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File: 580 KB, 640x800, latina.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15090000 No.15090000 [Reply] [Original]

what core do I need to be to get a latina gf?

>> No.15090005

be white core

>> No.15090018

This but mostly Mexican

>> No.15090057

Its hit or miss, but like stereotypical white preppy has worked wonders ime, the one case where "core" actually seems to have some effect

>> No.15090077

Athletic core. They like gringos. Varies from each, but being clean/well taken care of is usually a big one.

>> No.15090278

who is this semon demon

>> No.15090299

Latinx people have to date in group. Their families talk too much otherwise.

>> No.15090893

Improve your face, hairstyle, etc. Get some kind of fade with a curly top or combover with hair product
Clothing wise I have no idea but flashing wealth can't hurt

>> No.15091182

Race doesn’t matter. Just talk to a Latina. You don’t need to dress a certain way to attract one.

>> No.15091210

Latinas are attracted to Sagittarians, the natural friends and lovers of the Spanish people.

>> No.15091214
File: 46 KB, 416x536, 9698398F-0185-4BA7-A36C-609944A78029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zodiac signs

>> No.15091218

Astrology is true, don’t let women and their superficial new age heresy convince you otherwise. It’s a 3000 year old discipline. If you’re interested, check out Grant Lewi, Charles Carter, and Robert Hand

>> No.15091219

I wish to make love to that person

>> No.15091221


>> No.15091223

It is fashion related

>> No.15091246

>Astrology is true
kek no
but Tarot on the other hand...

>> No.15091253

how do i get a latina gf in uk

>> No.15091254

Settle for an Indian gf

>> No.15091256

wtf where is the fucking sauce already ?

>> No.15091307

Your loss buddy

>> No.15091313

Tik Tok

>> No.15091315

yea ok fag

>> No.15092130


>> No.15092154

old and rich

>> No.15092157

where should a Pisces try and put his dick then?

>> No.15092178

fucking retarded

>> No.15092241

>water sign

>> No.15092355

Be White. Have a car.

>> No.15092363

Found one at uni all you have to do is ask how to dance to their Latino music then start kissing

>> No.15092565


fuckboy core

eboy core

meathead core

rich man core (works in florida)

>> No.15092574

Sports core also works esp with fuckboy cor

>> No.15092576

And the sport should be soccer, latinas love a fuckboy who plays soccer.

>> No.15092657
File: 160 KB, 1018x816, 6F2BA3E3-4C53-409C-940E-20E51BBF2CEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread belongs on /soc/ asshole. Learn how to use the sites you visit

>> No.15092662

I dress like a typical softboy and I've gotten a few dates with latinas.

>> No.15092736


That's all you need, bro. Not difficult.

>> No.15092742

as a white passing spic female loser on /fa/......

depends on the type of latina girl. i don't mean country but that could narrow it down but i mean specifically the social clique there in

for some reason so many latina girls now wanna be goth so all you have to do for that is be a white twink dressed as an e boy.

if you want a chola type of girl wear a turtleneck and a cuban link

being WHITE really helps here


pisces deserve nothing

>> No.15092747

The absolute state of /fa/gagot zoomers

>> No.15092748

Aaaand one more attention whoring zoomer given to the filter gods

>> No.15092754

im 33 :/

>> No.15092757

Don’t let the gr*ngos get to you, reina.

>> No.15092938

post tetas or gtfo

>> No.15092940

That’s a fucking tranny if you didn’t know, simp.

>> No.15092949

How many cats do you own?

>> No.15093037

Amerimulatto here. IDK how I do it but I do. I guess living in SoFlo and having a tattooed face helps

>> No.15093071

Horrible advice don't listen to this old lady

>> No.15093136

wtf is the thing about white guys true ?
who in the fuck finds white guys attractive , tf ??

>> No.15093142


>> No.15093162

What's wrong with water signs? Is aquarius ok?

>> No.15093173

idk man im scorpio but you dont need to concern yourself with this bitch shit, im not

>> No.15093201
File: 521 KB, 720x1124, lol3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but we dont find corny white guys attractive
this is her btw

>> No.15093208

I wouldn't expect anything less from a woman. So many are ruled by emotion and too easily swayed.

>> No.15093213

I currently have a Latina gf, have had two more in the past. I dress like a handsome white man, good quality basics with some traditional pieces (tweed, fuzzy sweaters, loafers). They generally seem to like how 'well' I dress. I don't think it particularly matters, but they tend to be traditional and want strong men who can provide so just don't dress like an internet meme.

>> No.15093217

ethnic girls who pretend to hate white people out of a sheepishly fallowing college social political trends
tend to find white guys the most appealing not only because they're naturally more attractive but also because in this girls eyes they've now become a forbidden fruit

tl:dr girls are retarded

>> No.15093226

lmao sure white incel
you guys are ugly asf sorry

>> No.15093236

the best way to attract a latina like all girls is to become confident and have an alpha charisma
also dont be ugly
either be otter mode or ex construction worker dad mode

walk with confidence smile with your eyes ask for her phone when she asks way say youre going to put your phone number in it
if she asks why again say some astrology sign bullshit that could describe anyone but sounds deep and personal like "i noticed you got allot going on in your head and id like to figure out what that is"
then when after the deed is done find an excuse for why you need to walk away like "i wish i could stick around but i got to pick a buddy up from the train"

the main key is acting like you have already have her or you dont care if you dont

if you act like youre trying to convince her to be with you even in the slightest its over for you

nothing turns a girl off more then feeling needed by some one she isnt already with
this is why most girls will find a guy with a man way more attractive then a guy whose single they want some one who choose them not needed them yah dig

>> No.15093239

said the brown incel
seriously ethnic girls like that prefer white guys more then your standard Caucasian girl

>> No.15093241

>will find a guy with a man
guy with a girl *

>> No.15093244

t. 1.50m chubby MexicANO

>> No.15093245

is this image fake i tried looking up the name, searching the image on two diffrent search engines and nothing came up
would a browncel really sink that low

>> No.15093256

source on this

>> No.15093259

Blaq women. Central Africans are Piscean people.
Why are you mad?
Aquarius is an air sign. But Aquarians are usually autistic.
Classic Scorpio. Abrasive as fuck, fears social humiliation

>> No.15093262
File: 50 KB, 705x351, lol4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15093267

be me because i can't keep them away

>> No.15093287

latina here
whats the best core for a latina gf?
i want to be a gf

>> No.15093295

well what do you prefer
because we all know every race has some secret code to unlock the legs/s

>> No.15093308

>Noo you have believe my magical sky things
Nigga no one gives a shit and I couldn't care what society thought of me

>> No.15093323

>Imagine being pathetic enough to edit this in
holy fuck you cant make this up , so this is the white chad ?

>> No.15093325


>> No.15093329

theyre both fake thats the joke

>> No.15093330

what about Scorpio men then ?
if you are good at it tell me the type of women we like and should go for

>> No.15093331

yup all tweets are fake alright. if you are gonna try to fool someone try to change the font

>> No.15093333

ok then link me that tweet
Pro:tip you cant

people are so easily fooled these days, thats my i made the satire

>> No.15093346

It's neither here nor there what you believe. You're an annoying faggot, that's not a matter of belief; it's a fact.
ethnically? Jewish girls, MENA girls. Depends on your rising as well.

>> No.15093348

>Jewish girls, MENA girls
yea i guess that along with med and mulatto could be my type but i was thinking more character type

>> No.15093355


I knew a lot of upper middle class latinas who would still buy cheap cholo jeans and wear timberlands and it was not good :(

>> No.15093360

You despise superficiality and artifice; you want a woman who is capable of returning your love with the same depth of affection. You want a transformative relationship, as an end in and of itself. Not quick fuck type of guy, nor would you be satisfied with average domestic torpor. If it lacks intensity & explosiveness, if nothing is being risked, you're not interested.

>> No.15093370

alright thats kinda true , so what the best way for me to approach women ? Let me see if this shit works

>> No.15093389

ThT depends on the rest of your chart. I can only speak to your ideals, because I only know your sun. Sun sign astrology is scratching the surface, there’s a whole world of depth unexplored in the rest of the natal map. Astrology is the sum of all pre-modern psychological knowledge. I recommend reading Grant Lewi’s Astrology for the Millions and the parts of Heaven knows what which are relevant to you. Make a free chart on Astro-seek, but take their descriptions with a grain of salt—the simple fact is that 99% of astrological info online is bullshit. There are very few credible sources. Be discerning. Once you have the rest of your chart, check this out:


>> No.15093433

You don't need any core, just talk to them.

>> No.15093435

I seek tomboy Latina chan!

>> No.15093437

>Hates white people
>Is white


>> No.15093439

the only thing Latinas are for is deportation

>> No.15093446

This might be true

>> No.15093455

The because they want to fuck alpha male cholos.

T. Sister has a crush on some cholo

>> No.15093463

imagine being this big of an incel

>> No.15093473
File: 92 KB, 700x560, a5419a7ada6b2ff3d9adcd3017614fbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15093474

thats looks white to me man
idk bout this

>> No.15093477

She even has thin lips

>> No.15093483

literally all of these women masturbate to harry styles. every single one of them. have you ever been on twitter

>> No.15093487

>woman of color
>of color
>literally paler than me and I live in Denmark

>> No.15093489

Sauce or its bs

>> No.15093494

T. Ahmed

>> No.15093496



>> No.15093498

hello incel

>> No.15093499

nah. I vote DF

>> No.15093501

exactly im actual brown and i have seen Italians darker and more ethnic looking than her , if i saw her i would just consider her white

>> No.15093505
File: 438 KB, 510x492, 4311482a1d160e16ae7ae6fe25014e69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain to me why there are hundreds of thousands of results on twitter of attractive brown women literally referring to themselves as "white man's whore"

>> No.15093510

explain why there are so many white women with mixed kids

>> No.15093516
File: 14 KB, 310x459, PST_2017.05.15.intermarriage-01-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

far fewer than women of other races, read here: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/06/06/the-rise-of-multiracial-and-multiethnic-babies-in-the-u-s/

almost half multiracial couples in the US are white and hispanic

>> No.15093519

keep dreaming pajeet

>> No.15093520

That's marriage anon...

>> No.15093526

and? white women have kids out of wedlock the least often, the point stands. all this data is easily available. I recommend you go outside. most common interracial pairings are WM-AF & WM-HF

>> No.15093527

should we tell him?

>> No.15093531

lmao no , there is more HMWF

>> No.15093539

My uncle is chicano, has 3 or 4 kids with a white chick idk even know/think they are married, but the kids look like meds or tanned whites with dark bown hair. I hardly see latinas with white guys. Its mostly afwm here.

>> No.15093540
File: 46 KB, 600x629, chart8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Whites intermarry half as often as other races
2) Whites give birth out of wedlock less than half as often as other races

What are you confused about here? If you have data on the preponderance of white women with mixed kids, please post it. It doesn't exist. The data repeatedly bears out the fact that ethnic women are more likely to have children with white men.

>> No.15093544
File: 22 KB, 420x778, PST_2017.05.15.intermarriage-01-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect, but it's relatively equal. Sorry the numbers don't reflect your misconception.

>> No.15093547

That's because they get abortions or don't have kids at all.

>> No.15093549

honestly dont know how incels here got delusions latinas date cringe white guys

>> No.15093554

You're an idiot. % of births out of wedlock only accounts for women who go through with the pregnancies. Oh, and white women get the fewest abortions of all races, too.

>> No.15093555

see >>15093544

WM-HF is more common than the reverse and it's the single most common interracial pairing.

>> No.15093565

surprised to see her on here, been simpin her ig for a while now, it's:

>> No.15093570

Literally only a 2% difference.

>> No.15093574

Godspeed anon

>> No.15093578

Right. Does that change the fact it's the most common interracial pairing? You have no statistics to support your argument. The difference is negligible, but the fact is what quantitatively speaking, latinas DO find white dorks attractive. At a 2% greater rate than white women find latinos attractive.

>> No.15093582

where is urs ?

>> No.15093587

More whites so there is a larger pool of white guys they'll find attractive.

>> No.15093602

lol, I just posted like five infographics supporting my argument. I'm sorry if you never learned how to read.
that's true. whites are ubiquitous. the real takeaway is that if you're white, your dating prospects aren't limited by your race at all (but of course, they may be by other factors, such as height etc). if you're a minority, you're far more likely to be excluded from a woman's preferences.

>> No.15093610

fuck that zodiac bs... but im a Sagittarius so am i in?

>> No.15093614

Looking at her instagram, her boyfriend is white with blonde hair. Does'nt change the fact she's a thot.

>> No.15093624

where ? i dont see anything

>> No.15093638

Scroll down

>> No.15093647

all i see is her with some latino guys that look more latino than her, wtf are you seeing

>> No.15093651

Keep looking

>> No.15093656

yeah my nigguh just PRAISE JUPITER and light some fires chad

>> No.15093657

yea nah you either post photo or you bullshitting
i aint got the will and i doubt her actual bf is that hard to find

>> No.15093660


>> No.15093661

You're blind bro

>> No.15093663

LOL the woman writing long political posts about being a WoC masturbates to blond, blue-eyed musician who looks like an angel. Many such cases!

>> No.15093664

nigga you wasted my time for this ???

>> No.15093669

Cope and seethe

>> No.15093673

10$ says she secretly drools at the thought of BWC

>> No.15093678

How does on get nudes from a girl? Asking for a friend.

>> No.15093708

Shes on onlyfans

>> No.15093732

That post was something some browncel Photoshoped
the girl in OP is dating a white guy >>15093660

>> No.15093736

>Kurt Cobain
is this a joke or are you stupid actually ??

>> No.15093742


>> No.15095197

hey m8, i know you answered for a pisces already but what about one in the last decanate? how does a pisces man attract a scorpio or aries woman? i always have great sexual experiences with women of those signs but have no idea how to be more than a 1 night stand/fwb with them