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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 63 KB, 760x529, mnuchin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15096671 No.15096671 [Reply] [Original]

What clothing items are you going to be purchasing with your $1200 coronavirus check?

>> No.15096689

They're not going to pass that bill.

>> No.15096803


>> No.15096868

Nothing because I won't see a dime of it. I make too much money.

>> No.15096879

that would not be wise

>> No.15096892

Not everyone here is American ffs

>> No.15098412

shut up

>> No.15098415

Dems voted against it.
Surprise surprise

>> No.15098417

This is an American image board. Fuck off Yuropoor trash. This is our website

>> No.15098433

10 dollar black 2xl champion t's. and levis. and shoes. i get white t's too but i prefer black.

>> No.15098445

>social programs bad unless the dems vote against it then it's good
t. poor nigger

>> No.15098448

Because most of the money is going to corporations and not people like you

>> No.15098514

Corporations and companies serve the people. What's good for them is good for us.

>> No.15099181

the corporations are just going to take american tax dollars and give themselves bonuses just like in the 2008 recession.
they could give fuck all about their workers as long as they're getting paid.

>> No.15099187


Is Mnuchin effay?

>> No.15099211

he looks like a republican john oliver so no

>> No.15099226
File: 179 KB, 375x375, FB3F0FFB-D508-4AC9-8343-49B204D2C146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m too rich to receive one.

>> No.15100333

>thinking corporations have the public's interest at hand
t. retard

>> No.15100707

Fuck off /Pol/

>> No.15100715
File: 171 KB, 1118x591, 1513723099809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my dick

>> No.15100718

If I end up getting COVIDBUX then I'll probably buy some shoes

>> No.15100722

mental illness can be infectious

>> No.15100729


>> No.15100739

damn you're lusting after that boot

>> No.15100773
File: 90 KB, 680x382, 7ikh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1200 per person
>i can't be fucked to check stats, so we'll say that 200,000,000 of the ~340,000,000 burgers are adults getting these checks
>200,000,000 x 1200
>240 billion
>on top of coronachans economic rape
>on top of the already fucked burger federal deficit and debt
I get the feeling grunge is coming back in style here soon with a vengeance.

>> No.15100793


>> No.15100869

>What clothing items are you going to be purchasing with your $1200 coronavirus check?

Bitcoin and Chainlink.

>> No.15100937

If they can bail out the stock market with 1.5 trillion (which immediately got flushed down the shitter into the elite's pockets, btw), they can do 240 billion for the actual hardworking non-Jewish citizens.

>> No.15100941
File: 42 KB, 600x600, jew_basic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good goy! Excellent work defending our money from hardworking americans. You have an interest in fashion, yes? A complimentary plain, white t-shirt is on the way. It's all we could afford! :^( sorry!

>> No.15100951

You're missing my point there, comrade. I'm not talking about muh corporate bailouts and muh socialism and shit, i'm talking about the economy taking a nosedive. Your 1.5 trillion figure if anything just adds to my point.

>> No.15100970

>being this retarded

>> No.15100988

Because republicans tossed in insane riders to the bill that gave people like in OP's picture HALF A TRILLION dollars to do whatever they want with, and not have to tell anyone. And surprise surprise the guy in OP's picture is just a "former" Goldman Sachs shill that has declared his life mission is to get rid of the regulations on banks that prevent them from creating trillions in debt that no one will every pay for. And then banks beg the govt for money because they're "too big to fail"

>> No.15101132

1200 to last 3-6 or maybe more months?? We’re fucked.

>> No.15101138

I think they are working on getting it to 1200 per month but there is some bipartisan shit going on that is keeping the bill from going through. Republicans are trying to pull some sneaky shit in the bill to make the ultra rich get more than everyone else and the Dems are holding the bill hostage to push more social programs into it and make it last longet than just 'in times of crisis' AFAIK

>> No.15102223


>> No.15102277

I've wanted a pair of snakeskin boots for a while now.