their scene.
It went from high competition in the in-group to moderate competition with everyone.

>> No.15130415
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>tfw 24 yo zoomer
>tfw this thread reminds me of all the milestone events of my shut-in adolescence which I did NOT experience

>> No.15130423

>England is just doing a bad job at being as shitty as the United States.
English pop culture in the current year is just bastardising American trends which are a mixture of bastardised English trends and commercialised black culture
>t. Englishman

>> No.15130428

>Humbug will never be as good as Favourite Worst Nightmare

>> No.15130615

>This style blew up around 2009 though was around since 2006ish, the crash hit in 2008

It's weird because the aesthetic was around since what, Neutral Milk Hotel in the late 90s? Then it shows up in bands and indie films right through the 00s until it suddenly exploded for normal people in 2009ish. It's celebration of vintage and twee stuff was definately a rejection of the bright, synthetic, boxy uglyness of the 00s. I remember as a young teen being so relieved boot cut low rise jeans and everything else was finally fucking dead.

As quaint as this shit is today it's a million times better than what it replaced and I don't think i'll ever, ever want a 00s revival. I'm starting to think it'll never properly happen thank god.

>Fashion was for rich white people until they started to fetishise urban black culture in the mid 2010s

Fashion has always appropriated styles from other cultures. Speaking of 2010 there was the whole 'swag' LMFAO thing that was massive.

>> No.15130723
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Why don’t any girls look like this anymore

>> No.15130765

Is this thread making anyone else feel super depressed/nostalgic

Like this feels like everything I had when I was younger, hopeful, had goals and friends..


>> No.15130780

I remember being able to actually have discussions on Tumblr and actually being able to relate too before SJWs tore the shit apart. That 2008 to about 2011 era of tumblr was gold.

>> No.15130798

there are zoomers out there that are living like this now


>> No.15130802

Precisely. You said it much better than I did. Not to mention British politics just looks like a bad reinterpretation of all the fuckups in the US.

I binged a bunch of indie music videos last night after reading this thread and holy shit did it put me in a place.
Totally agree.

>> No.15130803

that would have been me if i wasn't into skateboarding. it was the only reason i left the house and managed to have pretty good/fun teen years w/ friends

>> No.15130809
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>I'm starting to think it'll never properly happen thank god.
I don't want to see it coming back either but I noticed the skate bros are trying really hard to bring back oversize massively baggy pants and people always tend to follow skater trends like a year or 2 later. i think it looks dumb as fuck

>> No.15130810

kinda but im only 25 and im moving across the country to start over after graduation so it sort of makes me feel excited to start a new chapter, as cliche as that sounds. im hoping I can get a decent social circle going in a few months but who am I kidding, ill probably fall back into my recluse ways as soon as winter hits

>> No.15130835

Glad to see I’m not the only person nostalgic for this shit

Even though I can’t bring the era back. I’m trying very fucking hard at least to get myself back to the level of comfort that I had around that time. Spent 2014-2019 in the rat race. Now I’m 30 and realize I don’t want any part of that shit.

>> No.15130841

It’s not going to come back. Just like the whole 90s thing tried to make a comeback and got diluted to the point that it’s just up in the air now. And that’s good. I got my dose of 90s nostalgia and I’m over it. If 00s nostalgia does hit the mainstream, just remember it’ll only be a few zoomer trendies that take to it, with cheap half assed versions of it.

Imagine seeing kids raiding eBay for old iPods.

>> No.15130856

good luck anon

I wasted both 2018-2019, prime early 20 years, by being poor and mentally ill and I'm on the same mission as you now.

>> No.15130944

i'm in the exact same situation. Always changing between being very hopeful and excited and being worried about making the wrong decisions and fucking up this entire new chapter of my life in the first few month already. It's tough being an introvert that doesn't really like being alone.

>> No.15130994
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they do, but they're no longer part of the dominant style trend. so even if you found one you'd still give mainstream insta thots and celebs more attention because men are mindless social climbing creatures.

>> No.15131019

get out more

>> No.15131024


>> No.15131350

It's still around
It was around
It will be around
It's not a big deal
There wasn't an apex or a death you just were a certain age.
Be well anons <3

>> No.15131543

Hehe wow look at us! We're so quirky and cute and goofy and funny! This is really fucking cringe god I hate kids these days they're all attention seekers with zero personality outside of being loud and obnoxious.

>> No.15131937


>> No.15132258

I thought it was fucking hilarious.

>> No.15132333

imagine being 1999 (20yo) non instagram/fashion brands zoomer, non tumblr boomer

>> No.15132350

Same! But at least it doesn't make me feel nostalgic, because I literally wasn't a part of it. Everything is better now.

>> No.15132675

nah i meant zoomers are too retarded/brain dead via e-girls and simping and cant have a decent looking aesthetic

>> No.15132820

People hated life back then too. I think there was more substance to life though. Everything definitely feels more digital now. People just think in memes all the time; real life feels like an extension of digital life now, as opposed to back then when it felt like the opposite.

>> No.15132831

>real life feels like an extension of digital life now
It's sad but spot on

>> No.15133397

these are the kids i upcharged on weed and they paid it every time without complaint.

>> No.15133401

dawg these are just rich kids in california. this is the aesthetics of the real being lifted by affluence, as per usual. they sold you dawg, congrats

>> No.15133990

this was comfy but it also increased my depression

>> No.15134146

Luckily i already had this exact crisis and my depression currently is maxed out :)

>> No.15135016

Oh. It's good you can articulate what you mean.

>> No.15135258

2000s era hipsters:
>heys lets all dress like our 50 year old parents

>> No.15135302
File: 91 KB, 800x416, scott-webb-111200-unsplash-800x416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people still live like this in Toronto, unless your a hoodmans

>> No.15135357

post tits or gtfo

>> No.15135434

I had good social life in my teen years too, but I lived in a small town back then so I was the only one with a tumblr blog and looking like "a hipster"

>> No.15135499
File: 33 KB, 409x393, 1580686977386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw born just a few years too late and never experiencing pre 2010 internet

>> No.15135742

Yup, but I was told the mythical era was from late 90s to 2006-07 when gentrification didnt start, google old Vice mag archives

>> No.15135743

Gavin Mcinnes, he is called the godfather of hipsterdom, didnt believe it either

>> No.15135965

>they sold you

lol shut up faggot

>> No.15135987

indie the word we used before hipster. fuck I miss indie girls

>> No.15136004

hes joking incel

>> No.15136096

24 years old is zoomer now?

>> No.15137004


>> No.15137100

Girls dress like this where i live

>> No.15137106

ahhh, a cardigan over a "funny" t-shirt, can't get more essential 2009 than that

>> No.15137117

you're right, it's already better

>> No.15137270

Things changed once it moved from tumblr and instafood to twitter/reddit/instathots

But even back then tumblr was what reddit is to 4chan today

>> No.15137278

Its now american shit, tiktok and


The culture is no longer brit dominated sadly

>> No.15137295
File: 53 KB, 480x529, 1536152817794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did we go from this to the current arthoe garbage ?

>> No.15137512


here. Surprised this thread is still here, but I really want to respond to this so I'm bumping to keep it alive. Also surprised my post didn't get a bunch of defensive shit talking at it.

I do want to say about social media – the increased density of connection, and the ability for people to find each other and build in niche affinities has it making culture now 10,000 times more vital than the shit in this thread. The only problem – but it's a big one – is that the infrastructure is controlled by and enriches and empowers a bunch of emotionally and aesthetically stunted dweebs with god complexes.

>> No.15137589
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>I'll keep posting more!
If you ever happen to still be here OP, please do. This thread is amazing.

>> No.15137597

Now Sneed's?

>> No.15137598

post more
this style is like my parents late 90s early 2000

>> No.15137599

>The only problem – but it's a big one – is that the infrastructure is controlled by and enriches and empowers a bunch of emotionally and aesthetically stunted dweebs with god complexes

I feel that. Hard.

Also, I think it's worth noting the severe irony in feeling nostalgic about 2000s hipster culture which was, arguably, primarily focused on nostalgia and irony. It's a self-affirming, static loop. Feels like a real sign of the end of culture.

And I'm nostalgic about it too, don't get me wrong.

But I also remember the stupidity of the "scene-emo" kid thing, with the backcombed hair, and big bracelets and post-hardcore bands. Holy fuck did that shit suck. And it dominated the "alternative" side of my highschool.

>> No.15137675

>my parents late 90s early 2000
How old (young) are you ?

>> No.15137687


>> No.15137717

Oof. This is all hitting me weirder than I thought it would. I’m remembering how I felt in this era while I was in undergrad.

I remember a constant pissing contest of everyone seeking something ‘original.’ But the ‘original’ thing was always just a callback to something from before, fitting a certain trendy criteria of quirkiness. But at least there was a sense of layering in what people were starting to appreciate - things made with care or out of real materials until it all just rapidly became urban outfitters shit. It was when all the ‘craft’ stuff was flourishing. Some of it was obnoxious and pretentious but compared to the sugar and plastic of the early 00’s it felt welcome.

The digital aspect melding into ‘real life’ feels clumsy and stupid. 1% have made brief careers out of things like twitch streaming and influencer shit, while the rest try to imitate that behavior and it translates terribly into the real world. It’s like living in a world where everyone is a too-close obnoxious face on a YouTube thumbnail.

>> No.15137876

I have never seen anyone dressed like this irl

>> No.15137902

I thought I was the only one...

>> No.15137996
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op here with more pictures.I can't believe the thread is still alive. Love all the interesting discussions this has sparked. Thanks everyone for contributing!

>> No.15138000
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>> No.15138003
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>> No.15138006
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>> No.15138011
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>> No.15138015
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>> No.15138017

I really do love the disposable camera vibes. Thanks for posting all the nostalgia OP it reminds me of senior year

>> No.15138019
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>> No.15138023
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>> No.15138026
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>> No.15138028
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>> No.15138031
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>> No.15138037
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>> No.15138041
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>> No.15138046
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>> No.15138055
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>> No.15138060
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>> No.15138062
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>> No.15138073
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>> No.15138078
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>> No.15138085
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>> No.15138089
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>> No.15138092
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>> No.15138093
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>> No.15138099
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>> No.15138102
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>> No.15138105
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>> No.15138107
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>> No.15138113
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>> No.15138119

I'm 28, graduated HS in 2010. This thread is suicide fuel for me. I used to have a decent social circle, peaked around '09-2011. Bunch of shit like geographic isolation, mental physical illness meant I basically didn't have a youth, my 20s were wasted. Also, getting old, literally a generation separated from the zoomers. I always just wanted cool indie friends, all my friends were blue collar Mormons. Fuck, feels bad man. I'm nostalgic for this time too, I think it's the optimism that comes with open possibilities; when you don't know how things will turn out and anything is possible.

>> No.15138124
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>> No.15138162

it's really weird that you guys associate this with 2009 when I associate this with mainly like 2006-2007 when Modest Mouse and The Shins and all stuff had already been the thing for a few years compared to the emo and scene trends of 2003-2005

>> No.15138196
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>> No.15138197
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>> No.15138562


>> No.15138823

Saved for anyone who wants to archive the pics. You can have this in your lives anons do not despair

>> No.15138880
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>> No.15138883
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>> No.15138884
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>> No.15138887
File: 63 KB, 500x332, tumblr_lhv8jnrrTs1qcysh1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right. Completely forgot about them


>> No.15138888
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>> No.15138895
File: 78 KB, 500x331, tumblr_lffpx5NPOZ1qbf0pno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also does anyone remember wavves and this album? I used to listen to this so much all throughout highschool. I even had the shirt in that picture (still have it lol). It reminds me of that magical time when i became friends with all the stoners and skaters and my whole life just changed completely. Good old times
