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15064650 No.15064650 [Reply] [Original]

At what age do women usually peak in terms of beauty?

>> No.15064658

I remember reading some study that said; all men find 20-23 year olds the most attractive

>> No.15064676

18 to 22, nobody likes you when you're 23

>> No.15064678

Yep. Statistically, women tend to be in their prime in the early to mid 20s, and then then steadily decline as they age.
Men tend to have more leeway in aging, and hit can their high point later and potentially maintain it for longer.
Obviously not everyone is the same and some people age better or worse than others though. Ultimately depends on the person.

>> No.15064709

What's interesting is that sexuality and libido peaks in men in their late teens and early 20s, but not for women until their late 30s to early 40s. So maybe the idea that the opposite sex is most attractive at the age which corresponds to these figures actually makes sense?

>> No.15064711


>> No.15064716

13-16 is peak woman

>> No.15064718

after 18 women are going down the hill

>> No.15064740

imo, women between 25-29 look the prettiest. have had a crush on so many damn women who were older than me

>> No.15064744

Just looks somewhere between 16 and 25, I suppose. In real life when there are many other factors I'd say 25 and up.

>> No.15064748


>> No.15064750

:-* mwa

>> No.15064772


>> No.15064782
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There is a look around 17 that is the best. And another group that peaks around 28 that is the best.

Consider most actual female actresses everyone really likes is in their late 20s

>> No.15064784

Non east-Asian women expire before 30

>> No.15064792

>when you know youre at your prime but youre a loser and always will be

>> No.15064919


>> No.15064925

Last white gf declined around age 23-24. Its like a switched turned on and she started getting white hairs and generally looked older.

I'd say ideal is around 19-22. The cutest.

>> No.15064941

it varies from girl to girl, some peak as early as about 15 or 16, while some rare cases may peak in their mid to late twenties. Most peak from 17-22 I'd say.

>> No.15064946

I would have said like 16-17 because I don't remember the girls at school being hot until they got to that age and I don't *think* it was just my own puberty talking.
Anyone that says anything over 20 is fucking lying because they're a seppo that has been trained to believe they are pedos if they say younger.
BUT I have heard there was some study where they just showed men faces with no ages attached and asked them to rate beauty and they came to a number more like 14 as peak.

>> No.15064948
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13 to 16

It depends on a lot of factors and you can give or take a few years here and there, but that is usually about the prime window.

>> No.15064958

>I have heard there was some study where they just showed men faces with no ages attached and asked them to rate beauty and they came to a number more like 14 as peak.
Google has released studies (yes, THAT Google) which were compiled in a book called 'A million wicked thoughts' and in those they analyzed the search results of all people around the world for over a decade + the meta data of which porn categories were the most popular. The result was that all men worldwide tend to find girls around 13/14 the most attractive. What's also interesting is that they found that all men like to look at breasts, ass, feet, and *surprise* big dicks.

>> No.15064977

Found the kpop coomer.

>> No.15064983

it depends on the girl
my gf is mid twenties and looks better every year somehow

>> No.15064989

Just wait. Her looks will tank exponentially.

>> No.15065008
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>> No.15065022

Implying she’s not still beautiful

Pedo threads

>> No.15065026
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>> No.15065036

Jconn didn't age very well she looks a bit skeletal now. Jewesses rarely age well.

>> No.15065234
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These anons are on the money. Anything else is cope-posting

>> No.15065242

14, unironically.

>> No.15065247
File: 127 KB, 564x1128, d8280447c34ca677d12339d5e7ec1d36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from cute to ogre

white women peak at 12-16

>> No.15065249

Ugly at both ages.

>> No.15065251
File: 1.21 MB, 1125x1385, 3FEA0E2E-7FB3-405F-952D-06CF0CAD8FDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the peak.

>> No.15065254

made for BBC

>> No.15065264

Looore Lore Lore Loooore
Schön sind die Mädchen von 17-18 Jahr

>> No.15065306

Schöne Mädchen gibt es überall

>> No.15065460


>> No.15065577

yes 25-30 is probably the sweet spot because they are not braindead like younger girls but also still hot enough

>> No.15065591

I think that would make sense. I am 22 and I feel the most ugly I have ever felt.

>> No.15065592

Wasn't saying it stops at 30. After thirty it comes down to how well a woman carries herself, tho. Can be anything, the way she holds her fork, the way she smiles, great shoes, excelling in whatever she does.

>> No.15065596


>> No.15065600


>> No.15065640
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Depends on the genetics and lifestyle of the individual.
Some peak early and fade fast, others peak in their 20's or early 30's.

>> No.15065641


>> No.15065648
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They're peak as long they have a girly face and stick body.

>> No.15065682
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16, then its a decline from there

>> No.15065812

16 to 22.
beauty is form 15 to 35

>> No.15066995
File: 80 KB, 748x520, C54B42D7-B0AC-489E-829F-2B3BDB5E7866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15067109

Duh? Doesn't change the fact that she's hotter this year than last year.

>> No.15067115

Remember anons, don't party too hard, take care of yourself and be a good person and you will be attractive until you die

>> No.15067126

>you will be attractive until you die

nope, i'd rather have eternal youth you rat bastard

>> No.15067151

lol you're in for a rough time then. there is such a thing as aging gracefully you know. it should be the mission of every /fa/ggot to be stylish from womb till tomb