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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.08 MB, 1500x1125, 1584902318087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15095803 No.15095803 [Reply] [Original]

Women really live like this and see no problem with it.

>> No.15095809

you literally had to photoshop a photo to support you're bit

>> No.15095812
File: 148 KB, 792x1200, SS2160884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in reality it's much worse than OP's shopped pic

>> No.15095814
File: 249 KB, 1242x1204, 69CCE818-7695-45B5-878E-4FA89424D166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, bro. i’m about to blow your fucking mind. some men are clean, normal, functioning members of society. some men are gross NEETs with pissjugs. some women are clean, normal, functioning members of society. some are gross and live in trash piles that reek like cat piss. don’t hang around people who can’t take care of themselves, it’s that simple. also, judging by how many condoms you’ve placed around this imaginary apartment, you clearly can’t stop thinking about sex and you probably hate women because you don’t get laid. there’s more to life than hating women, bro. i promise.

>> No.15095819
File: 47 KB, 518x740, RBHF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee, i wonder who could be behind this post.

>> No.15095834

But why

>> No.15095839

ok bro stop generalizing generalizing is bad generalizing doesn't get you laid bro generalizing some some some some

>> No.15095844

incel cope and seethe

>> No.15095845

im not an incel dont generalize bro only some bros are incels other bros aren't some seethe some cope some don't do that bro people all different depending on who they are as a person and their differences bro

>> No.15095847
File: 126 KB, 962x722, 14927578-7150803-The_room_belonging_to_Lara_Gough_is_so_messy_barely_any_floor_sp-a-38_1560860563335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reality is much worse vagaina haver.

>> No.15095870
File: 28 KB, 766x950, 1553897477768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>funny feminist 2016 meme

>> No.15095874
File: 1.71 MB, 1280x720, 1569251604484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't beat anything posted by dudes from /r9k/

>> No.15095879

>needs to post rooms from bottom of the barrel neets who've given up on life, to compare to stacy
you tell 'em.

>> No.15095880
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>> No.15095883
File: 954 KB, 728x546, 1555693999476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cherrypicking vs cherrypicking
I'm only adhering to your rules

>> No.15095886

>comparing the average stacy to a specific category of men

>> No.15095890

>implying you know at least 1 average stacy or even been to her house

>> No.15095900
File: 57 KB, 1024x566, 54y4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't even answer my point
>just stretched calling me an incel out to a full sentence
Credit where credit's due, you at least somewhat avoid using the trendy insults so far.

>> No.15095905

Every girl leaves such a mess i dont get it

Even those who claim to be neatfreaks are completely oblivious and dont pick up after themselves

>> No.15095906

cause it's not worth answering, posting a bedroom of a messy girl and calling it every average stacy's room is basically cherrypicking, the same thing that I've been doing
plus the whole thread is severely off-topic and belongs on /r9k/ or another shit board

>> No.15095913
File: 126 KB, 935x859, 78r6u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>cause it's not worth answering
>he says as he answers

>>posting a bedroom of a messy girl and calling it every average stacy's room is basically cherrypicking, the same thing that I've been doing
You literally cherry-picked neet bedrooms in response to pics of rooms from average women

>>plus the whole thread is severely off-topic and belongs on /r9k/ or another shit board
yet you post in it.

>> No.15095922

>is basically cherrypicking, the same thing that I've been doing
>You literally cherry-picked neet bedrooms in response to pics of rooms from average women
....I admitted to that, learn how to read. Plus there was only 1 random room posted and generalized as a room of every roastie, which is bullshit and low tier bait
You got me, you may carry on now.

>> No.15095927

>rooms from average women
that's not an average woman's bedroom anime poster; you have clearly never been in one

>> No.15095928

Saw them live and they were terrible. Lived up to the shoegaze name

>> No.15095929
File: 80 KB, 347x324, 457y7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 pics, along with the fact that w*men are notorious for their disgusting bedrooms. If you need to be compared to people who have utterly given up and are a cunthair away from ending it all to be equal, you're shit.

>> No.15095930

>live laugh love

these fucking meme messages in your home should be fucking outlawed and subject for persecution. I hate this shit so much. only a woman can like that.

>> No.15095931
File: 193 KB, 620x662, 5677r6t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ur n incel
ok faggot.

>> No.15095941
File: 612 KB, 449x642, 1555413917777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be shit but at least I don't have mommy issues, the whole thread sounds more like a you problem than anything else. Posting a smug anime girl for the hundredth time won't help.

>> No.15095947
File: 1.16 MB, 400x225, 57yrt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I may be shit but at least I don't have mommy issues, the whole thread sounds more like a you problem than anything else.
It's just a bit of mockery of the normalcattle is all.

>>Posting a smug anime girl for the hundredth time won't help.
Oh but it will

>> No.15095969

Jokes on you. That picture is from a woman that posted on /tv/. She had a digestive disorder and vomitted a lot. Notice the trash can covered in it.

>> No.15095978

I honestly believed that girls always kept their rooms neat and presentable until that time my neighbor asked me to water her plants.
Her clothes and shit was lying all over the place. The floor was sticky from spilled alcohol. Cigarette ash fucking everywhere. Sink was filled with unwashed dishes and her garbage bin was overflowing with maggots crawling out.
Now I believe it's just a poor person problem.

>> No.15096024

I'm with you dude, I know men and women who don't pick up their damn shit. My wife is pretty messy, but so it my best friend. I don't think messiness is a gender thing.

>> No.15096052

why not?
i intentionally said bro many times because i thought it was funny, i didn’t say anything about not generalizing getting you laid, you need to try to think about something other than sex, cope and seethe, faggot.
s e e t h e
this, this thread doesn’t belong on /fa/
because it is here congesting the board with shit

i would be surprised if you have ever been in a womans room
why would you see them live if you didn’t like them ?
it’s not a gender thing, it’s a discipline and lifestyle thing

this thread smells like mommy issues and blueballs, please stop posting

>> No.15096094


>> No.15096098

>messy room
>ugly couch
every fucking time

>> No.15096113

holy shit I know like 3 girls with bedrooms that look exactly like this, why are women so fucking derivative

>> No.15096151
File: 148 KB, 939x498, Screen_Shot_2019-01-14_at_1.23.53_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how has no one posted this yet

>> No.15096167

all women know how to do is twerk, eat hot cheetos, and post on onlyfans

>> No.15096261
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x2448, A0D2A5C8-3D4C-4812-BC3A-A129BD51A92F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In living like this rn

>> No.15096275

My roommates room looks just like this, I clean mine every Sunday at least, I keep all my things organized, the only thing I don't do is make my bed because I don't even sleep on it. She complains about dishes in the sink, I don't use the dishes or the sink, she's the only one who does and yet she thinks it's me somehow when I spend 75% of my waking hours at work or with my friends doing drugs, and the other 25% is sitting at my desk playing games and sleeping or cleaning. Fuck femoids

>> No.15096284

What the fuck. People really be living like this? I'd be ashamed if I had one black dot on my floor if someone was coming over the fuck...

>> No.15096286
File: 78 KB, 960x544, brazil huehue 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah,you are a huehue favela mutt .Checks out

>> No.15096435

Women don't flush toilets and leave a stanky

>> No.15096581

wtf is wrong with white people lmao

>> No.15096585

>muh wypipo
seethe nigger

>> No.15096599

This is why y'all dirty asses are dropping like flies by muh rona

>> No.15096619

This is every girl who can't make up her mind's room. "Do I want Starbucks or Mexican food? Should I watch Contagion...or...Seinfeld?"

This is from changing 18 times before going to a party and ending up in the same outfit you started with at the beginning of the night that you decided was "too slutty" at first but then you drank a bit of wine and decided it was "just fine." I can't even comprehend this mentality. I have SEVERE ADHD, I get ready in about 20 seconds and keep my shit clean all the time or I fall into a deep depression and spend 20 minutes looking for anything and then get tired and go on 4chan and get distracted and look at porn and then 3 hours later I'm ready to get up and look for the item again. This behavior makes me go insane, but gamer men are just as bad if not much worse.

>> No.15096621

Dunno what you on but that would get him laid.

>> No.15096622


post room

>> No.15096635
File: 907 KB, 1430x1080, 20200322_181701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My female cousin's room looks exactly like that. How does my room look /fa/? It's comfy but being stuck here 24/7 for quarantine kinda sucks.

>> No.15096640

Lots of stuff, kinda cluttered. Sometimes you just have a lot of shit though

>> No.15096678

Yeah, i have a tiny room and lots of stuff. Bringing new stuff home is always a challenge, but i try my best to maximize the little space i do have.

>> No.15096688

Bro please learn some cord mangement.

>> No.15096690

It's based on the "men really live like this" image. Don't be obtuse
Plenty of men are like this also. I don't think this is a gender issue but rather that some people are disgusting and messy and others clean and tidy. Lack of discipline in childhood, probably