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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 81 KB, 720x960, bvgshv5x38jz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15060567 No.15060567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15060585

kohlchan tier [-]

>> No.15060591

Stop igor

>> No.15060611

i want to cum on his cheek, and then take a bite of it, mixing my ejaculate with the oil, pus, and blood rushing out of his pimples skin

Do you think if I did this, I’d get sick?

In other news, my Biologique Recherche morning and night regimen is going wonderful. It feels good to know I can afford French medical grade skin care. Lol.

>> No.15060612

some mouthwatering parmesan

>> No.15060638

4chan has all flavor of jerks

>> No.15060651
File: 56 KB, 550x413, bread-sticks-pizza-hut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i unironically want to lick the bottom left part of this image because its reminds me of the herbs and cheese on pizza hut breadsticks

>> No.15060662

was about to say the same, fucking hell

>> No.15060665
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I hate/love this place

>> No.15060763
File: 218 KB, 1000x667, Kaesebroetchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat skin condition always reminds me of a Käsebrötchen, don't even know if there is a proper name for it in english.

>> No.15060829
File: 86 KB, 634x479, 8487210-6588131-image-a-115_1547434351168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of a perfect pork roast with crackling.

>> No.15060830

Something i would eat

>> No.15060855

I don't know what that is but it looks fucking delicious

>> No.15060877

you could spend all day trying to remove them and it would be absolutely disgusting yet also strangely satisfying

>> No.15060882 [DELETED] 

This is butt acne right? How do I get rid of it? It looks fucking gross

>> No.15060887

I fucking hate this thread

>> No.15060930

I have my skincare routine, aka the whole morning and night procedure. If I take a shower inbetween that, should I skip moisturizer afterwards or apply it still?

>> No.15060933

Imagine giving him a huge sloppy snog on those cute bumpy pimples, like feeling his aggregate skin rumple around your wet lips and you him a passionate love bite, causing his swelling cysts to erupt with that bacterial mucus sloping out like an excited volcano all over your tounge at you taste his naughty face goo

>> No.15060949

Chill and eat a Käsebrötchen.

>> No.15060952
File: 1.30 MB, 3008x2000, sandpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone taken sandpaper pill yet?

>> No.15060997
File: 47 KB, 720x809, chadlaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao at these cucks. If you still need a skin routine just to have clear skin after graduating highschool, you are a beta with deficient genes.

After you go through puberty and your facial hair grows out, there should be no need for daily skin care to have passable skin.

>> No.15061000

dry meat is disgusting when it isn't jerky

>> No.15061005

i really love this comment

>> No.15061007

my mom taught me the other day to shove garlic and butter into the meat between the ties
then i burned it

>> No.15061015

Women also go on 4chan
I ended up getting the worst acne when i was done with high school
Acne can be caused by things other than genes. Stress, diet, exercise, hormonal health, water consumption, the list goes on for potential causes that could very well need internal medical help.
Genetics dont have a huge role to play if you have had hormone disruptions or a bad diet.

>> No.15061039
File: 295 KB, 852x480, chaddead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women also go on 4chan
Good one m8 :^)

Ehh, I suppose, but I haven't experienced anything even though I'm waking up in cold sweats every other night
>diet, exercise
Do them right then. If maintaining good health comes with the bonus of having good skin, then why the fuck not
>hormonal health
I guess so, but then again isn't that dictated by the first 3 points?
>water consumption
Just drink more water lmao

>potential causes that could very well need internal medical help
ie Abnormal cases relating to genetics or disorder/disease. I'm talking about the general populous

But fr though, I don't care. Do what you gotta do to look and feel good in your own skin. For me, a shower every few days, washing my face with water sometimes, and a straight razor line up once a fortnight is enough to have more than passable skin. I will exfoliate and moisturise from time to time if hard times hit, or I'm tryna look extra spicy for something or someone.

>> No.15061046

Käsefüßebrötchen are shit, and pork is shit. Just go vegan for the most part - no religious zeal necessary - and your skin will be fine - none skin care products needed. Eat clean, have clean skin.

>> No.15061189
File: 261 KB, 1080x1920, JPEG_20200229_215459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that the general's here..

these are the only things you need

>> No.15061190

That looks like some dry hash

>> No.15061205


The rules mentioned here >>15060997 go for women, too. WIthout the complications of facial hair, so it's actually easier. The only girl who just went with her acne after the age of 13 was a girl who just never bothered about her skin (and hygiene in general) and just stuck with it forever.

>> No.15061527

I'm eating, you motherfucker

also bump

>> No.15061532

Quit eating so much sodium and drinking sugary drinks. Bathe daily with hemp soap and a washcloth. dont touch your face. Launder your pillow case every week. Thats really all it takes unless you have genetic issues

>> No.15061549


Id watch that

>> No.15061561

That shit causes permanent skin discoloration

>> No.15061577

it does?

>> No.15061580

Is this the suicide thread?

>> No.15061628
File: 23 KB, 360x360, IMG_20200304_210615_749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What moisturizer should I get? I've been using The Ordinary's Moisturizing Factors but am looking for a replacement.

Also, my skin has been flaking under my facial hair lately when I let it go for a day or two and was curious why that might be? My routine is washing with Cerave in the morning then applying moisturizer, and then washing again at night and applying mandelic acid.

>> No.15061705
File: 32 KB, 417x741, 1416219963770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps too strong of an exfoliant/cleanser. Try looking into mineral oil as a cleanser, and moisturising with some other oil (I use olive, just small drops onto wet hands, then dabbing all over like aftershave kind of).

It worked fucking wonders, and I still use an exfoliant from time to time to even out the skin (Used to use it in the morning only, after the cleanser. But now I'm too lazy and just use it every few days or so)

>> No.15061982

how does ones skin get this bad. I get mad when i get just one pimple on my cheek

>> No.15061991

Nice to see /fa/ hasn't changed

>> No.15062009

You get cracklins by basting the roast in hot oil. It's not dry in the slightest.

>> No.15062056
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 1582395322093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woke up to over-exfoliated skin
how the fuck is this possible i only do it once a week, more so, how the fuck do i heal this i have a shoot in two days

>> No.15062074
File: 367 KB, 1080x1369, JinjiIto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15062279

this shit is why we have covid-19

>> No.15062301
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>> No.15062387

It's revolting yet I have a strong urge to put on medical gloves and apply cream on it. Like an instinctive "must remove".

>> No.15062453
File: 38 KB, 1086x450, 1583391612988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking disgusting, nice bait

>> No.15062464

I'm not spiritual m, but having acne is a display of bad karma in a past life. Acnefags are disgusting degenerates with poor hygiene. You ever seen a neckbeard of PC gamer without acne?

There is no better way to display your filth and misdeeds than to have it right on your face for the world to see.

>> No.15062522

Jesus senpai, I doubt all the 12yo kids have done such atrocities worth describing as "filth and misdeeds", let alone having it on display for the world to mock and laugh

>> No.15062657


>> No.15062827
File: 70 KB, 768x1280, 613JeYlygPL._SL1280_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I am over cleansing my face or am I just paranoid? My routine is just Cetaphil cleanser - (morning) sunscreen - (night) retinol - cerave moisturizer
But on days I work out it goes like this:

Wake up, cleanser, sunscreen, moisturizer
Exercise, ~5 pm come home and shower immediately, cleanser in the shower, moisturizer
Night ~11pm: cleanser, retinol, moisturizer

Am I overthinking it and I'm fine? I use pic related cleanser, should I be using a gentler one?? I don't exfoliate, I was going to use the ordinary bha+aha (?) but I don't want to irritate my skin since I'm using the retinol and I don't seem to need exfoliation

>> No.15062890

I have an instinct to remove it as well except my way would be to take a knife to the side of his face and scrape all of it off. It would be very satisfying.

>> No.15063000 [DELETED] 

1-1 translation would be cheese bun

>> No.15063001 [DELETED] 

1-1 translation would be cheese bun>>15062827

>> No.15063002

1-1 translation would be cheese bun

>> No.15063101

post face

>> No.15063288


>> No.15063316

Jesus this is so bad. just fucking do tea tree pads every night and morning and this will not happen. or will get extraordinarily better

>> No.15063331 [DELETED] 

shit is the worst. I lived with some faggots who bought this kind of shit on the regular- when I didn't have any extra $ to spend on shit like shampoo- I used their shit. and my hair has never felt so oily and fucked.

the night they moved out I pissed in their shampoo bottle and it was a quarter used. I wonder how much of my piss has seeped into their skull and infused its self in their scalp- so whenever I see nig nog shampoo brands I always think of them.

>> No.15063336
File: 24 KB, 399x388, UBWiC1X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15063340

You're probably pretty young still, and you'll wonder why you didn't use sunscreen daily when lines and wrinkles start appearing, and your skin turns red and blotchy.

>> No.15063413

Didnt I say karma in a past life??

>> No.15063419

Degenerate wh*te behavior.

>> No.15063433
File: 211 KB, 1200x914, 1572453199965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok fag

>> No.15063636
File: 70 KB, 830x1024, thanosdaddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used a product meant for curly hair on my straight hair and it feels oily aaah
Fucking autist

>You're probably pretty young still
Fuck off boomer
>...when lines and wrinkles start appearing
>and your skin turns red and blotchy
Sorry for your bad genetics faggot :)

>> No.15063663

wouldn't be able to resist purging each one of them

>> No.15063677
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 1555725909565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15063804

How do I find out what my skin type is, and do I apply moisturizer all over my body or just face?

>> No.15063894
File: 121 KB, 660x880, 55fc2a92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone stopped using cleanser/switched to water only or gone full caveman mode?

I've had skin problems for so long and experimented with a lot of different things so the only think I've not tried is not doing anything. I've read a lot about stripping the oils and fucking with your acid mantle that I've tempted to try.

>> No.15064241

imagine scraping your fingers along his face

>> No.15064256

If you're getting oily in the morning you might be cleansing or exfoliating too much and your face is trying to produce oil to combat it. If not you're fine though.

>> No.15064378

My skin has been so much clearer since I stopped moisturizing. Cold water in the morning is all I do.

>> No.15064656

I just want to stick a piece of duct tape on his cheek and slowly peel it off, hearing his acne go pop pop pop

>> No.15064769

I'd apply it afterwards. Ideally you'd take your shower morning or night and do your routine when you come out.

How non-sois exfoliate

Olive oil is pretty shitty as a moisturizer. There's evidence that it makes transepidermal water loss worse.

Probably. Doing it more than 2 times a day seems like too much already, and made worse by the fact that that cleanser is pretty stripping (and has fragrance).

Do you have any specific issues that exfoliation might even help with? Probably no need to if you don't, or maybe just stick to light exfoliators rather than the bulldozer of exfoliators. But if you do and you're tolerating the retinol well, then you shouldn't have issues even with the aha+bha. I've used adapalene in the same routine with it just fine, and that's a true retinoid.

Who ever has this has deeper issues that tea tree wouldn't do shit to prevent. If it's even acne, their only option is isotretinoin and pray.

In an ideal world with unlimited time and money, your whole body. But I can't be fucked, so I just moisturize the area that I used actives on my body, or areas that I want to be presentable i.e. face, hands, and feet.

I basically did caveman out of ignorance early years of college. My face looked like shit. It's probably ideal for some people, but at the very least use SPF to not age like shit.

>> No.15064804


This is probably how Coronavirus started

>> No.15065116

No no no no no no

>> No.15065277

anyone got help on keloids?

>> No.15065345

Jesus H christ does this man bathe in nuclear waste or what?

>> No.15065470

Drinking excessive water has done more for my than skin than any amount of skincare products have.

>> No.15065727

>Olive oil is pretty shitty as a moisturizer. There's evidence that it makes transepidermal water loss worse.
Thanks science anon, what would you recommend as a replacement?

>> No.15065806

haha thats fucked. this kid needs to just cut the whole thing and take antibiotics. sooo fucked

>> No.15065808

creepy motherfucker keep that shit to yourself, you're disgusting kys fag

>> No.15066339
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>> No.15066355

lurk more

>> No.15066370

I want to get a really sharp knife and scrape all that shit off his face

>> No.15066532
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, meowth mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a sunscreen that doesn't leave a white cast all over my face. I was not blessed with aryan genes so it very noticeable.

>> No.15066573

Hey big guy

We all like ourselves a Meowth, it takes us back.
Those black bars though man, this is what you present to us? It is time for you to take a long look at yourself in the mirror my friend.
Crop this image and try again.

>> No.15066607
File: 128 KB, 1125x1124, hwk3j6sls3g41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would you guys recommend for back/shoulder acne?

ive been using a body wash with salicylic acid for a while but it doesnt seem to be doing much
(for anyone who's kinda new and skeptical about these threads: advice from here has resulted in me almost completely getting rid of my face/jawline acne, including cystic acne. it took about a year and a half.)

>> No.15066922

Krave's beet shield (it's the same formula as their beet the sun SPF 50+ sold outside the US, but they can't call it a sunscreen because the blockers aren't FDA approved). It's pretty based and because it's a chemical sunscreen, it won't leave the white cast you're talking about.

Basically just look at Korean and European sunscreens until the FDA approves better blockers like tinosorb. If the Krave one leaves you too oily, there's others from companies like Purito.

Perhaps just the same shit you'd do to your face? I'd continue with the SA body wash, but also try out benzoyl peroxide cleansers (cleansers that are probably too strong for the face but are fine for the body), and perhaps a retinoid. My facial acne is under control (besides scarring) but the shit on my body is annoying because I don't have enough cash to blow on Adapalene for the body acne, and my derm may not want to prescribe more tubes of Tretinoin, if she'd even agree to using it for my body. I'm debating getting on accutane just for the body acne to tackle everything at once, since she said it's an option for me.

>> No.15067414
File: 182 KB, 1009x1512, 6e159f6525f1891347c9faf68aa144d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing sunscreen
>blessed with aryan genes

lol pick one aryan genetic are just here to provide ample female breeding material

>> No.15067459

cheese bread