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/fa/ - Fashion

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15103375 No.15103375 [Reply] [Original]

ITT Talk about your feels regarding fashion
Relationship with clothes throughout the years
how previous fits make you feel
why you choose to put a fit together
relationship with consumerism and your fashion
what it means to be /fa and still be true to who you are.
Fighting fads vs diving right into them
Trying too hard
Trying not to care too much
regrets about previous styles

>> No.15103377
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ill start

>In middle 2006-08 (Jesus that was long ago)
>Poor family (Just above the poverty line so no government handouts)
>I used to wear Graphic tees from AE, Aero, A&F
>It was synonymous to "Rich peoples" Clothes in my dumb young mind
>Gave me confidence to go out there, but at the same time, always comparing myself to other more well of people in full A&F gear
>Always looked for name brands more than creating my own style, my own voice.
>Go pants shopping with my mom. (only had 3 pairs of pants my entire life up until college)
>Go to Holister, A&F, AE, etc, and can't afford anything.
>End up going to GAP clearance and getting non-brand pants
>They were fine. Just last season's and decent quality. Just not what i wanted.
>Get angry at my mom for not buying over price shit quality jeans from said brands.
>more than a decade later.
>make a decent salary, and don't have a lot of outgoing expenditures (no debts from college) buy my own clothes.
>Go shopping for pants and a new pair of shoes.
>Reminded of middle school.
>Reminded of being poor and feeling helpless
>Reminded of going to buy pants with my mom
>Reminded of how she must have felt when she couldn't provide something trivial as "nice" pants.
>I regret every moment of every day of that time in my life.
>Regret wearing clothes that make me feel like shitting knock offs of the kids that i wanted to be like.
>Regret yelling at my mom, for shit that she couldn't control.
im starting to find my own voice in what i wear, and sometimes i get complements and sometimes people look at me funny, but fuck them. Its my fucking show.

>> No.15103393
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>> No.15103459

I just hate my body and am desperate to find a style that doesn't make me feel like crying whenever I look in a mirror.

I don't even bother pursuing what I like anymore, just because I know I'd look awful in it and just end up hating myself even more.

>> No.15103800

I just hoped that when I lost all the weight I could get someone to love me. But I still couldn't. But people would tell me that I'm attractive.

Maybe if I dress well enough, I can attract people who might love me. But so far it hasn't worked.

>> No.15103815
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Honestly same. I now just want to like my body because it looks like it's a body of a monstrous fat retard. It doesn't help, even makes me feel bad when someone says I'm slim or pretty. Even when my s/o compliments me I feel like crying. But sometimes I feel good with my body and it only happens when I'm with her

>> No.15103903

Deep and relatable feels. Nothing makes you feel worse than realizing how badly you cut your parents when you were a kid.

>> No.15103905

this is my life and i worked hard to rise out of it except i didnt rise out of it im just an unemployed single bald loser with no skills and a worthless degree

>> No.15103914

I tried dressing like my ideal gf would and I was miserable. Now I dress how it feels right and am comfy. Can't wait for breast removal to feel super comfy.
tl;dr clothes felt like a costume, but now am myself

>> No.15103938

I want to work out so I could look my best in my clothes. Putting on the weight is too hard for me so I guess I wont look as /fa/ as possible.

>> No.15104011

I'm from a small european country where everyone knows everyone and I just felt super super claustrophobic there - i just wore black basic clothes but secretly wanted to experiment more, look more elaborate. I then moved to London and honestly I feel so free I can wear whatever the fuck I want

I'd say i can pull off a look that people would appreciate

>> No.15104024
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>wash clothes as indicated by the label
>it shrinks/deforms
Why is this even a thing? All clothes should only be sold pre-washed.

>> No.15104061

I bought some geobaskets off of Depop and am really liking them desu

>> No.15104068

yeah fuck em

>> No.15104082


i dont understand fashion and why it should be important to me. it always seemed like a completely narcissistic, attention seeking act parading as 'self expression'
but i also have never owned an article of clothing that transformed me as a person, something that gave me some confidence when walking out the door and i think that that is an important aspect to a lot of people into fashion, right?
but im also 32 and am okay with just accepting my tshirt and jeans if thats what being older means.

>> No.15104086

not giving a shit about fashion, and expressing that through the way you dress, is still putting you above the nerds that try too hard

>> No.15104088

i feel like my crush only wants to hang out with me when i wear a certain outfit

>> No.15104156

I see why you would think that fashion is something narcissistic or attention-seeking, but that might be because you only associate fashion with narcissistic people. It's the narcissism that they express through their clothing and it's flashy. Even though something as simple as picking a blue t-shirt over a red one because you like blue more is self-expression. It's also where fashion ends for most people.

>> No.15105002

>tfw still too fat to buy new clothes
>tfw ugly
>tfw balding
>tfw never will be effay

>> No.15106134

fashion, and style are semi-related, but not synonymous. you can clamor for the latest chic craze, or dress yourself in a "fashionable" way, while lacking personal style, you know?

it's ultimately what you make of it mate

>> No.15106211
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>buy new clothes
>realise it's lipstick on a pig
>give them away

I hate my body so much and I feel too old to be having these issues.

>> No.15106236

Nice digits, also what's the fit?

>> No.15106240

It seems like a good chunk of anons have a pretty unhealthy relationship with clothes. No matter what you wear and how you wear it, it won’t change your crippling self esteem. It’s nice to wear something good, but it won’t feel good a couple of hours later once you start internally shitting on yourself. Nothing can cover up your insecurities anons.

>> No.15106245
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I don't get it, what's wrong with lipstick on a pig?