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/fa/ - Fashion

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15112118 No.15112118 [Reply] [Original]

How is life like being an attractive, healthy, and well dressed man?

>> No.15112148

Life under capitalism is pain, regardless of sex and appearance

>> No.15112149

everyone suffers regardless of those things

>> No.15112160

um it depends on your definition of health

>> No.15112186

Bad for most interactions, although sometimes you do get a pass on things just because you seem to be an overall outstanding person. Overall not worth, just be resonably dressed, groomed and in the best health you can be without losing on life's rare pleasures

>> No.15112205

it inflates your ego and makes you a shallow person

>> No.15112498

pregnant women give up their seats for me
cant complain
its nice

>> No.15112568
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You already know all the pros so I'll just give you the cons:
>Some guys openly insult you / confront you / start shit with you to feel better about themselves. These types of people will also call you a faggot if you dress somewhat refined and/or are of the "pretty boy" type.
>You don't get a cozy life handed on a silver platter the way it would be for a young attractive woman, though all social interactions are usually easier (especially with women).
>A small minority of women, crazy as it is, will be jealous of you and develop a strange attraction-repulsion complex. Most of these women will still want to fuck you usually, but they're used to being the "pretty one" in the couple and if you waltz around parading your good looks they feel uncomfortable.
>Attractiveness, physical health and fashion mean nothing if your brain is fucked up (autism, depression, shit social skills). Likewise, as I mentioned earlier, if you're a dumbass you won't get very far in life as a man with just good looks (while almost all very attractive women do).
>Just being incredibly attractive will seal the deal with the most vapid kind of woman (tinder, clubs etc.) but it's not enough to get in a relationship with other girls (although it still makes it a lot easier).
>"Attractiveness" is still somewhat subjective. I'll agree that some traits are universally attractive (sharp eyes, small straight nose, clear skin, low bodyfat, defined jawline, strong brow ridge, defined muscles) but a lot of other things are still mostly up to personal taste of the girl in question; these things are rarely deal breakers, but they can be in some cases (e.g. clean shaven vs stubble vs beard, long hair, tattoos, piercings, colored hair...). Not to mention some girls have really weird tastes (some girls like short men while most find them repulsive. others like chubby men, others yet are into skeleton-mode guys)

>> No.15112574

It's alright. It's not perfect, everyone suffers in some way. I'll say that recently since I've been socializing online more, I feel a big disconnect with a lot of the people I encounter. They're either struggling with their health, looks, weight, living situation, and past physical and mental traumas and abuse, and I've been fortunate enough to never really have to deal with too much of that growing up. I feel thankful for it but god dam is it tiring even casually dealing with these people. Be good to each other.

>> No.15112638

pretty fkkn ideal here in California, the most beautiful region in the fkkn world

>> No.15113322
File: 84 KB, 703x1024, BA16C670-F573-48F7-BEB2-49A51CF318C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga is the most beautiful man of all time tbqhf. Imagine waking up every day and looking like this

>> No.15114018

How is it bad for most interactions

>> No.15114022

Hi pretty

>> No.15114023


>> No.15114043

his nose ugly desu

>> No.15114620

I think it harmonizes well with his face

>> No.15114689
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>> No.15114893

I can't handle so much cope

>> No.15114925

deny appearance as a deal breaker is the biggest form of cope

>> No.15114928
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>> No.15115116

people treat people who attractive better. this is simply true. people will trust you more, be more eager to help you, and want to talk to you. as far as being healthy, it will make being alive and moving throughout the world more pleasant. opening a heavy door and it feeling lighter than last time because you’ve been hitting the gym religiously is a good feeling. being fit also adds to you being attractive, within reason.
i’m so tired of seeing nihilist copes on this board. wallowing in self pity is not effay, yes we are living in a godless universe and nothing is significant, use your assets to make your own life and the lives of others around you better. compliment strangers. be charitable when you can be. appreciate things when you can. most things are fleeting, bros. be someone you’d want to look up to. take the heropill

>> No.15115178

>>Attractiveness, physical health and fashion mean nothing if your brain is fucked up (autism, depression, shit social skills)
I need to snort a bunch of coke before I can act like a normal human.

I get compliments from girls all the time, even when I go to the store I can overhear girls say "Sexy Bastard" between themselves,
Or when I go to my local I'll have girls shouting "YOU'RE FIT!" from across the street.
I haven't ever been on a night out where I hadn't been complimented on my looks,
and yet I still have no fucking self confidence and am extremely insecure about my looks.

If you want to slay, be a 5+/10(anything higher is a bonus), have a large social circle, be active on social media and most importantly BE NT.

>inb4 incels start sprouting cope

>> No.15115678

he was at that time for real
but now he's just a bag of meat

>> No.15115980

I have a similar wide heart shaped face and I can't afford to put on any extra weight. He was incredible looking when low bodyfat but damn an extra 20 pounds ruined him

>> No.15116443

Coof coof

>> No.15116600

he's just got a fucking big head, weight or no weight - which was hidden by youth.

i remember seeing him running around Soho with his fucking parrot and his giant fat head. was like wtf?

>> No.15116849

Healthy? COUGH

>> No.15117499

face too round

>> No.15117571

idk its fine i get to fuck if i want to but also can't get it up sometimes because i can't tell if girls actually like me or if i'm just a dick appointment and everything feels very hollow. I end up resenting people I sleep with.

people treat me nice though.

>> No.15117609

And still gets prime puss, well jel.

>> No.15117631

He dresses like absolute shit though and always has. I mean it doesnt matter cause hes objectively good looking and rich but he still dresses like shit.

>> No.15117639
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>How is life like being an attractive, healthy, and well dressed man?
i wouldn't know

>> No.15117711

only if you live in some small white beach town thats still full of white people

>> No.15117715

why would i want to fuck an anglo. they're boring, fuck dogs, and give terrible head

>> No.15117834


>> No.15117857
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eh he was /fa/ in his 20s but probably one of the worst dressed celebrities since he started dresissing like 2000s frat bro

>> No.15117861
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>> No.15117866
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