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15096800 No.15096800[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

On a whim I’ve decided to become a hardcore racist. A real nasty bigot. I’m actually open minded and left-leaning and have dated many different non-white ethnicities. Something really turns me on however about denying my live and let live attitude and making myself think and act in a racist fashion.

Is twisting oneself into something horrible that nonetheless gives you a thrill /fa/?

I’ve been wearing all black fits this week.

>> No.15096852

Its not /fa/ if you're a tryhard like yourself. Similar to chad, its something you need to be born with.

>> No.15096857


>> No.15096858
File: 125 KB, 636x800, bruchetti-fascist-synthesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being racist is dumb, and I say this as a fascist.

>> No.15096899

Cool strawman that you have created in your head about what "racists" are all about. You've created some villain in your mind in the same way you would accuse a "racist" of seeing certain people in the same way. You're the epitome of hypocrisy and double think.

As for your picture, all those people doing that are doing it for the shock value. None of those types can talk about racial reality.

There are plenty of scientific and biological differences between races and that's just what it is. Differences. None of that implies treating or hating others with difference is fine and OK.

But cool shit breh, enjoy your edgy black and "hardcore racism" lmao.

>> No.15096914

class war > race war

>> No.15096916
File: 1.12 MB, 1008x760, 6578985dty8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something really turns me on however about denying my typical impotent apathy and actually taking the side of my own people

>> No.15096920

Same difference when Jews run society

>> No.15096924

>anyone that sees racial differences is a twisted nasty bigot
>i'm left leaning and OPEN MINDED
>this really TURNS ME ON
>this gives me A THRILL

You are just a creepy left wing "nice guy" who gets a sexual thrill out of being a degenerate. You guys are all the same like the left wing male feminists who turn out to be sexual predators.

>> No.15096927

>we just need to remove every single sense of tribalism from every single persons brain, then surely porky will feel our wrath
Everyone seems to forget that the majority of communist revolutions have been quite nationalistic in nature. Trying to tell everyone that they're all the same is retarded.

>> No.15096942

In particular, they think we are racist because we are sadists and they find sadism alluring

>> No.15096945
File: 217 KB, 1100x733, Black_Kings_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is racism fa
No, but snowbunnies worshiping Black cock while bitter wh*teboys stroke their virgin pindicks is fa.

>> No.15096946

Yeah they have something wrong with them and by projecting that onto "racists" they think they can larp as that projection to play out their sadist fantasies.

>hurr x group are pedos because i said so
>i'm not part of that group but i want to pretend to be
>it's such a thrill
>no-no, i am not a pedo

Pretty much what OP is doing in a sense.

>> No.15096948

>she has dark hair

Well, you tried. Enjoy your ban too.

>> No.15096949

>that thing

>> No.15096951
File: 12 KB, 361x358, 8740515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh dik

>> No.15096957

I dunno if I'm easily conditioned or what, but I really don't like black dicks in my porn. It looks paki tier filthy.

>> No.15096958

This ignores the fact that it's possible to create philia and unity within a multi-ethnic group by inventing an artificial "ethnicity" that contains all of them. This is why the concept of "white" was created. No longer will your neighbors hate each other for being Irish or Italian or Polish if you've convinced them they're all White Americans.

>> No.15096959

I never understood the obsession with BBC. it looks pajeet tier gross to me

>> No.15096964
File: 195 KB, 1200x900, disgusting2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you search something on pornhub and the results are brown skin thumbs

>> No.15096966

>This ignores the fact that it's possible to create philia and unity within a multi-ethnic

Ethnic in the sense of the USA refers to the cultural group and not racial. All of those of European heritage and roots fall under the group of generally have the same American culture and thus the same ethnic group.

That does not work when you introduce non-European groups such as Africans.

>> No.15096970

It's fetish play and kink. Nobody likes "BBC" for a genuine reason of liking them, not even the women. It's simply a fetish along the lines of scat or piss play. In short, they are degenerate that engage in it and likely suffered from some childhood trauma and/or abuse.

>> No.15096971

To some extent. Although even in the case you mentioned, there isn't that same sense of nation there is elsewhere, and it's limited. You can convince a bunch of euromutts that they still have a common racial bond, but how do you do this with the shit stew that is the overall demographics of the US? The country is a giant dumping ground for cheap capitalist labor pulled from every corner of the globe. There's no common history, no bond, the only thing everyone has in common is the words "cheap labor".

>> No.15096973

no I'm a degenerate pig myself, I'm into all sorts of perversions but black dicks are pajeet tier
I dont fap to pajeets

>> No.15096974

Oh yeah and further to this, if that was true America would be some right leaning nationalist state. It's not. It's absolutely broken by racial conflict. It ahs no "philia" and when you compare it to Eastern European countries of the same people, they display that very philia.

>> No.15096983

Well there is being in bondage and spanked fetish stuff but the BBC for women is the more degraded, scat-level stuff. White men that are into it just have deep psychological issues and an inferiority complex with extreme low self esteem.

Either way, it's fetish play and pretty rare outside of porn and the only reason why a handful of female porn stars do it because of the pc climate and they are forced into it or lose their career for being racist.

>> No.15097003

i dont understand why anyone is giving this shit post their time and effort?

>> No.15097016

You're a LARPer, and that is fucking shit. IMO being an actual racist is better than pretending to be one, kys.

>> No.15097222

You can be racially aware and right wing without hating people