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15082490 No.15082490 [Reply] [Original]

What do you call this aesthetic?

>> No.15082491

that scarjo feminist movie

>> No.15082493


>> No.15082494

Why do I keep seeing your name here? Most people post as Anon

>> No.15082496

so powerful

>> No.15082542

Jesus where’d those come from...

>> No.15082544


>> No.15082597

mmmmm *pop* mmmmmmmmm *pop*

>> No.15082688

>delicious underage milky-white fat tits
I don't understand
Was it a humble brag or something?

>> No.15082693

i wanna make out with her butthole

>> No.15082695
File: 319 KB, 1536x2048, 1572319037470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>combination dairy and cum toilet for lonely quarantine

>> No.15082696

It's the "I'm ready to breed black babies" aesthetic

>> No.15082705
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huge tits are grotesque and pitiful. honestly no homo

>> No.15082707
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>> No.15082708
File: 23 KB, 574x800, monica-bellucci-matrix-photo-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15082712
File: 98 KB, 600x782, 15dadfba37857222693d25e7c83fcb7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15082802

She is 18

>> No.15082810

americans think under 21 is underage.
it's a psy-op to make sure no one tries to marry and have kids before they are ruined by double digit partner counts.

>> No.15082909

Just to give you a tip since you're a newfag.

The name he is using a tripcode, making him a tripfag. These are generally frowned upon by most users

>> No.15082920

The titcow

>> No.15082922

You are 100% homo

>> No.15082932

>Was it a humble brag or something?
ez attention

1. people think you're a hero for preaching body positivity; something that has virtually zero opponents
2. you get to show the boys your bazoongas without being called a slut

prognosis: many more years of this bullshit + more images of that sulky succubus

>> No.15082934

You finally said something good, you fucking kike. I can’t believe it.

>> No.15082935

That negativeXP song

>> No.15082938

best bit is you're not allowed to be negative when they do a bodyposi thing so the girl could literally be 10/10 and still humblebrag this way.

>> No.15082946

Nigger nursers

>> No.15082959

>you're not allowed
that is totally up to you

>> No.15082965

i mean like say a 10/10 girl posts herself saying it's bodyposi and she has body issues and shit like that.
if a fatty were to reply to that saying "hang on, aren't you just hi-jacking our fat power thing to show your perfect body?"
she would get slain in the replies.

>> No.15083147

18 brah

>> No.15083224

Wait what the fuck is this real? Are those real? I didn't even think you could grow boobs that big with her frame.

>> No.15083242

Can this bitch even sing? All I hear is low toned mumbling


>> No.15083280

right fa?

>> No.15083338

I’ve never heard her songs at all

>> No.15083341

top 40 radio she is always on

>> No.15083343

She always wore baggy clothes to hide them

>> No.15083345

its igor, he is a bald manlet that's all you need to know

>> No.15083349

I see. I’m not American though and I’m not into her genre of music :)

>> No.15083354

How do you know what he looks like?

>> No.15083356

He has posted his twitter https://twitter.com/igorgutman

>> No.15083363

Hopefully she gets a reduction soon

>> No.15083364

Gosha Rubchinsky

>> No.15083365


>> No.15083373

kys newfag

>> No.15083375

>Being this fucking delusional and gay

>> No.15083382

Fuck off you twat

>> No.15083387


>> No.15083445

Honestly bro that's pretty hot

>> No.15083452

Big milkies

>> No.15083455

Wtf is this reall??

>> No.15083475

Yes, it was from a concert

>> No.15083482
File: 194 KB, 509x451, C6EF2435-1E1A-4175-886F-4C10D7B09BD5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15083485 [DELETED] 

That is such cringe my gfoodness

>> No.15083486
File: 30 KB, 317x475, 52182126._SX318_SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You enjoy scam diets and living off Daddy's money, faggot?

>> No.15083489

That is such cringe my goodness ))

>> No.15083522

Isn't she 18? So brave!

>> No.15083524

yo which one of yall idiots invited this bad fucking vibe in this group chat even?

>> No.15083548

she is fat.
>black clothes with a black background
>cover your stomach
>angle your body away from the camera
these are not things a skinny girl does when taking a photo
>flabby arms
>giant cow tits
this is the body type of all those girls who think "my tits are big, so it doesn't matter if I'm overweight."

>> No.15083552
File: 102 KB, 500x395, CONDUCTOR-WE-HAVE-A-PROBLEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15083564


>> No.15083567

thots bad

>> No.15083571


>> No.15083823
File: 92 KB, 1545x869, coomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15084256

each boob are like twice the size of her head