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/fa/ - Fashion

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15042183 No.15042183 [Reply] [Original]

What can I do with my hair? My friends told me long hair will look better so I got mine long. But I look a bit off. What does /fa/ think?

>> No.15042189

Forgot to ask how to stop it my hair from "flying away" I would prefer it if just curls inside instead of curling away from me.
A friend suggested I should have it straightened but what do you think?

>> No.15042201

i think it looks great as is, you are very good looking. i think your curl pattern looks nice, plus i don't think you can ultimately change it. i say do not straighten it because your hair looks a little dry as it is, straightening it will make that worse probably. if you feel like you are in an awkward phase in your hair growth, the only thing you can do it wait it out

>> No.15042202
File: 267 KB, 1080x1350, 69887768_124474158896153_905924142450875035_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do this

>> No.15042203

It's still a bit awkward, will look better when it gets a bit longer yet. You'll also want to move the partition more towards the center at that point. As for the curling towards the outside, mine does that too if not cut correctly. I believe it's cut shorter on the inside to make it curl the other way.

>> No.15042214

OhI don't think you mean that. No one in my life had said I even look decent. Probably just due to the angle. I have pretty weak chin and ugly nose.
Does blowdrying it work?

>> No.15042219

are u trans

>> No.15042223

um r u a girl or a guy you fucking fag

>> No.15042234
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No... but it would be nice to be a girl

>> No.15042235

Are you a woman?

>> No.15042237

Depends on what you're aiming for.
Are you into girls? Men?
Well, you're cute and have one hell of a pretty face, so there's already that I guess.

>> No.15042238

I can't tell if you're a boy or a girl

>> No.15042241
File: 1.84 MB, 1080x1080, 1581999949201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this why is /fa/ infested by all these traps/tranners/cutebois?
10 years ago when I started browsing /fa/ these are rare but now they get more and more passable to the point of me wanting to get a cute tranny gf.
Is the water infested with estrogen that we get weak and low test males
At this rate either coronachan will kill us or we don't have any descendants due to LGBTQABCCDEFG

>> No.15042249

Eurotrash have weak feminine traits and this is by far the most privileged and pampered generation of them so you degenerates are basically left with a race of women.

Hopefully Islam cleans up the mess you’ve all made.

>> No.15042250


>> No.15042251

Why do you want to blow dry? I wouldn't do it, only dries out your hair more and it's dry enough. Make sure you're not rubbing it with a towel after showering, just press the towel on it, maybe squeeze a bit, and then lit it air dry for probably best results.

If it gets drier as it gets longer try something like coconut oil on it

>> No.15042264

If this is really OP... You need to let that thought go bud. Just because you're falling off the bottom of the dominance hierarchy doesn't mean you should stop being a man. Once your hair looks like a lion's you should get some confidence.

>> No.15042278

absolute cutie

>> No.15042283

I don't know. It's just that girls have it easier and girls don't even like me.

Because I want to stop the ends from curling away. I'm not rubbing my hair with towel and just let it air dry. I also condition after shampooing.

>> No.15042288

Weird, I'd thought you would have some into you.
Maybe not flocks, but yeah, I certainly thought you'd have success.
>I want to stop the ends from curling away
It's a shame, the curling is cute.

>> No.15042303

Long long hair never looks good on men and you're no exception even though you have nice features. Not trying to be mean but it makes you look like a tranny. I would seriously recommend a shorter hairstyle with tapered sides

>> No.15042333
File: 99 KB, 1080x1350, D5B9CC09-1375-4EDD-8D39-139445BC4C93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this

>> No.15042337

I dont know man, maybe we need some sort of modern islam without dietary laws, dick cutting and pedophilia

>> No.15042352

let that mane grow bro, you have the ossature for mid shoulder length hair

>> No.15042355

You just labeled the three most popular things among Western elites.

>> No.15042446

you’d pass as a girl pretty well ngl. how’d u get your hair like that? my hairs about the same length but it looks really manly and idk how to fix it

>> No.15042508
File: 1.78 MB, 2172x3862, 20200227_001549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't a general hair thread and don't feel like making one, so I'm just going to post this here. Did my hair look better short or should I keep it long? (Left is current, right is when it was short)

>> No.15042509

Lol (((elites)))

>> No.15042523

Long is better for sure, especially in the top left pic.

>> No.15042537


Can't see your hairline. Is it receding any? If you care about balding, you should get on finasteride.

A lot of men take their hair for granted and don't realize how much having a full head of hair affects how people view/treat them from a subconscious level.

>> No.15042547

Its off because of high hairline

>> No.15042592

Alright, thanks for the feedback!

>> No.15042624

how can i start making my straight flat hair, curly like this?

>> No.15042670

i mean mid shoulder not mid neck lolz

>> No.15042675

Down left mogs the other dudes.

>> No.15042706

It’s easiest for you to get a wavy perm at a salon but if u don’t have the money u can do it with a curling iron after you shower

>> No.15042818
File: 1.69 MB, 1500x1500, SBS-459072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shampoo, only conditioner. Also, try Cantu crling creme, it worked wonders for my hair.

>> No.15042864

Not OP, will this work if I have thin, curly hair

>> No.15043019

yeah but don’t use too much

>> No.15043033

I'd rather live in a country full of feminine men, than a country that has a 40% obesity rate

>> No.15043056

short is cute, but anything on the left is holy-shit-amazing-tier. bottom left hair is the best

>> No.15043084

You look like a Mary
Don't you have a dad?

>> No.15043215

He's unfortunately gaybait like me.
Girls (except for Kpop fetishists) typically want to see a fair amount of dimorphism.
Best thing you can do is wear some stubble and cut your hair into a curtain style.

>> No.15043278

You look way too old to wear left pic
Its like 25 yr old wearing emo boy hair

>> No.15043307

>will this work if I have thin, curly hair
I'm >>15042818 and yes, it will work. I have thin and wavy hair and i can get full curls super easy with this.
I put a little bit in my hands and apply it with water in my hair. It can dry a bit hard if you apply too much so I tend to run my hands through my hair just to fluff it back up.

>> No.15043317

shut up bald cuck

>> No.15043339

>Is it receding any?
how can I tell?

You actually look good with short hair so use that to your advantage honestly. Everyone keeps telling me to get mine shorter but when I do it looks so unnatural.

>> No.15043346

(forgot to say I ain't op)

>> No.15043758
File: 12 KB, 300x300, draingangceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you kinda look like Bladee a little. you've got really pretty eyes too. you look like your hair type might be on the finer side so it might be better to just keep trimming it around its current length. fine hair tends to look kinda ratty when it's really long

>> No.15044029

epic islam style

>> No.15044101

Your face is way to feminine for long hair dude
Cut that shit unless you're gay, you look like a twink

>> No.15044149

You're cute, start HRT asap. Your life may or may not improve, but I'll get a tiny bit more fap material

>> No.15044340

hey qt can i nibble on your girldick and cum in your pussy plsss :3

>> No.15044345

This is a bio woman you faggot projector Reiku

>> No.15044423

Fuck off she's mine.

Do you have a discord OP? If you're nearby I can give you tips on taking care of your hair as I have long hair myself.

>> No.15044483

Keep it long.