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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 265 KB, 654x940, 632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15078925 No.15078925 [Reply] [Original]

Suit Thread
Who here wears suits or jackets everyday? How many do you own? I own a navy suit I got made for my wedding, but really want to start getting more to wear one everyday.
Post inspo, advice, OC and r8 and h8

>> No.15078929 [DELETED] 

Wow, that fit hasn't aged gracefully

>> No.15078930

What are you talking about? It looks great. Change the color and it's basically perfect. You'd see someone wearing something like it at Pitti Uomo

>> No.15078943 [DELETED] 

5+ years ago, maybe.
It's a skinny suit from the early 2010s, to me with its shrunk jacket and low-waisted skinny pants it looks very outdated

>> No.15078946
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>> No.15078948

Just go to the /tip/ general you fuck.

>> No.15078960

/tip/ is full of LARPing faggots trying to dress like grandpas. They purposely wear boxy ill-fitting suits in ugly colors because they're LARPing as early 20th century people.
They freak out and bitch and moan when you post anything with color in a slimmer, tailored fit.
/tip/ is the worst thread on /fa/ and all of their advice is either retarded or super outdated.

>> No.15078964
File: 28 KB, 356x640, dgandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I'm planning on dressing every day as soon as I get some more money to buy a jacket

>> No.15078966

And it’s apparent from the photos you’ve posted that you know nothing about suits. If there’s someone LARPing here, it’s you.

>> No.15078968

I'm not trying to wear business suits, I'm trying to wear sports jackets in colors.
If you would pull your head out of your ass you'd see I said I'm wanting to get more.
But please, go on. I know you're from /tip/ so you're probably shaking right now, frothing at the mouth that no one wants to wear your boxy tweed garbage from the 40s.

>> No.15078971
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>> No.15078973

Nigga, I've seen the OC that gets posted in your threads, it's beyond cringe.
And nice meme, I see you have no retort so you're just going to post crap

>> No.15078994
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>> No.15078996
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>> No.15078997
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>> No.15078998
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>> No.15078999
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>> No.15079001


>> No.15079004


>> No.15079093

>$360 sunglasses

I can buy like 7 pairs of luxury sunglasses for that price (Saint Laurent, Persol and so on).

>> No.15079114

these look all good because the guy in the suit lifts, yet you faggots refuse to touch a barbell.

>> No.15079120 [DELETED] 

Green suit? What is this, elfcore? Nigga get out!

>> No.15079128

green suit elfmode fucker get out

>> No.15079391

For me it's the fabric and the color, the jacket seems relatively ok, the shirt is a nono. The pants look especially dorky by today's standards because they're very long.

>> No.15079395

there is absolutely no muscle definition on these guys, they're sticks/a bit overweight at most.

>> No.15079592

Based thread

>> No.15079614
File: 401 KB, 1203x1787, 8769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've relatively recently starting wearing them pretty much on the daily for work.

I got this one here which I'd be happy to recommend:


I got another from SuitSupply. The fabrics and construction are nice, but you'll tend to run into other guys with the exact same suit, and the fit runs overly skinny.

>> No.15079715

Which model suitsupply? Lazio or napoli? I also hate how short the jackets are

>> No.15079776


Lazio-- though I find the jacket length fine honestly. For reference I'm (5'10/178) wearing R.

I just get the sense that it's cut tight like a shorter jacket, which leaves it draping not quite right. No harm in trying one on in-store if you live near one, but I'd be wary about ordering online.

>> No.15079794

Holy shit learn how to get the lenth of your tie right

>> No.15079799

Yeah the napoli is supposed to be a little more relaxed with wider shoulders - which is what I like. But I'm 6'1" so I'm worried I'm between a R and a L.

>> No.15079808


An eye for detail here. This is an old photo; believe I'd tied it inattentively since I was trying stuff on.

>> No.15079829


Looks like they give you roughly an extra two inches on jacket length for an L. Between about 31 and 32 inches from bottom of collar to bottom of the jacket depending on your size.

If you have a jacket with a length you like you can just measure it to compare.

>> No.15079884

Extremely poor fit, way too tight/short throughout

>> No.15080184
File: 999 KB, 2240x3360, 6d71e4b40cbc5422ccffcefef8f71a4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I'm trying to dress like for now on

>> No.15080212
File: 58 KB, 500x750, hugo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hugo is basically my fashion god. I read everything he has to say, his books and watch his videos.
He is my goals.

>> No.15080273

>Let sartorial triangle of death

>> No.15080278

What did he mean by this?

>> No.15080586

Best suit for an interview? Color and fit- wise?

>> No.15080714

Why do all trousers have belt loops? Belts look so awful, trousers are much nicer with side adjusters. Wish suitsupply gave you the option to choose side adjusters. I hate whoever brought this meme trend.

Navy or charcoal gray

>> No.15080728

Navy or charcoal are really the only acceptable choices. ABSOLUTELY do NOT wear a black suit, basically ever, but not to an interview.
Don't wear those retarded slim shit suits and don't wear a suit that is too big, you'll look like a mess. Just get a suit that fits well. If your suit is RTW make sure it's adjusted to you and take it to a tailor if not. No collar gap, please, that looks so shitty and amateurish.
Notch lapels are pretty much obligatory, save peak lapels for another time. If you are wearing a belt (you shouldn't wear a belt with a suit, but if you do) make sure the leather color matches the shoes. Shoes with navy or charcoal can be brown, but preferably not a super light color or brown. Really light browns tend to look very causal. Black can be worn with both but tend to look better with charcoal, brown goes very nicely with navy.
Iron your fucking shirt, even if you're wearing a jacket over it, iron your fucking shirt. We can tell if you're wearing an unironed shirt. Shine your shoes, it really does make a difference and looks better.

>> No.15080735

>Iron your fucking shirt, even if you're wearing a jacket over it, iron your fucking shirt. We can tell if you're wearing an unironed shirt
Binch it's linen

>> No.15080738


Don't wear a linen shirt to an interview.

Also I'm surprised I have to say this but, normal people in a normal office wear belts and you shouldn't be trying to show up to a job interview with all sorts of wild panache in how you're dressed.

>> No.15080740

>Don't wear a linen shirt to an interview.
Binch it's hot

>> No.15080742



>> No.15080743

terrible criticism and wrong

>> No.15080756

Why the FUCK would you wear a linen shirt to an interview? You might as well not even go the interview since it's obvious you don't care. What country?
Wear a fucking cotton shirt you retard. Poplin or twill. Damn, even an oxford shirt would look better than showing up to an interview with a linen shirt.

>> No.15080763

What's wrong with the shirt? There is absolutely nothing wrong with that shirt as it fits into that outfit. He's wearing a green suit, trust me, he's not trying to blend in.
I'll agree the break of the pants is too long in my opinion, but break is a taste kind of thing and not everyone wants to show off their ankles. But personally, I'd have them hemmed if it was me. Really, it's not the break that is the issue, it's the rise. He's wearing those pants really low which was kind of the trend at the time (a trend I'm happy is dying). If he wore his pants higher then the break would be higher.
Also, he should have worn socks. No socks really only looks appropriate with loafers. If you're wearing oxfords or derbies, you should wear socks. It looks sloppy without them.
I also think this fit would look a lot better if he ditched the belt. Belts just don't look that good with suits.
Overall though, I like this fit and think it's aged well. It just needs a few tweaks.

>> No.15080773

Linen is the only fabric I will allow to touch my naked skin.

>> No.15080774

Okay, Shlomo.
What country are you in that is so hot right now?

>> No.15080777


>> No.15080780

Fuck off.
Wherever you live, I hope you crash and burn during your interview and I hope you wear your linen shirt like a sperg

>> No.15080781

Binch i',m serious. Those skinny white bitches always crank the central heat to like 25, 30 degrees

>> No.15080793

Then suffer it for the interview for an hour and wear a cotton shirt. Be uncomfortable and then change afterward. Don't wear a fucking linen shirt with a suit to a job interview.
I can't believe you need someone to tell you this

>> No.15080800
File: 770 KB, 2000x3005, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Binch it's either linen shirts or i gotta wear business shorts in this binch
I gotta ventilate
mans waeren't built for this heta

>> No.15080811

Why do you want to work for a place that cranks the heat and makes you uncomfortable?

>> No.15080814

binch have you seent the economy

>> No.15080852

>tan shoes
>tan belt
>no socks
>sagging pants
Can American's just not with suits please

>> No.15081064

post a selfie

>> No.15081620

The casual way he carries himself and the way it contrasts with the formal shit, I love it, I mean he's drinking from a mug and eating ramen while wearing a suit, holy shit this is inspiring

>> No.15081624

is a black 3 piece suit too much for a funeral? do you wear a 3 piece to a funeral

>> No.15081627

The pink socks is the final "i don't give a fuck"

>> No.15081637
File: 16 KB, 236x393, B7C320E0-D90D-466F-AE47-5F823A3B35B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are wool suits uncomfortably hot? I really want a grey three-piece suit but i’m hot sure on a fabric choice, I like texture and a heavier feel

>> No.15081648

Nope. They come in different weights depending on the fabric chosen. Their is summer weight wool.
I got married in a wool suit in 90F weather and was totally fine as I got a lighter weight fabric

>> No.15081650
File: 232 KB, 1200x800, jacket1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What color of pants would fit with this jacket?

>> No.15081659

navy jacket and grey pants is pretty classic

>> No.15081672

Grey or cream would look really good

>> No.15081684

Thanks, is navy + navy also acceptable if they're not exactly the same shade? (basically if pants and jacket are bought separately)

>> No.15081689

I don’t personally like the look of it

>> No.15081693

I'm just a fan of sport coats not being the same color as pants. It leaves more creative options for outfits. If you're going to match pants to jacket why not just get a suit, you know?

>> No.15081772

I do like the cream/navy combo and not a fan of full suits. I was just looking for some new ideas since navy jacket and more colorful tie/hendkerchief can seem overly top heavy with light pants.

>> No.15082336
File: 92 KB, 600x848, 1473789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goal aesthetic right here.
What material do you think his jacket is made out of?

>> No.15082469

grey trousers. both dark & light. tropical & winter wool

>> No.15082476

What fabric is that with the those red and white flecks? I love that. I'd get a jacket made in it.

>> No.15082532

Donegal tweed

>> No.15082539

Based. I think if I ever get some extra money for a MTM jacket, I'll get one made

>> No.15082545

linen/silk blend

>> No.15082561

Noice. Never tried on anything linen/silk but I have some linen/wool trousers that are incredible.

>> No.15082691
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>> No.15082694

There's no cure for being a weak, fat, fuck. If you're buying expensive clothing to mask your horrific body, then you're wasting good clothes.

>> No.15082714

Shirt and tie should not be visible under the buttoning point

>> No.15082767

Cool made up "rule", did you hear that from Alpha M or RealMenRealSyle or my favorite, Gentleman's Gazette?
Fuck off, sperg. The only "rule" is that there are no rules.

>> No.15082772

Lol @ this low rise coping

>> No.15082784

Nigga, I'm one of the biggest advocates of the high rise

>> No.15082788
File: 435 KB, 1280x1280, bw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a rule more of a guideline based off proportions. And I loathe those three

>> No.15082789

Something about patch pockets just does it for me. I HATE flap pockets. Jetted are fine, I have a nice suit with them. But patch pockets are just so good looking

>> No.15082863

>I can buy like
its always the people who don't actually buy things who need to clarify that they totally could

>> No.15082875

Kek this is true

>> No.15082899

Gosling looks good in anything but yeah you’re right it’s a cringe suit and the shoes are hideous. If anything Steve carrels outfit has aged better. Of course ladies want gosling but it’s in spite of his outfit. They wouldn’t give a fuck what he wears.

>> No.15082901

It’s not skinny though...it’s fitted you absolute pleb

>> No.15082904


>> No.15082905


>> No.15083081


It's this one.


>> No.15083119


Btw check out their shantung ties although they mostly sold out now compared to the vareity couple of month ago :/

>> No.15083167

Good shit my dudes

>> No.15083342


Has anyone bought stuff from these guys before? First I've seen of them and prices are quire reasonable. How's the build/fabric quality?

>> No.15083344


stop replying like a faggot

>> No.15083450

It's a small store that up until recently only sold handmade accesories but it's legit. Unfortunately international shipping takes forever. (based on reviews)

>> No.15083469

thank you

>> No.15083488

how can anyone think footwear like this is acceptable

>> No.15083494

Im more disgusted by the pants. Looks like an old lady from knees down

>> No.15083515

If you know about high rise then you should know about the sartorial triangle of death. I can tell you know nothing about suiting at all

>> No.15083658

how can you avoid this? have a longer suit? shorter tie?

>> No.15083663

Most of the time it's higher rise pants that fix the issue. Avoid suits with terms like modern or contemporary fit

>> No.15083672

but what about the tie? stuff it into the pants?

>> No.15083673

>starts sentence with so or but
stop being a massive homosexual

>> No.15084098

shut up kike mongrel

>> No.15084123

I'm going to need to hear your reasoning behind this opinion. If it's at least passable I'll leave this thread alone. If it isn't I will burn down /fa/ to get one tripfriend

>> No.15084141

Not at all. Pitti uomo is filled with people wearing high waisted trousers and unstructured blazers with long bottom covering hem lengths.

>> No.15084498

have the suit jacket button up at the trouser waistband.

>> No.15084509
File: 743 KB, 2000x1333, Tie-tucked-into-waistband.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could, but the proper way is to get the tie length correct

>> No.15084540

What is the correct tie length ?

>> No.15084561

You're asking too many fucking questions which are basic knowledge for anyone who is into this.
I'm gonna answer you anyway, the tie should hit right at the waistband, it could go a bit below if the trousers are high rise.

>> No.15084800


>> No.15085158

what is: learning

>> No.15085584

You're not allowed to learn on effay

>> No.15085707
File: 65 KB, 411x640, 163D117C-4953-4383-891E-084EF090BD4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a suit

>> No.15086192

This looks awful

>> No.15086482

Pant length is bad, jacket is wrong, shoes are pretty ugly.

>> No.15086491

Looks great, very yakuzaesque

>> No.15086529

igor you're such a fag, have you seen the way you rant like schizo

>> No.15086946

I like suits

>> No.15087357


At the risk of replying to a troll, there are a few ways you could make this much better.

-If you're wearing a tie, button your shirt up all the way unless you've been wearing your suit all day and it's 4am at the bar

-Avoid dark coloured dress shirts.

-Take this to a local tailor or seamstress and have them shorten your sleeves.

-Only standard, small buckles on belts

>> No.15087423

They aren't necessarily, because like the other anon said, you can choose a weight that suits your use case. That said, a three piece is going to be warmer than a two piece, and if you want a "heavier" fabric, you may run into issues with heat.
Do you wear suits daily in an office, or is this a "for nice occasions" type thing?

>> No.15087730
File: 167 KB, 572x1280, 647954C9-2F57-42E8-ABF7-02630C8B89E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a troll just some guy who had to get suits for some weddings. Suit number two.

>> No.15087769

a bit better but your waistcoat should be further down

>> No.15087850

>Suit number two.

The well named

>> No.15087851

John Wack meets Charlie Chaplin

>> No.15087934

Pull your damn pants up

>> No.15088314

Looks sloppy as hell

>> No.15088912
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much can you dress up with jeans and sneakers without looking silly?

I have a great dark navy sports jacket and lavender tie combo but can this be pulled off with sneakers and jeans? Or even if I drop the tie do I still need to swap the sneakers for regular shoes?

>> No.15088914

Basically can I throw a tie on top of left or right in the pic?

>> No.15088927

Nah. Dressing up goes shoes > pants > tie
By dressing up a casual look with a tie you skip a few steps and just look like you cant afford formal shoes and pants

>> No.15088935

>How much can you dress up with jeans and sneakers without looking silly?
Jeans, depends on the color. A tie, not at all, frankly. Its a far better decision to just buy trousers or slacks and casual dress shoes.